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puwexil: 2014-02-07 08:06:30 pm
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puwexil: 2014-02-07 01:06:13 am
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puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:46:44 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:43:29 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:40:44 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:38:11 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:37:49 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:37:26 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:34:48 pm
puwexil: 2014-02-04 01:34:35 pm
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puwexil: 2013-12-21 07:33:23 pm
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puwexil: 2013-12-16 08:08:24 pm
puwexil: 2013-12-16 09:22:36 am
Professional Second Banana
Team Y Burn:
Team EGG!:
Team Waterfall:
Team Ralse:
Start Time: Saturday, February 8th, 10AM EST (GMT-5)
4-Way Race View: http://www.twitch.tv/puwexil
日本のミラー (Japanese Restream): http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1286632

FF4: SNES version (FF2US) - Full Game RTA (Mist clip and any glitches except 64-layer OK)
FF5: SFC version with RPGe 1.10 English patch (Item duplication/Kiss of Blessing glitches OK)
FF6: SNES version (FF3US) - Any%
Direct airship landing at Troia (-1 minute)
Defeat Calbrena (merged doll) (-3 minutes)
Final hit on Zeromus with direct attack/spell (no reflected spells) (-2 minutes)
Direct airship landing at Crescent Island Base (1st visit) (-1 minute)
Avoid all skippable Big Bridge battles without stopping (-2 minutes)
Defeat NeoExdeath (no Kiss of Blessing on either form) (-5 minutes)
Direct airship landing at Kefka's Tower (-1 minute)
1st try Reverse Joker Doom on Ultros/Chupon (including hitting all 3 reels the 1st time they spin past) (-2 minutes)
The Spooniest Bard (viewers vote for best opera performance - no tool-assistance allowed MV
) (-3 minutes for 1st place, -1 minute for 2nd place)
Something I saw on Nico Live earlier this year that looked like tons of fun was a 4-way SNES Final Fantasy relay race - 4 teams of 3 runners racing FF4-6 back to back with 1 stream rebroadcasting all 4 teams, with the skill levels so close that the spread between 1st and 4th place was only about 90 minutes; and with a fun scoring system that helped determine the winning team along with the final run times (each game had around 5 ways to get bonus points, like for the FF4/5 runners being able to make tight airship landings like Touria/Crescent Island Base directly without having to stop for minor adjustments).
I've heard some interest in trying a similar relay in the Western FF community; and with the the success of Joka's recent Mega Man relay race I thought I'd pitch the idea here to gauge interest at least for a 2-way relay. As I see it the main challenges to having such an event would be finding a day that works for enough runners (which will be a lot more difficult for 4-6 hour Final Fantasy runs compared to 30-45 minute Mega Man runs), finding enough FF5 runners (FF5 isn't as popular in SDA/SRL as 4/6 and the runners I know largely do different versions/categories), and matching skill levels well enough to keep the race close.
So what do you all think?
Team Y Burn:
Team EGG!:
Team Waterfall:
Team Ralse:
Start Time: Saturday, February 8th, 10AM EST (GMT-5)
4-Way Race View: http://www.twitch.tv/puwexil
日本のミラー (Japanese Restream): http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1286632

FF4: SNES version (FF2US) - Full Game RTA (Mist clip and any glitches except 64-layer OK)
FF5: SFC version with RPGe 1.10 English patch (Item duplication/Kiss of Blessing glitches OK)
FF6: SNES version (FF3US) - Any%
Direct airship landing at Troia (-1 minute)
Defeat Calbrena (merged doll) (-3 minutes)
Final hit on Zeromus with direct attack/spell (no reflected spells) (-2 minutes)
Direct airship landing at Crescent Island Base (1st visit) (-1 minute)
Avoid all skippable Big Bridge battles without stopping (-2 minutes)
Defeat NeoExdeath (no Kiss of Blessing on either form) (-5 minutes)
Direct airship landing at Kefka's Tower (-1 minute)
1st try Reverse Joker Doom on Ultros/Chupon (including hitting all 3 reels the 1st time they spin past) (-2 minutes)
The Spooniest Bard (viewers vote for best opera performance - no tool-assistance allowed MV
Something I saw on Nico Live earlier this year that looked like tons of fun was a 4-way SNES Final Fantasy relay race - 4 teams of 3 runners racing FF4-6 back to back with 1 stream rebroadcasting all 4 teams, with the skill levels so close that the spread between 1st and 4th place was only about 90 minutes; and with a fun scoring system that helped determine the winning team along with the final run times (each game had around 5 ways to get bonus points, like for the FF4/5 runners being able to make tight airship landings like Touria/Crescent Island Base directly without having to stop for minor adjustments).
I've heard some interest in trying a similar relay in the Western FF community; and with the the success of Joka's recent Mega Man relay race I thought I'd pitch the idea here to gauge interest at least for a 2-way relay. As I see it the main challenges to having such an event would be finding a day that works for enough runners (which will be a lot more difficult for 4-6 hour Final Fantasy runs compared to 30-45 minute Mega Man runs), finding enough FF5 runners (FF5 isn't as popular in SDA/SRL as 4/6 and the runners I know largely do different versions/categories), and matching skill levels well enough to keep the race close.
So what do you all think?
Thread title: