100% runs=great to watch
The only other SNES traditional RPG array I never thought I'd see ripped apart other than Secret of the Stars was Lufia back in the day.
How many more times will SDA make all us look foolish? Sub 4 looks tricky...I could see it coming real close to 4 though since it mainly seems to be optimaztions here and there.
Congrats in advance regardless dragondarch. Perhaps Radix will surprise us all in cool style and put both games on the same update...for amazing marathoning justice.
How many more times will SDA make all us look foolish? Sub 4 looks tricky...I could see it coming real close to 4 though since it mainly seems to be optimaztions here and there.
Congrats in advance regardless dragondarch. Perhaps Radix will surprise us all in cool style and put both games on the same update...for amazing marathoning justice.