Does anyone have pictures of the following prizes? I'm working with Mercury.Com/Mecha Richter to get pictures of the plushies/hats/perlers to put into UA's tracker (so viewers can see the prize pictures anytime they want during the marathon), and am trying to track down pictures of the other prizes if we have any.
Resident Evil 4 artwork Sonic comic bundle Mega Man manga mushroom keychan SOTN strategy guide 3D Zelda bundle Big PSX/Saturn RPG bundle
I have the SOTN strategy guide and psx/saturn rpg bundle. I'm also about to receive the Sonic comics bundle. I'll take pictures once the Sonic comics arrive.
I will probably not be able to provide the Zelda LTTP instruction booklet; in the middle of a move and all my stuff is in storage for an indefinite period of time.
Sorry, but I should be able to have it for next marathon.
I've loaded all of the prizes currently on the schedule into the donation tracker database. I'm working with Mike to get pictures of the prizes that he has at his house; and if anyone else can provide pictures of any of the other prizes that don't currently have them, post the links here and I'll get them added.
How would this setup treat grab bag drawings? (Relatedly, how are we going to do those drawings? I think at the very least each game that doesn't have a prize yet should have a grab bag draw, $5 entry at any point up until that draw perhaps?)
Speaking of grab bag drawing, how is it going to work out? Will the prize be drawn after the winner has been announced as a complete surprise, or will the prize be decided when a grab bag giveaway is about to happen and people will be able to base their decision of taking part in it (if that's their motivation to donate during the specific time frame) accordingly?
Should console information about the game be given? Are you going to have a list of all the possible games? Are you going to draw numbers corresponding to the games, or the actual games?