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Everything's better with Magitek
Sorry I haven't posted for a while here.  I've run into a bit of a problem that I've been trying to work out.

I'd already been thinking about moving the date for this before Mike posted about Evo, because I realized that a TSG community Final Fantasy marathon is going on all during that week, and I wanted to participate in that.  Also, TSG's week-long Star Wars marathon is the week before, and I'd like to put more space between their marathon and ours.

The problem I have is that our mother-in-law apartment (which I was planning to use as the main streaming room) is currently filled with some of my in-laws' stuff, who are in the process of buying a house.  They were originally going to be moving in next month, but due to some problems they're now searching for a house again.  Since that could possibly take a while, I don't know when their stuff will get moved out, and we'll definitely need that space for the marathon.  Anyway, I want to find out more before I set a date, but it's looking like later will work better (probably in August).
Not a walrus
I can probably do the first half of August but any later than that and it's going to risk running into my school schedule.
that Metroidvania guy
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
I can probably do the first half of August but any later than that and it's going to risk running into my school schedule.
Fucking Weeaboo
If it's in August, then I'm out.  I'm already planning on taking time off in August and September, so asking for another weekend in August would be asking too much.  If that's how it rolls, that's how it rolls.  I'll just save up for the Winter 2012 one then.
Edit history:
Aftermath: 2011-02-25 01:32:21 pm
Quits halfway
The date doesn't matter to me at all, I can make it whenever.
spread the dirt to the populace
There's a very slight chance I could make it.  It depends on if and where I end up doing some sort of research internship during summer.  The date change is also a great thing for me, because I would also want to go to Evo if things work out that way.
Willing to teach you the impossible
As long as a date is set in time for me to request time off, I will be there. It really does not matter for me as of when it is really except for the end of July (27th is audit time so time off then would cause issues I think). Thank you for trying to host this btw ^^
You got a deletion wish?
Abstaining decision until new date is determined.
SGL Scrublord
Still ready to rock, but gas prices and plane fares are rising! Still, I'm all for heading out there and I have my hopes up that this will all work out well in the end.
If any prizes are needed, I could try to pitch in. I can draw pretty decently if I'm working off source material, but only 2D (and barring how much time my new arrival leaves me with)
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Alright, going to update my status a bit...

I was able to get into an internship earlier today that I'm guessing will last somewhere between May-July, so if the marathon is late summer, I might be able to make it still depending if I have summer class and the costs of travel...  Outside of that, not much has changed, other than a sudden interest in Hard Corps Uprising...  So yes, if I can make it, I can help run, not only Hard Corps, but also the other games I mentioned previously:  MM:PU, Prototype, both crackdowns, and a good majority of DW-type games...
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-03-11 01:28:41 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Is this still happening? I don't mean to be rude, but the topic hasn't been updated in a while.

Essentia, have you found a good date for the marathon yet?
Not a walrus
If this gets solidified a bit more it should probably get stickied.
Visit my profile to see my runs!
Yeah, I've kind of shared Mike's concerns over the last couple weeks.  I get this feeling a summer marathon isn't actually going to happen this year.  I'd love to be proven wrong, and I don't mean to be a negative nancy, but I've kind of stopped following the issue just because we haven't been able to nail down an unqualified location.

Definitely keep us posted Essentia if you have any updates.
SDA Represent!
I can make perlers for prizes/donations.
The Speedrunning Teacher
I'm all for keeping the summer marathon going.  The only issue that I have is that I'm graduating in May (Booyah!) and I have no idea where I will be exactly.  But, for all intents and purposes, if I'm still going to be in Utah (somewhere along the Wasatch Front), I can look into hosting the summer marathon.  Again, I don't know where I will be at this time, but hopefully soon I will know.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Quote from Zyre:
The only issue that I have is that I'm graduating in May (Booyah!).

Everything's better with Magitek
Sorry again for the absence guys - life has been crazy lately.  I know some of you have been worried that this marathon won't happen, but I really want to make it a reality.  So, let's get working on it!

