I still can't help but think this is BS. You are shooting better than yautja in these videos, and we know he isn't blind. I don't care how good you are with savestates, it will not look that clean.
I still can't help but think this is BS. You are shooting better than yautja in these videos, and we know he isn't blind. I don't care how good you are with savestates, it will not look that clean.
It's called memorizing.
The run was all right but can be improved buy alot. Watch this video
Instead of lighting the web on fire wich takes forever just backwalk at the web and you'l pass though it.
Also is this a 100% run? Becuz it's not nessary to get the map and compass
I believe he really is. What would he have to gain from lying about that?
Its the internet, people BS about stuff like this all the time just because they can and they get a power rush.
Honestly, unless he shows us a re-record count in the 15,000 range (which is like a TAS at that point, he wouldn't even be playing the game), i wouldn't believe he could memorize the movements either. Using a million savestates would somewhat allow me to believe this, but then he isn't even playing the game anymore.
I think it's pretty darn awesome. That and I think he's really blind - I've been following this topic for a while and I think there's a lot of subtle evidence that supports his condition. The manner in which he's always posted for example. He never uses many line breaks because to him, visual separation of different bodies of text doesn't mean anything. He's often responded to multiple people in a single paragraph, and I don't think he ever uses the "quote" feature, though he does copy and paste... the two are practically the same since he can't see the box generated by quote tags. That and he discussed audio games early in the topic with StrangenessDSS. Also, if you watch his movements, he usually bases his movement off of a wall or by walking toward a sound. He can use stereo speakers to follow the sound of just about anything in the room with much more accuracy than we can - plus he has tons of practice at doing it. Usually he finds a fixed location based on a wall or sound then uses the look feature to allow him to rotate the proper amount, then he's lined up for his shot. Lastly, it's not like he's doing this for the first time. This is the product of 10 years of almost obsessively listening to videos and trying to reproduce them based entirely on audio responses. I think given enough time, talent, and effort, this could easily be done.
Much more incredible things have been done, and given the behavior of Jordan on this forum, I see no reason to believe that his accomplishments are false. I acknowledge the possibility that they could be, but I'm willing to take that risk in congratulating Jordon on his accomplishment. If he's lying, then he's wasting his own time, but if he's telling the truth I wouldn't want his work to go without recognition. He's probably put more work into getting through the Deku Tree than some of us do for entire speedruns, and since he'll likely never have a run on SDA, I think he should be congratulated for his accomplishments in this thread.
Stanski, I just want you to know, I'm not trying to say you're wrong, or that you're a jerk or whatever. I'm just another dude stating my view on things. I understand and respect your doubts even though I don't share them.
I have in the past used the "quote" option, though only if it's just for one post as to me it's annoying to use it for a hole bunch in one of my posts. My re-record count was up there, but not fifteen-grand. it might have been around 2 grand at the most. Laughing_Gas, you have the .m64 file. Mind posting the re-records count(for the newest one)? I'm not sure what a3d is. I use a headset while playing on the computer. Slingshotting accurately on the eye switch takes a lot of savestates because it doesn't make sound(Only Fair, Right?). Things like skulltulas don't require as many since I can get the horizontle alinement using directional sound, though the virticle alinement can take a fiew savestates. I doubt my shots even come close to matching yautja's;Sure, I was accurate, but not super-fast. My first attempt at the deku tree shows me taking 14 unsuccessfull shots before a fifteenth one finally hit that eye switch. As for why I got the compass and map, it was to proove that I could get them. my first three versions excluded them. You are right, I will not have a run on SDA, though when I do finesh the game the recordings will find themselves on youtube. On my n64, I've gotten as far as the spike room, but couldn't ever jump onto that platform correctly. The eye switch is also problematic for me using the n64. I've just about memorized the way to the slingshot though.
