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Die Meatbags Die!
I hope to finish my run by tommorow. I have the Leviathan, Kashyyyk, The Unknown World, and the Star Forge left. There are some mistakes I made along the way. I know whatever my final time is I could take at least 10 minutes off of it.
Speedruns - 01
10m - that's alot of mistakes really :| what happend? :S
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Lord_Revan: 2005-06-24 09:40:03 pm
Die Meatbags Die!
My biggest mistake was when I got to Korriban. I talked to Yathura, but she wouldn't let me in. I didn't have enough persuade. I had to go back to my Dantooine run and level up twice to get the necceasry persuade. This cost my about 5 minutes. That was the only major mistake I made that I can remember. This run is lightyears ahead of my 4:48 run, though. There is a lot of randomness to this game doing it perfectly would take a lot of time.
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MNeMiC: 2005-06-24 11:13:29 pm
Speedruns - 01
you don't need ANY persuade to convince her, just talk to her about 3 - 4 times and she'll allow you to enter. Otherwise you talk to her once, then go and kill some Sith students and get their badge thing, then go back to her and she'll let you in.

On the test I'm doing now, I'm up on 2hrs now, done Taris, Dantooine, Manaan and Tatooine. Though Taris went really slow, 1.03, dunno what went wrong, just didn't hit good at all.
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Lord_Revan: 2005-06-25 05:03:04 am
Die Meatbags Die!
I need to have a persuade of two to convince her to let me in, otherwise whe rejects me. Fighting those guys, other than the wasted time, is too diificult. They cut my level 8 apart.
Die Meatbags Die!
MALAK IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

Ah I finally completed my speed run. I have gotten the exact time yet, but the approximate time is:


I almost cut my previous record by an hour. Now what do I do? How exactly do I get it on the site?
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MNeMiC: 2005-06-25 10:34:57 am
Speedruns - 01
Ohhh! Nice time! GR@z! Will be tough to beat for sure.
I have no idea to get the run up, perhaps you'd need a server.
Also tenkiforecast
Wow.  I think you send it to Radix... either by E-mail or CD's. you could ask him or a speed-runner...
Speedruns - 01
Alright, finished this test, ended up on 4h3m or something, though I didn't have any luck in the fights at all, so more can be saved. The next run will be my record run, I'll start on it tomorrow.

Need some more HDD space ^_^
Die Meatbags Die!
Well my recording attempts were a complete failure, most specifically compression. I will start again once I figure out how to do it properly. Hopefully I can get my time under 3:45 now that I learned from my previous mistakes.
Also tenkiforecast
What sidequests are done, if any at all?

Probably only do the short sidequests if you do any. Kinda like... the missing Selkath one... some of the bounties on Taris, swoop races. Pazaak would take too long though.
Die Meatbags Die!
The only side quests that I do are two bounties on Taris. I only do it for the money. I also take the item from the lady on Tatooine for the money. I think that is all I do.
Speedruns - 01
I was gonna do the Swoop races for quick money at first, to get the special colored crystals, but then I realised that if I picked a couple of weapon and armor lockers at Leviathan, aswell as picked up items from Calos and Bandon, I'd get well over what I needed for this.

However, in the second speedtest I realized that you don't even need the special colored crystals. So I'm not doing any sidequests AT ALL.

What are you using to record Revan?
Die Meatbags Die!
I use Fraps to record and then VirtualDub to compress.

I found that money is not that big a deal in the game. Just need to buy a few medpacs for emergencies and buying the Electrical Capacitance Shield for 8,500. Helps in the battle aginst Malak and Bastila.
Speedruns - 01
Yeah, though if you only pickup stuff from the big fights, bandon etc. you'll get enough money to buy enough medpacks, what I missed out on this run was that I had 6 spikes to few, since I forgot on which planet you could buy unlimited spikes ^_^, think it was Tatooine though.
Die Meatbags Die!
There are four from what I found at GameFAQ. One on Taris, Two on Tatooine, and one on Manaan. THis is a XBOX faq so it may be wrong.
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MNeMiC: 2005-06-30 06:13:24 pm
Speedruns - 01
Alright, got it. I started recording today aswell. Done about half now.

Got some pretty funny bugs:
*EDIT Links taken down*
Die Meatbags Die!
I am about 1/3 of the way done now. Spend most of my time compressing the files. Those were some funny bugs. KOTOR is full of those as is KOTOR II. The funniest for me was when I was on Dantooine on KOTOR II and I went over to the collapsed doorway and tried to open it and was transported to the scence involving the Jedi Council. I went on the Ebon Hawk and got stuck. Adding to the humor, this was my first time playing through the game so this was a huge spoiler.
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MNeMiC: 2005-06-30 02:26:03 am
Speedruns - 01
Hehehe, well, atleast someone didn't tell you the whole "who's Revan" thing on beforehand. Unlike how I found out on MSN Messenger Angry
Die Meatbags Die!
I should have my run done by friday. I am saving my original files this time just in case I messed up on the encoding again. Making very good time so far. 10 minutes ahead of my previous pase.
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MNeMiC: 2005-06-30 01:35:44 pm
Speedruns - 01
Alright, awsome. I'm looking for verifyers now for my run, it's finished.

When ur running, make sure you save all of your save files at good positions, since the only error I got was when the recordings I did wasn't working and I had to re-record certain parts, sometimes over 10 times, and then since I saved over one save the whole time, I had to go back to the last previous save when all recorded clips had worked so far.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'll help verify the runs. I've been playing this lately myself, just not at the extreme speed you guys are.
Die Meatbags Die!
Hey MNeMiC, what ending did you play? If you played the lightside, then I could play Dark and vis versa. Maybe Radix would allow for a lightside and a darkside run. Worth a try.
Speedruns - 01
Is there any way to get in touch with either of you guys via MSN Messenger?

I play the good ending, but my character stays on neutral alignment. I segmented it up a bit differently, based on how tight the situations were, but then I compiled everything into planet-wise, but trying to keep it exciting, so just like a TV-episode I end one segment at an exciting moment to keep the viewer pinned  Wink Maybe it dosn't work here, I don't know, but that's how I did it anyways.

Ill be putting the run up on my personal FTP Server for verifying needs. So Juncti and Revan - please contact me on MSN or email on mnemic[at]gmail[dot]com
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Heh, im new around here, I've been talking with MNeMic over the last few weeks about this, and was going to start a KOTOR speedrun myself...

anyway, MNeMiC asked me to help verify this with me, the main reason im here, so im gonna start downloading the movie off his ftp soon >_>