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YuKitty: 2014-01-12 06:19:47 am
I want to organise a marathon here in the UK. It would be held in Portsmouth in the South as that is where Joshimuz and I are from.
I'm currently looking into venues and I have hopefully found the perfect one. I was just wondering if anyone could give me opinions and advice.
After discussing this in Joshimuz's chat we have decided to donate for depression as it is something that is overlooked and everyone can relate to.
I am considering the UK charity Mind which is an amazing charity that helps boost awareness of mental health and gives support and advice.
I personally have received help from them since I suffer from depression and BPD so it is something close to my heart and apparently to others.

How many people approve of this event? Would you watch? Would you attend? Would you donate?
I'm not expecting it to be as big as ESA and definitely not as big as AGDQ but we can build it up into that!

Any name ideas by the way? Right now it's ASG - Atlantic Speedrunners Gathering. Thoughts?

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A complete and utter noob.
I was in Josh's chat earlier when this was being discussed. I'd love a UK-based marathon event! It could be a possibility to attend considering Portsmouth is around 5 hours away, if not, the steam will always be open. The cause itself is a good cause as both of my parents have suffered from depression for a majority of their lives.

Good luck with the event!
Yes I have seen your name in the stream before - hi! ^^

Thanks! It would be great to see you there! The venue I have is just down the road from the main transport links so its super easy to get to. You can get coaches and trains here. The venue is in between the city centre which as expected has shops etc and Gunwharf Quays which is another shopping area with a bunch of restaurants, a cinema, clubs and bowling alley plus the coach stops and train station. Smiley

I haven't decided on dates yet as I'm not sure when would be best. AGDQ is in January and ESA/SGDQ is in July. I don't want to do it too close to these but yet still need them during a time suitable for people to watch or attend. A few people suggest Winter since Summer already has 2 events but I'm thinking of August-September time because if the weather is nice then people can go to the sea front. Another suggestion was Easter but I don't know the holidays for Europe or America. Either way it won't be this year as it's too short notice.
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Gyoo: 2014-01-12 07:50:22 am
The cake is a lie
Quote from YuKitty:
I'm thinking of August-September time because if the weather is nice then people can go to the sea front. Another suggestion was Easter but I don't know the holidays for Europe or America.

I think April or October are good periods. Pretty far from the big events, and there's not really something except online marathons sometimes. Also, holidays dates might differ from country to country.
If I have the occasion to come and say hello, I'll do it for sure. Paris isn't that far away from Portsmouth ^^
there's "Crystal 4 Life" is late April/early May which is an on-site RPG-marathon in Canada, so september is better
A complete and utter noob.
I believe August would be a good time considering it will be the summer break from School / College / Uni for people in the UK, but as said before, it is a little too close to ESA and SGDQ.
Quote from Gyoo:
If I have the occasion to come and say hello, I'll do it for sure. Paris isn't that far away from Portsmouth ^^

Haha that would be awesome! We have ferry ports here from France Smiley

Either May or October would be good times as they both have Depression/Mental Awareness weeks.
train kept rollin
I would support this and try to attend.
Edit history:
YuKitty: 2014-01-12 10:25:33 am
YuKitty: 2014-01-12 10:10:04 am
YuKitty: 2014-01-12 10:09:50 am
Awesome! The more the merrier Smiley

I don't have much information right now but I'll keep people updated.

I'm waiting to hear back from the venue to see what can be done and if they're interested which I really hope they are.
Otherwise I'll need to look into other possible venues and I already have one as a back up but don't know about that either yet.
How to run Space Marine: Run fast
Yorkshireman here.

I would offer my services, but I'm not entirely sure either of my runs are marathon friendly. That said, I will probably make a point of attending if my funds allow it Smiley

I would like to know how many runners we have. It seems there are a lot of europeans but less brits
You can never run enough games
I would love to come to this if it happens! And if I couldn't make it, I would watch for sure.

Also in terms of dates, early September is fairly far away from AGDQ and most people don't go back to school/college until about a week or so in, so that could be an option.

