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So, it took me 3:13 to finish Act 1 in an RTA, but 50 minutes of that was me resetting over and over again in the Viguro fight, which I think I got the worst possible luck.  So perhaps the game is RTA-able, but I need to segment the rest of the game first so I feel comfortable running it. if you want to watch.  Meanwhile, this run had some incredible luck - I actually beat my segment 1's in-game time, which I knew was beatable by a bit, but still this was perfect luck (slightly sloppy execution probably lost a few seconds too!).  I also absorbed 2 veras and 2 nightos in only 3 battles in west voz.  But the Viguro luck was awful.
All PS2s are capable of fast disc speed as far as I know. The slim model just loads things a bit faster all around.
Thanks Dragondarch, but obviously not ready for that yet. 

One thing I am curious about for my segmented run is whether I should get Theeder when you revisit Biron Monastery.  It would enable faster grinding up a certain point, and even against individual enemies it does more damage than gimard.

Mana cost is prohibitive, but you can grind for about 10-15 minutes outside biron monastery easily and then again right after jeremi (after that enemies start getting too powerful to kill in one turn, although double theeder might help). 

Given that I wnat to hit at least one level higher than I will w/out any grinding, this might save more time than previous strats (also certain bosses, like Songi 1, will be much faster)
Edit history:
garik16: 2013-08-23 10:05:23 pm
Hmmm, oddly the forum seems to have eaten my last Legaia post.  ANYHOW, UPDATES:

1.  Okay so I'm finally at the Shadow Gate at 2:51.  The problem is that this is basically an exaggerated time (although it could be at least 15 minutes better had i been more optimal on slots and not skipped the zalan sidequest and other goofs).  It's not going to be practical for me to kill Xain at 9-9-9 - 10-10-10 is possible though incredibly difficult and going to be painful (Only gala can survive some of his attacks and then only some).  Really, I'd want to be 11-11-11. or have Noa even hit 12 - in my low level run i was at 12-11-10 due to some characters dying on bosses. 

There are a few ways to fix this.  One: I need to waste some time WAY back in Biron Monastery after West Voz in order to obtain theeder on two of my characters.  Double theeder will allow me to one-shot (or come close) on nearly every enemy grouping up through underground octam, which makes it the ideal and safe way to quickly grind.  Two: I should probably level at least once each of my characters in Biron using the easy full heal there.  (Gala levels twice).  This costs me around 10-12 more minutes....but I do gain it back in some places quickly - for one, I probably save a minute on songi 1 (as well as make that battle REMARKABLY easier), it'll require slightly less grinding later as well, and the theeders will allow for quicker grinding later as well. 

As it is, I'm going to have to inefficiently grind in this practice run in the fire path/underground path, where i can kill in two turns, for about 10 extra battles just to hit levels 11/11/11. 

Sigh, if Gala wasn't so slow, I'd switch my strategy on xain to use GALA instead of Noa as the primary attacker.  It's still possible to make Gala fast enough with speed elixers since Xain is just slow, but it'll waste a lot of extra time. 

EDIT:  Why does this post not show up on page 8 when I look at SDA, and if i go to the last page, page 7, it disappears?  Anyone know?
Edit history:
Rakuen: 2013-08-24 12:10:40 am
Rakuen: 2013-08-24 12:05:29 am
Weegee Time
I don't know, that's really odd.  The last page disappears from the list at 35 posts as well, and at 5 posts the last page claims it's the first page.  Here's some other oddities from just before this posting:

At 5 posts/page, I have 35 pages + 36th with 4 posts = 179
At 25 posts/page, I have 7 pages + 8th with 6 posts = 181
At 35 posts/page, I have 5 pages + 6th with 6 posts = 181.
All other post/page counts come out to 184.

Let's see if this post breaks it out of this.

Edit: Nope.  Also, 40 posts/page is coming out to 181 now, as is 50.  Everything else increased by one.  The Older Consoles page says the number is 184.  I'll send nate a message and see if he gets the same thing.  Refrain from posting in this thread for the moment. Smiley
Weegee Time
Bumping the thread because nate fixed the problem.  Thanks, nate!

Quote from garik16:
Sigh, if Gala wasn't so slow, I'd switch my strategy on xain to use GALA instead of Noa as the primary attacker.  It's still possible to make Gala fast enough with speed elixers since Xain is just slow, but it'll waste a lot of extra time.

About how many elixirs would it take?  I imagine there's no way in hell it would be feasible, but I'm curious.

As far as the leveling problem goes, it's good to know you can make it to him at that level, just in case something new comes up between now and the start of a real run.  So it's not wasted time on that front.  About how long does a turn typically take at this point in the game?
Quote from Rakuen:
Bumping the thread because nate fixed the problem.  Thanks, nate!

Quote from garik16:
Sigh, if Gala wasn't so slow, I'd switch my strategy on xain to use GALA instead of Noa as the primary attacker.  It's still possible to make Gala fast enough with speed elixers since Xain is just slow, but it'll waste a lot of extra time.

About how many elixirs would it take?  I imagine there's no way in hell it would be feasible, but I'm curious.

As far as the leveling problem goes, it's good to know you can make it to him at that level, just in case something new comes up between now and the start of a real run.  So it's not wasted time on that front.  About how long does a turn typically take at this point in the game?

Ummm, consider that you basically have 1 turn (if he starts by charging up for his attack all attack (Tereo Punch), the best start to the battle) to do it, I'd basically have to spend turn 1 using all speed elixers, turn 2 spiriting, turn 3 someone heals and then maybe more elixers? Xain is actually fairly slow for a boss so a level 15 gala actually will go before him on occasion.  I'm 5-6 levels lower.  But even then Xain will have occasionally go faster than gala due to random luck in determining turn order. 

In theory I don't need to level.  Ryuken showed it was possible to beat Xain at 9/9/9 earlier in this thread, although OMG that's like insanely hard because none of your characters can survive an attack by xain.  10/10/10 is where I'll be at if I DONT do a lot of grinding, and that's again probably possible but only Gala can survive an attack without insane luck. 

Grinding down here is insanely slow, to the point where I think I'm going to level myself to 10/10/10, and just try for the god luck.  For reference sake, here's what the god luck entails: 
Xain has 4 attacks:
1.  Tereo Punch: Xain spends one turn charging (Bull Charge) and then next turn will unleash an attack that hits all.  if not spirited, itll kill even a properly leveled party, but since you know the attack is coming, that's never an issue.  Does ~400 damage to all spirited, which all characters can survive easily if at full HPs. 
2.  Bloody Horns:  The problem attack: It's non-elemental, non-blockable, and seems extremely hard to reduce damage via armor (if you fight xain at the coliseum late game, it'll still do near full damage).  Does about 600 or more (up to like 660) to one character unspirited.  Ew.  It's his most common attack. 
3.  Physical Attack 1: Xain does 3 physical attacks, doing 250-300 each, to one character.  This CAN be reduced by armor/shield elixers.  and You CAN block them.  Still I'm so low level the non-Noa characters are unlikely to block without spirit. 
4.  Physical Attack 2: A quick spin attack that does up to 800 but damage is heavily reducable with armor.  By level 17, this attack does only like 250.  It rarely is used. 

Xain has 8900 HPs and i'm hitting him generally at most for 700 in a successful turn.  So I've got to survive a WHILE.  The only way to do that is to have at least one character spirit EVERY turn (In this case it's Vahn), so that a Xain hit on that character won't kill them and will just keep things status quo.  So a successful battle goes something like:

First turn: Either attack all or all power elixer Noa (I could shield elixer here instead, but it won't reduce bloody horn, so I don't think it's worth it).  If he doesn't charge up for tereo punch, reset. 
Second Turn: All spirit.
Turns thereafter: Vahn Spirits, Noa attacks, Gala heals and prays not to be smacked - when Gala runs out of healing, switch to vahn.  If someone dies, Noa switches to phoenixing. 

