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Blood Thunder: 2014-07-24 04:59:12 pm
Wait, what?

Judgy, send me a steam message whenever you're around again.
@Judgy does that mean that you aren't looking for any more glitches?
Edit: It turns out he has retired. Thanks Judgy for all the glitches man!
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Hey guys, is there still interest in this game? Ive been smashing it all week and was happy to see there was already a small group running this game. Im just playing through again quickly through wyatts story to see the differences but after that Ill be starting runs.
I know mind is still trying to take my WR :3, but I'll be doing a bit more in the near future. Trying to work out a schedule to mix up the games I'm currently running. WarDrum and Splatt are also doing attempts so I'd say that the community is still pretty active, now is a great time to join in! Welcome :D!
Yeah I've been in kind of a lull this past week or so. I had to do college stuff and in turn haven't been able to run anything. That will hopefully change this week.
Also welcome ImRuKus! It's always nice to have a new runner.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Awesome! I was practicing the button skips last night to try get the hang of them, However im not sure if ill be trying the train button skip often as it seems pretty finicky, I managed to find a setup that works like 10% of the time, but by the time Iv'e opened the door and killed the robot It probably would be equal in time unless I got it 1st or 2nd attempt. I have to practice the Monitor skip tonight and finish Wyatts story (for some reason It says I haven't done the Captains story :S anyone else had this issue?).

Im going watch Blood's run while I do some work and see were he splits and make my splits the same place for consistency. Im thinking of doing an un-optimized run soon then going back and seeing how I can optimize the route, Hopefully I find some little time savers for you guys.
If you don't go for the button skip, you can just run through the locked door at the top of the stairs instead of fighting the robot(just a little bit faster)
@ImRuKus I have just started to go straight for the door if I am a lot ahead. Tommorow I'll put up a video since I haven't seen one on the thread showcasing the door for you and for anyone who didn't know about it (like me until 2 weeks ago)
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Are you guys talking about the door up the stairs behind the 2nd General?
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Quote from Blood Thunder:
Skipping the helicopter fight, avoiding a death trigger (seems to be wyatt only) and loading into the londonmonitor fight:

Still no idea how to get the second jump here working :/ I just hit the death trigger Sad
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ImRuKus: 2014-07-29 08:04:52 am
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Also, another quick question, Are you ment to spam "e" to skip cutscenes? Because my cutscenes feel like they run way longer then normal.

*Went back and watched you run BT, and on my coffee split my cutscene with anya is basically playing the whole way through adding like 10-20 seconds :/ This seems to be happening on every cutscene. Ill try playing with the lowest possible setting tomorrow but if this is the case even on low then I doubt ill ever be able to compare times with you guys :(*
Get over here!
Do you have the game installed on an SSD or a normal drive? I'm not 100% sure about it but it looks like cutscenes are somehow affected by loadtimes (it's a trick used by a few devs to cover up loadings in their games).
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Judgy: 2014-07-29 12:13:07 pm
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
@ImRukus the second jump there works by not touching anything as you are falling the first time, You literally have to avoid EVERYTHING on your decent otherwise it will not work when you respawn.

#Edit : If you watch bloods video of the skip you will notice he dodges all obstacles on the way down.
Quote from ImRuKus:
Also, another quick question, Are you ment to spam "e" to skip cutscenes? Because my cutscenes feel like they run way longer then normal.

*Went back and watched you run BT, and on my coffee split my cutscene with anya is basically playing the whole way through adding like 10-20 seconds :/ This seems to be happening on every cutscene. Ill try playing with the lowest possible setting tomorrow but if this is the case even on low then I doubt ill ever be able to compare times with you guys :(*

From what I've noticed, you can always skip the cutscene at relatively the same time. For example, when BJ goes to cut out the tattoo in his arm during the lunar base mission, I can always skip it right as it goes into the flashback. Spamming doesn't really help but its very easy to notice when you're about able to skip by doing so. Spamming your use key with make 'loading...' appear in the bottom right corner, if you keep spamming it will fade in/fade out in a consistent manner but the moment it tries to fade in out of synch(very abrupt), that's when you can skip.
1:44:15 (

New WR by over a minute but I lost over 2 minutes near the end of the game due to really stupid things. Pushing for the elusive 1:41!
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ImRuKus: 2014-07-29 09:40:36 pm
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
@Shadow, Jst a standard HD I may look into getting an SSD soon though.

@Judgy, I didn't realise the jump had to be done in two parts, I thought they were separate, Cheers for clearing that up Smiley

@Blood, Alot of my cut scenes last night were definitely going longer then normal, I wasn't even able to skip some of them and had to let them play practically all the way through (the plane crash intro, the coffee cut scene etc) When i get home from work ill load it up and put it on low settings and boost priority on it, Normally I can skip cut scenes quickly, maybe having shit running in the background was slowing down my pc and making my load times longer? It was kinda ridiculous, I died trying to make the jump to skip climbing the pipe in the Bus split and had to wait a minute for the game to let me continue.
@ImRuKus there are two ways to do the monitor skip if you are having trouble with the jump-straight-down-and-hit-nothing strat. If you hug the left wall you can drop through easily as well. And to answer a previous question of yours; yes, the door behind the second general can be sprinted through.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
@Mind, Cheers dude. Yeh I was just hitting something on the first jump down so that explains why the skip wasn't working >.<
I had a feeling that you could just run through that door, I just never tried haha.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Ok, So I turned settings down to low and tried running. The load screens seemed a bit faster but god are the textures blurry haha. I may look into getting an SSD soon.

I also was playing around trying to clip through the roof in the underwater jewish place as the elevator rises. So far nothing much has come from it other then being able to clip my head repeatedly through the roof and see the room (so I know its loaded already). I did manage to get on top of the button while the elevator was going up however it pushed me downwards quite forcibly to the point were I got fall damage from the button height. Im thinking if you jump at the right time while on top of the button you may be able to get pushed  up through the roof. It may not be possible to actually clip through but it may be worth trying out.
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ImRuKus: 2014-07-31 07:19:39 am
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
*Edit: Run went god awful. A LOT of deaths, failed helicopter fight skip like 10 times and ended up just fighting it. Failed every stealth part so I had to waste my ammo and time beating alarmed guards. Pretty horrible run clocking in at 2:17:00. Ill be running this game a couple times tomorrow hopefully will have it to sub 2 by then. Bl00d stop being a fps running god :P!

Not sure if anyone cares but Im gunna stream my first full run at

Whenever you guys stream runs post your twitch in here so I can come watch Cheesy
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Judgy: 2014-07-31 12:37:06 pm
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
ImRuKus If you happen to Twit I know that Blood announces his streams before he does them. (@Bl00dThunder)
Well this was probably the most annoying thing that has happened In a while haha. Recorded run was going great right until the very last boss who also happens to be one of the easiest and I lost almost all of the time I had gained, wont be running this again for a while haha.

yeah I know that feeling. When you get so close and then the game just shits on you...Hope you continue playing though!
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
I have no clue how you guys are so darn quick >.< did a run off stream earlier today and got an even 2:10:00.. You guys must be sanic's in disguise.
Quote from ImRuKus:
I have no clue how you guys are so darn quick >.< did a run off stream earlier today and got an even 2:10:00.. You guys must be sanic's in disguise.

Don't worry about it too much just continue to do runs and try to improve! Just remember 2 things:

1) Go fast
2) Don't go slow.