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100% runs=great to watch
The only other SNES traditional RPG array I never thought I'd see ripped apart other than Secret of the Stars was Lufia back in the day.

How many more times will SDA make all us look foolish?  Sub 4 looks tricky...I could see it coming real close to 4 though since it mainly seems to be optimaztions here and there.

Congrats in advance regardless dragondarch.  Perhaps Radix will surprise us all in cool style and put both games on the same update...for amazing marathoning justice.
sda loyalist
This sure got done quick! Elly here is desperate to see Smiley
secret of mana master.
can't wait too see this mate.
Great job, its always nice to see a long RPG being finish in this shor tamount of time.

Cant wait to see this
Trebdor the Selbonator
Wow, I can't wait to see this.
Edit history:
Dragondarch: 2006-10-12 12:38:47 pm
OK, I just spent roughly the last 7 hours crunching the numbers (in terms of how much money I'm going to need and when). I shaved off every item I could, and other than some early stuff (pre-Tanbel), and the Boom Sword (which is sitting next to the Freeze Sword, which I need for the Fire Dragon), I managed to eliminate every other item I picked up solely for resale.

The finalized list will be in the next post...not enough room in this one.
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Dragondarch: 2006-11-05 07:57:30 pm
Here's the finalized list:
-Items picked up in dungeons will have it's sell price and which town it will be sold in listed after it, if it will be sold.
-Enemies fought will have the Gold amount for defeating them listed. For bosses it will be under the assumption that they don't Call any Companions.

Boomerang x6 (120G)

Cave to Sundletan

Lizardman - 125G

Antidote x3 (18G)
Boomerang x6 (120G)

Lake Cave
Miracle (1000G - Tanbel)
Eagle Rock (2500G - Narvick)
Catfish Jwl. (20000G - Merix)

Big Catfish - 500G
Goblin/Skeleton - 100G
Goblin - 50G

Alunze Kingdom
Boomerang x12 (240G)
Escape (100G)

Alunze Castle Basement
Coat (350G - Tanbel)
Miracle (1000G - Tanbel)

Alunze Northwest Cave
Miracle (1000G - Tanbel)
Witch Ring (1500G - Aleyn)
Miracle (1000G - Tanbel)

Regal Goblin - 500G

Follower x2 - 500G

Miracle x4 (4000G)
Coat (350G)
Small Knife (10G)
Frypan (5G)
Boomerang x? (All)
Potion x? (All)

Kukri (1500G)
Flash - Maxim/Tia (1200G)
Hi-Potion x9 (900G)
Big Boomer x? (Rest of Gold)

Tanbel Southeast Tower
Jute Helmet (3000G - Narvick)
Camu Jewel

Camu - 5000G

Mystery Pin x10 (300G)
Hi-Potion x? (Bring to 10)
Warp (120G)
Escape (100G)
Big Boomer x? (Rest of Gold)

Ruby Cave
Tarantula - 5000G

Mystery Pin x? (All)

Droplet - Tia (400G)
Big Boomer x? (Bring to 9)

Treasure Sword Shrine
Undead Ring
Cold Rapier (2100G - Narvick)
Anger Brace (2000G - Narvick)
Mind Ring (1500G - Preamarl)

Pierre - 1000G
Daniele - 1000G
Pierre - 4000G
Daniele - 4000G

Gordovan West Tower
Muscle Ring - On the way to Merix (1500G - Barnan)

Kukri (750G)
Catfish Jwl. (20000G)
Wood Shield (600G)
Rod (900G)

Gladius x2 (4800G)
Fireball - Selan (6000G)
Trick - Maxim/Selan (4000G)
Big Boomer x? (Bring to 6)

Cave Bridge
Fighter Ork x? - 235G-705G

North Dungeon
Mummy x4 - 2000G
Troll x3 - 1500G

Bound Kingdom
Frock (200G)
Small Shield (50G)
Hairband (200G)

Big Boomer x? (Bring to 15)
Ice Ball x15 (3000G)

Ancient Tower
Pumkin Jewel (5000G - Narvick)

Earth Viper x? - 320G-960G
Bruse x? - 330G-990G
Earth Viper x? - 320G-960G
Snell x? - 332G-1328G
Gades - 20000G

North Lighthouse
Fire Ring (1500G - Preamarl)

Idura - 1000G

Phantom Tree Mountain
Lion x2 - 16000G

Witch Ring (1500G)
Gladius (1200G)
Hi-Potion x? (All)

Blizzard - Selan (9000G)
Ice Ball x? (Bring to 25)
Fire Ball x10 (2000G)
Big Boomer x? (Bring to 2)*

*I'll probably have 2 or more left over from the Ancient Tower

Sleep Ball x10 (1000G)

Tower of Sacrifice
Ice Ring (1500G - Narvick)

Idura - 10000G

Karlloon North Shrine
Lion Fang

Idura - 10000G

Flower Mountain
Burn Sword (7500G - Barnan)
Flying Ax (4950G - Preamarl)
Power Ring

Rogue Flower - 20000G

Dankirk North Cave
Fury Ribbon

Shadow - 1482G-2964G
Soldier x4 - 4000G

Ferim Kingdom
Ice Valk - Selan (25000G)

Terror Ball x4 (4000G)

Valor - Selan (30000G)

Mountain of No Return
Gargoyle x4 - 12000G

Shrine of Vengeance
Power Robe
Boom Sword (14000G - Barnan)
Freeze Sword (14000G - Preamarl)
Heal Armor (9000G - Narvick)
Evil Jewel
Cursed Bow (25000G - Barnan)

Venge Ghost - 50000G

Gladius (1200G)
Short Sword (450G)
Burn Sword (7500G)
Bracelet (700G)
Muscle Ring (1500G)
Big Boomer x? (All)
Ice Ball x? (All)
Fire Ball x? (All)
Sleep Ball x? (All)
Bronze Sword (2500G)
Vice Pliers (3000G)
Lab-Coat (90G)
Pounder Rod (7750G)
Boom Sword (14000G)
Cursed Bow (25000G)

Crystal Wand x2 (48000G)

Silver Sword (29000G)
Ex-Boomer x6 (12000G)

Tower of Truth
White Dragon x3 - 14460G

Dragon Mountain
Sonic Ring
S-Myst Ring
S-Power Ring
Hidora Rock

Fire Dragon - 40000G

Freeze Sword (14000G)
Flying Ax (4950G)
Fire Ring (1500G)
Mind Ring (1500G)

Zirco Flail (52000G)

Dual Blade Shrine
Ghost Ship - 50000G

Gratze Castle Basement
Soldier x4 - 4000G
Soldier x4 - 4000G
Tank - 1G

Ice Ring (1500G)
Pumkin Jewel (5000G)
Cold Rapier (2100G)
Anger Brace (2000G)
Brone Shield (1800G)
Slash Shield (3750G)
Gold Gloves (4300G)
Eagle Rock (2500G)

Zirco Shield x2 (68800G)
Zirco Gloves x2 (64600G)

Shuman Island Sealed Tower
Leech - 6250G-12500G
Black Dragon - 9263G-18526G
Gades - 50000G

Heal Armor (9000G)
Silver Robe (5500G)

Zircon Armor (54000G)
Zircon Plate (51200G)

Strahda Island Sealed Tower
Leech - 6250G-12500G
Black Dragon - 9263G-18526G
Amon - 50000G

Jute Helmet (3000G)
Gold Band (4700G)

Zirco Helmet (34000G)
Zirco Band (33200G)
Boards of Canada!
1 of my favorite SNES games. Can't wait to see this either.
Well, I went ahead and recorded the 4 final sinistral battles from this run through. Call this a teaser trailer if you will.

Click here.

The Daos battle was a little slow but I was just kind of feeling my way through that one. I'm rather glad Terror Wave didn't inflict as many status ailments as it usually does.

Hope this will tide everyone over until the real run is finished  Smiley
When I watched the final battle run, I can't help but laugh at the similarities and differences between our final battles.

First things first, Maxim and his party are insanely powerful in the prologue of Lufia 1.

Yet, your final battle shares my final battle with underleveled characters.

I'll elaborate later, but I do have one question.  Considering how frequently the final battles use spells, why didn't you get Mirror?  Is this so you can charge your IP attacks?
Edit history:
Dragondarch: 2006-10-12 09:12:33 pm
I'll elaborate later, but I do have one question.  Considering how frequently the final battles use spells, why didn't you get Mirror?  Is this so you can charge your IP attacks?

That's mostly the reason. Holy Energy and Triple Attack take more than half a bar, and that's my primary damage source.