Later in the summer is better for me, and it sounds like earlier in August is better for most people.  So I'm going to set this for the first weekend in August (4th through the 6th), unless someone has a good reason not to.  I know this date makes it so some people can't come anymore, but  it'll be impossible to find a date that satisfies everyone.

The next thing we need to decide is the charity (if indeed this will be a charity marathon).  In light of recent events, a possible one would be Japanese earthquake/tsunami relief, but the marathon is still 5 months away, and the earthquake won't be as big of a deal then.*  So I'd appreciate any charity ideas.

*This makes me wonder: Would it be possible to put something together within the next couple weeks to raise money for the Japan disaster?  Something like a marathon, but everyone just streams from their own home.  We could have each person sign up for a time slot (say, each slot is an hour long), and that person can stream whatever they want during that time (not necessarily a speedrun, but probably something gaming-related).  What do others think?
Willing to teach you the impossible
I like that idea Essentia. But really though, if we did do this, how quickly could we get the word out to let others know what we are doing in a week or so? Regardless, I can do this if it happens. I am always down for helping.

I think picking the charity should be put off for a bit. Like you said, we have 5 months till the event. That said, and with all the crap around the world that has been happening (the flood and hurricane in Australia and the Japan stuffs too), by then, who knows what else could happen. I have joked about this with some ppl already, but Mother Nature seems a bit angry atm. Might want to let her cool off or get her some chocolate soon...
Obscure games ftw
I can't make it to the marathon (too far west), but the stream idea is a good one.  I'd be up for doing that if people wouldn't mind a quality drop since the only thing I can record with is a webcam.[edit] I could also possibly try streaming random PC games[end edit]  It's also a convenient excuse to make a ustream account Tongue .
Professional Second Banana
Given how extensive the human and property damage from the Japanese earthquake/tsunami and given how much North American gamers owe to Japan for their involvement in the gaming industry, I definitely agree with doing some kind of charity event for the Japanese relief efforts (it's probably going to take them years to fully recover, so they should still have plenty of good use for our money in 5 months even after they won't be getting as much international attention).  Doing a more casual event sooner sounds good too, as long as it's not close enough to the summer marathon to tap out our fans for donation dollars.

Aug 4-6 works fine for me, so go ahead and put me down as "definitely coming" if there's room.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Good to know you're still doing this, Essentia.

I agree with Puwexil. The damage from the Tsunami will be far from fully repaired in five months, and any effort to help would likely be greatly appreciated. If we go with Japan relief efforts, the only question is which charity should we donate to?
Now a hit show on the CW
Not to further complicate things, but Gen Con will be going on during the weekend of Aug. 4-7. It's not a video gaming specific convention, but it would definitely be cutting into our target audience. On the other hand, I don't know if we're going to be able to find a weekend in July/August that doesn't have anything going on. So if we're going to do this, we may just need to bite the bullet.

I read something online a few days ago about a lot of the more well known charities (such as the Red Cross) not actually giving any money to Japan relief yet, as the Japanese government hasn't actually requested aid from them. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but it might be something to look into if we go that route.
that Metroidvania guy
i'd think it has to be someone big because we don't want to take any risks with any small charities that just started up and either wouldn't be reliable/could possibly be a scam. i was gonna suggest red cross but because of what arrow just mentioned i have no clue.

i think it's a great idea, let's go for it. also aug 4-6 gives me a solid chance of coming to the utah one.
Edit history:
theseawolf1: 2011-03-16 03:00:47 pm
theseawolf1: 2011-03-16 12:48:50 pm
SGL Scrublord
If Aug 4-6 is solid, I'll order myself some tickets immediately. Japan is such a wait and see at the moment, and between the 9.0 (which is outrageously powerful, Japan has codes for quakes in their construction and it really had no effect), the tsunamis and the reactor issues they are having, I imagine they'll still be pulling front pages for months. And with all these other fools tweeting and 'joking' about it, I'm sure there will be enough press coverage about it one way or the other.

Back on topic, glad to hear you still want to run the event Essentia, I look forward to actually meeting everyone (30 of you anyways) here!

Quick edit: Anyone in NJ want to party up for a flight? And should we prepare to get there on the 3rd or 4th and possible prep for a bonus stream?