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From what I can tell about the Finny Frenzy, it happens either 3 days or 1 week after the Fishing Contest ends. At least the menu tells you when it is, but that doesn't help if you happen to beat the dungeons you need BC3 for before you can even get it. I'm still doing some research, but so far that's what I've noticed about the Finny Frenzy. It isn't random. It always happens a set amount of time after the Fishing Contest, so if we can learn how long in real time it takes for that to happen then it'll make things that much easier.
The finny frenzy is a big unknown atm. No one really has put time into. But im starting to think It will be needed in the run and will save time by skipping all chests after chapter 4 maybe some of 5.

All that I know is that the actual fishing frenzy cinematic (not the atarting one) begins after one of the end chapter 4 dunegons 100% of the time. If this is connected to when it starts I have no idea though.

I may do some testing tonight.. although I really wanna get a srl race going.
Alright, my japanese copy finally came in the mail. Will be doing a chapter 1-3 run at my next opportunity.
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HavokMoobii: 2014-09-02 08:04:45 pm
So I'm still working on this. My internet access has just been a little limited recently. I have mostly been working on a perfect save to test with and have been taking the time to try out all the Ridepod parts as I go. I am currently halfway through chapter 5.

Few things: Buggy is fast. At least as fast as the propeller leg. Its a little awkward to fight with though.. I'm going to play with it a bit more.

I really like the machine gun arms in the earlier chapters, but they only shoot forward and go over some enemies.

Finnie Frenzy is bs. I sat around for 10 days waiting for the damn thing after getting the cutscene during the fishing contest.

I suck at Spehda.

I really think that using Max and Monica could be viable with some clever building up. I'm going to test this extensively once I get to Moonflower Palace.

Edit: Maybe we could reconsider inventing Turkeys for money? The only issue with not opening chests is gatekeepers being behind locked doors. You could always take Donny for that, but then you wouldn't have Pau... 
I never played around the buggy much tbh, but when I did try it I dismissed it straight away cause it was so awkward to control and fight with, doubt it will save any time, specially with the risk of getting hit on Chapter 3? I believe it is and using ridepod fuel.

For finny frenzy was it the fishing contest or the actually finny frenzy announcement near the end of chapter 4? From what I figured the actually contest would start somewhere in the middle of the dungeon grind of Chapter 5, meaning making a daytrip to go out and get it and the next Seal Breaker at the same time. Also another thing, does the time speed option make a difference on when it spawns? I keep it on default.

Problem with building up Max and Monica is synthing stuff onto weapons is very slow.. Unless you mean another way? I dont think we will get out of using the Ridepod to clear things except at the end with a buffed up Steal Gun.

And Turkeys are definitely a no go. I tried this the other day, mass making them takes AGEs. You can make only one at a time, and each craft has like a 6 second animation :>
I'm sorry guys. IRL stuff has had me a little withdrawn from this. But I have plenty of time and will do my part to research everything you've been wondering. But here's what I can answer so far.
1. Max/Monica only is completely out of the Any% category. There is no easy weapon to make or buy that will be synth-able until late game. I've already read very deep into that idea and came up with absolutely nothing. Even tried to find an alternative to the Supernova. Got nada.
2. Each Turkey has a 6 second animation and sells for a net profit of 140G. 30 seconds equals 700G. 1 minute equals 1400G. Honestly, 1 minute for that seems rather good. However, you add about 2 minutes altogether for photos, inventing, and menuing, and selling the things. I guess it really depends on what you think is best. 3 minutes for a sure source of income, or leave it to luck.
3. We all need to get really good at Spheda. We could join some golf tournaments with that handy skill that only gets used once.
4. Donny is a good party choice if you have good luck on Ch.2. If you get the carrot there's really no reason why you shouldn't take him.
5. No buggy. Buggy is bad. Fast... But bad.
6. Consider the time frame from when the Fishing Contest starts and how long it takes for the Finny Frenzy to start after that. This is my biggest test yet. If there's a set time it'll trigger then I will have it figured out. A little help with this one would be nice. It's always good to have multiple tests from different people.
7. I like the MGA as well, but the straight fire and short enemies kinda kill it big time. I considered it, but then remembered those two facts that make it a terrible weapon.
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Acefrog: 2014-09-03 07:43:18 pm
Heres something for you guys to bite into if you are up for the challenge or can be arsed..

