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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hi! New here.

Have you ever heard about a "Legend of Legaia" speed run? I played it a long time ago, but I have never found a speed run.

For those who doesn't know the game, it's an rpg for playstation.

Has anyone here ever tried/heard about it?
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Ride on shooting star
I remember playing the demo.  Funniest demo I ever played.

"I wouldn't normally be here, but since this is the demo, I'm here!"
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Demo? Never heard about it.

But why is it funny?
I'm the keeper of Time.
The game was pretty cool. I don't see it being a speedrun though. RPGs are generally difficult to speedrun. Beware the Mist!
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Agreeded. But there are so many other rpgs with speed runs...

And I don't think it would be so difficult, since you can finish the game in ~level40. 
secret of mana master.
i play the beginning part of it and stop playing from there.... this scene made me freaking laugh. but i forgot the words to it.

guy: this island *something something* a boat.
hero: a boat..................................? wait....................a boat.

that part is so funny man. i didn't pay attention to the characters and story but that. hehe. i only rented it though.
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
That game is kind of an underdog, but still good...
unfortunately I don't see anyone speedrunning it. Excecuting  combos takes time, and you'll still have trouble with the minotaur boss if you don't spend some time building up levels. The big but is that you can use some Serus for insane damage if your mana allows for it. And you can get a purple book pretty soon, doubling your exp...
Edit history:
speed132: 2006-10-06 05:47:53 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Do combos take time? Yes, but not that much. Just like some other rpg games.

About Xain, you are right. Remember Bull Charge? But I don't believe you have to up so many levels to beat him. And if you have the complete list of arts of everyone, it would be much easier.

Another thing that I learned: if you spirit first round, you will increase ap, of couse, and you will defend much more atacks.

By the way, I would like to see a speed run of this game.
Fucking Weeaboo
I wonder if the game is speedrunable in under (or close to) the 7 hr mark.  The game is very slow paced with the major slow overworld movement and seemingly high random battle level.

Good luck to whoever attempts it.  It'll be a challenge.
Heh, my thoughts exactly VG. The things that would be a hinderance would be (IMO, going from what I remember):

-Slow Overworld movement speed
-High random encounter rate...I think was even worse when the Mist was present.
-Bosses that generally did way more damage than they probably should. Poor Noa had the highest death count by far for me
-Certain Seru would be pretty much required for quick healing (Spoon obsoletes all other healing  :P)
-Levelling up for bosses would also be a requirement...HP is your friend IIRC.

There's probably more but I haven't played this game in years...I think I'll add it to my "Possible future run" list.
Fucking Weeaboo
-High random encounter rate...I think was even worse when the Mist was present.

Of course, because the mist is what created the monsters in the first place.
Edit history:
speed132: 2006-10-06 03:21:19 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Lord_VG: Sub 7 hr mark? Wow. But before all runs we always estimate more time than it usually takes.

Dragondarch: some quotes.

"Slow Overworld movement speed"
You only need to walk in overworld once in each route, because after it you can use Doors of Wind to teletransporte.

"High random encounter rate"
There are many itens that decrease the encounter rate or make it 100% successful runs, like Chicken King.

"Bosses that generally did way more damage than they probably should"
"Levelling up for bosses would also be a requirement"

You right. It would cost some time to level up. But there are some tips here, like equipping jewels of elemental atacks before fighting bosses, like Deep Sea Jewel against Zeto.

"Certain Seru would be pretty much required for quick healing"
That ain't a problem, since you can level up healing serus out of the battle, which is much faster.

Waiting for replies!
This game cannot be speedrunned. Sure it was a good game, but it was also one of the if not the cheapest RPG I ever played. First off, yes, it is slow and combos take time. But it has some of the worst most unfair boss fights in the history of gaming! (Unless anyone knows of others.) You can spend 45 minuts fighting a boss, seemingly kicking its ass, then it suddenly unleashes some uber move out of nowhere and kills all 3 of your characters! (or your 2 most important ones). Ruining everything. If someone can pull off a speedrun of this, they are not human. (Or they cheated...pick one.)
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
St.Illuminated X: yes, it would be a difficult speed run, but it's possible, just like Final Fantasy or Chrono Cross, that are long rpgs.

