everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I was originally going to start a topic in general about this, but the side stuff here might not interest everyone like it does me.
I discovered this several days ago, but I don't know if anybody on SDA knows about this. Someone has actually already recorded a speedrun of this game! (Here is the thread on dragon-tear.) Completely outta left field, huh? Do you find it amazing that something like this can still happen and nobody posts about it on SDA? Well, apparently not only did this generate the most bandwidth usage on ngamer, it had the most unique hits too.
So at first I was excited, then I found out it was a little over 10 hours. Hmm, that sounds kinda bad. But I checked it out anyway (I've only watched about 5 mins seeking around, btw, but that much looks solid enough), and it's done by DavidK5 from the-elite. Plus I looked and apparently he has the best BoF3 guide on gamefaqs and wrote the BoF5 sticky. If you read the thread (I started posting on the board a little), or better yet, the speedrun guide, he certainly comes across as knowing what he's doing.
So, what next? Well, he is still refining the run, and I bet that a good amount of time can still be improved (although it's funny, the people on gamefaqs are going through the usual "there's no way you can go sub X," "ok you did that, but sub Y is impossible" deal). It's a bit scary that on the micro level, the scrutiny is already very high, but hopefully there are still macro level improvements (like more segments/luck manipulation, run away from all regular enemies, be more minimalist... you know, the usual).
DavidK5 certainly knows about SDA, he captured on tape, and I suggested when he is done with the improvements, to submit to SDA. I don't know about the soft 7 hour limit, but hopefully if Radix can be convinced that it is truly optimized, and the final time looks more like 8:xx, maybe it'll work out. I mean, 7 hours is a pretty arbitrary definition as is.
That would be so nice, like almost a run done for free.
It would free Dragondarch for other BoFs, and who knows? We might be able to achieve total coverage. 
At any rate, the best runs IMO come from people who are incredibly devoted to their game of choice, rather than some of us here, who run many games.
I discovered this several days ago, but I don't know if anybody on SDA knows about this. Someone has actually already recorded a speedrun of this game! (Here is the thread on dragon-tear.) Completely outta left field, huh? Do you find it amazing that something like this can still happen and nobody posts about it on SDA? Well, apparently not only did this generate the most bandwidth usage on ngamer, it had the most unique hits too.
So at first I was excited, then I found out it was a little over 10 hours. Hmm, that sounds kinda bad. But I checked it out anyway (I've only watched about 5 mins seeking around, btw, but that much looks solid enough), and it's done by DavidK5 from the-elite. Plus I looked and apparently he has the best BoF3 guide on gamefaqs and wrote the BoF5 sticky. If you read the thread (I started posting on the board a little), or better yet, the speedrun guide, he certainly comes across as knowing what he's doing.
So, what next? Well, he is still refining the run, and I bet that a good amount of time can still be improved (although it's funny, the people on gamefaqs are going through the usual "there's no way you can go sub X," "ok you did that, but sub Y is impossible" deal). It's a bit scary that on the micro level, the scrutiny is already very high, but hopefully there are still macro level improvements (like more segments/luck manipulation, run away from all regular enemies, be more minimalist... you know, the usual).
DavidK5 certainly knows about SDA, he captured on tape, and I suggested when he is done with the improvements, to submit to SDA. I don't know about the soft 7 hour limit, but hopefully if Radix can be convinced that it is truly optimized, and the final time looks more like 8:xx, maybe it'll work out. I mean, 7 hours is a pretty arbitrary definition as is.
That would be so nice, like almost a run done for free.
At any rate, the best runs IMO come from people who are incredibly devoted to their game of choice, rather than some of us here, who run many games.
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