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chiron, i cant find you anywhere on the list of submissions. someone made a list of submissions and then i used that to start making the schedule. i had no idea about your run. whats your info? (game, category, ETA, availability)
I should say that you might want to change my game's name to Classic Heroes, otherwise people might mistake it for the original.
Well it looks like none of my runs were accepted. Have a good marathon everyone that was!
wtf. my submissions list is really different. everyon is saying they didnt get into the marathon and they arent in the submissions to begin with. i dont know who made this submissions list. wuqinglong, you can give me your information as well. could you twitch PM me your info at if you still want in?
I'll do that.
can anyone get me contact with gymnast by chance?
I've sent the twitch PM but I'll understand if there isn't any room on the schedule this late in the process.
No idea...I used the submission form in the OP....soooo unless that changed...
As did I but it seems some submissions didn't make it into the list, quite bizzare really.
we might have an official schedule by tonight. I would be very suprised if I couldnt finish by tomorrow.
I think some people were deleted or overwritten from the list.. Not quite sure why, as we were organizing it...
chiron. you said you werent in the schedule. that is because you were not in the list of submissions. as firecrotch said, some were deleted for some reason. fitting "new" entries in is quite hard at this point but if you can you have a game around 20-40 minutes long, twitch PM me your info at please? include game, category, twitch URL, ETA, and (optional) incentive
and your availability times
Terrible at games
Just sent. I had already sent that to zimsmlgpro, but I sent again. I also sent to him that I would be happy to help with any scheduling if you needed it, and that still stands.
scheduling is so close to being done. we need to figure out the second half of the 24th and then we'll be done and ready to check and make sure all our times and ETAs match up as well as availabilities fit with timeslots. then we'll be ready to call it official
this should be a fun marathon to watch.  looking forward to it.
Terrible at games

This is the doc where the final schedule is being made.
Yeah, I just didn't know if that was final.
just a little update. iv finished the shedule and im running checks to make sure that everyone can run during their timeslots. tokyoboi is at the moment, pending. if he does not do his run, we will have replacements
Vanilla H is mai waifu
"Disney's 102 Dalmations" => "Disney's 102 Dalmatians"
My game Grief Syndrome has a donation incentive, fight Okatavia the hidden boss, the new schedule says I don't by the way.
The old schedule had it at 15$ so it can stay there, unless you want to change the price.
um, if you are trying to tell me something, lecorbak, could you be more clear?
thanks for letting me know BlackCat. i fixed it.
The cake is a lie
I know some infos have been given about how the marathon will go, but could it be possible to have more precisions ?

Like, what's the mumble server ? How will games be restreamed ? (Players stream form their own channel or there's some kind of bypass to stream directly to the SSM channel)

How much time should we be there before our run(s) start ?