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My feelings on The Demon Rush
Actually Essentia, I was just informed yesterday that Evo, the biggest fighting game tournament in the US is going run from July 29-31th, so doing the marathon during your suggested dates is actually a very very bad idea.

For those of you who think a fighting game tournament can hardly touch a charity marathon, Evo had so many viewers that ustream started crapping out once there were 30k+ viewers. We will lose a lot of potential viewers streaming at the same time as Evo, because Evo doesn't only attract fighting gamers, it attracts all sorts of gamers since it's just that big.

I suggest doing the marathon either the week before or after Evo, but not during.
Fucking Weeaboo
For me, if it's a week after, I would go from "probably" to "definitely not", partially due to work's busy season, and partially since I'm taking the weekend after that off for a convention.  Week prior is a better choice for me (if it came down to a choice between the two), but that's just one person's opinion.
Quits halfway
meow meow meow meow meow
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
@Flip (and those that agreed): In the cases mentioned, the offending people (the people who caused the ultimatum, not the people who submitted them) have had horrible behavior in the past, and I agreed with most of the people who were saying they'd prefer to avoid these people.  People who are ignorant of speedrunning or of gaming do not deserve to be a part of our marathons, as they shed a poor light on both gaming and on SDA.

I do not believe that these people's arguments were "Petty", and I think that's a lot of name-calling at someone who's a rather respected member of SDA.  Considering that most of us here appreciate both his dedication to the site and his speedrunning abilities, that's pretty brutal.  There are reasons, and I don't consider it juvenile to inform someone of your opinions and distaste, especially if it's in order to resolve potential disputes before they happen.
Highly Evolved
The weekend before would likely be bad because it's during the July 24 weekend, a big holiday here in Utah. 
I cannot make it at all week before.  Week after is fine for me.  So I guess together with VG, at least someone's going to be unhappy.

I personally would be sad to not go, but if it came down to it VG probably has more skillz and more to offer than me for actual speedrunning quality.
Edit history:
Aitamen: 2011-02-13 04:10:46 pm
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
Yeah, seeing as people were coming from Utah, I avoided pioneer day, which was the reason for the original date >_>

We could just have it over EVO, maybe get someone there to plug us?  I mean, maybe we could gain viewership from it instead of losing it... we are, after all, both gaming organizations dedicated to perfection of specific games.  Maybe people who like gaming in general (as mike said, even non-fg fans watch EVO) would be interested in speedrunning more than fgs?  Not sure either way, but we did start this trying to pull from MAGFest as I remember it...
Yes, a worthless avatar riding my posts.
I would suggest against doing this during EVO because EVO brings too much hype and will smother something intimate and grassroots like this. Because my plans are up in the air, week before or after is fine, but I suspect after will be better.
Honestly for me the best dates (due to school schedule) would be: between June 18 and June 26th or between August 11 and September 12.
I would be unable to attend the weekend of August 6th due to finals.
You could also just shoot for a month earlier or a month later, too. The weeks around the original date don't have to be the only options.

As a note, if I'm around for this (I likely won't be, but I"m not 100% sure), the first (full) week of July would be bad. Pokemon TCG Nationals are then.
that Metroidvania guy
Quote from Raen:
You could also just shoot for a month earlier or a month later, too. The weeks around the original date don't have to be the only options.

A month later would probably be an issue for most people who are university students. But you're right, we don't have to focus on such a small time frame when discussing. If it came down to week before/week after though, after would work better for me.

Also, there's no way in hell you should try broadcasting at the same time as evo, aitamen.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
^Yeah, that's probably just the fact that I consider EVO and MLG (among many...) to be horrible manifestations against gaming as a whole.

