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A speedrun ending at The Chest will be insane to do no matter WHAT items you get. Epic Fetus is great for a speedrun but you still need amazing defenses/health to beat Blue Baby. I'll try the Dr Fetus challenge only because it seems like the easiest one to do right now. I've been having no luck on a normal speedrun even with the D6.
I tried to contact the author of HourGlass (Windows tool-assisted speedrun) to know when will TBoI work, but I had no answer...
I think that making a run to The Chest is really impressive, but nearly impossible to do quick. It would be possible in TAS, and I'd do it for sure. It's just... sad.
I should point out that in order for a run to count here, you have to actually beat the game and get to the ending/credits. So if you want to do a run that ends at Mom's Heart, you'll have to do it before you've beaten the game 10 times (making it impossible to have the d6 unlocked). Fortunately, you can back up your game data. Here's how to find it. If anyone is interested in the little Java applications I wrote to back up and restore these files automatically, I can modify them so they'll work for anyone, not just me.

Here's my other advice about your run, guiren: I think it's worth checking treasure rooms if you happen to be next to them and have keys, because you could get speed ups, flying, or other things that could save time. I would also take at least one cube of meat if you get the chance because it's good for little fast enemies like flies and spiders. And while it's ok to clear rooms sometimes, you should definitely not shoot at fistulas unless it's the room before a boss.

Unfortunately, it seems like challenges 5 through 9 are unlocked by beating Mom, so there's no way to get Epic Fetus in a run that ends at Mom. Ipecac runs anyone? Wink
It's totally possible to have D6 in a run that ends at Mom's heart.

Just find the Ankh, then die to become the Blue baby, then beat Mom's Heart for early D6.
Oh, good idea. Thanks.
I just realized that we are all planning runs with items we've unlocked by playing the game many times over, when most speedruns are done on a completely new file. I would be willing to do a run of vanilla Isaac with blank game data, because I think it would be the easiest and fastest run. It would also save me the time of resetting and rerolling to get items like Dr Fetus and We Need To Go Deeper. There sure are a lot of categories for this game...
My strategy has been to meticulously craft a save file with the things I want unlocked and as few others as possible. But for a Mom run, a fresh file is fine. That's why I suggested trying for Ipecac (not entirely seriously, because it's even harder than Dr. Fetus to hit fast enemies and avoid blowing yourself up).

Also, just because you aren't trying for specific items doesn't mean you can get an SDA quality run without getting good items and lucky maps. So I wish you good luck.
Edit history:
Waffle: 2012-08-17 08:00:46 pm
Waffle: 2012-08-17 07:53:49 pm
Waffle: 2012-08-17 06:24:22 pm
I was talking about running Binding of Isaac without the WoTL DLC. I recently got my cousin to buy the game and played a bit of the pre-DLC game. It's much easier in my opinion. Secret rooms are almost always in the same spots, you can be much better items in the shops, and obviously there are none of the new bosses. I wish you luck too. I think everyone trying to run this game will need it haha

Oh and before I do anything really stupid... will backing up so.sol and serial.txt and then clicking "Delete Save" in game give me a clean file, and will all of my achievements be intact when I put the two files back?

Well I got that all figured out... I went through a bunch of test runs to get familiar with pre-DLC gameplay and I have a few strategies ready. In case anybody else wanted to try this:

Particularly Useful Items:
Any damage up (The Rock won't be unlocked in a new file, so The Pentagram, Steven, Max's head, Magic Mushroom, Blood of the Martyr, etc)
We Need to Go Deeper (Since the run is only up to Mom, definitely worth 1 heart in the devil room)
Growth Hormones (Speed and Damage, really the only things you need in a short run like this)
The Belt
Compass / Map

I've seen some of these items including the Magic Mushroom in the shop, and when it's on sale it's only 7 cents for all stats up. Grabbing three good upgrades (including We Need to go Deeper and Compass / Map) should be possible on Basement 1 alone. I have quite bad luck with choosing the right direction to get to the boss/item rooms quickly. It'll take quite a lot of resets to get good floor setups and good items Tongue

As far as bosses go... Duke of Flies and Larry Jr can be taken out with 1 or 2 bombs. Monstro takes too long and I wouldn't keep any run with him as one of the bosses for the Basement.

I would try to avoid getting 7 heart containers because unlocking Magdalene wastes a couple seconds. I wouldn't recommend getting the "no damage" achievements, even if you're good enough to get them lol. That's all of my notes for now I suppose. None of this should be new to you guys, but I just wanted to type it all out so it's always here.

Thats what a Chest run should look like, though that was still quite sloppy. Easily improvable by 2-3 minutes. I spent way too much time in the Cathedral derping around.
But got lucky drops, Sacrifiical Knife, Epic Fetus on the first floor!
I'm not signed in because the forums glitch when I do sign in, so I shall be Anonymous person XD
I want off the ride....
to be perfectly honest bro.
easily improveable by 4-5 minutes... just going to say this cause you have a lot to go.