I think we played different versions of the game, because I think bosses are not that hard.

Or maybe its not that easy to speed run this game.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
But it has some of the worst most unfair boss fights in the history of gaming! (Unless anyone knows of others.)

borgan in Lunar 2 on the sega cd

In any case, when I played this game it was 0 fun and everyone just moved so freaking slow. Even if this game was run, it wouldn't be enjoyable to watch overall imo.
borgan in Lunar 2 on the sega cd

He wasn't that hard.

Chrono Trigger wasn't as cheap as LoL(heh,oops).
Fucking Weeaboo
Lord_VG: Sub 7 hr mark? Wow. But before all runs we always estimate more time than it usually takes.

Well, you should.  Because the 7-hr mark is radix's soft limit on runs.  And I think it's important to have somewhat of an idea how long something is gonna be, espcially an RPG, so you know if you're gonna get anywhere near that limit.
Edit history:
speed132: 2006-10-06 10:28:36 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Got it!

But serious, I have no idea how long this speed run is gonna be. Since I haven't tried any tips, it may be 5 or 15 hrs, it will depend on what time you would spend to level up the characters.
This game is pretty tough if you don't spend a good deal of time leveling up. especially towards the end : /
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Gorash: 2006-10-07 01:55:08 pm
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
But it has some of the worst most unfair boss fights in the history of gaming! (Unless anyone knows of others.)

Funny. I thought all the battles give you some clue how to avoid being wiped by the über-attacks. In case you didn't know, all the über-attacks are on a certain round timer, and very predictable. After the minotaur I usually spend the first three rounds in def mode to see how the fight went, and never had a wipe again, save for two game crashs in the basement of Sol and at the final battle against this other twisted monk.

Overall I found FF8 much more unfair, because that game punishes you for leveling up, which has the be the most idiotic idea in all japano-RPGs.

As for leveling up, as I said, there are 3 purple books out in the world, doubling your exp, the first of them can be gotten even before the first mist generator. This should speed your game up a lot.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Gorash: you right. There are some things that would speed your game up, like:
-the purple books
-itens to avoid random battles
-know in what levels you can beat the bosses
-spirit before strong atacks

But it is very difficult to plan a speed run of a game that is not linear like LoL. There are many routes to try. Check every level to see if you can beat a boss, I mean, not to spend much time levelling up etc...
Fucking Weeaboo
Overall I found FF8 much more unfair, because that game punishes you for leveling up, which has the be the most idiotic idea in all japano-RPGs.

Actually, FF8 wasn't bad, outside of ONE boss.  Griever.

If your spirit levels weren't high, you were as good as dead.
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
<going slightly off topic>Well, try to beat the first CD at lv85 as I did. Every monster gets -ra and -ga spells plus a ton of status alignments you cannot cure yet.</off topic>

As for LoL, I just did some research.
- The books are actually called crimson book in the english version, translation mistake on my side there, it's "purpur" in the german version which is of course crimson and not purple.
- There exists one guide at GFaqs that recommends lv30-35 at the final boss, as opposed to lv45 (recommended by all other guides, and what was about the level I had there). Given the length of the game, leveling could be cut down to a minimum with that, although the strategy for the boss in that guide involves dying to Juggernauts most powerful attacks, and ressurecting yourself. It's the guide by Valkryie_X.
Level 35 my ass.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
It's impossible to make a sub 20 hour speed run!

I started playing the game again, just to see the secret spells like juggernaut and the secret boss lapis.

Using cheats and knowing all routes, I made it 14:23:52.

I don't even know it it's possible to make it sub 30, because:

-too much conversation
-need some time to level up

Thats all.