Mirror costs 30000G which, in my final version, is about 18000G more than I'll have after my final time in Narvick.
In order for me to use if effectively, I'd have to cast it on 1 person at a time, with a chance of it covering 2 if I tried.
The time spent casting Mirror could be better utilized either healing/buffing or just a plain attack. With 2 injections of Beserker, everyone's attack is extremely high, even Selan and Artea in the back row (which is one of the reasons I'll be skipping the Zap spell...that and 65000G would mean I'd have to pick up even MORE stuff to pay for it).
There's also the reason that Erim/Daos are both resistant to all normal elements (Fire/Thunder/Ice/Water) - of course those are the only elements they cast that can be reflected. All reflected shots will miss - thus I'd rather have the damage on my party and give me a good IP boost.

Although there is one major difference between our sets of final battles: Gades.
He's a pushover in my set, but seemed like he was probably the biggest run stopper in yours.

I should also note that this little video is my first foray into the encoding world. I think it came out pretty good considering it's my first  Smiley
Edit history:
ryvnn: 2006-10-12 09:47:04 pm
The weirdo all around you.
This sure got done quick! Elly here is desperate to see Smiley

Argh. And here I was hiding my real name. Sad

There's also the reason that Erim/Daos are both resistant to all normal elements (Fire/Thunder/Ice/Water) - of course those are the only elements they cast that can be reflected. All reflected shots will miss - thus I'd rather have the damage on my party and give me a good IP boost.

Good choice. They both are a pain when it comes to spells due to their resistance.

I'm going to have a look at the video. I was really hoping to see the Lufia II run, but 4 hours? This is insane.

I'll have to show the people on the forum when the runs come out for both games, if you don't mind?

I was thinking of doing a Lufia III run, if I can get a GBA recorder, seeing as I'll have a GBA to use for it. However, at this time, I'm not sure.
Edit history:
DTaeKim: 2006-10-12 11:39:10 pm
After digging in SirRelnqshd's site, I managed to find some interesting information.  Both of them are programming errors that result in significantly easier battles against Gades and Erim. 

According to what I read, the Gades you fight in Doom Island is the same Gades you fight in Gordovan Tower.

The REAL Gades has 10000 HP and, in SirRelnqshd's words,

With this patch, you fight Shumy-Doomy instead of Gordy on Doom Island.
Shumy-Doomy is stronger than Gordy: with his "Devastation" attack, he
killed my LV48 Selan at a single blow. His "Destructo-wave" is more
devastating than ever (it's on par with attacks such as "Dark fry" and
"Stardust blow"...). And his regular physical attack is nothing to laugh
at either (it can seriously hurt a weakened Guy). Don't expect a real
challenge though: it's just Gades, after all!

As for Erim, her attack script has five attacks, but she only uses two.  The other three attacks are Eerie Light, Zap, and Thunder.  I have no idea what Eerie Light does.

In any case, I still applaud you for your very interesting final battle.  It would've been funny if your characters had the same levels as the prologue in Lufia 1.

I also can't help but smile at the fact Maxim's level is the same as my Hero's level at the end of Lufia 1.  In fact, I think their stats are very close to each other.  Creepy.
Never give up!
Okay..... only quibble I had was a technical issue - the sound seemed kind of low.  Anyway, on to the actual fights.

Gades seemed kind of run-of-the-mill as far as strategies go.  Basic 'full-court press', so to speak.

Amon looked nasty even after the first-round prep.  How many outtakes were required before you could make that fight decent?  Three dozen?

Am I the only one who laughed when Erim's Devastation Wave did a grand total of 1 damage?  Nevertheless, the shot-calling in the third round of that fight is one of those things I don't recall seeing all that often in live-console runs.

I really wish they'd have given Daos his own music rather than repeating the Sinistral music.  Makes it feel... I dunno, less 'final-boss-ish'.  Anyway, I'm going to guess the number of outtakes on THIS fight was triple that of the Amon fight.  Unfortunately the AVI gave me problems right here so I can't say much more.  Or was it purposely cut off at the end to prevent from spoiling the whole outcome?
Talk to the Hand
Yeah, I've never played this game to the end (Though I want to say I've SEEN the ending for some reason), so I have to say that I was expecting one more boss after Daos..that guy he talks about in his speech, for instance. But anyway, that was pretty sweet, even having never played the game all the way through.