Actually think i need to fury boost and 2 elixer Noa instead.  Needless to say, this is a painful battle.
This is where taking extra time for level grinding may end up being faster. You said someone managed to beat him at 9/9/9, but I bet he spent a LOT of turns just healing/reviving.
This is similar to Breath of Fire 1, where fighting Frog at level 3 is the fastest level to fight him at, even though he's beatable at level 1. The higher HP/DEF means less healing overall, and more time spent attacking.
Now, as for how long it takes to gain an extra level (or 2) is the real determining factor here. I haven't played this game in ages, so I don't remember how long leveling takes.
Quote from Dragondarch:
This is where taking extra time for level grinding may end up being faster. You said someone managed to beat him at 9/9/9, but I bet he spent a LOT of turns just healing/reviving.
This is similar to Breath of Fire 1, where fighting Frog at level 3 is the fastest level to fight him at, even though he's beatable at level 1. The higher HP/DEF means less healing overall, and more time spent attacking.
Now, as for how long it takes to gain an extra level (or 2) is the real determining factor here. I haven't played this game in ages, so I don't remember how long leveling takes.

To be honest, leveling won't make beating him much faster as much as easier.  The strategy basically remains the same and at MOST would save a few minutes, but grinding will take that long.  For example, the current enemy groupings will give 330 XP to all 3 characters if they're alive for a win, around 500-530 if one character (Vahn) is dead.  It's 3K Xp between levels at this point.  A battle is about 2 minutes long at shortest.  You get the idea. 

If i obtained theeder, grinding out another 1 level would be possible which might make this easier with limited time and some time save.  Which is what I'll probably do. 

The key is that Xain is the LAST boss who poses any threat in this game.  So it's not like grinding is necessary for anyone else.
Edit history:
garik16: 2013-08-24 11:30:36 pm
Twitch doesn't seem to have archived it yet (if it will at all), ,but apparently my worries were for naught DD and Rakuen - 10/10/10 Xain is very possible, as I just did.  For some reason, Gala takes half damage from Xain's physical attacks - although not bloody horn sadly - meaning he'll be able to tank some hits, which helps. 

My point card only has 1400 damage on it, because i'm saving most of my shopping for after xain (i buy a ton of gems with money i get from selling the war soul, but i keep the war soul to hasten damage on xain). 

Apparently Noa's attacks do like double damage on xain than normal enemies, so I am dealing about 1K per hit with her. 

The GOOD NEWS: I don't use any of the elixers - it's faster to have everyone attack on turn 1 than it is to waste a turn doing triple elixer. 
The BAD NEWS:  I tested 10/10/10 by use of an emulator save state right before hte battle.  Unfortunately, it took a ton of attempts, and in a real run.....the save point is well over 2 minutes away.  Ugh.

EDIT:  To show you how the fight has to go, this is the proof of concept I talk about in this post:

Weegee Time
Would it be worthwhile to let Gala attack on turns after Tereo Punch?  It might be rolling the dice a bit, but it could also stop your resources from getting stretched so thin if the supplementary damage shaves off a few turns.  It just seems like he spends a lot of turns Spiriting and then it doesn't do him any good because either he's not the target, or when he's the target he gets killed anyway.
I have to agree here...once Vahn's MP was depleted, your damage output slowed to a crawl due to having Noa doing preemptive healing. Gala should have been the default healer once Vahn couldn't do it any more, and Noa should just keep attacking. Just looking at it, the battle dragged out a bit longer than it needed to, and since this is segmented, taking that risk should be done for a faster fight.
So yes and no.  The reason gala spirits is because he can survive the physical xain attacks (dealing like 200) if swung at after a Tereo punch.  (If I'm really lucky he can also survive the bloody horns, but I've yet to get that luck.). So spiriting gives me another safety if he swings at someone before the heal.).

Moreover gala does minimal damage anyhow. 

A bigger question is whether on turn 3 I should have VAHN attack and pray he charges up for another Tereo punch (gala healing).

But again the amount of resets this boss will need will be so high I think I'm justified playing this battle a little safe, no?
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Here's my two cents regarding this ABHORRENT boss battle:

Realistically everything is completely luck dependent on this boss fight, if he gives you a good pattern and you play aggressively he wont take terribly long. However the luck required is OBSCENE to be able to get a survivable pattern while playing offensively.

I know you are quite a ways past it, but in your actual run I would honestly take another 2-3 minutes and put another ~1500-2500 points on your card via one or two more tries at the slot machines. Buy some armor down in Octam, which will not only help your survivability in this fight overall but also end it a lot quicker.

