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Horrible chapter 2 run. I tried the bell trick and it's so good. I need to watch your Joseph strat again. My fight was horrible but also served as practice. I was trying to be as risky as possibke. He loses sight of you quite easily so you can run to the next axe and trigger something.

With the enemues in the spike trap area i ran past the first one but when i kicked the door in the two enemies in the next room saw me. I tried to run past but took a hit. I  was still able to easily get to the shutter though. So if we can get through without a hit fine, but looks like taking one is fine if not.
I came up with a really good strat for the light woman part where you have to hide from her in the elevator room. You barely have to move and it's 100% safe. Will upload it soon. Also did some more glitch hunting today and expanding on the glitch I found yesterday and exploring new areas with it, and here's a bunch of crazy stuff I found:

Found out that you can store the locker prompt with a door without using cover mode. All you have to do is run at the door at angle and press X to open the door just as you turn to face the locker and then mash R1 for the locker immediately after. You will go to opening a door animation in front of the locker and have the locker stored. After a few seconds you can turn the camera/yourself with analog sticks and doing that I face the switch on the wall and press X for the switch JUST as I enter the locker. Kidman goes to press the switch while entering the locker and the game gets softlocked lol. I mash every single button and nothing happens. I waited and had to restart the game.


lol again

So using the locker storage glitch, you can move around with left analog stick shortly after door animation is finishing and get yourself in all types of crazy positions and move around while the game is in "putting you in locker mode" Doing this I go through the wall and am facing the right locker which is disabled and unable to use R1, so collision on it is gone from the right side of it. Since I press the button to leave the locker, Kidman walks forward from outside the left wall and into the broken locker. I can completely move around inside of it, totally free of control and not in locker mode. Very cool.

Using Locker Storage I disabled both lockers and could just walk right inside them and through them with no collision like it was air haha.

Using the same method with cover storage and locker storage at doors, I get a perfect angle which shows the X prompt for the cart to push at the same time I get the R1 prompt for the locker. So I press X and R1 for the locker IMMEDIATELY after. Kidman tries to go in the locker right as she is about to go and push the cart which messes up the mode inside the locker and I get stuck inside. There is no button options and I can't move or get out. I can move the camera around freely and crouch the camera but can't do anything else. I don't think the glitch works if you have flashlight on when you press the prompts because then the locker entry is delayed a bit to put the flashlight away.

So I always realized that when you get close to the sofas in this game, if the cat is on them it immediately runs off and away from the sofa so you can sit on it and save. I got it to the point where one time the cat was on the sofa still when I was very close to it. I found out what causes it. When you go away from the couch a few feet and the cat is on the ground, if you turn the camera completely away from it 180 degrees for at least 3-4 seconds and then turn it back, the cat will always be back on the couch. As long as you are far enough away. It will stay on the couch if you keep camera turned too, only until a certain distance though. So doing this I got the cat on the couch and quickly ran and went to save with the cat on it to mess things up. The cat ran off just as I went to save and got pushed away and couldn't come up on my lap when I was sitting down so by result, I got an invisible cat while saving! Very funny and weird. I couldn't replicate it again though after this.

Enjoy the madness!
Got 49:10, no death this time and pretty good execution on everything. My last Joseph run was slightly better. I had 49:58 on that run and one death though (the ogre near the church), and this latest run had no death and only a slightly worse Joseph fight.

I made a post on my phone but the battery died and I lost the post so I'll try to remember what I wrote.

When you first encounter the invisible type, you can run right by him. I get the axe first because as far as I know you need to take out the one near the gate. The reason I don't get the one in that room is because from what I know so far, the first guy can follow you in. You need to run in and get around those shelves and start crouching walking, so you'll throw him off and you'll be waiting behind the shelf to stealth kill the second one.

One time I ran all the way to this point and the first guy followed me. There's got to be a certain distance they follow the sound of your footsteps but getting around that shelf and crouching seems to solve that. You can then stealth kill the second guy without worrying about the first.

