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I've never seen it before. Never imagined it would be that big and any description I've heard so far didn't really describe much.
Found a new softlock in chapter 5:

Description: Again a cart appears to be too strong for the game. If you push it in front of the door you have to open which leads to Sebastian walking into the room, you softlock. He can't make it in and you're stuck in limbo for eternity. Enjoy your hell. ^___^

I'm starting to wonder if this game had any testing at all.

I saw in that chapter when you find Joseph for the first time, forgot the chapter, but it's where he disarms the bomb door, there's a little table or trolley you may be able to push in front of the door so he can't access it. I have no idea if it works because you get stuck in place when he gets near the door and they have a little chat. Might be funny if it works.
Quote from zero shift:

I'm starting to wonder if this game had any testing at all.

I saw in that chapter when you find Joseph for the first time, forgot the chapter, but it's where he disarms the bomb door, there's a little table or trolley you may be able to push in front of the door so he can't access it. I have no idea if it works because you get stuck in place when he gets near the door and they have a little chat. Might be funny if it works.

I just tried it, sadly it did not work. Joseph just goes THROUGH the trolley/cart and disarms the door still lol. Oh well.
Good stuff Magnum !

Generally going backwards crouching causes some stupid effects on Seb.  Here are some examples:

- in a corridor when you encounter Laura after shooting the first flame switch in CH10
- in a vent where Amalgam alpha tries to reach you by his hand in CH10 - this one is the funniest
- in Ruvik's house in a corridor after the puzzle door - he sees doors shuting and turns back but in wrong direction
- in Ch 4 before a wave of blood flows through a corridor

I also found 3 funny but not useful things in Ch 13:

- there is a first acid trap that is installed by a normal iron masked zombie (not Ruvik's clone) . You can shoot few shock bolts at this place from very far away and then go down and quickly disarm a trap. 2 situations can occur.  He becomes a harmful pet standing in one place (you can shoot his mask with magnum and he doesn't react ) or turns back and vanishes in a corridor after a few steps.
- in a kitchen you can lob some shock bolts to a corridor where keeper will chase Joseph in a cutscene. Good spot to do that is on the right from the door which you enter a kitchen. Keeper will be affected by a shock in a cutscene.
- Magnum discovered that some events are triggered by looking at something , so I tried to get close to that Keeper who crouches and toys with his trap. Using crouching backwards method of moving while not looking at him you can get very close to him (back to back) and even touch him and he still can't see you. 
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-13 08:44:31 am
That's very cool stuff Scoop. I also test a lot with walking backwards into cutscenes and have noticed some funny things like that. One really weird part too is Chapter 9. The trap you walk to where the rope grabs your leg and pulls you towards the spinning blades and you have to shoot the sensor. If you melee though into that trap trigger at a very horizontal angle (punching to the left or punching to the right) Sebastian will go into the cutscene very strangely and the rope grabs him at a super weird angle. The camera goes everywhere and almost looks like the rope will start pulling Sebastian through the wall! It eventually fixes itself though and straightens out the rope.
Another new weird glitch:

Description: I don't know how this happened lol. I ran to the cutscene fast immediately after killing the Ruvik clone. Then when the mirror cutscene started happening I was trying to change weapons and maybe blast myself or aim and move but I couldn't. I kept mashing stuff like aim and the face buttons and then when it showed Sebastian in the asylum he was laying completely crooked on the bed. So when he did the animation to slide off the bed and get up he didn't make it fully off and vibrated onto the bed and I could jump around the room on the bed and desk. I tried to replicate it but couldn't. Might be useful if we can manipulate our starting position in other opening cutscenes of Sebastian waking up.

So yeah still have no clue what caused this. Look how Sebastian's laying on the bed when it shows him in the asylum, he's laying crooked as fuck.
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-13 05:50:39 pm
Magnum66: 2014-11-13 05:47:40 pm
Magnum66: 2014-11-13 05:47:19 pm
Another ladder glitch, very weird this time though:

Description: Was messing around on this ladder and turns out you can get some really weird stuff to happen if you're climbing up/on/off the ladder during the cutscene of Ruvik talking to Jimenez. You can get forced off the ladder, on the ladder, pushed to the side, and what you see in this video. Also at about 7 seconds in you see me climb down for a sec and then immediately climb back up. That was 100% not me. I was climbing down and holding down and the game literally FORCED me to start climbing back up and get off the ladder.

Edit: I THINK forget what I said about climbing it during the cutscene of Ruvik and Jimenez talking. Retrying now without cutscene not even playing and ladder is still being weird as fuck.
Yep, this game got no testing haha.