You dealt 3451 damage to Xain in the first 3:15 of the fight, after like like Dragondarch said your damage output slowed down dramatically due to Vahns lack of healing. It then took you another 8 minutes to finish him off, which if you were to take 2-3 minutes to put enough extra on your point card to then finish him off would save you a huge amount of time in not only your final overall time but the time it takes to get a good segment out of this as well. And with a much quicker boss fight you can get away with being even riskier due to the fact that you will really only need 4-5 turns of good luck instead of 15+.
Edit history:
garik16: 2013-08-25 05:02:52 pm
Ryuken, I've decided that it looks like the slot machines, when done without emulator tools, are just not usable to simply point card cheese out bosses efficiently.  It took me 30 minutes roughly of game time to get 6K coins.  If i was more stringent about segmenting, I could probably reduce that to 15-20 minutes.  But remember, I do need roughly 3K coins just to get through the game.  Also remember, you can't simply use all your coins to buy enough lures to kill xain (about 1700 worth!), you need to keep pressing the button (and i suspect there's a max in inventory so i'd need to go back and forth).  And then i need to sell those lures and then buy items to get the point's just not worth it. 

Given that point, and the fact that Xain will go down in roughly 12 minutes, it's not worth adding more to slots in order to make xain easier or to instant kill him.  At least, not at the rate I can do the slots, where I rely heavily on luck.  By comparison, a TAS can get 6K in probably like a minute, so it might be worth it. 

There are of course some things I would change - Not going to waste money buying power elixirs in my actual run, though I WILL use some of those coins instead to buy phoenixes.  If you have enough phoenixes, you can beat Xain semi reliably every time, but I only pick up four (Eventually you'll phoenix up a dead character, heal him, and he'll charge for tereo punch, allowing you to start attacking again).  Having more will allow me to be a little more aggressive against xain.  I'd also use any life waters i pick up earlier in the game on Gala, to make a spirited gala able to survive a bloody horn after tereo punch. 

EDIT: Ryuken I actually did buy armor and weaponry for Noa before Xain - in my real attempts I'll skip the armor and just buy weapons for her and Vahn, as well as Boots for her and maybe Vahn (also increases offense).  Gala picks up his first weapon of the game at this point in the fire path up to Xain. 
I'm the man.......nothing else needs to be said
Yeah Garik I can understand where you are coming from with that, however having first hand experience with the slot machines I would honestly say do 2 or 3 segments of slot machines where you get a 1000+ coin jackpot per segment and saving right after. If a 2 minute segment that takes you 100+ tries saves you almost 8 minutes in a boss fight I would say go for it! I know the slots are impossible to predict but even in real time ive gotten a 1000 jackpot a few times. I know it takes an huge amount of tries to get anything decent out of those slot machines. But there are runs where people have to try segments 400+ times to get the segment they want. If a really difficult to get slot segment can save you even just 2 minutes I would say it is worthwhile. Dont get me wrong your strategies and planning far outweigh mine, but I want to see this game get beaten to the utmost potential outside of a TAS.

And with this boss being the only one you would need to use a point card as a legitimate strategy I dont think that could be considered as a cheesing strategy either. I understand if you dont want to pursue that but based on the strategies and times ive seen I think that really is the best usage of your time. Even if you choose to use Phoenixes to fill the point card you still get a useable item out of the exchange
Ryuken you also have to add on the time to redeem coins - which is why the light lure buying is impractical - it takes one second to redeem each prize since you have to click the item and then hit yes, and then you add in bulk.  It adds up to being just not gaining any time.
Edit history:
S.K. Ren: 2014-02-01 11:49:15 pm
Wow this thread took off a lot since I last checked in. Now if only I could find where I put my saves. I distinctly remember being about to finish Act 1.
Edit: So sad. I seem to have misplaced my saves and save states I was testing with. Guess I'll start from scratch again :/
Oh Hi SK Ren.  I've been way way too bad about continuing on this - was hoping to have a place of my own already to actually start on console, but I think I'll go back to emulator testing soon.

But there's an exciting development:    You can get the Evil Talisman as soon as after beating Van Saryu! 