For those two rooms with the spike traps, this tim I ran through the door as soon as the guy busted in and then ran straight past the woman and to the shutters with no issue at all.

For Joseph, I call from the starting position, he comes around and I get my first attack. Then run for the axe in the movie, and activate the projector for the second, then I ran down the hall and got the axe off the wall and activated one of those flash devices. He seemed to be heading this way anyway and I got the third hit around there. I now realize there's an axe in the starting room that I forgot about which looks to be the faster option. Still this one was so fast.

In the area before the bell, after coming out of the building with the exploders, there's one guy lurking around the door to the bell area. I got seen by him accidentally, so I ran for the door and kicked it open. The guy on the other side of the crawlspace heard and made his way round and I still had the guy from the previous room after me and I thought all was lost. However, I was ok after getting through the crawlspace. The guy that heard the sound was now on the other side with the guy from the previous room. I bottled the bell and went back through the crawlspace and straight to Leslie, so everything winded up a bit faster than usual.

By the way, 49:10 was not single segment. I have a save of my best chapter 1 time so I can just practice chapter 2. Not sure if the game adds the time it took for me to save to that time. I imagine SS would be faster by going right into the next chapter.
The 100% safe and consistent Light Woman strategy for speedruns:

Long as you do just as I do in the video you should be fine. It's basically waiting in that one spot until it passes by the 2nd time, then you follow it like I do up until a certain point, then just wait for elevator doors when they are about to open and run.
Cool. I was getting tired of running around. I wonder why she won't look down there?

I think we have ways around every enemy encounter now. I'd like to get past both invisible types. I've been thinking of running by the first then just going straight for the gate. I think the second one would be making his way into that side room by then. He doesn't stay long though but it could be possible. Not sure if we could lose the first guy on that straight path. Will test that later.
Did a new single segment speedrun of The Assignment DLC and got a new PB time of 44:26! Run here:

Wow, nice! I'm going to start watching now.
Almost got an out of bounds glitch today in The Assignment. Found an area in chapter 2 I never knew was climbable before. Climbing up and jumping to the left you can get on the edge even higher, near the edge of the level and almost out of bounds. Sadly invisible barriers everywhere in the way. You can also almost climb right above the entrance of the cave.

Sigh. Probably done glitch hunting this game. Literally no ideas left.
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2015-03-18 09:41:27 pm
So someone managed to get out of bounds in The Assignment just by dumb fucking luck lmfao.

I tried to recreate it for over half an hour now and got nothing. If someone can recreate it you are a god. I honestly think his game just miraculously glitched as he was going through vent and got lucky enough. lol
Well I managed to recreate the glitch lmfao. Took over an hour. I went OoB through the right wall though which is useless, if I got the left wall like he did I could have explored more. Will keep trying.

Wow, you got it! There are a lot of vents in the game. One of them has to lead to something.
Just watched your run. Very good and I saw something I haven't seen before. Here's some of my observations.

Do you always lure the first enemy? I just run up and get the yellow alert and go the opposite to the way she comes around and run for the door.

You ran out of that room with the keycard before light appeared! Nicely done. Will be using that from now on lol.

Why are you talking about Joseph appearing? What do you mean?

Nice work in the office. I wasn't expecting you to run by them like that. What are the chances of that working out?

In the room before you shine on the video camera, were you trying to do something on that rail? by the stairs or did you just get stuck?

In the part with the exploders where you threw the bottle, I always called from the blue box right there. Not sure which is faster. Seems when you line up then throw the bottle, then have to wait for it to get a surprise before moving, is slower than quickly taking cover, calling, then it comes straight there and you move around it. Could be more or less the same though. That's just how it looks and I could be totally wrong.

About those sliding gates, one time when I was in the part where you push that container into the exploder on the other side, one heard me and followed me in. As it came in, it was just in time to be hit by the gate shutting. It doesn't do damage, but it sent that enemy sliding along to the side of this room instantly. I'm not wondering if there's a glitch to be discover here? Maybe being in the right position or taking some action as it closes on us?

