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Speedruns - 01
Okey finished with loading points in my run now, messed up a bit with the movie compilation before, but that's fixed now, part 01 and 03 needs to be redownloaded from my FTP.
Die Meatbags Die!
Hey Juncti, have you verified the run yet? If not, how much more do you have to watch?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Almost, work has been insane lately so haven't had as much time. Should likely finish by wednesday at this rate.
Edit history:
Lord_Revan: 2005-08-04 04:31:14 am
Die Meatbags Die!
Hey Juncti, are you finished with it or do you need a few more days? How much more do you need to watch?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yeah, all clear.

I'll have more comments later when I compare some parts of both runs.
Die Meatbags Die!
Hey Juncti, did you get my PM? Are you still around?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I did and I did. Yes still here just too busy with work and school to be as active.
Speedruns - 01
Wonder when they will be put online, really wanna watch yours. You wrote the info right?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Have to say, looking at both runs in total. MNeMiC's was the better one at this point. Lot cleaner, less main character deaths and managed to skip a lot of battles that Revan stopped to fight (that right there probably makes a huge portion of the time difference).

Each is still unique. Once they get posted I'm sure someone will combine the best of both and get the time down more.

Another thing. Revan did more gathering as I had suggested earlier. This allowed him to make some battles easier by using spikes or grenades while MNeMiC usually didn't have those tofall back on.
Speedruns - 01
Yeah, I really could've used them in a couple of battles, since the accuracy of the player is pretty low during the whole game almost, especially against sith. But overall it turns out okey. The only thing I'm wondering about is if Radix will allow the use of the levelup bug/glitch? Did you talk to him about it Revan?
Die Meatbags Die!
I already have my comments written. As far as the level up glitch, I don't think it falls outside the glitch rules. It takes a while to level up and it isn't really a major glitch either. I think it is more efficent and a time saver. Radix never said anything about it to me.
I'm addicted to games
What's the nature of this glitch you speak of?

I'll try to time MNeMiC's run soon.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
When speaking to characters in the game you choose what to say from a group of options. Sometimes depending on what is happening this provides experiance. Typically once you've done something you can't do it again, this one spot however lets you continuously go through the same speech and get exp.

If I recall correctly it's on a segment by itself so you could easily load that up and see it in action to determine it's legality. I don't have the segment number here. Revan probably would know it.
Die Meatbags Die!
It is the 9th segment. It is just me talking to this character for 9 minutes. It gives me 150 exp everytime I talk to her. It allows me to level up efficently. It was probably an slip up by the programmers that I exploited. Its not like I flip a switch and I am level 20. What you ruling on it Radix?
Edit history:
Radix: 2005-08-22 04:02:14 am
I'm addicted to games
I didn't look at it, but sounds like programmer stupidity to me. There's something similar in Lament of Innocence.

I finally tortured myself through timing MNeMiC's run. His list of load times was only like 90% accurate which didn't make things easy. Some of the times he listed were 5 seconds off. Others had no loading screen in sight. And then I saw a couple he failed to list when I was scrolling from one time to another. So, I dont know if the timing is accurate or not. But, since it came out to 3:18:59, unless I missed 59 seconds of loading screens, "3:18" is accurate.

Both of these runs are in 'needs uploaded' now, and it'll take me like 41 hours to send the 6+ gigs, and I can't start right now. In the meantime I'm going to need comments from Lord_Reven, I already have some from MNeMiC. I need dates that both runs were finished. I need a "cheesy intro" for the game (text at the top of the page) and two screenshots. Whoever wants to provide them, I don't care.
Die Meatbags Die!
I will do the stuff Radix. How should I send my comments, the intro, and the screen shots?
Die Meatbags Die!
Man MNeMiC that's impressive. 16 minutes faster than mine. I look forward to seeing your run to learn some tips. 
I'm addicted to games
It turns out there was several lines where excel had changed the forumla i use from eg =e490-c490 to =e490-c489 because of some inserts I had done. Filling in the correct formula everywhere results in the (hopefully) right time of 3:14:24, narrowing my margin of "allowed missing load screens" significantly.
Speedruns - 01
Well, the game still says 3.27 in the timer, I don't see a reason to not use this time since it's in the video (atleast in mine), and it's not fake, and it should be the same for all versions of the game (whether sold in the US, Japan or Europe. And since I don't think loading times are included in that, having a slower to load computer is not a problem, and also the clicking around in the menu is included in the time, which is good since then you save time on the run by not saving as often (since if it's not included, you could save every 5 seconds just to make things ultimate = not fun).

And Radix, I don't know if I really missed any loadings, what I think you saw are the loadings where I'm saving or similiar, not transferring between places, since I think saving should count towards the total time for the same reason written above.
I'm addicted to games
Well, the game still says 3.27 in the timer

The game has a timer!?!?

And Radix, I don't know if I really missed any loadings, what I think you saw are the loadings where I'm saving or similiar, not transferring between places, since I think saving should count towards the total time for the same reason written above.

13:59 and 14:05 in file 2 to give you an example. And when you do a save, I stop after you've hit OK on the file name ...
Die Meatbags Die!
The game does have a timer. After you save the game it gives you the number of hours and minutes. I looked at it and it is fairly accurate. My first Segment is 18:02 and the game timer shows 18 minutes when I saved it. The difficult part would be getting the time for the final segment.
Speedruns - 01
Not really, I did it, when I see Darth Malak die, I hit the menu button, and saves the game, then I load it to see the final time, when it's loaded, it takes about half a second and then the final cut sequence is triggered.

Radix - I thought that only the loading times that came by entering another location was allowed on that list, I'm sorry, I'm probably saving the game about 20 times atleast, so unless you scrubbed through the videos pretty closely you might've missed some more, but it's okey with me anyway.

If Lord_Revan looks at the time of his latest save (if it's in the video), or if it's in any of his backup saves (if he had any), and then use that time up til then, and from that manually time until the end of the battle, wouldn't that work aswell? I still have all my saves if someone would like to verify or whatever, it's 18 saves in total, all after Dantooine.

My run was finished 30th of June.
Edit history:
Radix: 2005-08-23 02:12:30 am
I'm addicted to games
Looks like the game is definitely counting the loading/saving time then, because the total length of MNeMiC's first 9 videos is 3:29:48

For an even better example, his first save is 16:03 in the video and labeled is 0:16, so it includes the character generation too.

So yeah, I didn't put myself through timing these for nothing ... plus, I'm against the "look in menu quickly after killing the last guy" method of checking a game's timer (see castlevania sotn/cotm) so it'll just be ignored.

MNeMiC, your run was 18 segments then, and you appened into the 10 files based on game area?
Speedruns - 01
Not really 18 segments, alot more, but I put them together in post production with Adobe Premiere, based on the clips divided in one part for each 'section' of the game, or rather one for each planet in the game. Though in some places it's hard to tell where one planet ends and the next planet begins due to the traveling there can includes cut-scenes and other small extra missions, but this is divided into 9, or well 10 if you count the final cut-scene, parts.

But the number of segments of the recordings is actually divided by each time I save the game, so the number of real segments is actually 48.

Hope this makes sense.
I'm addicted to games
So why is there only 18 saves in the saves.rar?