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thegreginator: 2006-06-04 10:34:19 pm
Okay for those who dont know I can now get a 366 consistently on DP1 while getting an extra feather for Bowser.  Smiley

The method I use is by going into a pipe and coming out at a different place in the level.  The 366 I get by doing this saves me 5 "marios" (timeunits) from my usual time of 361 using the old method.  I timed the toal time that going into the pipe and coming out of it takes, and it was 5 seconds, which is about 7.3 marios.  This means that the new method is 2.3 marios (1.6 seconds) slower than my old method.:(  I am very reluctantly going to go back to the old method because 1.6 seconds is a lot, even though I think a level timer of 366 is really cool.

If someone can find a way to make this new method worth my while, I'm all ears.  I spinjump fly into the first upside down pipe by 382, then when I come out I use the platform under the yoshi box to get up speed and fly over the green pipe to the key.  If you need more explanation than that, check TASvideos.  

Also it looks like I will need a new method for getting a second feather now if anyone has any ideas (I'm thinking SW4 is the best bet, but not sure).

Edit: Fabian, I cant watch .smv videos, is there any way you could put it into a different format (or tell me how I can watch .smv)?  Thanks
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Fabian: 2006-06-04 10:43:10 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I can't put it in another format I'm afraid, I don't know how to encode movies and stuff like that. To watch .smv's, what you need is a recent version of the Snes emulator, which can be found here. You also need the Super Mario World rom. Linking to roms is not allowed on tasvideos, I'm not sure if it is here. It can probably be found easily via google, it's usually called Super Mario World (U).smc or something like that.

After you have the emulator, the SMW rom and the .smv (the movie file), you load the rom in the emulator, and go to File -> Movie Play, select the movie file, and press OK.
Like A Fox
SW4 would probably be the best bet for the second cape. Make sure it doesn't cost more than 1.6 seconds to get the extra cape at SW4, if it does then do the DP1 thing. I don't think it will.
Okay, here is my thought on capes:

First of all, I have been practicing the Bowser fight with the cape and it is very hard to do.  The timing must be perfect for you to fly up above Bowser just before he throws the mechakoopas.  Its very hard to get this timing down.  Even if I do, I have to sloppily fall back down to the second mechakoopa and throw it back up, becasue I cant catch it (the second one) in midair.  Overall, by flying the Bowser fight becomes much more difficult and is subject to many errors.  I honestly think that my sloppiness will actually make me lose time instead of gaining it.  I will practice more to be rid of this sloppiness, but as of now, I dont think I'm going to use a cape for Bowser.  If I impove significantly, this may change.

If I do get a (second) cape, I think I will get in in DP1 and lose 1.6 seconds, becasue in SW4  it is much harder to get the cape and I have the potential to lose just as much time.  As a result, I havent really practiced getting a cape in SW4.  Also, the DP1 method looks very cool.  If anyone has a specfic route or strategy for getting the cape in SW4, let me know.  Also let me know how much time you will lose for a certain strategy (it should be under 1.6 seconds/2.3 marios).

Thanks for all the help.
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jimsfriend: 2006-06-05 01:49:15 am
Like A Fox
Since you will be sitting next to your partner the timing might not be so bad. Give skamastaG a stopwatch which he starts timing the instant you enter the red door. Then at a predefined time (determined by trying a lot until you get it right) he tells you to jump (a hand signal might be better). Then restart the stopwatch and start timing at the mushroom sound animation for the second and third parts, or something like that. If you were already doing this, then maybe it's too hard.

EDIT: Also, does anybody know if there are any random elements in the timing of the bowser fight, such as how long it takes him to show up the first time, how long after the fireballs, or something like that?
Yeah, I said it.
Okay for those who dont know I can now get a 366 consistently on DP1 while getting an extra feather for Bowser.  Smiley

The method I use is by going into a pipe and coming out at a different place in the level.  The 366 I get by doing this saves me 5 "marios" (timeunits) from my usual time of 361 using the old method.  I timed the toal time that going into the pipe and coming out of it takes, and it was 5 seconds, which is about 7.3 marios.  This means that the new method is 2.3 marios (1.6 seconds) slower than my old method.:(  I am very reluctantly going to go back to the old method because 1.6 seconds is a lot, even though I think a level timer of 366 is really cool.

