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Haters gonna hate
Yeah, but the slogan could be "Stay cool this summer with SDA and the Cool Games Done Quick marathon!"
Fucking Weeaboo
Or maybe we can honor Mike with "Mike's Retirement Done Quick." Tongue

SGL Scrublord
"Games Done Quick in the Wild West", or perhaps since the advent of civilization and air conditioning, "Games Done Quick in the Mild West." Hmmm, might actually need a Wild West game...
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
I suppose I should reupdate my status again (forgot to update).

Due to travel complications I probably won't be able to join in the fun in August.  Granted though if anyone is able to drive down or by El Paso an exception could be made, but where things stand, flying will be out of the question due to lack of funds... I'll probably see for shooting for the next marathon if I can...
Fucking Weeaboo
Quote from mikwuyma:
I know we still need to figure out prizes and such, but for now scheduling is the number 1 concern.

I picked up 3 nice prizes for the marathon since I knew I wasn't going to be there:

1. "My Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata" Pokemon bumper sticker.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog playing cards.
3. Signed brentalfloss "What if this CD had Lyrics?" CD.

Since I won't be attending, I'll mail them to Essentia closer to the marathon.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
[15:56] <Hitaro> when is Summer Break Done Quick starting anyway?
[15:57] <Hitaro> oic aug 4-6

[16:06] <@ShadowWraith> SBDQ is during STGT!
[16:06] <@ShadowWraith> this will not do
[16:06] <mike89> wait is that the name now
[16:06] <@ShadowWraith> well
[16:07] <@ShadowWraith> that's what hitaro called it
[16:07] <@ShadowWraith> I have no idea what the name is
[16:07] <@jewyama> Summer Break Done Quick isn't a bad name
[16:07] <mecharichter> Summer Break Done Quick sounds like a great name, actually
[16:07] <@jewyama> yeah

I like the name, thoughts?
SBDQ sounds great. It could also have the internal meaning "Sequence Breaking Done Quick" Smiley
sda loyalist
[13:47:01] Paul D: SBDQ?
[13:47:07] mikwuyma: Summer Break Done Quick
[13:47:08] Gearstrike: and yeah lag
[13:47:14] Paul D: you don't want to speed up the holidays
[13:47:15] Paul D: fool
[13:47:23] mikwuyma: you got me
Everything's better with Magitek
My brother suggested Summer Games Done Quick - too bad there are no Olympics this year, though.  I'd though of something in reference to this being a semi-annual event, such as Semi Awesome Games Done Quick, but then I realized that just makes it sound not so awesome. Tongue
Edit history:
puwexil: 2011-06-07 10:56:49 am
Professional Second Banana
Given that we'll be playing not too far from a real Olympic park, EssentiaBro's Summer Games Done Quick suggestion sounds fine by me.

EDIT: Plus, I bet the artists among us could have some fun with an Olympics theme for the marathon banner, like maybe Olympic rings made out of controllers?
Fucking Weeaboo
Your brother is awesome, Essentia.  I third the idea.
Highly Evolved
Startropics sure fits the "Summer Games done quick theme."  :p

On another note, I've convinced my mother to make a stained glass triforce as a prize.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Just posting to say that our name should be Summer Games Done Quick, since we need a name ASAP, IMO.
Haters gonna hate
I vote in favor of said name.
I also vote for SGDQ.  Having "Games" in the title makes it a slightly better idea.
As for marathon names, Summer better than others. (heehee)

That one fits. Tongue
Sir, that was a comedic masterstroke.  I held my sides for minutes as the halls echoed with my merriment.
Is there going to be a promotional video for this one? Just curious.
that Metroidvania guy
Quote from Kubelwagon:
Is there going to be a promotional video for this one? Just curious.

I messaged MAS about this a bit ago. If he is willing to work on it, then I imagine it will be completed shortly after the banner/page is up (which hopefully will be within a few days assuming Lindsey King makes the banner as fast as she did for JRDQ). If he isn't able to help though, I unfortunately can't work on it and someone else would need to step up.
Everything's better with Magitek
Since this relates to the charity, I thought I'd give an update on Celise.  After seeing a child psychologist and a bunch of testing, it looks like Celise most likely has PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder—Not Otherwise Specified), which is one of the milder forms of autism on the autism spectrum. Her outlook is pretty good: Her IQ is high enough that the treatment she'll get with special education in the preschool program has a very good chance of helping her.
Balls jerky
Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that things are looking up for her.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Sorry to hear, but it could be worse, and I hear that with PDD there's a good chance they will grow out of it or be able to adapt. Good luck with the marathon.
SGL Scrublord
Well then, its time to do some damage and raise some cash. Let's fundraise aggressively!...shame there's no Konami code for real cash.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
We can always trust Lindsey King to make a banner for us. As always it looks good, but I was wondering what everyone thinks.

Talk to the Hand
I'm....honestly a little creeped out by Mega Man in this one.

I don't even know who the guy on the left (It is a guy, right?) is. </shame>