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I am amazed that you can do so much in OoT, and that you can learn so much just by listening to the game.  You are amazing.  You have an impairment, but you don't allow it to be a limitation at all.

I didn't really understand what you wanted someone to do (I don't know what a .m64 file is for example), but I hope someone will do it for you.
OoT Rocks!
Thank you for the kind words. a .m64 file is an input capture. as you play the game, the emulater remembers each button you press(or command you give to the game). it rights it to a file and when you play it back the emulater mimics what the person did. so it would appear as if your computer were playing OoT but actually it is simply a sequence of key presses given by the player, being repeted to reproduce what the person playing actually did. another advantage to this is: as a .m64 file is playing and it reaches a part you want to play yourself(boss or what ever), you stop the playback and control is given back to the player so he or she can continue from where the .m64 file actually left off. I don't understand how it actually works(how it makes random outcomes in the game the same every time), but it generally works and I guess that's all that matters. as most people would think---as long as your car starts up every morning and gets you to work and back, it doesn't really matter how it does it just as long as it does. so what I was basicly wanting someone to do is to create .m64 files of them beaten the entire game.
OoT Rocks!
Is there anyone who would be willing to do the OoT?
Odd, a blind man who can find this site, type nearly perfectly, plays video games (though I heard a blind dude can kick ass in Soul Calibur II), has OoT "for boss fights", wants the map to be there (even though he can't see it) and expects a video to help him learn the game...

Maybe he'll get wii too....


Hold on, if your blind, how the heck are you reading our posts, or are you printing them off in braille?
OoT Rocks!
OK... There is a piece of computer software called "JAWS"(Acronim for "Job access with speech"). it is capable of reading the contents of the computer screan and speeking it to me. I can navigate through most anything on the computer without really any trouble. of corse, there is the odd application that has so many graphics that Jaws can't read it, but that doesn't happen too often. as I type, jaws reads the letters I am typing and I can have it read my entire document back and it says most words correctly. I am very big into computers(I think computer programming will be my way of making a living). I have even done a small amount of visual basic programming, and jaws can read most of it correctly. there are still some bugs that need to be ironed out to make jaws better and more compatible,  but that will all be worked out in good time(I trust).
OoT Rocks!
do you think it would be possible for me to find my way to Morpha, or the Lost Woods ocarina quest(where you have to follow along with the ocarina songs)?
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-10-21 11:16:25 pm
He's back!
Use the modify button plz, which is located at the top right hand corner of your posts. I don't understand how you could complete this game if you're blind, you must be partially sighted. I tried getting out of the Temple of Time and into Kakariko, while being in another room but the best I've been able to do is land in the river where the bridge is before Kakariko.
OoT Rocks!
"Use the modify button plz, which is located at the top right hand corner of your posts."---please explain that? location on the screan doesn't tell me anything. and I don't have any sight at all---with my interest in OoT, if I had sight I probably would have beaten the game without getting hit by now. if you want to try anything in OoT with your eyes closed or whatever, Queen Gohma is probably the first thing you should try as it was the first thing I tried and it was simple. once you've beaten that with your eyes closed, then move on to more chalenging bosses. I can get out of the temple of time, but could not reach kakariko. I could get into the fire temple on my own(play the song and walk to it). I can also get into the shadow temple on my own(as long as I have the song and it's opened). if I am already in the spirit temple I can get to the boss room on my own;same with the forest temple and fire temple. in jabu-jabu, I have found the way to the 3rd tenticle room myself(as long as it's already opened up).
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Whenn: 2006-10-22 12:14:31 am
AKA, reading your post it seems that you assume he beat this game.
He didn't. He's asking for help to beat it.
I could very well be reading your post wrong so just ignore this post if I'm wrong.

Anyway, Jordan, what you're trying to do is really awesome, and inspiring.
I'd be glad to get you some .m64 files of early parts of the game (early bosses, dungeons or anything else), and I say early parts simply because I don't think I'm very capable of reaching deeper parts of the game yet (I haven't beaten the game yet, but I'm willing to try and get anywhere).