Nice finds as usual. Let's send them all to Mikami and demand he give us the DLC free as payment for our glitchy torments. Seriously let's post our playlists on his Twitter hahaha.
More ladder wackiness. This glitch you can do on command no problem, just approach the ladder at the very right and press X.

Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-14 09:02:05 pm
Magnum66: 2014-11-14 01:10:35 pm
So guys, I found 2 new glitches. One is ALMOST useful and almost skips an area in Chapter 14, but we still get fucked:

Description: Almost skipped this area. Found out you can blow yourself under this barrier in the water with the Rocket Launcher and swim under and past the gate for this part. But then... you get stuck. Oh well :/

Now the other new glitch, is fucking hilarious and crazy. I just found it a few minutes ago and it might have some SERIOUS potential at other parts of the game. I'll have to do some testing:

Description: So I was messing around with the new Rocket Launcher glitch in my last video, to blow myself under the water past the gate in this area to maybe swim past and skip the crank and area... and.... well.. this happened. This glitch is fucking hilarious and extremely weird. You can glitch any weapon out (to my knowledge) to act like the Rocket Launcher. You will stayed crouched in the RL animation and best of all, you can slide around and move while you do so! Normally when you have the RL out you can only crouch on spot and can only turn around. But since you have another weapon glitched out IN the RL animation, when you hold in the aim button, you can slide all around on the ground while crouched! Even taking damaged doesn't knock Sebastian back! This could be EXTREMELY useful somewhere as you're normally not allowed to move around while in the crouched RL animation. You are lower than you normally would be when Sebastian does a normal crouch walk, so you might be able to activate this glitch and slide under tight areas and get out of bounds! So far this glitch seems useless, but I've only tested this one area. Also if you glitch with the agony crossbow and fire a bolt, you can't fire anymore. The bolt gets glitched and won't fire even though there is ammo and bolts in it. I still have to test this glitch with all the other weapons.

It seems to the requirements for this glitch are as follows:

1. You need to get in an area of water or liquid that reaches up to Sebastian's waist. Basically so it is high enough that when you take out the Rocket Launcher, Sebastian goes to crouch and take it out, but then he is pushed back up by the water and it pushes you onto a higher surface where you then CAN take out the RL normally.

2. You have to wait for Sebastian's animation to finish where you stands back up and right when Sebastian is finishing his animation of moving his arms around, you want to quickly press another weapon on the d-pad and the aim button IMMEDIATELY after.

3. You CANNOT have the lantern out during this glitch, turn it off. It MIGHT be possible with, but it makes it a lot harder.

If timed and done correctly Sebastian will start to go into crouching mode for the Rocket Launcher, but have the other weapon you took out instead and he will crouch on the ground like he has a Rocket Launcher, but with the weapon you took out. You can then hold in the aim button and slide around wherever you like! So far switching back to another weapon or pressing circle to put away your weapon, cancels the glitch. Also if you take damage it won't cancel the glitch, Sebastian just gets hurt and doesn't even flinch haha.

There is also tons of other hilarious and cool stuff with this glitch. I am going to be testing stuff with it and showing it off on stream now if anyone wants to come by and watch:
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-14 10:43:55 pm
A new hilarious glitch:


Edit: I also figured out something new about the new RL glitch I found in my previous post. You can now do it with certain mirror scenes going in between the asylum and main game. The mirror scenes which cancel your Rocket Launcher, acts like the water. Anything that raw cancels the Rocket Launcher without you doing it yourself I believe. (Damage or unequipping it doesn't count)
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-14 11:59:02 pm
Decided to upload 2 videos of activating the weapon storage RL glitch with mirrors:

Video 1:

Description: Found out that this glitch is also possible to activate using some mirror scenes. As long as the mirror after transporting you or having a cutscene, takes the Rocket Launcher off of you. Then do the glitch normally, although you'll have to teach yourself the timing. If you're normally coming back from the asylum, you pretty much want to press d-pad + aim about right when Sebastian's left hand goes down to his hip.

Video 2:

Description: Another example of activating the weapon store glitch using a mirror. This time I'm coming back from the asylum, and you can see me press d-paid and aim right when Sebastian's left hand goes down to his hip.

Also 0:49-1:12 is for 18+ audiences only. Wink

I also found out that when you do this glitch using mirrors, you can go right up to mirror again but the game will not let you warp back through with X no matter what you do until you cancel the glitch. So maybe if we can find a mirror where we can do this glitch and make it all the way to a forced cutscene trip to the asylum (Like chapter 11 after Ruvik clone for example) then maybe the game will have problems trying to warp you since the glitch fucks it up and the game will be corrupted in some way and have some cool side effects. Regardless, glitch is very interesting and might STILL have some use, probably not though.
Hi everybody :-)
I'd like to add a personal contribution to this thread. I recently cleared TEW on XONE at 100% (well, the all weapons upgraded trophy is buggued for me... Only one I lack), and I'm quite into speedrunning it.