If someone can find a way to make this new method worth my while, I'm all ears.  I spinjump fly into the first upside down pipe by 382, then when I come out I use the platform under the yoshi box to get up speed and fly over the green pipe to the key.  If you need more explanation than that, check TASvideos

Also it looks like I will need a new method for getting a second feather now if anyone has any ideas (I'm thinking SW4 is the best bet, but not sure).

Edit: Fabian, I cant watch .smv videos, is there any way you could put it into a different format (or tell me how I can watch .smv)?  Thanks

Yeah, I could have told you this before, I thought you had just found some weird flying trick or something.

It's technically possible to get a 369 on Donut Plains 1 by using the pipe, but it's more costly in terms of real-time, which is why I just flew from the beginning of the stage to the keyhole, no pipe.
Twing Galaxies does not allow a single-segment run to be credited to more than one runner - it has to be one runner.  There are segmented runs on this site that have multiple players.  Not sure what the stance is on single segment runs by multiple people.
Thegreginator and I are now officially done with school so we will have lots of time to practice and start recording. 

Also, thegreginator got a 261 on SW2 with small mario and he is close to getting it with a cape.
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thegreginator: 2006-06-08 12:07:09 am

I have improved my Bowser fight to 2:01, and I predict I can get it down to 1:59 with a new method on the third phase.  This is without a cape of course.

On DP1, I can get a level timer of 336 if I get a second cape (which I won't be doing, so it doesn't matter), and 367 if I don't. In order for this level to make up for the time lost in the pipe, however, I need at least a 369.  Since I can only get a 367, I wont be doing the pipe method unless I can find a way to get 369, which is unlikely.  For the "normal" method, I am getting better at getting a 362, although it's still pretty rare.  It all depends on my luck with flying speed.  

To work on flying fast, I play YI2 with a cape.  I can get a 363 and a 360 back to back, even if I do everything the same (at least as far as I can tell).  Depending on when you press forward, you either get a big speed-up or a big slow down. Hopefully I'll be able to master this, and then I might be able to get a 362 on DP1 in the run.
It's technically possible to get a 369 on Donut Plains 1 by using the pipe, but it's more costly in terms of real-time, which is why I just flew from the beginning of the stage to the keyhole, no pipe.

Lucid Faia: Are you able to get a 369 or are you just saying that it's possible?  If you are able to, I am very curious as to how.  
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GWing_02: 2006-06-08 07:45:58 am
something or another
the greginator:

Fast Flying is a very difficult trick to pull off for human players; heck it's even difficult to understand for TASers who had never used it before (friendly wink at JXQ and Fabian).  It involves frame-precise manipulation for 100% optimum results (the cycle is every five frames if I recall correctly), and depending on where you hit it in the cycle you'll get very different results.  You have to "guess" where the cycle starts each time you fly, too.

I don't think you'll gain anything out of trying to "practice" flying; human reflexes simply can't make a noticeable dent in the time.  Luck will be your best bet.

On YI2 remember to stay on the circularly rotating platforms for as long as possible to maximize the slight boost you get from those and to avoid the backwards moving platforms (jump on the koopas).
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thegreginator: 2006-06-09 12:42:12 am
GWing_02: If I understand correctly, the speed at which you are flying oscilates in 5 frame cycles.  Your speed depends on which frame you press forward.  As soon as you press forward, your speed is "stuck" at that particular speed.  This speed may be faster or slower than the middle value of these oscilations (aka the average flying speed if you never press forward), depending on which frame you pressed forward on.  I am just trying to get lucky with when I press forward.  The part where the practicing comes in is getting the feel for if I am flying fast or slow, so I can adjust this by pressing forward again as needed.  If it looks like I am flying fast, I will not press forward again, and my speed will thus stay fast throughout the level. If it looks like I am flying slow, I will press forward again, hoping to press it on a frame that makes you go faster.  If I dont seem to speed up after I press forward, I will try again and again, until it looks like I am flying fast.  The only hard part is getting the feel for if I am going fast or slow.