JP runner notes by a guy called トレイ (Tray? lol):

He goes through a different route than ours, skipping the luck of chestnuts by having Polly for the future etc (I dont see where he recruits Ferdinand tho).. The buy orders are swapped around a bit, so no early coins for Donny.
He uses the Heavy Hammer on Sirus, I have not tried this before so I have no idea what the damage is like.. As well as more Final Bombs on Griffon from what I can understand.
Final ridepod build at the end is.. LA3, Wooden Box Body, Buggy..

Either way.. lots of things in here to go over. Not saying his route is the best, but it opens ideas for out of the box stuff.. His time was 7:03:10, I cant find any vods unfortunately.
When I have time and can be arsed I might translate it into English understandable notes.
Someone please tell me what I'm missing with Final Bombs on Griffon. When I tried them they did laughable damage. Seriously. Like 200 total damage. It was far too dangerous and did way too little damage. That's why I dismissed them. So what am I missing that makes them so good?
In phase 1 the bomb hits all the atlemilla, which is hos weak spot. In Acefrog's last run one bomb pushed him to phase 2.

Sorry posting from my phone, will definitely look into those notes.
Thank you! That's what I missed when I did it. Now I know!
Hammers suck for Sirus. I tried the Cubic, Digi, and Heavy. Steal gun is faster.
Edit history:
Acefrog: 2014-09-04 08:38:57 am
Heres the Prelude and Chapter one JP version:
-Set text speed: Fast
-Attack together for fast battle
-Get Notepad and Wrench

-Give ticket to clown
-Couple > Granny > Girl
-Return ticket to clown
-Kill Clowns
1-1 Rat
1-2 Rat
1-3 Baron Balloon
1-B1 Attack Linda once or Twice
-Equip Camera
-Photo: Fan, Box, Cart, Belt, Fountain
Milk, Window, Street Lamp, Sun, Pipe
-Talk to Cedric for money and go buy:
Iron Scraps 20
Copper 2
Thick Hide 1
Scoop Note 1???
-Invent and Make: Backpack: Milk + Pipe + Belt
-Talk to Cedric
1-B1: Kill with Ridepod
1-4 Vanguard
1-5 Vanguard
1-B2: Throw Bomb, one cycle with Steve
-Photo: Fire House
-1B3: Three bombs on Floatsam
Chapter 1
-Repair and get Bombs, remove from party
-Speak to Firbits
2-1 Himarra
2-2 Tores (400xp by end)
2-3 Turtles (Use Bombs)
-Do swamp quests, catch one extra fish
-Repair, buy BCII and get Bombs, remove from party.
-Speak to Firbits again

2-4 Pumpkin Head*
2-5 Torres*
2-6 Pixie*
2-7 Gyumo*
2-8 Hunter Fox*
2-9 Hunter Fox
-Exit dungeon, Break rocks logs and grass
-Get bombs, Repair and Sell:
Ridepod Weapon
Crystals (Minus Power Crystal? Crystal forces)
Bombs 8
Ring repair powers
Fishing Bait
Totals around: 4450-4500 Gilda
Craggy Rock 2 (Rough rock?)
Bundle of Straw 20
Sturdy Cloth 3
Glass 2
Sugar Cane 4
Forest Dew 6
Scrap of Metal 12
Silver Balls 2
Light 3
Earth 3
Water 15
Wind 3
Totals: 2470G
-Go to Palm Brinks, (start Polly quest)
-Buy Thick Hide and mass of copper? (Continue quest)
-Buy Holy Water and recruit Gordon, (Check Mortons door)
-Photo: Tree, Phone
-Recruit Adel
-Invent and Make: Bell Trigger: Tree + Phone + Fountain
-Go to Sindan then back to Palm Brinks
-Recruit Polly and Bruno

-Sindain and Create:
Straw House
Saku bumpy tree 3? Fence??
Wood  house 2
Water 18
Big tree
60% Georama done for Sindain at end
-Jump to Future, Past, Future (Twice?)
-Buy: Carrot. Gold Paint, Himara Badge. Maron Pointed?? (Must be a Chestnut)
-Go get the Sunflower drop from 1-1
-Photo: Stem of flower
Rainbow Butterfly: Kill
-Go to Balence Valley, speak to Lin
-Recruit: Parn (Get paint), Claire, Dr Dell
-Speak with Lin