I found a major OOB in chapter 10. Sad part is, I didn't achieve to record it because my XONE just didn't want to launch the recording app at this time (since you have to launch it BEFORE you start playing for some reason...). This OOB is located right at the end of the chapter, I did it in Casual mode. What you have to do (Well, what I did to achieve this OOB) is reach the Laura fight section of the chapter. Just kill her every time she appears (recommend beating the shit out of her with brass knucles), I also reloaded my game after EVERY checkpoint. When I reached the before-last-room, the one where you have to activate three switches then jump down to reach the final furnaces room right before the elevator, I also killed her, which, I think, is very important for this glitch.
Just when I jumped down, Laura started acting weird, she just bumped out of the corpse very fast instead of slowly getting out of it, then I burned her with a flaming harpoon bolt, punched her nearly to death. She disappeared and jumped ultra-fast from the nearest body (the one on the right part of the room when you are facing the elevator), just after that I killed her.
I didn't activate any switch during the fight, I activated them all after the fight. At this point, I went for the elevator and surprise... no elevator! It looked like the elevator just didn't spawn at all. I thought it was just a graphic glitch, but when I tried to enter the invisible elevator, I fell in the dark voidness instead. In fact, since there are no fall-damage in this game, you just fall a long time before reaching the bottom of the game's matrix and then can run wherever you want freely in a full-black space. I never reached any interesting spot of the game but I think this OOB should definitely be looked in since you can explore freely OOB.
I achieved this glitch twice doing the exact same thing, but didn't achieve to do it again reloading the whole chapter, I'll try to record it, but since you can only record the last 5 minutes of the game on XONE it will be a little hard.

In my opinion, the most important part is : I activateted the lever that calls the elevator (which, FYI, not in the furnace room but in the first room with fire) AND shot the switch on the pipe before reaching the checkpoint (you can shoot it through the grid), and when I reloaded, the switch went off again and I had to shoot it again.

One last thing is, did you decide on any restriction we should "respect" during our runs? I thought about running in NG+ with full upgrades just to do it as fast as possible, but I don't know if I should run in NG...
Hey SmashingQuasar! Sadly that is an old glitch. It has been posted a few times on Youtube, it's very weird though. Nobody knows what causes it as far as I know. In my opinion it's just the game randomly fucking up sometimes. Like how in chapter 13 sometimes the games AI will be weird and the cutscene in the kitchen where the Keeper chases after Joseph, sometimes he will get stuck on the corner wall and not appear at all! The elevator might be just a case of that. Same with some other enemies/scenes. For example one time will streaming I was doing chapter 1. The sadist first shows up and bumps into the corpse with the knife and walks away so you can grab it. Well one time his AI or something got messed up, and he BARELY bumped into the corpse and the knife was super far away and body barely turned! I was only JUST able to grab the knife, Sebastian even kind of missed it in the cutscene lol.

So I don't think it's something replicable sadly, but I could be totally wrong. Might just be a certain sequence of events. But yeah if you look on Youtube you'll find a few other people got that as well, it's very strangle. Sucks it's at the very end of the chapter too.
Oh ok then, as you say, it's sad this glitch is at the end of the chapter, making it useful.

By the way, I tried your sadist trick in chapter 1 and achieved it in 11:05, then I achieved chapter 2 in 17:40.
I noticed two things you may not know at this moment : Connely is purely optional, you can just run to Leslie at the end of the cutscene and the game just doesn't give a shit about it (except you don't get any checkpoint but hey, that's speedrun so whatever). I also noticed that crouching is far quicker at the very beginning of the chapter while going for the cell door to see Tatiana for the first time.

If you are in NG+, I recommend rushing ahead through haunted and just when you try to open the gate with the Wheel, just shoot a lightning bolt on the floot in front of the Wheel so hauted won't bother you.
Final trick, when you are chasing Leslie, run as fast as you can to the door where the haunted will start striking at, since this haunted will ignore you completely until he reaches the door. You can just make fire rain on him without even aiming with pistol or shotgun.

I don't know how to Stream on XONE since I bought it rather recently and my internet is slow (not even fiber...) so quality will suck a lot if I try to Stream all this D:
Quote from SmashingQuasar:
Oh ok then, as you say, it's sad this glitch is at the end of the chapter, making it useful.

By the way, I tried your sadist trick in chapter 1 and achieved it in 11:05, then I achieved chapter 2 in 17:40.
I noticed two things you may not know at this moment : Connely is purely optional, you can just run to Leslie at the end of the cutscene and the game just doesn't give a shit about it (except you don't get any checkpoint but hey, that's speedrun so whatever). I also noticed that crouching is far quicker at the very beginning of the chapter while going for the cell door to see Tatiana for the first time.

