Edit history:
nanachan09: 2014-09-19 01:08:42 am
nanachan09: 2014-09-03 12:01:11 am
nanachan09: 2014-09-02 12:42:47 am
nanachan09: 2014-08-15 01:41:24 pm
nanachan09: 2014-08-05 02:29:39 pm
nanachan09: 2014-08-05 01:54:58 pm
So... Last year was the first for Speedathon, and we ended up raising around $2600 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. I want to pull this off again this year
Basically this thread right now is for date ideas (I'm currently thinking Sept. 18-23), and it's also for charity ideas! Once the date is more of a concrete thing, I will post a form for game submissions. I am also looking for volunteers to help run this thing, so any and all help is appreciated 
Sign up forms are up!
I'll get the schedule up and running as soon as I can
I'm going to be cutting off sign-ups Sept. 1st so I have some time to get the schedule put together and whatnot, and you guys will be able to have time to look over it and see if any revisions are needed
Probably am going to leave sign-ups open for a bit longer if the newer people don't mind being put like towards the end of the marathon. But, yes, I will be trying to get the schedule put together this weekend. Also, I have the very tiniest of starts on the schedule. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w72uIjczvDE9ZDmnPTXOHyvWQkMuFGfb1W7HvuVr3wg/edit#gid=0
Sign up forms are up!
I'll get the schedule up and running as soon as I can
I'm going to be cutting off sign-ups Sept. 1st so I have some time to get the schedule put together and whatnot, and you guys will be able to have time to look over it and see if any revisions are needed
Probably am going to leave sign-ups open for a bit longer if the newer people don't mind being put like towards the end of the marathon. But, yes, I will be trying to get the schedule put together this weekend. Also, I have the very tiniest of starts on the schedule. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w72uIjczvDE9ZDmnPTXOHyvWQkMuFGfb1W7HvuVr3wg/edit#gid=0
Thread title: