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Yeah, I don't plan to continue using my setup as it currently is.  I was okay with it being barely acceptable on a reliable basis, but now that it's spazzed on me, I don't trust it anymore.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do instead, though...
I guess bite the bullet and get DVD or HD recorder. Not terribly expensive and you can always use it for other things besides just speed running.thumbsup
...actually, no, it doesn't look like I'm ever going to be able to solve the problem completely.  Just to see what would happen, I hooked my capture thingy up to my Xbox 360.  The recording was much smoother:  only one frame was dropped over a three-minute period.  When I plugged the thingy into my SNES and recorded Breath of Fire again, I went back to losing a frame every ten seconds or so.  There may still be other problems with my setup, but I'm never going to get a perfectly even video stream no matter what I use to record.

I guess I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on the mencoder output so that if a lot of frames get dropped/duped, I can kill the segment before I do anything that I'm not gonna want to do over.
Redone, minus the Life2.  Video no worse than my other segments.

Practicing the next one...
Edit history:
__sdfg: 2011-02-26 08:33:44 pm
__sdfg: 2011-02-26 08:33:06 pm
Segment 13, revision 1.

I'm considering splitting this one before I take the trip out to fight Octo.  My understanding is that the SDA timing would end after I say, "Yes," to save and restart when I regain the ability to move.  Based on that, I estimate that segmenting would add 12-15 seconds.  I know I can improve this particular recording by more than that if I segment...  but I might be able to close that gap without segmenting, so we'll see.

I might've taken this attempt as-is if I hadn't forgotten to use ATK-Up on Karn against Octo.  That probably cost me a turn.
Waiting hurts my soul...
I don't think it was too bad. This is a long segment, but I think you can get it all in one go.
There's a word for that
Ryu goes Rambo-style on the enemy base, and then... oh WOW, I didn't know dying on the ship did that o_O

I didn't scour the entire video so I didn't see where much time was lost, but if you really really think you can improve a 26-minute segment by a mentionable amount then I guess you can go for it. I would hate to have to do those buying parts again though, or hope for a repeat of some luck like Gobi dying early in the Morteo fight (unless that doesn't matter).
I'm still waiting to see how you pull off the GrimFowl segment. By god I hate that part.
Edit history:
__sdfg: 2011-03-25 10:41:10 pm
__sdfg: 2011-03-25 10:40:37 pm
When I posted the last attempt, I was pretty sure that another week of effort could yield significant savings.  Unfortunately, there was a period of three weeks where I wasn't able to work on the run at all, but I've had some time this week.  I somehow managed to shorten the posted attempt by ~15 seconds and make even sillier mistakes.  I think the big difference-maker was that Bo died early against Octo in my fastest run, so I've decided to try leaving him in the front row and see if that helps.

No luck with the altered plan so far, but I did see this happen.

EDIT:  I just found out that if Nina and Bo both die early against Octo, I save so much time that I can afford to revive her at the inn before fighting Morteo.  That leads to an interesting case where Nina won't reach level 13 unless she and Ryu are the only survivors against Toad, but I think I can manage that.
Edit history:
__sdfg: 2011-03-26 09:37:56 pm

I am looking forward to working on a segment that is shorter than 25 minutes long.
Hey guys, what's going on with breath of fire 3 running these days?  I'm going to be starting a test run soon that shoots for sub 8 hours.  Have there been any runs or major discoveries since David5K's run?  Google and Youtube tell me no.
Edit history:
Wuv: 2011-03-28 11:03:27 pm
(sorry for double post, meant to just edit but I wasn't logged in for the last post.  Geez typoed DavidK5's name too)

Whoops, looking back a few pages it seems this is quite literally a "Breath of Fire" thread (btw gj so far sdfg, I imagine that's a tedious game to speedrun) and not some megathread for the Breath of Fire series.  Should I start a new thread for part 3?
Quote from Wuv:
Should I start a new thread for part 3?