You are too reckless and take wayyy too much abuse for having one of the most OP setups in the game. Sacrificial knife + 1 meat cube blocks like 50% of all projectiles, you also hit yourself wayy too much in the run. You also decide to start breaking down doors wayy to late in the run. You spend like 7-8 missles clearing a room when you should 1 n done the door and move on. Only kill rooms that take 1-2 missles to clear tops.

also you can aim the darn epic fetus with the mouse. There is no reason to miss a single missle ever PERIOD. You got 4 full health pills and had to use them all. Thats a bit... bad. Its sloppy and kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth and i only watched it.

Sorry for being a bit harsh but there is I dont touch BoI speed runs, the luck and the luck and the luck.

I hope you keep up with it but first off, play the game normally a bit more, and get better. It looks like your just trying to fill a gap without actually trying to play the game well.
I know. I just youtubed a run thats 15 minutes so.... I still have  a lot to learn to speedrunning this game. I'm just happy I did it, as this is my first successful run under half-hour. Now just to get better drops and have better play  next time Tongue

Also, I think you're right. I am still quite nooby at the game, despite 100% the game. So I'll practice a bit more via normal gameplay.

Thanks for the Constructive criticism though! Better than some dude saying repeated swear words.
I felt like having a go at this game again, so I took the suggestion above and used Ankh to unlock D6 on my second play (of challenge 6) from a fresh file. That allows me to start with D6, obtain Epic Fetus, and end at Mom's Heart. Save files attached.

I almost just got a 7:00 run, but I died to a blood pool on the way to the chest. Doh!
Just got a very nice run. A few minor screw ups and unlucky things, as usual, but I got the right items and went straight for the boss rooms a bunch of times. The new record for Mom's Heart with WotL is 5:36.
Wow ! Congratulations Smiley
Such a shame for that one telepills Sad
Yeah, I was pretty annoyed. But it only took 35 seconds to get back, and I cleared 2 rooms on the way, so I only lost maybe 15-20 seconds. I lost nearly as much time killing Envy on basement 1. So it's theoretically possible to save another minute or so, but the odds of getting all friendly rooms and going the right way every time are abysmal.

What do you think? Should I submit?
Main Work!!!
I'm pretty sure this is submittable, the luck factors were insane, I don't see any point on not accepting that if you're submitting it. sure you had 2 considerable mistakes but having that much luck won't re happen in a very long time.
Wiggle wiggle
You're really good with the Epic Fetus aim! The god-tier luck didn't hurt either :p.

Only real improvement would be that when you accidentally hit the telepills, you should have checked for a secret room on your way back, to see if you could have saved time. Still, you're not going to get luck like that any time soon, and I think it's definitely a Submit. Good job!
Edit history:
TheVoid: 2012-12-06 01:05:38 am
Yeah nice job. Too bad about the telepills. Also keep in mind to always visit the devil/angel rooms first before using unknown pills Wink If you want to enter those rooms that is.
I'd say it's submittable considering the randomness of the game. You can always keep trying to improve it.

Also actually too bad that you couldn't buy that battery, would've made for faster shovel usage.
Has anyone collated the various records for this? Pretty interested in having a go.
NMS, the video is not available anymore at gamefront... did you upload it on youtube or something ? I'm pretty excited about seeing this run Wink
Edit history:
NMS: 2012-12-12 02:25:51 pm
I braved the depths of YouTube looking for records so you wouldn't have to (and because I was curious). I found a lot of duplicates and videos from people who think that clearing every room on one level with a slightly better than average set of items- or normal gameplay sped up by a factor of 3 and dubbed over with terrible music- constitutes a speed run. But mixed in were a handful of good runs. So:

Without Wrath of the Lamb:
- The best Sheol run as Isaac is this one, which should have been a 10:19, if he'd actually touched the chest before stopping the recording.
With Wrath of the Lamb:
- The best Womb/Utero run as Isaac is my 5:36. The Gamefront link still works for me, but if it doesn't for you try this one. Or [older Youtube versions removed]. (There doesn't seem to be a good way to handle 800x600 videos on YouTube.)
- The best Sheol run as Isaac is this should-have-been 8:55.
- The best Cathedral run as Isaac is this 9:57
- The best Chest run as Isaac is this one with French commentary that I timed at 8:54! Amazing luck and skill. For some reason he ignored the devil rooms though. A shovel is really all it would have taken to make it perfect.
- The best Cathedral run as Cain is this 12:18. It's worth a watch just for being a competent Ipecac run.
- The best challenge 6 time is marshmallow's 8:04.
Quote from NMS:
There doesn't seem to be a good way to handle 800x600 videos on YouTube.

Just upscale it past the vertical resolution you want yourself, then upload. Youtube will handle the scaling down and, in my experience, overall quality will be better.
You're right, scaling it up myself does work better. Here's the new version.
thanks ! Amazing job (as always !) I think the telepills prove that :
- Satan might exist
- Speedrunning the binding of isaac cannot be perfect Wink