I tried to make sense of most of it, some of my comments in brackets. I also added extra things in which he either didn't mention but made sense to go at this point, like the Polly chain.
I am not sure if he is collecting chests in dungeons or not. I think most of the Gilda is from selling bombs and extra bits, extra G from Cedric? Selling the bait and ring repair powder etc.. He does mention selling crystals though, so maybe he does loot some chests.
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HavokMoobii: 2014-09-04 08:31:38 pm
Recruitment quests can't be started until Gordon joins.

Edit: Looking over it... only listing differences from what we do.

Max's name is Yurisu or YOU REES. It gets translated as Ulysse
He gets nearby chests and breaks obstacles.
It says something about fast loading.. maybe a jp console setting?
Gets notebook for no reason
Pretty sure it says to spin attack clowns.

Chapter 1
It says to buy the scoop memo, but I'm pretty sure you start the game with it in both versions.
He doesn't get an extra hide for adel
After you invent the pack and before you make it you can talk to Cedric for some shopping money. I do this in my runs for some quick cash.

Chapter 2
Sindain is called Charlotte in JP
Stavuru is Cedric
Tom is Erik
He gets Mardin and Utan Scoops.
Recruits Polly
Gets both the chestnut and carrot in Jurak Mall
Picture of Stem
Picture of car
I think it says to recruit pork? pooku.. I don't remember any characters with that name in the jp Ferdinand. I'm dumb.

Chapter 3
He makes fences for Balance Valley, pretty sure is pointless.
Buys paint when he first builds the valley.
No idea how Lin's name got translated to phosphorous.. its Rin in JP.
Only buys power crystals.

Chapter 4
He buys the coins before puppet shingala

Chapter 5
Picture of System 5WP2
Invents buggy and energy pack(urn)
Builds Heim Rada seperate.
Invents a Heavy Hammer (Not the Cubic.. I thought that was a weird choice haha)

Chapter 6
Fights with Heavy Hammer, goal is under 3min 30sec
Invents Nova Cannon II

Chapter 7
Invents Laser Arm III
Looks like he sells everything he has at the end and buys as many Final bombs as possible for Griffon II
Got the Wooden Box Body at some point
Kills Dark Element with Heavy Hammer. 3min is the goal.
The main concern I personally have is the close range of using the hammer instead of the gun. If you're like me, you prefer to have a good clearance to avoid potentially deadly attacks, and the Supernova annihilates the end game. However, it removes the random Spheda luck. All in all, we should look at the time set time vs potential time.

If we were to switch over to the Heavy Hammer, or Cubic Hammer, that eliminates the need for clearing an entire floor and playing Spheda. Let's say the floor and Spheda takes 5-7 minutes with optimal luck. You save that much time. If you don't need to upgrade the hammer, you also save the time of stopping and waiting for ABS to drop, which I believe is around 5-7 seconds per enemy. So for the 23(?) floors of the MFP, thats more than 2 minutes saved by not having to upgrade. And then there's the menu time spent on the gun. I estimate that takes roughly 2-3 minutes total (probably even more) to constantly have to switch the weapons back and forth, synth and spectrumize everything, and then build up. So with those estimations, using the hammer in place of the gun saves you... More than 10 minutes. But the real question is whether or not those 10 minutes saved are equal to the time saved by the gun in the last stretch.

With a 3 minute goal for DE, that trails by two minutes already for the hammer. 8 minutes faster. The need to close the gap against enemies can add up if they happen to move quickly, and it should take roughly 30 set seconds to run up in range for the hammer. 7:30 faster. The amount of time it takes to actually kill your final 5 enemies could vary. I don't know how long it takes for the hammer, but the hammer itself is a much slower rate of attack than the gun. We can say that if both weapons did the same damage, the hammer would take 10-20 seconds longer due to the slower attacks. Now let's cut the damage in half and suddenly you're looking at 1-2 minutes longer to dispose of the enemies. I know it's not an exact conversion, but I'm estimating the cool down time between hammer combos and evading enemies' attacks. 4:30-6:30 faster.