For the two invisible guys in the sewer I've come up with a somewhat risky strat to quickly avoid both of them.
You can run right past the first one and instead of going into that room, you can stay on the main path. You need to wait a little before running past the first guy, because if you dont the second one will be facing your direction preventing you from approaching the gate.

So like this, follow the first guy quietly and let him turn and see you, or just wait a little. Then boost past and get around the corner then immediately crouch walk. There's a white box I think right there, and if you move in front of it it would block the view of anyone behind you but I'm not sure if it's necessary. The point where you crouch should be where the enemy tracks you to.

So after that keep crouch walking and if done right you'll see the second guy ahead making his way into the room where we would normally be waiting to stealth kill him. Crouch walk all the way to the gate wheel or he WILL hear you, then start turning it. There's more than enough time to fully open it without being seen. Definitely saves time though how much I have no idea, just know it's way faster.

Your strat for the mutant that bursts out of the water tank is insane. I was waiting for him to do his running attack and dodging it. I can't believe what you did here. Amazing stuff. And after he busts in the door? Incredible strat. I was just waiting for him to leave from behind those boxes.

After getting the second power thing, I never knew you could kick the door open. Too bad you crouched there or it would have been a smooth run to the lever.

After the first two slashes on Joseph, wouldn't it be better to go for the projector? It would guarantee the final hit but I guess he could randomly go the opposite way.

I attempted the part where you run right through the guys instead of going through the exploders room. That was a but odd the way you kept rebounding off them. I believe it's due to dashing but could be wrong as you said you practiced it. I used normal running here and got by before they could react.

Looks like 41 is possible as you said. I got 47 something today but didn't know of a few of your strats and messed up in the office a bit.

Yeah but I only got it once out of hours of trying. No clue what causes this. TheThrillness also tried with me and he never got it once. I only have one idea of what could cause it, and is consistent through all videos of getting the glitch, but even then it's insanely hard to time. Hard to say if this works at other vents or areas you crawl inside with X. Might have to try someday.

Yeah I lure the first enemy, just what I'm comfortable with. I'll probably try your way eventually. I just wanted to get an okay run out of the way. Will practice your way very soon. Thanks. Smiley

That first couch you save on with the cat, that next hallway after that area sometimes has a cutscene with black fog and Joseph waiting at the end of the hallway. Sometimes he'll be there and this will occur, and sometimes he won't and the room will just be empty. I have no idea what causes this and it's really freaky lol. Thrillness suggested it happens if you've died up to that point in the game, then Joseph appears. Which a recent attempt I had before this run, I died before that area and Joseph appeared. Will have to retest. Spooky and weird as hell.

The office is usually pretty freaky, that was a close call. If I wait for the first guy to get in though through first door, and I know I have a clear path, I run. I run to keycard and door and it usually works about 80% of the time.

That room with the railing really pissed me off this run. There is a trick where you run at the railing and hold X and you can climb over it and jump boost off down to the area below. It saves time instead of going all the way around down the stairs. You have to run at the railing at an angle and hold X. It has ALWAYS worked for me EVERY SINGLE ATTEMPT and every practice except today. That's why I got so damn mad lol. I'll upload it sometime soon to show you.

I was considering calling them over yeah for the exploders. I just wasn't sure if I could get away in time, and again just wanted to finish an okay run. Might try calling it over and improving for next runs.

I have glitch hunted with those sliding gates yeah. It seems it just ALWAYS pushes you out one way or the other. Nothing else glitchy. I tried a long time too because I thought the same thing as you. Who knows though, maybe there still is something there. I'll go back and retest someday probably knowing me.

That strat for the invisible enemies sounds risky, and I would at least have to see it or practice it for awhile to see exactly what you mean. It will be hard too because you only have one shot at it, after you mess it up you can't just restart from checkpoint and try again because the enemies positions are all different and the timing is off. So what worked then, won't work on the first run through encountering them.