I suggest that you add to the existing thread for the game.  It looks like the thread was abandoned a couple years ago, but there's probably some useful info in there.  I see DoubleThink posted a few things at the end that may be new relative to what DavidK5 was doing (I haven't played past BoF II, so I can't say much about that).  Also, if you're interested, there were a couple other threads created about DavidK5's run quite a while ago.

btw gj so far sdfg, I imagine that's a tedious game to speedrun

Edit history:
Wuv: 2011-03-29 01:21:35 am
Understatement of the year (well years in your case)? Tongue

I'll probably bump one of those old threads once I have some relevant content to post.  Thanks for the links.
Really good segment. Keeping Nina alive shouldn't be too difficult if you use a few Mrbl1's and let Ox absorb Toad's attacks. Gotta love the Life2 as well;D
Toad is hard enough without Shin that I couldn't leave much to chance.  Nina stayed out of danger, party members who weren't contributing went in the front row to absorb damage, and I used the bonus Mrbl1 from the previous segment (killing Morteo extra-fast and selling the TideHT let me buy one more than I'd planned for).  This recording meets my (arbitrary) target time and I'll probably take it even though it's not perfect.  It's no worse than some of my previous segments, anyway.  Also, if I don't finish this run by 2013, I'm going to cry.

Fortunately, I think Ryu's power-levelling on the Dark Dragon ship will make GrimFowl/SlimeX doable without too much trouble, though I do want to double-check a few different strategies before committing to one.  I am not looking forward to guessing how quickly I can walk without the birds getting lost.  That part has to be awful in a single-segment run. ;P
Waiting hurts my soul...
These all say 'speedrun test'; does that mean you'll be doing another run through once you've worked this one out?
Quote from ZenicReverie:
These all say 'speedrun test'; does that mean you'll be doing another run through once you've worked this one out?

I put, "test," in the title of the first segment I uploaded and I've left it in later segments for consistency.  At the time of that first segment, I was really unsure of the segment in question and I thought I'd be able to release a new segment every week rather than every month or two.

Is it okay if I wait to answer your question until after the run's gone through verification? >_>
Edit history:
__sdfg: 2011-04-16 04:21:05 pm
Dead bird.  This segment is frustrating in that I feel like I could continually re-run it and go for more and more Slams.  I'm satisfied with the linked run, though.

Japanzaman's strategy of having Ryu B.Rang past the wave of little SlimeXes is definitely the way to go.  Because I'd planned to do this segment a different way, though, I now have three extra Mrbl1s and I'm not sure what to do with them.  Maybe I can speed past Myst's recovery phase or something. :|

EDIT:  ...actually, I have four extra Mrbl1s because I didn't plan on getting the six-round bonus against GrimFowl.  Wow.
These are some good looking segments. I don't think you could have had the Nabal segment go any better than it did. You'll be using the Mrbl1's against Mote anyway (at least I assume so) so if anything you have more money to work with than you expected. If there was any treasure you were planning on picking up solely for monetary purposes, you might be able to do without it now. If not, then just use them like you said to beat Myst a round or two quicker.

Almost to the DarkDr...I'll check back in August and see if you got it Grin
Glitching EB 1 flying man at a time
I can't believe this is my first post in this thread. I enjoyed this game a lot (really long, though), but to see a planned out speedrun is amazing. At least this will be longer overall than EB, right? So, that means more to watch overall. Smiley

Anyway, good luck, _sdfg.

Also, thanks for the comment after I finished my Earthbound run for the Japan marathon (I think I remember seeing a comment in chat from you).
I left a donation comment at the end and I was on the chat for a little when before then.  I can't remember if I said anything in the chat at the end. Sad  I really enjoyed the run, though, or at least the parts that I was able to catch (I'd made other plans for that weekend pre-tsunami).  I never thought I'd see EarthBound broken that badly on a console.
I have reached the point of diminishing returns for ghostbusting.

The next segment has almost no luck component at all, which means that the greatest opportunity for optimization will probably be in making dialogue boxes go away quickly.  That will be interesting.  Of course, the segment after that...
Good segment, but part of me wonders if this segment could have been combined with the next segment seeing how ridiculously easy it is- easily the simplest in the entire game. I'll leave that decision up to you though, as getting death abuse to work can be a real pain.
There's a word for that
Yeah I'd keep this separate. The fights are already ideally executed, and the deathwarp dumps you right on top of the save point anyway.

Great progress lately, I look forward to more Cheesy