The only thing I said above that I'm not completely sure about is if my speed is actually "stuck" at the speed that results when I first press forward (if I dont ever press it again in the level).  It seems to me that if I press forward on a "good" frame early on that makes me go faster, I dont slow down later in the level and I stay at a constant speed (as long as I dont press forward again).  Can this be verified?  Does pressing back (or any other button except forward) change your speed?  

And dont worry, GWing_02, skamastaG avoids all backward moving platforms and stays on all forward moving ones for as long as possible on YI3 (I assume you meant YI3, not YI2).  Wink

jimsfriend: Do you know your time for the Bowser fight?  I think my fight, currently at 2:01, could be further perfected, and I wanted to see what you could get on it.

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
You're almost correct about the flying thing. When you hold ->, your flying speed oscillates in 5 frame cycles, like you describe. It is when you release -> your flying speed stops oscillating, hopefully in a state where you're flying fast. So, if you're flying slow, you can press -> to start the oscillating thing again, and when you release -> it will land on a new random speed. No other buttons will affect your flying speed, as long as you don't hit X to cape spin, in which case <- might (though not always) affect it as well.
Like A Fox
The part where the practicing comes in is getting the feel for if I am flying fast or slow, so I can adjust this by pressing forward again as needed.
That could take you a while. A very long while.

Using this to time it, my bowser fight took 2:05. I started timing when I pressed up on the d pad at the big red door (it was pretty exact). I stopped timing when I lost control of Mario. This was determined by rapidly pressing up after the final hit, and when Mario stopped shaking his head I had lost control. I use the same strategies that sdkess has in his speedrun.
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thegreginator: 2006-06-10 03:58:34 am

I just got a 1:59 on my Bowser fight (capeless).  My timing method is that the clock starts the instant the Bowser stage "materializes" and stops on the last hit on Bowser.  I do the first two phases just like Alexis Neuhaus (the previous TAS record holder before VIPer7/flagitious and JXQ) and I do the last phase like Scott Kessler.  On this 1:59 my second phase had a small delay in it because I didnt throw the second mechakoopa up "through" Bowser's ride, but I dont know if this delay would have made the difference between a 1:59 and a 1:58.  I may end up with a 1:58 if I get that delay fixed, but it's not for sure.

jimsfriend: You probably already knew this, but if you continue to press up after you've lost control, you can make the end credits a little more entertaining. Wink

I'm leaving town now and getting back Thursday night, so I wont have anymore updates for a while.
welcome to the machine
This was determined by rapidly pressing up after the final hit, and when Mario stopped shaking his head I had lost control.

Couldn't you just hold up?
something or another
The part where the practicing comes in is getting the feel for if I am flying fast or slow, so I can adjust this by pressing forward again as needed.

A tricky proposition.  Tap it at most, if you get anywhere near diving mode your speed will slow drastically.

And dont worry, GWing_02, skamastaG avoids all backward moving platforms and stays on all forward moving ones for as long as possible on YI3 (I assume you meant YI3, not YI2).  Wink

Yeah, that's what I meant.  I keep thinking in terms of the run rather than the game.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
A tricky proposition.  Tap it at most, if you get anywhere near diving mode your speed will slow drastically.

Although tapping is indeed the correct way to change flying speed, holding -> for a longer time will not necessarily mean a slowdown. It will result in an average flying speed, since every frame you're holding ->, your flying speed will change. There is nothing drastic about this at all, as in diving can will not at any given frame decrease your speed to something slower than regular slow flying, and like I said, the end result will be average.
something or another
Eh? I thought diving was slower. My bad.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Eh? I thought diving was slower. My bad.

I'm guessing the reason you'd think that might be because diving is slower while TASing, since you go from fastest speed to average speed during the dive. Which is why you need to hold -> in multiples of 5 frames while TAS-diving, to quickly go back to the fasest speed. (If you only do this once, hold -> for 5 frames that is, no frames will be lost. If you do it twice (10 frames), you will sometimes lose 1 frame).
I have been practicing Donut Secret 1 constantly trying to figure out the fastest way to beat it.  I discovered a new strategy and I can get a 257 almost everytime.  I have gotten a 258 a few times, but it is extremely difficult.  Only one time was actually legit for a speedrun.  The other times I lost my cape due to the fish above the keyhole.  I will most likely get a 257 on the run becaue a 258 is too hard and risky. 

