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It's pretty easy to use Anri chan to put commentary into segmented runs. Just have to make sure that it syncs up. Not too hard.
Quote from ZenicReverie:
How do other people do segmented commentary? People seemed to like Zyre's commentary for Skies of Arcadia Legends.

I think option 1 is the usual choice.  I checked Zyre's run (haven't played the game; therefore hadn't seen the run before) and that's what he did.

I guess I'm hot for option 3 because that's what I did for my last run.  2 seemed like a possible compromise.
It looks like things are about tied (I received a text that simply said, "Option 3," a couple days ago).  What I'll probably do is see if the people I think I may have convinced to record the commentary with me would prefer to do one long recording or break it up, and go from there.

Thanks for the input.
I would do Option 3. Earthbound was an enjoyable watch for me, and I personally hate downloading dozens of files to watch a single run. I don't know about the rest of you but I usually watch my runs in one day anyway, and if that's the case you can just pause and minimize or write down the time you were at in the video if you need a break. Much easier than clicking "Save this file" 30 times and then opening up a new video every 5 minutes.

And, in the case of option 2, someone who watched the run a few segments at a time would be totally lost if they tried to listen to the commentary on, say, segment 10 and jumped in in the middle of a sentence about bouncy balls or something random like that (which is bound to happen on a multiple hour commentary recording) so I would say if you keep segments to individual files then commentary should be done by the segment as well.

But really. Do option 3.

(Note: This is my first post in this thread and I have not watched a minute of this run nor looked to see how long the final time was. But with good commentary I would watch it all the way through. Maybe.)
We all scream for Eyes Cream
Either works for me, I just want AC.
I tend to prefer segmented files, as I hardly every have more than an hour of spare time on any given day.
I tried for an option 3 commentary, but it had some issues, mainly due to having been recorded from 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM PDT (most of the people involved normally live on Eastern or Central time).  So, I recorded a different option 1 commentary that I'm going with.

Sorry for apparently sitting on this for a month, but encoding/editing/testing took a while and work in September has been as crazy as I'd predicted.  I think I'll be ready to submit in the near future, as soon as I figure out how much I should care about video issues in Quicktime...
Just bumpin around here...

So how's this bad boy coming?
There's a word for that
It's currently being verified (AFAIK), so hopefully the verdict will be posted during the next verification update
Just a bump to congratulate sdfg for finally getting the run on the site! Awesome job!
I agree! I'm about halfway through watching it now, and it's bringing back memories of old times.  Great run too!
My feelings on The Demon Rush
My question is how did you tolerate running this game? When I watched the run I just wondered how I beat the game without a guide when I was 10.
I'm about halfway through watching this (for the second time....I saw it once when you finished it), and I still don't know why I like this game.  I've seen like 4 full runs of this game in the past year (__sdfg's run twice, japanzaman's SS run, and janus' TAS) and I have no idea why.  I need help.  Big congrats once again, __sdfg!

japanzaman, is there any chance of you trying for a SS of this again?  The run of yours that I saw was absolutely ridiculous.  I was really sad to hear that it had some technical issues and couldn't be submitted.  Sad
Quote from japanzaman:
Just a bump to congratulate sdfg for finally getting the run on the site! Awesome job!

Quote from Icthus:
I agree! I'm about halfway through watching it now, and it's bringing back memories of old times.  Great run too!

Quote from PJ:
Big congrats once again, __sdfg!

Thanks! Cheesy

Quote from mikwuyma:
My question is how did you tolerate running this game? When I watched the run I just wondered how I beat the game without a guide when I was 10.

It's not that bad to run.  I'm more concerned about how people tolerate watching it.  As for your second question, you might be a fetch quest genius and not realize it.

And yes, getting a single-segment run of this on the site would be pretty awesome.
There's a word for that
I spent the whole month scanning every update waiting for this to get posted embarassed
Quote from PJ:
japanzaman, is there any chance of you trying for a SS of this again?

God, I wish I had the time (and patience) to try again. It took so many tries to get that run, and if you watch you'll see several points where I was saved by dumb luck. Nothings ever out of the question, but for now let's just appreciate the segmented beauty on this site!
Quote from japanzaman:
Quote from PJ:
japanzaman, is there any chance of you trying for a SS of this again?

God, I wish I had the time (and patience) to try again. It took so many tries to get that run, and if you watch you'll see several points where I was saved by dumb luck. Nothings ever out of the question, but for now let's just appreciate the segmented beauty on this site!

Very good point!  Let's count our blessings.  ^_^
Rad... They have taken me...
I've routed sort of a meme/challenge category for this game I affectionately call 'Reject%'.  It involves playing through with no transformations (yes that means the bad ending), and upon reaching Prima moving forward with a party of Gobi, Bo, Ox, and Karn who is eventually replaced by Mogu.

I'm curious to hear any thoughts, tips or condemnations!
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
I've routed sort of a meme/challenge category for this game I affectionately call 'Reject%'.

Bumping this to search out any other BoF runners. I'm putting together a BoF Series Relay Race, currently have 2 for all games except the first and Dragon Quarter.