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Fucking Weeaboo
Looking at your stuff, I think it's not "do we need you" but "do you want to".  Your work is amazing - if you can do just as well with gaming related drawings for us, it would be definitely a good thing.
Oh, absolutely. Just let me know what kind of art you want and I'll see what I can do. Smiley
Sea of Green
First post updated.

Kirbyfan9000: If you mean a Protoman helmet instead of a Mega Man helmet, I might be willing to substitute; I need to know what the general difference in interest is.

Valiuse: Updated FFVII and added your manga. Thank you. Smiley

GearStrike: I'll put you down for some joke drawings during the bad games block.

Quartz: If you're willing to offer that, that'd be awesome. I was planning on trying to make a knitted duplicate of that hat, but if you've got the real thing, I'd rather give that away and reduce my list a little. Thanks a lot!

Mecha Richter: Awesome, let me know if you get it, and then I'll add it to the list.

PJ: That's true, Item-1 does get used a lot. I'm going to add it to my list of color choices, heh.

Tsubochi: As Sir VG said, if you're willing to do some drawings for us, that would be fantastic. I'll put you down under the artwork category, and when you decide what games you'll do art for, I'll list those specifically. Thank you! If you need help deciding, it might be worth it to take a look at the schedule and see what games don't have prizes yet, or you can just make things for games you particularly like. It's up to you. Smiley
Waiting hurts my soul...
So, if the grab bag is happening (I believe it is), I can contribute a couple of not so good games. Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings and 3D Ballz both for Genesis, both complete in box.

Also, I just ordered some perlers, so we'll see what I can do with them.
a.k.a. Taillow
Completely willing to give it away.  It's either that or have it gather dust on my shelf, and I really like the former idea, have someone else make better use of it.  Once I figure out where to send it I can do so as soon as I can.
Everybody's favorite monster
I dont really have anything to offer besides myself..
A full day with trek? I know several people who would do in-house donations for that Smiley
Waiting hurts my soul...
bachelor auctions? Wink
a.k.a. Taillow
Trekhaak can be your personal servant for a day!  How about that huh? Huh?
He can personally serve me any day ;O
Sea of Green
First post updated! Thanks for the games, Zenic.

Trek: I'd add you but I'm not sure the donation tracker could handle the immense flood of bids we'd have for the chance for one day with you. Wink
Edit history:
AniMeowzerz: 2011-09-19 03:47:55 am
Quote from ZenicReverie:
So, if the grab bag is happening (I believe it is), I can contribute a couple of not so good games. Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings and 3D Ballz both for Genesis, both complete in box.

I bought those for you, you monster T_T

Also in regards to the sonic hat, that is a terrible representation of the hat. You must link to the only reference picture: Mine
Everybody's favorite monster
Turns out i actually have a real prize to give away. I stumbled upon this book about video game art which i totally forgot about, should make a good prize.
It is kinda heavy though..
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from AniMeowzerz:
Quote from ZenicReverie:
So, if the grab bag is happening (I believe it is), I can contribute a couple of not so good games. Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings and 3D Ballz both for Genesis, both complete in box.

I bought those for you, you monster T_T

Yah, I thought about giving away Awesome Possum too... Wink At least you'll know now that they'll be going somewhere where they may actually have a chance of being played.
Fish. Blub blub.
Oh yeah, I also have a copy of Magic the Gathering: BattleMage I could try to send in somehow for the grab bag thing.
Sea of Green
First post updated.

Trek: What kind of game art? Any specific games I should mention? I doubt the weight will be too much for us to ship it; we are having a dedicated "prizes" budget this time, so hopefully that will cover it.

GearStrike: Added. Smiley
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from GearStrike:
Oh yeah, I also have a copy of Magic the Gathering: BattleMage I could try to send in somehow for the grab bag thing.

Aw, what? Really? Guess you don't check the trading post much... I hope I pull this game!
Everything's better with Magitek
There are two prizes I have here at my house that weren't given out during SGDQ: a Castle Crashers perler, and a Katamari illustration done by Lindsey King (says Summer Games Done Quick on it).  Would we want to give these out at AGDQ?
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Zenic: I'm sure Gearstrike would be willing to sell it to you. It's not like we want the entire surprise game lot to be crap. Tongue

Castle Crashers I'm not so sure about because it's not going to be at AGDQ, but the Katmari picture would be a good idea.
Everybody's favorite monster
MercuryZelda: No game in particular, its just art troughout the years Smiley many many many many cool pictures in it
Here's a picture of a keychain I made that can be a prize.  If people want other colors as prizes I can do that.  I can also design other things.  Let me know what you think.

a.k.a. Taillow
Okay, that is pretty awesome, I have to admit.  I'd donate for it.
Edit history:
Miwa: 2011-09-20 03:27:53 pm
That's good to know.  I'm working on designs for different games.  I'm hoping people won't be disappointed with the fact that these are keychains so they're not large.
Not a walrus
Large keychains are hard to fit in your pocket, so I think it's good.
Sea of Green
First post updated.

Essentia: As Mike said, since we're not doing Castle Crashers this marathon, you might want to hold onto that perler. I added the Katamari drawing from Lindsey King, though. Smiley

Trekhaak: Okay, neat. Updated your book.

Miwa: Those are great. Do you make them using thin strips of plastic/vinyl? I seem to remember doing a similar craft when I was younger, but not anything fancy and cool like the SMB mushroom. Grin Also, if you're worried about the size being misrepresented, it might be a good idea to take a picture of one next to a coin so that people seeing them would immediately get a sense of scale. Either way, they're awesome, and I'm happy to add them to our list of prizes! Let me know what other designs you end up making and I'll list them too.