Question: What was with the switching positions of people in battle? I guess it has a purpose, but what?
Bring me the flaming voodoo canonball!
Question: What was with the switching positions of people in battle? I guess it has a purpose, but what?

If i am right, people in the back row get less damage
Edit history:
Sir VG: 2006-10-13 05:16:34 am
Fucking Weeaboo
Purpose of switching:

Physical attacks do less damage in the back.  Both receiving and giving.

I watched the video and thought it was pretty good.  One question...why don't you equip Dual Blade for Daos?  While it's IP eats up Maxim's bar completely, the damage he can pump out with it I remember being astronomical.

Also, in the Erim battle, skip using Zap with Arty...her magic resistance is high.  How about using physical attacks with him instead?  How is it for comparison?
Edit history:
DTaeKim: 2006-10-13 05:49:51 am
AquaTiger: Erim's Devastation Wave actually has a random chance of killing your party instantly.  If it deals damage, it could kill that person.

As for ending the game early, well, Lufia 2 DOES have something extra that Lufia 1 lacks.

Emptyeye: Did you play Lufia 1?  The prologue IS the ending to Lufia 2.
Edit history:
ryvnn: 2006-10-13 07:42:13 am
The weirdo all around you.
Alright, my turn. This game sure bought back memories. I want to play Lufia I and II now :p How Lag will love this  . . . O.O

Anyway, to the commentary:

Battle with Gades *-Holy shit. That battle was very impressive. I didn't use the Holy Energy when I fought him. That was clever. How long did it take to do this battle this effectively? I admit I was worried when you put Selan up front, but nonetheless, a very tactical move. I don't think this could be improved if you tried.

Battle with Amon *-I did like the Berserker idea. I liked the Forcefield to compensate for the magic damage. Also one recommendation: If Guy is going to triple attack on the last turn, then Maxim should prehaps heal the party before hand so that you do not have to waste time doing it in the window after battle.

Battle with Erim *-Ah, now this one was a sentimental battle for me because I grew to love her character. Zap was a good choice to use for Artea (I REFUSE to call him Arty) and the Holy Energy seemed to be affect Erim more then it did the other two. How did you manipulate it so that she only casted Dark Fry and Devastation Wave?

Battle with Daos *-Are you going to write out your strategy to know where the items are? I think you could shave off three minutes if you had it ready and all Tongue I hate Daos's attack in this game because of the random effects. Triple attack doesn't seem so effective this time Sad That's a sad thing. The dark reflector thing is also nasty when that happens.

Is there a way to get Daos to do an attack that fills up your IP gauge almost fully? I noticed a few instances where you did not have enough after you moved a character up front.  I also think you should have tried Zap more, as one person has suggested.

Also, how did you manipulate it to not have any monsters in the Doom Island hallways and such?

Overall, very impressive.

And is it just me, or does Iris fade in and out on the video?
About the video I said before, this was my first encoding that It was done at what would be "Normal" quality here at SDA. And I agree AquaTiger, the sound is a little low, but that was the best I could seem to get it.

As for each boss:

Straight beat down. If they had actually used the most powerful version I may have had some trouble.

The only problem with this fight was the confusion effect of his Chaos Wave. I switched Maxim and Guy's positions since Guy was in the only position that confusion would be inflicted. Maxim is immune to it thanks to a piece of his Pearl equipment.

I didn't actually need to use Forcefield. I did that in case he used Galactic Lancer, which is rather nasty (and Selan can't survive it in the front row normally).

Time spent in the menu screen doesn't add to the game clock, so it's actually a bit better to heal after a fight than during it. Ultimately, having Artea Defend that round would have been the fastest course of action.

Very easy fight. There's actually a bug in the game that prevents her from using all but Dark Fry/Devastation Wave, so there actually wasn't any manipulation here. I needed both injections of Forcefield for Selan to survive Dark Fry up front - which also kept her IP nice and high.

Her pattern always seems to follow: Devastation Wave, Dark Fry, Dark Fry, Physical Attack...if there's more after this I wouldn't know. I never let her live past this round Wink

Also, Erim and Daos both have 500 MGR, which equals a reduction of 125 damage from spells. Amon actually has 400, and Gades was supposed to have it, but only really has 194.

What I find even funnier is that Erim actually has the highest DFP of all 4 sinistrals at 250, with Daos having the lowest with only 50!

