I doubt you were offering to lend it to me, but for anyone who is willing, I need the SNES version because I don't have a PSP.
The only reason I am saying I am willing to do X and/or X2 is because I used to play both religiously for a rather long time, and I am looking for an X2 cart cuz I canted to run it anyway.
Hey Heidman, I have an X2 cart that I likely won't be playing for awhile since I don't want to speed run it. It sounds like you could definitely use it more. ^_^
If you want to PM me your address, I'll let you borrow it until the marathon. If you haven't done the speed run by then, you can keep it afterwards and just mail it back to me when you're done with it. I trust you.
PSP-3000 (PSP Brite) can output with either composite or component cables. PSP-2000 (PSP Slim) can only by default output in component/progressive. However, if you hack the system and put on iRShell, you can set the system (at least when running from iRShell) to output using composite as well.
/disclaimer: didn't read 24 pages of posts, but there were no mentions of "stream" on the search for this subforum.
I'm just curious how you're planning on having the camera/stream setup? Most other marathons run one stream with combined commentary and game feed, for obvious reasons - there wouldn't be the huge problems with desyncing that was experienced during CGDQ, and it allows you to better fill a screen.
I'll admit not having done extensive research on this, but I believe ustream support boardcasting in a widescreen format? Since more and more people are getting widescreen monitors for their PC, and most of the games on your list run natively in 4:3, there should be plenty of room to make a widescreen feed with a "full-screen" 4:3 game feed and up to three smaller 4:3 camera feeds on one of the sides - which would also enable you to do stuff like having one camera on the runner(s) and one on the commentator(s). And one on frezy. At all times.
Unless my math is entirely off, even without obstructing the game feed, by using a 16:9 main feed the commentary feeds would get about 25% of the total horizontal size, which is more than both TSG and BSM use. (See potentially helpful illustration.)
MMX2: Given I practice enough, and I am sure I will, you can put X2 at a target time of 36ish min as I plan on beating the record that stands now (not saying it will happen, just set my goals high so I work hard). I will keep you informed bout how practice goes, Ill prolly put it in the other marathon thread though.
Super C: I am going for broke. I want to beat my record at the marathon, but prolly wont. I should come very close though.
Contra: Again, really close to the current record. I am practicing enough as is just to beat it now.
Double Dragon: I can fly through the game, but the last 2 guys really kick my ass. I can run it, but as things stand now, I cant guarantee success.
I know that the schedule is really likely to change, but I figured I would give some ball park times for you to help with planning.
Heidman: I considered playing the MMX games again, but I'm not so sure since I haven't played the SNES games in forever, and I'm pretty burned from the third game (there's also the fact almost everyone hates the third game).
neskamikaze: Why should there be? They're good for versus and multiplayer, not so much for speedrunning. I guess they are short though.
okay guys, i just found this out right now and got really stoked about the prospect:
saturn bomberman supports TEN PLAYERS if we have two multitaps. yes 10 fucking player bomberman.
molotov's said he has a saturn but rounding up 10 controllers is a little more of a pickle. and i doubt anyone has a saturn multitap - which is an actual issue of concern if we wanted to do this, since they seem to be pretty uncommon and fairly pricey (exhibit A: http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/ebob_the_trader/items/Sega_Saturn_Official_6_Players_adapter_Multi_Tap_multitap, though that's cib; there is no exhibit B after modest searching).
i'd gladly pay for some of a multitap because 10 player bomberman sounds like too much fun to pass up at a 5-day long marathon with 35+ people there. but if we decide to gather the materials to make this happen it shouldn't be a couple weeks before the marathon because of the multitap scarcity, etc.
I can't remember how many Saturn controllers I have. I know I have at least 1 flat and 1 "NiGHTs" style one. No multitap though. I'll keep an eye out for some because 10 player Bomberman sounds fun.
Another game we'll have to do in either post-marathon play or side time is Goldeneye for Wii. If we can make the online work despite the stream, that means 8 player multiplayer. Though I know that streams suck up a lot of bandwidth, so we may be stuck with 4 player local.
Edit: Heh, I found some. More expensive, but these are so damn cool. They're painted like Bomberman faces!
whoa weird, don't know why i didn't find those. i love my snes bomberman multitap and i'd love one of those but that's not happening when i don't have a saturn in the first place, lol.
and yeah, we should think of good multiplayer ideas in general for bonus stream content and just free time for people not running, commentating, cooking, etc.
Shout out since it was mentioned, I hope that some one that is going to the marathon can do this for me.
I will bring Super Smash Bros Melee to the marathon, and I am hoping to find some one there who can beat me Stock 5 on Final Destination with No Items. This is a personal request. My main char is Ganondorf and I have yet to find anyone who can beat me best of 3 in this matchup.
