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Everybody's favorite monster
This is a huge maybe for me.
too early for me to say. i'd be driving so i can procrastinate more on this one.
I survived MIKE-Fest 1
I don't think I have the money for 2 trips to the USA a year so I save it for the 100h one.

also I think the 2 Marathons shouldn't not close to each other otherwise they damage them self.

IMO the best "time" to get donations is in November/December because its before christmas and many people will donate something anyways to save Taxes that should be consider t for the main Marathon

But if this smaller version will happen I will defenitly watch it. Cheesy
Weegee Time
Well, there's no way in heck I could make it all the way out there for this, but I'd definitely be up for helping out in the chat again.
The Speedrunning Teacher
Quote from InsipidMuckyWater:
Google maps might be really useful here: I think Essentia is in ... Utah?  She might want to be there.

Quote from ZenicReverie:
I believe Ani is also in Utah, as well as Darkwing Duck.

Yeah.  Myself, Ani, Darkwing Duck and Essentia all live within a few hours of each other.  So if there is interest, we could possibly carpool there (about an 8 hour drive).

I'm interested, but at this time I don't know what my summer is going to be like, so I'm a possibly.  If I do go, I can help with the technical stuff.
Would definitely attend as long as I haven't already planned something else for whatever timeframe this ends up falling in. I travel a lot in the summer. I can help with some technical stuff but I don't have any experience streaming.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
Breakdown:  I don't know what kind of time you need, but if it turns out this is all going to happen, I would certainly like to have you on the promotion team (Uyama recommended I talk to you about such things, so there ya go).  Also, I'm aware of how much work it is to herd cats.  I do have nigh-infinite freetime (no work/school), and I want this to happen, so I see no reason to not try.  I'm sure if it's not going to happen (due to lack of interest/ability to show up/etc.), no one will fault me for trying to get it going.

Tigger: I don't expect to make a huge amount of money doing this, but I'm sure that whoever receives the money will be happy for it regardless.  Concerning scheduling, I don't think I'd be able to have it much sooner this year... maybe next year, if I have more time to plan, I'd be able to pull it back a little.

Rakuen: I certainly appreciate any help I can get with this.  I know the chatmods did an amazing job this year, and I'm quite happy to have you on board to help.

To anyone considering coming, I want to say this: If you *can* choose to go to only one or the other, go to the main one.  I want to provide an alternative to those who can't easily attend the East Coast Marathon.  I also want to open a door to having two marathons a year, because I know I'm not the only one who had an absolute blast during the Marathon (I wasn't there, and I still had an absolutely amazing time watching and being a part where I could) and who didn't want it to end.
Everything's better with Magitek
A marathon in Denver would definitely be easier for me to attend.  We've got some things going on during summer - some family reunions and a possible trip to Disneyland - but if this happens, I'd definitely like to try to make it.  I wouldn't mind carpooling with the Utah crowd either.
Edit history:
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:11:25 am
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:10:02 am
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:07:09 am
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:06:34 am
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
I'm going to try to shoot for the 28th of July through the 1st of August, with the Marathon itself starting on Friday (the 29th), so people can better check their schedules.  If someone cares to offer a better date with reasons, I'm all ears, but barring some solution I'm oblivious to, I wanna set this as the date.

Edit: Labor Day is Sept, not Aug...  need to not post while tired...
What kind of games would you like to see done for something like this? I know many people said that they wanted a summer marathon to compliment the main one and perhaps not do all of the best known games. Maybe more newer stuff or obscure games? I think that would depend on if I would go or not to see if I would have something to run.
Edit history:
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:31:49 am
Aitamen: 2011-01-21 11:27:13 am
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
This Marathon isn't really themed, I'm more interested in making it happen than in trying to put anything specific together.  I don't want to alienate anyone by having a theme they can't fit into (for example, if we have, say, a 3D or newer game marathon, I'd feel bad playing MM:tPB, since it's a sprite game from 1995).

Maybe next year or something we can have a theme, but I don't think that everything would fit together well enough just yet.  This may be the third SDA marathon, but it's my first, so I don't have Uyama's experience.

Start small and all that~

That said, I should actually get together people and what they want to run and start with a schedule >_>  Thus, the question is this: What do those attending want to run?
Waiting hurts my soul...
I'll make it if 3 (maybe 2/max 4) other people from or near LA are willing to carpool (help with gas, take driving shifts), as I'd rather not spend more than a day on the road each way. So, RiskBreakerY, Tiki, Yoshifan, najzere (on the way), Arrow (if he's willing to drive to LA/Vegas first), and dunnius are all the ones on the Google map that I can see being close enough to pick up. It says it's a 16 hour drive. I've driven that long straight before, but I'd rather share that time. I estimate gas being just below 300 total for me.