Speeking of that spike room, in my first and second deku completion recordings(which I haven't released) I used the glitch to get passed the spike. I chose to do it the other way this time because it's actually harder to find the switch, step on it, swim out of the water, find and get on the platform and ride across than it is to do the glitch for me(both methods using re-records). As proof, I can produce Genuine, Re-record free bossfights(someone like laughing_gas has the ability to tell if I've used re-records). If anyone's got MM mupen savestates, I can produce recordings of fights in that as well(Not gyorg or twinmold plz). I can and plan to do lots of OoT ones though. You might find this surprising, but this is only version 4 of my dekutree thing. I've actually done it 5 times, first one unrecorded. One more thing: I'm at school where the youtube site is blocked. Can someone please take the comments for my vid from that site and put them up on the forum?
Just cut the guy some slack. ANYTHING can be accomplished no matter what the disability. I think that if a blind guy can rock at the electric guitar, then it is possible for a blind guy to rock at video games. I don't really think someone would play a game and say that he/she is blind just to get serious props. I mean, if you just watch the damn video, you can see that whoever is playing could very well be blind. Following the context clues of the video, it is easy to tell that the person does follow the walls a lot of the time and tends to climb vines with a memorized pattern (that sometimes, if you watch, proves to be redundant). I think he IS blind and I think he is AWESOME...
Good job dude and keep up the good work...just show all us people with eyes how much better you can rock than us!!!
Very incurraging! Thanks guys! I'm truely amazed that there is only one up-front skepticle pesimist (Stanski) on this forum;On other forums I've posted to there were huge numbers of them. Mind you, I can often be one myself;Not regarding people's accomplishments, but regarding mankind itself.
Jordan, if there is any way to validate your run ... well, i will be sincere: if there is any way to validate your blindness and your playing (with a cam recording at you and OoT at the same time, or something similar) it should be posted on SDA as the other runs / speedruns.
To run, or speed-run a game is one thing, to play a game being blind is another different. I think that your run should be posted on SDA with an special mention, really. You deserve it. Dam* ... i can't think on another run right now that deserves more to be posted here.
Yes, I do realize that he put an incredible amount of work into the video; probably moreso than many of the runs on the site already. However, I am completely against putting his run on the site just because he happened to be born a certain way.
It's a wonderful accomplishment, but I don't think it belongs on the site. Please don't take this personally. :/
Well, Either way;Many people will have different oppinions on that. I did how ever, show that video to one of the councelers at my school who was inspired by it. He said that he had connections and there was a chance that it could be aired on tv. As soon as I am able to get the co-ordinate walkthrough for OoT that I'm looking for, I will show you all that I can beat this entire game. I'll show you that what I've truely wanted, more than anything, for at least 2 years, is not out of my reach. Now how refreshing is it when you can do something equally well(or better) than a seeing person? This is bringing back memmories of 6 or 7 years ago;I was over at a friends house, totally showing him and his brother(who can both see) who's boss in the nintendo64 game "Ready to Rumble Boxing"! Yeah, it was refreshing! I could beat them every time-and not just a victory, but a totally painless masiker! This week, I plan to do some recordings of me beating many OoT bosses. I'd love to do MM;However, I only have 1 savestate for it. I will do that one, though I'd love to do more. I have a beaten MM file so you wouldn't have to beat anything. Anyone think they might be able to bring me to a fiew bosses and other things in the game(MM), and make save states for them(in mupen)? At this point I can do quite a fiew fights(Not limited to bosses) in that game(Including the final boss).
wow, the video is finally up. I must say, I was very impressed, almost too impressed -- it's hard to believe someone without sight could do all that. I certainly understand the disbelief of some other posters here, but this is a bit much for it all to be a practical joke. I'd rather believe it's real anyway since it's rather inspirational.
Anyone know where I can get a vid (with audio) of someone beating the Snowpeak Ruins dungeon in Twilight princess? How long do you guys think it will take for the first speedrun to come out? Snowpeak isn't skipped, is it?