Yeah the run to the lever was dumb. I should have just ran for it. I thought I had to delay a bit longer though to get woman ahead of me a BIT more out of the way to run through. Next time I'll just boot it past and pray for the best.

For Joesph I tried a strat with the projector before and it's almost 30 seconds slower. It's sadly not always safe either, because like you said he can just go the other way. I actually did some practice with Joesph today where I put the projector on and hid, and he just ignored the movie and spotted me. I was so mad lol.

Congrats on 47, you'll get a 43 or 42 in no time.
That room with the railing really pissed me off this run. There is a trick where you run at the railing and hold X and you can climb over it and jump boost off down to the area below. It saves time instead of going all the way around down the stairs. You have to run at the railing at an angle and hold X. It has ALWAYS worked for me EVERY SINGLE ATTEMPT and every practice except today. That's why I got so damn mad lol. I'll upload it sometime soon to show you.

I've climbed on a few things that weren't possible to clime and I noticed in biometrics you climbed om that face scanning machine. How strange. I wonder why that's even happened. There could be more and we won't know unless we do something like approach them from weird angles.

That first couch you save on with the cat, that next hallway after that area sometimes has a cutscene with black fog and Joseph waiting at the end of the hallway.

That's so weird. Even weirder that dying could be the requirement.

That strat for the invisible enemies sounds risky, and I would at least have to see it or practice it for awhile to see exactly what you mean.

I'll try record it. My dvd recorder is stupid. I have only one rewritable disc at the moment with NTSC PS2 footage I nned to get off. I can't record my PAL version on it because you have to go to the recorder settings and change the tv signal in there. My last recorded just recorded anything. I'll start preparing it.
Here's the strategy for the invisible guys. I found you can actually sneak by the first one pretty easily and quickly, then run a short distance and will only make him suspicious, then crouch walk to the gate with no trouble from the second one who will already be in the side room.

The second way is a little faster, letting the first guy see you and dashing past him then going into crouch at the corner to lose him. Magnum, I have a video of using your crouch>stand trick but didn't upload it as I'm not really sure if I'm doing it right. Please try it here and let me know.
Nice videos, I'll take a look at them right now and repost in this topic. Also here is the railing speedrun trick I was telling you about:

Edit history:
Magnum66: 2015-03-19 01:38:10 pm
Alright looked at the videos and very nice. I'll definitely have to use that for my next run. Thanks a ton. Also to reply to your other stuff:

I've climbed on a few things that weren't possible to clime and I noticed in biometrics you climbed om that face scanning machine. How strange. I wonder why that's even happened. There could be more and we won't know unless we do something like approach them from weird angles.

Yeah I've climbed on all of the scanners too. That's one of the first things I checked for when I glitch hunted this entire DLC. I looked for all walls/objects/shelves or anything else I could climb on. Some objects you can only climb when crouching and holding X. I approached every possible thing I can think of from every conceivable angle. So I'm pretty sure I've found everything you can climb on, but hey you never know. I always retry stuff every new day I glitch hunt.

That's so weird. Even weirder that dying could be the requirement.

So I tested it last night and died before that part, and... no Joseph still.  This part really confuses the FUCK out of me, I honestly think it's random if Joseph shows up or not for that scene. Like a tiny random easter egg.

Edit: Also I have been trying your strat for the first enemy in the run Zero and I really don't like it. It takes to long to lure her over one side, and I think it's actually slower. I had a good run today and did that strat, and ended up losing 12 seconds on my first split with no mistakes. So I think it's slower than my way. Plus on top of that, next run I did that strat and she still ended up getting me and ending my run. So I'm probably going to stick to luring her with calling her at the back of the room.
Alright looked at the videos and very nice. I'll definitely have to use that for my next run. Thanks a ton. Also to reply to your other stuff

Thanks. If you add your crouch walking trick even better. How much time does that save anyway? Have you tested it on a long straight path?