I can do a run of Jak & Daxter. If there's another game that we'd like to include, I can spend a few months learning it. I've been playing Saturn Bomberman lately, and may be good enough to run it by summer.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
Zenic: (and others posting games they want to run) About how long do you think it would take, Real-Time, for your run?
Visit my profile to see my runs!
I'm also in LA, Zenic, so I might help with the carpooling.  Since there are eight people around us apparently, that might be two carpools.  That, or I can just drive separately.

I'm definitely going to run at least Toejam and Earl the original, which on a perfect day would take about 20 minutes but on a bad day let's say 30-35 minutes (Extra time per this last marathon).  Plus, I can JAM OUT to kill any time that I don't spend.  Perfect marathon time filler, right there.

I'm trying to think about another game I could run aside from Condemned (too bloody and dark).  Might be fun to go back to Jurassic Park, though that'd be over pretty quick.  I'll get back to you on other games.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
I'd love to see a TJ&E run, as I considered/practiced it at one point, until my 2P bailed on me.  even a 35 minute run would be awesome to see.  I'm assuming Fixed Mode?
Visit my profile to see my runs!
Yes, fixed mode.  Oh man, a two player run would be fun to do, though I've never even practiced for one.
from red to blue
If at least one of the 4bs can make it, I will try. Anyone know the closest international airports to the location?
Edit history:
InsipidMuckyWater: 2011-01-21 12:31:10 pm
InsipidMuckyWater: 2011-01-21 12:30:47 pm
Visit my profile to see my runs!
Isn't Denver's an international airport?

By the way Aitamen, if we do any 'casual runs', you and I could do a two player random world.  It could just be a time filler or something.  Funny enough, there's actually a cheat code to make the game end on the next level (from wherever you entered the code), so we wouldn't have to worry about wasting too much time.

Also, I know it may be early to start talking about this, but I have a pretty good potential prize:  Goldeneye, the special edition with a Golden Classic Controller, for the Wii.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Jak & Daxter - 2 hours real time
Saturn Bomberman - 2 hours real time (this is only an estimate based on my last playthrough, I'll have a better estimate as I get more practice.)

2-player run of Saturn Bomberman would be awesome; just saying.

IMW - Sounds good. Maybe if someone has a van we'd be able to fit more people (and luggage), but it depends on how many people in the area would be interested. Renting a mini-van is an option, but that costs just about as much as driving two cars with the benefits being everyone can talk to each other, no one would have to put 2k miles on their car.

Here are the airlines that fly into Denver:

Air Canada
Great Lakes
Edit history:
Flip: 2011-01-21 12:47:28 pm
We got to talking on IRC about how awesome a multiplayer block would be in a marathon.  Plenty of fun games in that category.  Can't comment right now as to whether I'll be able to attend the summer marathon or even really the next big marathon if its in the beginning of the year (getting married 1/1/12).

edit: plus you know I love me some multiplayer runs Wink
Not a walrus
Denver claims to be international but you'd probably still be better off finding connecting flights if you're worried about cost.

Also it's out in the middle of nowhere (it's literally 20 minutes away from anything not airport related) so people getting picked up in groups is definitely a better idea.
Bwahahaha... there WILL be domination!
Scheduling will probably be a mess the whole time, but I'm going to try and do my best to make sure everyone gets to show off and have a good time.  If we have a good time, then so will the people watching, and that's how the money for the charity comes in.

So people are aware, I don't drive (I generally know how, but I'm always nervous, I lack a license, I lack a car...), but I believe a friend of mine who intends to come up here is ok helping ferry people about when it's needed.

Flip: If there are people who want to run them, I don't have a problem with it.  "No Theme" means "whatever's wanted", not "everything must be unrelated" ^_^
The Speedrunning Teacher
An alternate international airport (if necessary) would be Salt Lake's.  If there's a group of us carpooling from Utah, we can easily pick someone up.
Visit my profile to see my runs!
Aitamen, would you be renting out a place for this, or would this be at your house or something?  How many people could we accommodate?
Highly Evolved
Problem for me is that I can't afford to not have work between now and summer and the requirements for a job I don't yet have are obviously unknown.

Thus, I can't give a definite yes or no at this moment in time.