If you are in NG+, I recommend rushing ahead through haunted and just when you try to open the gate with the Wheel, just shoot a lightning bolt on the floot in front of the Wheel so hauted won't bother you.
Final trick, when you are chasing Leslie, run as fast as you can to the door where the haunted will start striking at, since this haunted will ignore you completely until he reaches the door. You can just make fire rain on him without even aiming with pistol or shotgun.

I don't know how to Stream on XONE since I bought it rather recently and my internet is slow (not even fiber...) so quality will suck a lot if I try to Stream all this D:

Yeah I know you can just run by Connelly, I do it in my speedruns as well. Also for the start with Nurse Tatiana I melee my way to the door, definitely fastest.
Edit history:
SmashingQuasar: 2014-11-17 04:32:21 pm
SmashingQuasar: 2014-11-17 01:34:12 pm
Just tried to melee when stuck in walk mode, it's the fastest way to move as you say, requires a bit of pratice though since Sebastian seems to believe this is Fight Club and he can go wherever he wants instead of forward :p

I've no idea if my times are good right now, have we any estimated time for each chapter?

My In Game times actually are the following:

Chapter 1: 11:05
Chapter 2: 17:38
Chapter 3: 21:53
Chapter 4: 28:12
Chapter 5: 43:06
Chapter 6: 01:04:14 (Yeah, this one was very long, problem is, almost everything is timed...)

I think chapter 3 can still be improved by 3-5 seconds maybe even more, I had to do some menuing since my starting weapons weren't the ones I required at this time :-/
Wow, just finished the game with 2:52:34, 3 seconds too slow from my PB. Looks like I'll have to re-run the whole game again lol
Quote from SpeedRunningTEW:
Wow, just finished the game with 2:52:34, 3 seconds too slow from my PB. Looks like I'll have to re-run the whole game again lol

Are you streaming the game? Any videos?
Edit history:
SCOOP: 2014-11-18 06:27:02 pm
I just found a way to die during cutscene ! To do it you have to watch first part of doctor Jimenez cutscene near the crank in CH3. Then he goes to that little balcony where you can trigger the second part of cutscene but don't do it for now.  Go down to the area where 4 hanged people are. Use a match on one of the bodies to make some of them alive. There are 2 routes to get to doctor cutscene. If you try to lure enemies to cutscene going through saveroom building on the right it will not work because enemies are restricted to enter crank area that way. Use a  left big door route instead. Lure enemy there. Run upstairs and enter crank area by a door. Now make a lot of noise to attract enemies  by kicking a door for example. If one of them gets inside enter a little balcony cutscene and if you are lucky you will die while using binoculars Smiley 

Edit: I tried to do that on casual to take several hits but they are too slow and stupid and they do nothing but on akumu it works everytime for me.
Follow me on twitch ----> Slayarhh
I will be doing some runs on the weekend if you wanna watch
Edit history:
Magnum66: 2014-11-18 11:19:03 pm
Just a little news for me. I am currently optimizing the new game + route for this game. Streaming it here and there. Will stream more tomorrow, then I'm going to start running new game + single segment! I'll stream it as well. My goal is sub 2:50 for now in game time. I'm not sure what Real Time will be like. Some friendly competition SpeedRunningTEW. We should share strategies! Smiley I've currently routed up to the end of chapter 6 and pretty confident with what I've come up with so far. Also I followed you on Twitch. Smiley

Also a funny new video:

Enjoy! Smiley
Just finished the game, not single segment since I didn't have enough time to stay 3 hours in front of my TV but I'm quite happy with my time considering it's my first run in NG+ Casual only rushing through the game.

Here are all my times by chapter (Considering each time is at the end of the previous chapter):

Chapter 01: 00:00:00
Chapter 02: 00:11:05
Chapter 03: 00:17:38
Chapter 04: 00:21:53
Chapter 05: 00:28:12
Chapter 06: 00:43:06
Chapter 07: 01:04:14
Chapter 08: 01:16:56
Chapter 09: 01:21:12
Chapter 10: 01:34:31
Chapter 11: 01:49:57
Chapter 12: 02:08:18
Chapter 13: 02:17:30
Chapter 14: 02:25:55
Chapter 15: 02:37:03

Total time at end of chapter 15 (After credits, when showing the final in game time): 02:56:50

Now I'd like your opinion on which chapter I seem to have wasted the most time, I'm pretty concerned about chapter 5 since it took me 14:54 to clear, which sounds very long to me.

By the way, very nice time SpeedRunningTEW! Cheers man Cheesy I'm far from sub 2:50:00 atm :p
Streaming if anybody wants to come watch:

Optimizing new game +