That railing trick is bizarre but super cool and fast.

So I tested it last night and died before that part, and... no Joseph still.  This part really confuses the FUCK out of me, I honestly think it's random if Joseph shows up or not for that scene. Like a tiny random easter egg.

About Joesph appearing, is that evil laugh his? I heard it yesterday but didn't see anything. Also you know where that vent falls and you get that flash of a face? Sometimes that doesn't happen for me. Maybe his appearance is based on using the savepoint, or how fast/slow you get to that hallway?

Also I have been trying your strat for the first enemy in the run Zero and I really don't like it. It takes to long to lure her over one side, and I think it's actually slower.

Hmm, Maybe it just looks faster because I'm standing and running. Or maybe you aren't in the exact position I'm in? I should record it.
I'll try to explain it a bit better first.

So I run straight to the point where it's like a T-intersection. Like, you got the wall going across and then coming down in the middle, with a space, then the wall starts again and goes around the corner you came from. I run and stand in that gap so I'm facing here and it gets yellow alert, then for me, she always runs around to the left. At the same time I'm running for the door and get in safely. She seems to just start running around that side and when you head the opposite way it puts more distance between so she doesn't go red.

As I said it could just look faster because I'm running. Yeah, I'll record it anyway just to be sure.
How much time does the crouch walking trick save exactly? I actually forget it was so long since I timed it. I still don't know if it necessarily saves time in the DLC, but I know it does on the main game for Sebastian. I tested it on a long straight path yeah and I know it was at least 3-5 seconds faster or so from just that one path. I'll time it with Kidman eventually. Also I did your strat for the invisible enemies today in a run and it worked like a charm, and I ended up saving 1 minute that split. The run ended up going to total shit though sadly.

Yeah Joseph will laugh when he shows up and you get close. He disappears and the laugh happens. Also sometimes the vent falls and you get a flash of Ruvik's face on the screen. I honestly think it's random. It has nothing to do with saving or not, I tested both and neither ever made Joseph come up. In my runs I don't save and he shows up sometimes, then other times I glitch hunted I saved and he showed up. It also has nothing to do with how fast/slow you get there I think, discussed that with Thrillness earlier today. I have had times where I am slow as hell and save, and he shows up. Then other times like today, I ran there fast, and he was there. Then next run he wasn't. It's so weird, I'm honestly convinced it's just random. Sometimes you get Joseph, other times you get the Ruvik face.

Yeah I'm standing in the right place from what you described, I did that strat today on a good run and lost 12 seconds on my split. Then another run I did it my old way, had a shit run, and still gained 5 seconds or so. So I definitely think it's slightly slower. Maybe record a video, I might be doing something wrong.

I did run attempts today on stream as I said above. Maybe you can just go on my Twitch and see how I did it and let me know if I did anything wrong. It should be in the first 20 minutes of the stream broadcast or so.
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zero shift: 2015-03-19 09:10:37 pm
Also I did your strat for the invisible enemies today in a run and it worked like a charm, and I ended up saving 1 minute that split.

Wow, that's quite an improvement.

Yeah Joseph will laugh when he shows up and you get close. He disappears and the laugh happens. Also sometimes the vent falls and you get a flash of Ruvik's face on the screen.

Ok, so I did get Joseph that time but I must not have been paying attention because I didn't see him anywhere. Will keep my eyes open in future attempts and see if I notice anything that could trigger this. I always get the Ruvik face, but sometimes the vent doesn't fall.

I did run attempts today on stream as I said above. Maybe you can just go on my Twitch and see how I did it and let me know if I did anything wrong. It should be in the first 20 minutes of the stream broadcast or so.

Cool. Will have a look now.

Edit: Just watched that part. Try standing under the vent and she should go to yellow alert and almost immediately make her way around that wall.

Here you got seen and while that was fast, getting seen causes them to freeze and throw a little tantrum at seeing you. Also, this might be my imagination but I felt she got kind of confused about which way to go. That may have all just been part of the transition to full alert.