All in all, with the theoretic time, it looks like it's slightly faster to use the hammer instead of the gun in the end game. However, I believe the rest of the Ch.7 is the real question to ask to get the definitive answer. When you think of what you need to do to kill the gate keeper, you would continue to use Steve with the MPA3, since it will always kill things more quickly than your hammer. With the gun, you would have to constantly switch back and forth with a 3 second wait time, so 6-9 seconds per floor, adding up to more than 2 minutes of time back on the gun. 6:30 to 8:30 faster. The gun itself is also slower than Steve's MPA3, by a good margin. Let's say for every 1-2 hits from the 4 second attack vs. the 10 hits from the 2 second attack. 8 seconds vs. 20 seconds. Add that the 23(?) floors, and suddenly bam. 3 minutes vs. 7 minutes. Now since I don't really want to think of anything else right now...

My final time is 10:30-12:30 faster to use the hammer. As much as I don't like the idea, it would seem the hammer is quite a lot faster, based on just theoretical estimations. Until put to the test, that's about all we have right now, correct? I hope I didn't miss anything.
So I'm taking a guess and saying life has come up for most of you. Anything in particular you all would like me to start researching more heavily?
Yeah, just waiting on internet. Should be back next week. Im going to go through and change the route for heavy hammer.

I think we should buy 2 dark coins in jurak mall and buy the indestructible from julia later. Adding a dark coin to a weapon is a 1.5x damage boost.
What are the drawbacks of the Dark Coin? Increased damage for what in return?
You take a little damage each time you attack. Should be managable, but needs tested.
Alright. So I went and did a test. Heavy hammer is 100% faster and more consistent than the Supernova. Borneo also helps 100% in obtaining carrots. Not like Borneo really needed to be tested, but 18/20 runs through Ch.2 yielded a carrot with Borneo, where only 13/20 did without him. Heavy hammer is easily the best option when it comes to weapons for Max. I recommend allowing 1 level up and using both the sun and moon stones, the Peridot from Ch.4, and whatever Power Crystals you can add for the most attack. You'll immediately get 21 from the 3 gems, which should leave 4 SP if you haven't done anything with it. But if the plan is to add Dark to it, then that'll leave you with 3. So a total of 27 more attack. With the extra 1 point for the level up. So 28. Which should put your hammer at 119 attack going into the last fight. Unless you have more SP from an accidental level up, then it could be closer to 131 if you happen to have more Power Crystals. All in all, I found that to be the best way to make your last battle as easy as possible. Still terrifying at close range, but a little more manageable.
I just tested the last boos by upgrading a steal gun instead of a heavy hammer. Steal gun is like 2 minutes faster on the chapter r 6 fight and i cant even figure out how to beat griffons 3rd form melee. I think the time it takes to get the coin is definitely worth the time saved on these fights.

Finny frenzy and fishing contest cycle every 10 days. If you enter the level for the fishing contest on day 26 then the finny frenzy will begin on 36, 56, 76, 96, ect. What needs tested is whether or not the finny frenzy will be going on if you enter its stage on what should be the second or 3rd day (37 or 38). Also time speed makes a pretty signifigant difference for progressing days. I doubt the fin
finny frenzy will be worth it for lure duping though. It takes ages ti raise a fish good enough to win
Just a quick update. I get internet Wednesday so i can try to stream on my crappy computer and im looking to get a new computer in a few weeks.
Woo! There's still life here! Sorry I haven't had a chance to update with anything. I just got a new job which completely leaves me drained by the end of the day. Glad to hear from you, Havok!
Edit history:
Acefrog: 2015-02-16 06:27:25 pm
If anyone is still interested in this.. AlbinoAlbatross got a 7:34:23 the other month. He used the Name Change glitch to get the Supernova and uses a buggy Steve to move around. Quite a bit of a different route from what was planned here, but works well.

I am still interested to see how the upgrading to Supernova rather than Name Change glitching is speedwise. I dont think anyone got a proper run to get a decent time.

I really still want to run this game.. I just hope to find the time for it again someday.
7:34? That's promising for a first time.  Is there a vid link? for the 7:34