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marshmallow: 2011-10-09 02:54:18 pm
Jack of all Trades
Judas vs. charging maggot enemy
666 item: 3 shots
666 item + BoB activated = 2 shots
666 item maxes out the damage meter. So the BoB is always good to keep for MOAR DMG.
Edit history:
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 04:25:06 pm
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 04:23:12 pm
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 04:22:47 pm
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 04:19:33 pm
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 04:11:09 pm
marshmallow: 2011-10-09 03:50:04 pm
Jack of all Trades
Right click and save as for more sadness and despair.

Depths 1 --> ~4:13
Depths 2 --> 5:18
Mom fight starts -->  6:22
Womb 1 --> 7:11

I'm kicking myself again. That's about as good as it gets, path wise. I didn't take a single wrong turn except for a 1 room dead end that was full of money, which was about a 5 second diversion. The treasures beside the halo sucked. I got 2 horseman, so less hp. But other than that it was right there for the taking, although for all I know I would've taken every wrong turn in the womb. Even the enemies were easy. The craziest part was The Depths 1 boss was 1 room away. That happens on the basement, sure...but Depths?!

I should focus on being like 5% more cautious. Getting hit by that super enemy hurt (they do a full heart of damage), I got hit 2x like an idiot against Gurdy, Pestilence...basically all the boss fights were rubbish. But the paths! So beautiful. I wonder if there's any sort of bias at all that I may be picking up on subconsciously, something like e.g. "on depths 1 you should go right 60% of the time." Because otherwise it seems like the chance of just choosing the right door every time would be astronomical. And even though the treasure rooms were bad a lot of them were right on the way to the boss.

EDIT: Another thing from that run is I took a pill with 1.5 hearts and it was Bad Trip so it took a heart away. If I had used it when I had 1 heart or less it would've filled me to full. So yeah, don't just randomly take pills for no reason.

And a random comment, I hope whatever the final run looks like it involves a room full of those vagina monsters. Seeing the room lit up with 6 las0rs is cool looking.
You left a Monstro Tooth? That thing one-shots so many bosses, or instantly takes them down to 50%, it's so good <3
Jack of all Trades
Is it useful against either of the Mom bosses tho?
Yep yep yep!
Wow, the luck you had with that layout was simply ridiculous.  What you need to work on is not getting hit so much in general.  It was also really great getting the halo and wire coat hanger in the first level.  If you have the patience, you could reset whenever you don't get a damage up in the Basement I item room.

Also, I think you should've checked out that devil room in Basement II; it might have had a shovel.

One advantage of doing Cain over Judas is that he doesn't get any bad pills AFAIK.
Cain gets the good luck charm, which gives him a much higher chance at good pills and increases the quality of item drops. Basically ensures you don't need to restart 10 times before you get a decent item roll. Might even prevent the spawn of Poop and such items.

I'm not sure if Monstro's Tooth works on Mom.

I'm also not sure how the hell the Unicorn item really works. On some bosses I can activate it, charge into them and they just die instantly. On others (like the maggot boss) they just don't seem to take constant damage, making it a lot weaker.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
With the Unicorn you want to start really far back, it's the actually charging effect that determines the damage. Granted of course some enemies will be able to survive it. And Marsh, Monstro's Tooth can one-shot the worm guy in the Womb, so there's your advantage and reason to use right there. Like I don't mean fast, I mean *spawns* *uses tooth* *gets item* *goes down a floor*.

I'm still wondering what we will get with this Halloween stuff. By the way, it's been confirmed by Edmund that a save feature COULD be pumped in (obviously a one-time save thing) if they re-coded the game in another language (a-la what happened to VVVVVV). Personally dats pretty damn gay, but I suppose it could be healthy for the speed running aspect, not the "too scrubbish to survive" aspect Smiley
If the game gets a save function, we'll start duping saves and the game is no longer a matter of execution but just luck manipulation Sad It's what put me off trying Dredmor, too.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
If they did end up putting one in I'm surprised. I think they are just humouring the n00bs who don't know what type of game it's meant to be Wink
Edit history:
marshmallow: 2011-10-10 06:29:50 pm
Jack of all Trades
I wouldn't be surprised. On the Steam forums the most common complaints go 1. achievements don't work! (I'm in this boat) 2. it's flash 3. no saving.

That'd be awkward if I made a run and then the DLC added more levels to the end of the game, plus I assume new items that show up in the other zones.

Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Not only that man, for all we know they could add new playables as well.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
"ill do one big halloween content update because it will feel more full with it might do more later but it will probably be paid."
"The new character we will be introducing with the update is called Eve, shes a shape shifter who comes with small dead bird by her side "
"20 new items are all drawn up for the update! 2 new demon forms! WOOO!" - Edmund McMillen
Jack of all Trades
Hmm. I wonder if I should wait or just keep running and see what I can do, or if it'll just be a waste of time.
If anything, it's practise, really. As long as there won't be any saves, execution is still going to be a significant part of speedrunning. The better you get at avoiding all possible damage, the lower the chance your optimal speedrun fails due to that one single blood drop :>

I'm starting to doubt the usefulness of Cain. It's hard to confirm whether the lucky charm works on all items, and the BoB does give you a lot of leeway to skip treasure rooms. Too often on Cain I start a run, find the boss room, realize I have no good way to kill him fast and backtrack all the way to get the treasure room (which then contains something like a Halo of Flies or something useless like that).
That Guy
To be fair to those recommending Monstro's Tooth for the purpose of killing the worm boss on the first floor - just use bombs instead!  You're way more likely, and it is just as capable of one-shotting the worms if luck is on your side and they are both there when it blows up.  An item like Max's Rotten Head, Shoop Da Woop, Mr. Boom, Anarchist Cookbook, etc also works for this purpose - you basically just need an 'area of effect'.  Hell, even a Kamikaze would do it if you can get it right!  Alternatively, a Piercing shot gives speed advantages not just against Larry Jr. (including if you meet him in the Womb) and would also speed up Knights, fly-spawning enemies, etc.

Of course, any of the attacking items coupled with the Battery will produce spectacular effects for clearing regular enemy rooms.

Otherwise... I'm surprised people mention the Map for navigation and not the Compass.  Given that it lets you see directly where the boss room is you can head straight there (the map just shows the rooms but doesn't indicate special contents); also, I get the feeling getting an Emperor tarot could also be a big lucky break especially if you can hold it to the final floors.

Either way... yeah, the categories are kind of all over the place.  There's so many degrees of things that could change that the categories might be "Fresh Save" and... god I don't even know.

But goddamn.
Well, there won't be categories until there are actual successful speedruns.

Monstro's Tooth isn't just for the worm dudes, it does immense guaranteed damage against ANY boss (still haven't tested its worth on Mom yet though). Getting it early makes all your bossfights a cakewalk.
Jack of all Trades
I'll try to compare the times it takes for me to kill bosses with BoB vs. Monstro's Tooth.

A masochist idea would be a "???" run. I think it could be entertaining, push your skills to the limit!
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Update Notes:
-fixed bug leaving a room thru a broken door
-item pickup sounds now play properly
-save system improved
-fixed music bug with boss music/ambush room music
-removed a few exploits that break the game
-prepped the game for Halloween update coming on the 31st!

Damn, now it's gonna be nearly impossible to get the full Meat Boy >_>
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
Just realised this right then as I just got a Dr. Fetus upgrade. You can now actually exit rooms you blow up the door in. All apart from the boss door. I'm pretty sure this now means Dr. Fetus is the single most O.P item in the game. Excellent news for this game's speed running Smiley
Yep yep yep!
Yeah, note the first item on the list of updates.  I was so happy when I saw that.
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
As I said, Dr. Fetus, O.P. This is very nice, but I think we'll want to think about character, because you are gonna be rushing the hell out of the levels preferably without killing enemies. So health? Luck? D6? Attack? I suppose you could get an advantage from D6 lowering the chances you won't get the item at some point early. But damn, when you do get it early, it's totally different now :O All about the dodging.
Sad we didn't find those gamebreaking exploits Sad
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
I'm pretty sure one of them was using the Doctor's Remote to reset boss rooms to get Meat Cubes and what not. Maybe some OoB's.
Edit history:
Onin: 2011-10-14 05:27:39 am
I was planning to do some recording but apparently Fraps doesn't pick the game up (maybe due to it being Flash). Anyone know how to make it work?

An undocumented fix I appreciate is that the Devil's room no longer closes when you leave it. Too often I went "oh crap that was a shovel, noooo" Tongue
Ganondorf = Donkey Kong LOOK IT UP!!
No idea how to record it, maybe ask marsh Smiley