She will see you and go yellow from standing in the space near under the vent. This is where I stand until she she starts moving then I immediately run for the door.

Here's what I do for the first enemy.

Edit history:
Magnum66: 2015-03-20 04:17:10 pm
Got a 43:48 run:

Absolute garbage shit run. Was going good then died on the gunfight, and missed the bell with the bottle. Sigh. Also had another amazing run going today on stream, was nearly 20 seconds ahead and 2 gold splits going into chapter 2. PS4 gave error message, application error, game closed on me. Sigh.

Also Zero yeah after you told me to stand in front of that vent now so she turns yellow but not red, it's been working out a lot better. It's definitely fast but I'm still not entirely sure what's faster. I'll have to do a comparison video or time them both sometime to put it to rest. Your way is very consistent like this though. Also I found a timesaver today with help from TheThrillness. We were talking about what causes the Light Woman to show up early or late the very first time you see her. Where you're going through the vent and she pops up in the room and kills that guy. Sometimes she'll show up early and other times late. So it wastes time and you have to wait longer to get out of the vent. If you press the X prompt though to look over at the guy in the office WHILE going in the vent, she should always come early and save you time. So far it's worked 4/4 times. So just press X for the vent, then tap X a few more times and hold it so the camera pans over to the guy almost.
Also Zero yeah after you told me to stand in front of that vent now so she turns yellow but not red, it's been working out a lot better. It's definitely fast but I'm still not entirely sure what's faster.

Yours is to crouch, call, then wait until she comes around, then sneak to the door right? I think my method cuts out the call time and waiting. By standing in that spot and getting her to go yellow, then dashing around to the door while she heads to your previous location, you can be opening the door where (and this is a guess) you would still be sneaking around back where you called her.

So it wastes time and you have to wait longer to get out of the vent. If you press the X prompt though to look over at the guy in the office WHILE going in the vent,

I see what you mean here. Will give that a try in my next run.

I've been experiencing a series of utter failure recently. Seems I constantly mess up in the Light encounter where we hide behind the door. I noticed that the woman we dash past earlier sometimes sees you through the door's window while you grab the card key. Yellow only. This makes her hang around and sometimes enter with the guy who busts in, which makes getting out quite difficult and pretty much impossible to get out before Light comes along.

I've found that once you exit the vent, crouch walking to the keycard and back to the door works. This will mean she'll be patrolling the hallway rather than blocking the doorway. It's possible she might see you when you stand to grab the card though.
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2015-03-20 08:23:56 pm
Yeah I was having HUGE issues with that bitch and failing runs nonstop at that part all day yesterday and today, but I finally came up with a good way. Upon exiting the vent if you just normally walk to the keycard and don't run, then crouch walk back behind door, you will not alert her and she won't be blocking the way when the Light Woman comes. Using this I finally got some runs going today Smiley

Hopefully 41 minute run soon.

Also for the first enemy yeah I would run to cover, yell, and immediately go out of cover and run forward and crouch walk until she was past. Then get back up and run to door.
Yeah 41 looks like the absolute limit at present. I think we've got every enemy encounter covered now.

What's the prime strat for the office though? Your one where you run in like that? For that you need to wait for the first guy to enter then run past the guy who is still near the stairs right? The bottle throw in the office would be good enough but we always get to the stairs while the second guy is slowing walking in so waiting around isn't going to cut it.
Quote from zero shift:
Yeah 41 looks like the absolute limit at present. I think we've got every enemy encounter covered now.

What's the prime strat for the office though? Your one where you run in like that? For that you need to wait for the first guy to enter then run past the guy who is still near the stairs right? The bottle throw in the office would be good enough but we always get to the stairs while the second guy is slowing walking in so waiting around isn't going to cut it.

Yeah I'm still wondering about the office. Maybe I should work on the strat for that once and for all. I just wait for first guy to enter yeah, then run in to card and door and hope for best.