And yes, I am a fellow UK runner Smiley
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Sounds nice, and if the year isn't 2014, I'ld love to come.
(Reason for not during 2014: I'll be having too many other great holidays, that my boss will never allow me another one. As awesome as a marathon in South England would be, along with the possibility of visiting old friends, it would be too low on my priority list this year Sad )

Easter holidays in Germany can generally be considered the week before and/or the week after Easter proper. Summer holidays are too random throughout the country to be considered (the first states go to school again, before Bavarians even start their holidays). Considering that ESA/SGDQ will probably be occupying some sort of summer holidays, it might just be best to check with local holidays (or none at all).
I have been hoping to attend some Marathons, looking at ESA at the moment but it seems very expensive! One being hosted in the same country is a dream come true! Haha. Yorkshire here, but I am willing to make the small trip Smiley

It would be nice to meet some UK runners, and I am definitely up for this!
School holidays are weird in France because it's split into 3 zones; every zones have 2 weeks on Easter but not at the same time: exemple, in 2014 Zone C gets holidays from 4/12 to 4/28, Zone B from 4/19 to 5/5 and zone A from 4/26 to 5/12.

it's the same for Winter holidays in February/March.
Summer holiday starts first week of July (but most people stop going around mid-june) and school starts first week of september (universities often start later second week of september to mid october)
I'm thrilled with the response so far Cheesy

Well how about people tell me what is the best times for them? Whether this year or next and what months etc.

I would like August/September however someone pointed out to me last night that this might be problematic as with it being after ESA and SGDQ people might not afford to go to ASG. I would consider Easter but as Gaël has said in a previous post above there is 'Crystal4Life' around that time. We need to consider the fact that this is the UK we're talking about and although there's the stereotypical thing about it raining constantly it's not always true. We do sometimes get sun in the summer. Sometimes. Since we have the seafront maybe it would be nice for people to go there if they want to. During the winter as expected this is our worst time because stereotypical UK weather + generic winter weather.

There's plenty of hotels here too including some around the corner from the venue I'm looking into but I'm hoping that we can have a section of the venue as an onsite sleeping room if people are interested in this which would be more convenient and cheaper. Don't ask me about prices yet as I have NO idea! I'm waiting to hear back from the venue to see if they're even interested and if this is a possibility otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere. This is the very early stages of my plan so it's just ideas right now which if anyone has any then feel free to share! I'm guessing that with no response about the name people are okay with it?
Uk marathon would be cool, but in portsmouth? of all the places on the south coast you pick the biggest dump lmao. But on a serious note, I would probably be up for at least visiting for a day of two as I live just over a hour away.
It's in Portsmouth because that is where Joshimuz and I are from. No point organising it somewhere else where we don't know the area well or is more expensive, i.e. London. Let me guess you're in or near Southampton? Tongue
Yeah lol, I just messing about. I know it is not really that bad, just being a saints fan I am kind of obliged to call it a shit-hole. I am kind of half way in between bournemouth and southampton.
It's cool :') That's fine I just don't want people thinking it's a horrible place so they won't come XD

Ah so New Forest area? Awesome!
Pretty much, Lymington to be exact. I would probably up for meeting up to have a mini marathon or something, even if this doesn't end up with a whole lot of people wanting to go.
Ah that's cool. Yeah I'm sure we could do mini marathon/get-togethers which we could probably hold in our flat. I'm looking forward to the possibility or an actual event as scary it is :')
$15 per rant/allegory
While it's early, I'd like to point out that the name isn't particularly good. Portsmouth isn't adjacent to the Atlanctic and the UK has almost no connection to that ocean apart from small pieces of the west coast due to Ireland being in the way. An Atlantic marathon to me would be held in the Azores or something, not the UK.
Edit history:
YuKitty: 2014-01-14 01:26:50 am
Thanks for pointing this out. It was LotsofS' idea so his fault Cheesy I want to change the name anyway and when I do think of something I'll let people know but I've decided to not limit it to just speed running so I don't want the term in the name. Any ideas is appreciated Smiley
sda loyalist
Definitely want to work towards a regular UK marathon. Portsmouth is not very convenient for me; I also live in Yorkshire.

Summer is probably the best idea so far?
The cake is a lie
Quote from Lag.Com:
Summer is probably the best idea so far?

Well there's already ESA and SGDQ :/