Now this is worthless for magic purposes (Juggernaut costs too damn much and won't be one shotting any relevant enemies).  BUT, it also has the same effect as a good luck bell - reducing encounters!  Hello speedier ends of act 2 and thereon!  You get the good luck bell at Mt. Dhini which is a few hours afterwards, so that's potentially a big time saver just in that. 
Did a quick stream of this to try and actually get some movement beyond octam, so I've finished getting to underground octam with the characters at Noa 10/Vahn 9/Gala 9.  I'm planning on absorbing gola gola in the fire path, which'll get me to 10/10/10, so that'll be my levels for xain.
Edit history:
Deathtome: 2014-08-29 10:07:43 am
Hello guys!

I am planning on doing a full RTA on saturday. Goal will be sub 20 hours to begin with. I still have more things to try. I think I will have to include Ebony Jewels in my route. I do have one section devoted to leveling up, but after that it should be just to blaze through the story.

I have notes here. So if anyone have improvements to add, please let me know how it would benefit. Smiley

Legend of Legaia Single-Segment Notes:
"Let's put a SMILE on that face!"
I don't remember a lot about this game, but by reading your notes, is your plan to grind to level 21/21/15+ in one area?  What levels do you start at?
Quote from CVagts:
I don't remember a lot about this game, but by reading your notes, is your plan to grind to level 21/21/15+ in one area?  What levels do you start at?

You remember that it's tough? Wink

Yeah, I am leveling in different parts of the world map depending on my level. There are two brilliant places to fight 3x easy enemies and 2x tougher ones (not advised before level 17+). The more I level up, the easier it will get. So after I reach level 16-17 I will move on to a tougher spot on the world map (outside Ratayu) where only 2 enemies spawn, but yield more exp. Since this is a single-segment run where I can't rely on resets if I die to bosses, I have to level up at some point to assure that I have enough gold to buy stuff and enough levels to be able to get through the battles without dying.

The biggest issue in the beginning of the game is the amount of gold you get. So it's not only for the levels (which I guess 20/20/15+ easily would do) in levels before moving on. So it's a bit complicated. My first run. Many things will happen, and I am sad that I didn't explore more of the glitches and stuff before I started routing. This Juggernaut glitch seems to be awesome to reduce encounter rate! So I will definetly include this in the route. Smiley

I know my route is far from optimal, but I am confident I can get through without dying too much. I will allow save/load for my first attempts though and eventually do a Single-Segment when I feel confident. Smiley
"Let's put a SMILE on that face!"
I remember that gold is kinda hard to come by, but I was more curious about experience.  When I was looking through the notes you linked, it almost sounded like you were doing all the grinding in one spot, but if you're moving around more, that makes more sense.

The way I typically do runs of new RPGs that I routed through is to have some safety valves (extra gold, extra EXP, safety saves if it's RTA, etc) at first and then start getting rid of them to see what I can get away with.  It sounds like you're doing some of that.  Good luck!
Quote from CVagts:
I remember that gold is kinda hard to come by, but I was more curious about experience.  When I was looking through the notes you linked, it almost sounded like you were doing all the grinding in one spot, but if you're moving around more, that makes more sense.

The way I typically do runs of new RPGs that I routed through is to have some safety valves (extra gold, extra EXP, safety saves if it's RTA, etc) at first and then start getting rid of them to see what I can get away with.  It sounds like you're doing some of that.  Good luck!

I have played through the game twice now and came to the conclusion that these levels are good pillars to make sure that you can just run through the rest by escaping all the random encounters. The problem with this game was the low EXP/GOLD you get before you get to "Sebucus Islands" (Where I start to farm in the later part with some better enemies). If I devoted more time to level up my characters "on the run" it would not simply be good EXP & Gold/hour. Sad So doing the grinding before Xain couldn't have been a better time. Xain is the biggest obstacle in the early-mid game. I hope I can encourage others to do full runs so I can snatch some strats and things I didn't think of. ;-) I would be very impressed to see someone go for Xain before level 18/18/15+ (because eventually that person have to level up or be really stingy with the money). Cheesy

Thank you! Smiley We'll see what happens tomorrow. ;-)