Shout out since it was mentioned, I hope that some one that is going to the marathon can do this for me.
I will bring Super Smash Bros Melee to the marathon, and I am hoping to find some one there who can beat me Stock 5 on Final Destination with No Items. This is a personal request. My main char is Ganondorf and I have yet to find anyone who can beat me best of 3 in this matchup.
Anyone willing to take up the challenge?
Yes. Definitely! I used to play Melee pretty seriously, but could never travel because of school. We did host a rather huge tourney in Rochester in 2007, and PC Chris, Chu Dat, Plank, and UmbreonMow showed up so I got to play them. Really amazing experience. Anyways, I'd love to play some Melee again, Heidman! I'll work on getting back in shape so I can give you a decent fight.
I'm going to check out a house today. I'll be back with a report either late tonight or tomorrow morning.
I think planning multiplayer games before the stream, for bonus streaming, or off-stream for people who aren't participating at the moment should be in its own topic. Playing multiplayer is all good, but at the same time, this is for planning the marathon, not who is best at Smash Bros.
Cyghfer: You never knew about Saturn Bomberman until now? I've never played it myself, but the 10-player multiplayer has always been legendary. The problem is that both the game and Saturn multitaps are really expensive. I do have Super Bomberman 2 and a multitap.
Cyghfer: You never knew about Saturn Bomberman until now? I've never played it myself, but the 10-player multiplayer has always been legendary. The problem is that both the game and Saturn multitaps are really expensive. I do have Super Bomberman 2 and a multitap.
nope, i'm fairly ignorant of a lot of stuff post 16-bit actually. but i remember i first learned about the game when you talked about in in the irc sometime, though you didn't mention the 10-player multiplayer.
honestly i can afford to drop a fair amount of dollars presently. if enough people show interest i think we might be able to round up the necessary materials.
I'm going to check out a house today. I'll be back with a report either late tonight or tomorrow morning.
Oops. Better late than never. The house, which was one of the bigger ones in the vacation homes listings at 14 people, actually wasn't a whole lot bigger than the marathon house. Also, while I could connect to the wireless network, I couldn't connect to any websites, which was disconcerting to say the least. The house itself was very nice and had a lot of facilities, including a pool, but I don't think it would have suited our purposes.
I'm thinking we shouldn't try to get a vacation home for the following reasons.
1. It will be really hard to get one that can fit us all comfortably. Yes, this is taking sleeping bags into account
2. The vacation home owner can show the home at any time to anyone interested, even if other people are in the house. This is unlikely to happen, but this is exactly what happened when I was looking at the house.
3. It's hard to tell how good the internet will be until we settle in the house.
I'm pretty sure university dorms/apartment housing is a better idea. I've contacted two Washington DC universities already, and I'll be sure to post here with updates.
Games list: I'm sure some of you have noticed we have passed the 100 hour mark. Passing 100 hours doesn't mean I've stopped accepting suggestions, it just means I'll have to be tighter about cutting games when making a final schedule.
neskamikaze: Well, Smash Bros. would be short, so I guess they could fit.
Hey Mike, if it makes it onto the list, since I'm not doing a whole lot in terms of actual running yet, I'd be willing to take X4 off your hands. Just let me know so I can get into shape for it.
I've talked about this on irc, but not here yet, and it hasn't made the list yet, so. . .
I know there's been some griping about how only big selling titles and historically popular games are making it in. After some discussion on what it would take for a game that not so many people have played to make the list it was determined that it would have to have some sort of crazy, over-the-top brand of entertainment value that really anyone could appreciate regardless of their own experiences with the game (and not be too long, though that's already been stated). So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Gen)
You've got Michael Jackson doing what Michael Jackson does (moonwalking, WOOOOOOOOOO!-ing), plus Bubbles the Chimp, Genesis renditions of hit songs, and MJ turns into a freaking robot. And if that isn't enough for you all I have left to say is this: Dance Magic. This could be a hit, I'm sure of it.
I have the cart, pretty sure I can bring it in around 30 minutes.
Whoa, creepy Breakdown. I was just about to suggest Moonwalker myself
More genesis titles for consideration:
Mickey Mouse, Castle of Illusion - Should be popular enough, hey it's a Disney game after all.
Cool Spot - More Virgin action! I'd say this was a pretty popular game and it's not too long either if played on the lower difficulties. We even have a dedicated runner for it (I'm looking at you MatrixTN).
Donald in Maui Mallard - This game is great and should definitely be run at some point. One of the best games featuring Donald that I've played.
If they pass the "They seem like fun and are not too obscure" I'll look into completion times for them. For rough estimates, expect Mickey and Cool spot to clock in somewhere around the 30 minute mark while Donald might be slightly longer.