So let me know what .m64 files you'd like to get if you want my help (I know you'd like the whole game in a .m64 file but like I said I didn't beat it yet and have no idea how to reach some parts)

Also Coolcwer, please read the entire thread before posting, he already explained what you asked about.


Btw Jordan, the modify button is used to edit your post, like I just did, to prevent people from posting a bunch of times in a row if they forget to add something.
It's located on the upper right corner of your post (a centimeter above the text you post and a few more to the right - there's also two other buttons near it, remove and quote and it's between them both).
please explain that? location on the screan doesn't tell me anything. and I don't have any sight at all

Then how do you know where the post button is?
OoT Rocks!
coolcwer, here's how I have been posting on this site:
If you've been reading this whole thread, you would have seen a detailed explanation from me of Jaws(Job access with speach) for windows, and how it works. jaws has many built-in commands that make IE(Internet explorer) very easy to use. as you press the aro keys, jaws reads text. if you hit down aro, jaws moves down 1 line and reads that line. up does the opposit. tapping the left/right aro keys moves it in either direction and reads a letter. there are many other commands(to make it read whole words, spell them out etc) but if I got into all of that this would be an accessively long post. anyways, to directly answer your question. after reading your post, I emediatly hit control+f7(only works if jaws is on) to bring up a "links list" window. in any list view stile window, pressing the aro keys moves the curcer in the coresponding direction and reads the item it is currently pointing to in the list. also, pressing a particular letter moves the curcer to the first item in the list starting with that letter. pressing the same letter again will move it to the next one. so I hit r to be taken to the Reply link, and then hit the enter key. I then use verious jaws commands to get to the edit box where you type your message. Once done, I can use jaws reading commands to proofread and edit what I've said, and finally do another control-f7 to make the links list window come up again. pressing p moves me directly to the post button, where I can smack the enter key one last time to post my message. I know that for a sighted person, this all probably sounds like a different language(I don't know 1 fully sighted person that really knows jaws inside and out, accept for our school's system administrators, who still do the odd senceless thing when it comes to jaws, making it not work). I'm sorry for getting so long-winded, but I hope i've  answered your questions. if anything is still unclear, please don't be shy to ask for clarification.
Try "modify", since that's what YaBB calls edit.

And you only posted an explanation of Jaws once, and it wasn't quite detailed.
OoT Rocks!
it still tells PPL that the way I read what's on my computer screan is through a piece of speach software. I'm sorry, but when I was typing that message, lunch was ready and I was heading up for something to eat---but I didn't realize that it was still unclear to some people. My bad, thank's for pointing that out. 
If you've been reading this whole thread, you would have seen a detailed explanation from me of Jaws


Hello This message is brought to you by jaws that is now reading you this post at this very second BWHAHAHAHAH
Edit history:
Jordan: 2006-10-22 04:28:08 am
OoT Rocks!
Hello This message is brought to you by jaws that is now reading you this post at this very second BWHAHAHAHAH

Now that's what I call a useless post! what is that supposed to be telling me. sounded kinda offencive actually, like you are making it sound like it's my falt that I can't see and need jaws.
let me know if I'm wrong about that.
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Whenn: 2006-10-23 10:45:04 am
You're right, he is just trying to be funny but he sounded like an *******.
Everything's better with Magitek
Jordan, I think it's great what you're trying to do!  I don't know why people don't believe that you can navigate a website when you're blind.  In a web design class that I had, we had a lesson on making websites accessible to people with impairments.  I had to try navigating a website as a blind person would; I couldn't see anything on the website, and I had to use a program like Jaws to read everything.  It was pretty tough!  You must have a lot of patience, and I admire you for not letting your blindness get in the way of things you want to do.  I'd help you out, but I don't have an N64 emulator.  Hopefully someone will!
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Mkt2015: 2006-10-22 09:24:31 am
MGS for PS1 forever.
I agree with essentia. I can't imagine what it's like to lose your sight. I've thought about it alot and the one sense I could live without would be hearing. While it's nice to listen to music, I don't buy music so I simply enjoy whatever is on the radio when I go places. Another reason why is because I was born with bad now it's just getting worse and worse. A few people at work just thought I was ignoring them and being an asshole until I told them that I hadn't heard them and have bad hearing.