As for using physical attacks, I don't plan on even having Zap next time. the 65000G I need to buy it is about 52000G more than I plan on having, so everything will be physical. Artea I think will do a little less damage than  he was doing with Zap, but 1) the animation of an attack is shorter, 2) I can easily switch back and forth on healing between him and Selan, and 3) I'm going to have him with the Sonic Ring, which will make him faster than all 4 sinistrals, making him the primary healer.

Oh, and Forgotten One, according to IronKnuckle's FAQ Eerie Light is just like Dark Fry, except it also removes Mirror status and all stat bonuses.

I actually got lucky with Terror Wave as this was my first attempt at him (well, first recorded attempt).

Dual Blade vs. Holy Energy IP. Wave Motion increases all stats by 50%, and eats up a turn and all of Maxim's IP (and also doesn't do a thing for other party members). 2 castings of Beserker/Forcefield boosts my ATP/DFP by 60%, affects the whole party, and only takes 64/255 (about 26%) IP per person.

Triple Attack seemed the same compared to the other fights...over 1000 damage on the first 2 hits and around 500 fir the third. It seems that the last hit of any multi hit attack doesn't count elements correctly.

The IP shortage comes when he uses Dark Reflector. Since he doesn't directly do any damage to anyone, no one gains any IP. I knew it was coming, though. He seems to always follow the same pattern: Terror Wave, Dark Fry, Physical Attack, Dark Reflector, Thunder, Firebird. Maxim casting Flash was to prevent any real damage.

The item organization: The reason the cursor is down so low is because that was the last location I used an item from. I wasn't even expecting to use one here...was kind of hoping I could manipulate around any confusion.

Hmm...the video is fine for me throughout the entire should go until I enter the status screen after Erim opens the path to the crystals, showing my time.

Overall, this wasn't meant to be a "cream of the crop" showing, but rather a demonstration of what kinds of things can happen in these fights. The REAL run will look MUCH cleaner and won't have all the dawdling I did here.

...and no, I won't be encoding the real one. I'll have Nate do it since he's far superior to me in that respect  Wink
The weirdo all around you.
Those are interesting tidbits about the MGR and DFP.

Actually, I wonder if there's a similar way to see when they're going to die, like Lufia I. They'll flicker for a moment in the second to last hit before dying if I recall. I played through it loads of times, so it just comes naturally for me to tell when they're going to die. Can't say I've played Lufia II so many times...I used to always rent that and Shining Force at Blockbuster. :p

Lag and I were talking while he watched the video this morning (I had last night--can't watch stuff relating to Lufia with people because of fanfiction plotbunnies) and we did come to the conclusion that Zap did seem to eat up time. I would agree not to use it but I think Artea's damage (if I recall correctly) was only at about 400 something.

Umm . . . what else did I want to say . . . I do agree with your choice not to use Dual Blade. I didn't find it helpful even when I played and took it off for the higher attack power in my first playthrough.  Zircon stuff is always better :p

Time spent in the menu screen doesn't add to the game clock, so it's actually a bit better to heal after a fight than during it.

Ah. I forgotten about that. If it does that, then never mind what I said :p

Also, what status do the rings have for Selan and Artea, as in the DFP, ATP and such? I noticed you didn't use their IP attacks much for those items, but did for the weapons and for the forcefield.
While that is true for Lufia 1, I don't think Lufia 2 has any such indicator.  The closest I saw was Triple Attack ending early.
One of the only questions that remains on my mind right now...

Where the hell is Enhasa!?  Roll Eyes
Edit history:
ForteGS: 2006-10-13 08:49:13 pm
Bring me the flaming voodoo canonball!
Also, how did you manipulate it to not have any monsters in the Doom Island hallways and such?

Monsters only appear in the hallway in Lufia 1, not in 2 (and 3).

So Dragondarch, do you think a sub 4:00 is possible?

It would also be cool if someone could get their hands on the japanese version, since 4 or 5 puzzles have been removed/changed in the US/EU version.
Edit history:
Aresake: 2006-10-13 09:25:32 pm
Glowy eyes of DOOM!
Wow, much has happened since I last checked this thread! 

In the shadow room, you might consider actually killing some of them if they refuse to get out of your way quickly.  I have a feeling this could be faster, especially if you'd be forced to rely on reset otherwise.  I don't know how well your party is equipped for killing shadows at that point in the game, but it can't be that bad seeing as how you manage to lay waste to everything else. Smiley You'll even get a lilttle gold and EXP, which might help.