Spite and all that~
Edit history:
ZenicReverie: 2011-02-13 09:10:26 pm
Waiting hurts my soul...
Only the first three weekends in July would be a problem for me. Anything around July 23rd on would be fine. Also, the weekend of June 25th would work for me.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
When I mentioned week before or week after, that was just the first thing that popped into my mind. Romscout is correct, you can do this marathon any week during the summer, it's just that broadcasting during Evo is a bad idea because we would get less viewers.
Formerly known as Skullboy
I cannot make it the first full week of August (week of August 7). Aside from that, any week works for me, provided I can go.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Date and location wont matter to me so long as I get to time off work. I refuse to miss any of the SDA events of any sort.
Now a hit show on the CW
If we're going to have to push the date back anyway, maybe we could look into holding the marathon at PAX in Seattle. We wouldn't be able to play nonstop for the entire marathon (as I'm sure we'd have to abide by the convention center hours like everyone else), but we'd have a guaranteed huge, live audience in addition to those watching the stream. I know that the PA guys have showcased SDA run footage at past events, so I'm sure they'd be interested in doing something like this if we asked.
Talk to the Hand
I'm not going to say "Don't hold it at a convention it's a terrible idea", but one of the things we realized with the trials and tribulations of CGDQ is that holding it at Mike's house actually worked out a whole lot better than we expected, because we weren't competing with anything or anyone else in terms of audience attention or (especially) crowd noise.

Also, consider the additional overhead that would be needed to handle on-site donations if you were to hold it at a convention.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Quote from Emptyeye:
I'm not going to say "Don't hold it at a convention it's a terrible idea", but one of the things we realized with the trials and tribulations of CGDQ is that holding it at Mike's house actually worked out a whole lot better than we expected, because we weren't competing with anything or anyone else in terms of audience attention or (especially) crowd noise.

Also, consider the additional overhead that would be needed to handle on-site donations if you were to hold it at a convention.

This x100. Right after we did CGDQ, I thought about FF6 and how handling both on-site and online donations would be a nightmare.

I am highly against the idea of holding the event during a convention for the reasons Emptyeye stated.
Now a hit show on the CW
Alternately, we could stick to holding the convention at Essentia's (or whoever's) house, but do it during PAX and have an on-site projection of the stream at the convention center, where people could watch and donate if they wanted. It's true that we'd be competing with a lot of other events, but I would argue that if even half of the attendees stopped to watch for a few minutes, our total viewer (and donor) numbers would be higher than they ever were at the previous marathons. We'd still probably need someone from SDA to be on-site to take care of donations and such, but it would be a lot less work than actually holding the marathon there.
Haters gonna hate
I'd caution against having it at a convention.  Internet problems aside, the game room at MAGfest was looking like a less than ideal place to hold a marathon for the reasons of space and general noise levels.  I don't imagine PAX would be all that different.
Waiting hurts my soul...
It doesn't hurt to discuss options I think, but it'd be more meaningful to have one of the staff make contact, unless someone has a close contact with Penny Arcade already.

PAX this year is Aug. 26th - 28th. This would be a problem for a marathon at Essentia's place, as she'd rather avoid anything happening on Sunday. One possibility is only having the last day (Friday - Saturday) aired at PAX.

Flip also mentioned this time would be difficult for students, but maybe that would be offset by the number of gained viewers from PAX.

If we're going to have a presence at PAX, they might have something to say about our charity choice. The cost of having a booth or area should also be considered, but might be waived if our charity of choice is Child's Play.

I agree with Breakdown, any marathon like this that has an open mic should definitely avoid an open show floor. Monopolizing a conference room or hall would depend on a lot of factors, but would be the way to go. Personal mic's are best in a situation like that.
seems like if essentia and denton are willing to host it at their large house yall'd be crazy not to use that. just sayin'.
Visit my profile to see my runs!
^ Agreed.  And I'd also vote for a time frame that did not overlap with a major convention, for what it's worth.
Edit history:
MAS8705: 2011-02-14 07:31:03 pm
MAS8705: 2011-02-14 07:30:41 pm
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Third, after all, the time frame can easily make and break alot of people's schedule...

All I suggest though is that Mrs. Essentia sets the possible time frames, for obvious reasons...