There is one point in DS1 where i could possibly improve.  When I grab the shell in the pipe I always leave the pipe with a 274 on the timer.  The TAS videos get 275 because they do not slow down at all for the shell.  I can do that, but I still only get 274.  I think one time I would have gotten a 275 but I didn't press down fast enough.  My question is: is it possible to get the shell and leave the pipe at 275 on console or am I just wasting my time?
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skamastaG: 2006-06-16 05:50:07 am
Sorry to double post but I was playing Donut Secret 1 and I have really cleaned it up.  I have gotten a few more 258 and I actually think it is possible for me to get it in a run.  I almost always get a 257 so now it is just between a 257 and 258.  With a little bit more practice, I think a 258 will become a regular time for me.
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thegreginator: 2006-06-16 08:12:09 pm
For Donut Ghost House, I can currently get a 338 pretty much every single time.  Every time I do DGH for the first time after console power on (regardless if other levels have been done before it), the first boo circle is in the same ("standard") position.  This means that in the context of a run, I will always be stuck with this "standard" boo circle, which yields a 338. Every time you do DGH another time (without turning the console on and off), the position of the first circle changes.  In an ideal circle, I have gotten a 339, and a 340 is definately possible.

I am wondering if it is possible to manipulate the position of the first boo circle if the situation is that you're playing DGH for the first time after power on.  Tool-assisted runners talk about delaying entering the level for a certain number of frames so the enemies will be in better positions.  Even delaying entering a door within a level will change enemy positions on the other side (ex: Fortress Reznor).  Is it possibe to change the position of the first boo circle or is it in a set position (in the context of your first play of the level after power on)?  Could delaying enetering the level work on console or does it have to be the exact number of frames of delay?  Also, are the map animations (such as the moving clouds and the boo flying near the ghost house) reset upon exiting a level (DS1), or do they continuously loop from the moment you enter the Donut Plains map?  If they are reset after each level, I might be able to look to them to know when to enter DGH, if the whole delay thing works, that is.

I dont need to change the position of the second circle because it is always ideal for me when, in my "standard" 338 run, I get into the first door at 385.  If the first circle was manipulated for me to get in at 386 or 387, however, the position of the second circle might need to be manipulated to compensate for the different time getting into the door (I'm almost positive that the time you enter the door is what effects the second circle).
Like A Fox
From what I can tell the game saves the position of the boo circle. A reset turns all saved values to zero so the boo circle is in position "zero". When you enter the level it will always be in the same position (on your first time through). It continues to spin until you leave the door/level (don't know which) and saves that value. Next time you enter the level the boo circle is at the saved position.

I think.
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thegreginator: 2006-06-17 03:57:55 am
Anyone who is a Mario fan, check out the SMW Bowser Run topic here.  I am looking for any SMW runners (even if you dont have experience) to compile a database of videos for each level done as fast as possible both with a cape and without it.  The database will be posted on this site alongside the current single-segment videos, and the times for each level will be posted with credit given to the runners. The times and videos will help any future Mario runners to know what times to get and how to get them.  There is no need to do the levels in order or in the same sitting, this project is essetially a 96-segment 96-exit run for both cape and no cape, with many different runners doing many different levels.

Thanks for your help!
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thegreginator: 2006-06-22 08:37:43 pm
Sorry for the double post, but it's been awhile since there have been any updates so here is one.  On DP1, I think I have mastered how to do fast flying through this level.  I am getting much better at getting a 262, which is the ideal time if you go over the pipe and get the cape at the beginning the non-TAS way (jump on the koopa and turn backwards in midair to collect the cape.  When you land, you will still have run so you can take off right away).  I have gotten a 262 about 1 out of every 4 times (if not, it is a 261) in my practice today, so there is a distince possiblilty of me getting it in a run, which would be a 3 mario improvement from Scott Kessler's time of 259. Cheesy

Some of the times when I do this level, I miss the kamikaze dive into the key at the end and hit the pipe, which slows you down.  Even with this slowdown, I have still managed to get a 262, so it is looking more possible and consistent.

Fabian, hows the progress on the 96 run coming?  I cant wait to see it. Grin