I'm sure you have to listen to different things in a game to know what to do...what other games have you played? Just curious.
Edit history:
Jordan: 2006-10-22 03:42:23 pm
OoT Rocks!
I played Bass hunter 64 and beat it many times. I needed the rumble pack in order to know when the fish were biting, but the game was actually ntb for blind people. perhaps the best n64 game for blind people was: Pokemon stadium 2. I was mind-set on beating that game, and I nearly did so. However one section of it got on my nervs(not that it required vision;it really didn't, but it was just annoying). I just zoomed through the rest of that game like nothing but that one section was just killing me. I had that cup beaten for me by the very person who seamed to be in a rush to buy the game off of me. for time-saving reasons, he did that cup for me, and I got through the rest of the game no trouble. somehow, just before my friend was going to buy the game from me, I somehow lost it. In the passed I also played some of the hockey games for n64. some I was ntb at and some I didn't do so great on. the other one I tried was Wave Race64, but I wasn't good at that. I also beat Ready to rumble boxing and Knockout kings 2000 on my own. and of corse, they also have what you call "Audio games"---games designed for blind/visually impaired people. what makes them good is that they are often made by blind/visually impaired people, so the developers understand what needs to go into an audio game. I've played some of those and beat most of the ones I've played. there's one that I got so good at, that I even tried speed running it just for fun and recording it. My time was: 36 min 45 sec, when to play it normally takes about 1 hour. just to kill time, I've been trying to speed run it again, in hopes of breaking 30 minutes. and Whenn, can you please check your inbox on this site? I sent you a message regarding your offer. and I could get you the required n64 emu.  
Hello This message is brought to you by jaws that is now reading you this post at this very second BWHAHAHAHAH

Now that's what I call a useless post! what is that supposed to be telling me. sounded kinda offencive actually, like you are making it sound like it's my falt that I can't see and need jaws.
let me know if I'm wrong about that.

Actually, I just thought it would be interesting for you to hear that, I wasn't trying to make a useless post, but this is kind of a useless topic.
OoT Rocks!
OK. I'm sorry I took offence to it---I thought you were making fun of my blindness  or something. By the way, I have a question. Some how, I managed to "Accidentally" pull off the trick where you trap morpha and slash him over and over again. I happen to have a .m64 file of it because I was recording boss fights at the time. how is it possible to trap him without actually taking the time to longshot him into the corner? I just longshotted him once and then started slashing and just kept hitting him.
He's back!
You need to keep longshotting Morpha and then you'll have to somehow skillfully turn 180 degrees and then keep moving forward until you trap him in a corner. Gohma should be exeptionally easy if you Z-target use a slingshot, equip a deku stick, jumpslash and then power crouches. I have no idea how you'll be able to hook shot certain places in the game since you can't lock onto them. Even I find them hard to hit first time round, not to mention climbing ladders and entering tunnels. Do you have a proper visualsation of the dimensions of each room/area and whats contained within them.
OoT Rocks!
the Morpha like I say, I did the trap trick totally by fluik. I happened to be recording at the time so I showed the .m64 file to some ppl. I can beat the boss normally(I've been able to beat him successfully, 99 percent of the time, for over a year now). Gohma is the same way, but I prefer to fight her normally, although I have done the deku stick/crouch stab strat and it's easy. I have trouble beating dodongo, volvagia and the second form of ganon, but other than that I can beat every other boss absolutely no trouble. and I don't understand your question about visualizing dementions or whatever---please explain.
Sorry I didn't notice the Private Message Jordan, I replied to yours now.
Just call me the cynicism machine
How do you manage the menu/item assignments if you can't see what the cursor is placed on?  Do you have to walk in to Gohma/take damage in the process in order to know that you're close enough to crouch stab?  How will you know if you're aiming high enough to hit Phantom Gannon in the Forest Temple?

I'm sorry, but there are way too many complications for me to believe that a blind person can play through OoT.