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Waiting hurts my soul...
I've removed my restrictions. I've found the instructions for both my games, so I only need the cart/disc for these games now.

Demon's Crest							SNES			IkomaSoji
Breath of Fire 1						SNES			IkomaSoji
Lost Vikings 2							SNES			IkomaSoji
Super Turrican 2						SNES			Omnigamer
Zero The Kamikazee Squirrel					SNES			Omnigamer
Earthbound							SNES			NoiseCrash
Conker's Bad Fur Day						N64			NoiseCrash
Jumping Flash							PS1			MechaRichter
Kings Field							PS1			Khaos4wood
Kings Field II							PS1			Khaos4wood
Monster World IV (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Zero Wing (JP)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
MUSHA (US)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Battle Mania Daiginjou (JP)					Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Gleylancer (JP)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Bareknuckle III (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Panorama Cotton (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Shadowrun							Genesis			drakonsan
Phantasy Star Online 1+2 Plus edition				GC			TruShade
Radiant Historia 						DS			Omnigamer
Mega Man Zero Collection 					DS			Omnigamer
Towers II (Plight of the Stargazer) 				Jaguar			ZenicReverie
Lucienne's Quest 						3DO			ZenicReverie
Sonic 3								Genesis			TimpZ
Ristar								Genesis			TimpZ
Phantasy star IV						Genesis			TimpZ
Contra								Genesis			TimpZ
Rocket Knight							Genesis			TimpZ
Pulseman (if that works with a US Genesis?)			Genesis			TimpZ
Castlevania Bloodlines						Genesis			TimpZ
Kid Chameleon							Genesis			TimpZ
Aladdin								Genesis			TimpZ
Vectorman							Genesis			TimpZ
Tiny Toons							Genesis			TimpZ
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Heidrage you aren't looking for your games anymore?

Ok Zenic. Thanks.
Willing to teach you the impossible
Nope, I have everything now. I will edit myself back into the list if I become interested in anything. Thanks for every ones help!
I've lined up a deal for Earthbound, so after removing it from the list:

Demon's Crest							SNES			IkomaSoji
Breath of Fire 1						SNES			IkomaSoji
Lost Vikings 2							SNES			IkomaSoji
Super Turrican 2						SNES			Omnigamer
Zero The Kamikazee Squirrel					SNES			Omnigamer
Conker's Bad Fur Day						N64			NoiseCrash
Jumping Flash							PS1			MechaRichter
Kings Field							PS1			Khaos4wood
Kings Field II							PS1			Khaos4wood
Monster World IV (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Zero Wing (JP)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
MUSHA (US)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Battle Mania Daiginjou (JP)					Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Gleylancer (JP)							Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Bareknuckle III (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Panorama Cotton (JP)						Genesis			RaijinXBlade
Shadowrun							Genesis			drakonsan
Phantasy Star Online 1+2 Plus edition				GC			TruShade
Radiant Historia 						DS			Omnigamer
Mega Man Zero Collection 					DS			Omnigamer
Towers II (Plight of the Stargazer) 				Jaguar			ZenicReverie
Lucienne's Quest 						3DO			ZenicReverie
Sonic 3								Genesis			TimpZ
Ristar								Genesis			TimpZ
Phantasy star IV						Genesis			TimpZ
Contra								Genesis			TimpZ
Rocket Knight							Genesis			TimpZ
Pulseman (if that works with a US Genesis?)			Genesis			TimpZ
Castlevania Bloodlines						Genesis			TimpZ
Kid Chameleon							Genesis			TimpZ
Aladdin								Genesis			TimpZ
Vectorman							Genesis			TimpZ
Tiny Toons							Genesis			TimpZ
Thats how you comin' bruh?
Breath of Fire III (PS1)
Lunar Eternal Blue Complete
Final Fantasy Chronicles
Persona 1 or 2

Persona 3 FES
Shining Tears
The Bouncer

Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart Double Dash
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Waiting hurts my soul...
I have Luigi's Mansion. No instructions, just case and disc (light scratches). How does $13 shipped sound (if you're in the US)? PM me if you want it.
Thats how you comin' bruh?
Quote from ZenicReverie:
I have Luigi's Mansion. No instructions, just case and disc (light scratches). How does $13 shipped sound (if you're in the US)? PM me if you want it.

Sounds like a good deal, but as a collector I would like it to be complete. So I would have to decline your kind offer. Thanks though. <3
Just wanted to let you know that you can go ahead and remove the games I asked for from the list. I've got some of them, and I am close to getting the ones I am missing. Thanks for everything dude!
Edit history:
IkomaSoji: 2012-11-20 01:55:52 pm
IkomaSoji: 2012-11-20 01:54:57 pm
Jump, Gypsy, Jump!
I stopped into one of my local stores today and found the following:

King's field 2: $15.50
Shadowrun (with case): $15.50
Sonic 3: $10.50

Please let me know of these prices sound like something you would be interested in, I'm going to buy them but if I don't get a response within 7 days I'll have to return them to get my refund.

Edit: oh and Khaos Kings field 2 has case and manual by the way. Also the manual for shadowrun was in the case so that one is case and manual too for whoever it was that wanted it.
Quote from IkomaSoji:
Shadowrun (with case): $15.50

Is that Genesis or SNES?
Jump, Gypsy, Jump!
Genesis, that's the one that was on the list.
Edit history:
IkomaSoji: 2012-11-20 05:15:09 pm
Jump, Gypsy, Jump!
Mis post sorry
Waiting hurts my soul...
IkomaSoji, can you pick up Shadowrun for Genesis? If drakosan doesn't get, then I will.
Jump, Gypsy, Jump!
Well the copy which includes case and manual I had already picked up and drakosan wants it, but they had a cartridge only copy, sadly for the same price as well though, would you be interested in that Zenic?
Waiting hurts my soul...
No thanks, not for the same price.
Jump, Gypsy, Jump!
Yeah I figured, sorry, if it were up to me it wouldn't be the same price.
King Wabasami
Mind checking if they have
Paper Mario (Nintendo 64)
Snes controller
Death and return of Superman (Snes)
TMNT Turtles in time (Snes)
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Here is the updated list I'm checking on. Somsai, do all of the games you want need to be complete? The place I go to very rarely has complete games for the older ones.

Demon's Crest							SNES			IkomaSoji
Breath of Fire 1						SNES			IkomaSoji
Lost Vikings 2							SNES			IkomaSoji
Super Turrican 2						SNES			Omnigamer
Zero The Kamikazee Squirrel					SNES			Omnigamer
Death and return of Superman					SNES			Joshkaz
TMNT Turtles in time						SNES			Joshkaz
Conker's Bad Fur Day						N64			NoiseCrash
Paper Mario 							N64			Joshkaz
Jumping Flash							PS1			MechaRichter
Kings Field							PS1			Khaos4wood
Kings Field II							PS1			Khaos4wood
Tomba!								PS1			Somsai
Breath of Fire III (PS1)					PS1			Somsai
Grandia								PS1			Somsai
Lunar Eternal Blue Complete					PS1			Somsai
Final Fantasy Chronicles					PS1			Somsai
Persona 1 or 2							PS1			Somsai
Persona 3 FES							PS1			Somsai
.hack//Quarantine						PS1			Somsai
Shining Tears							PS1			Somsai
The Bouncer							PS1			Somsai
Shadowrun							Genesis			drakonsan
Phantasy Star Online 1+2 Plus edition				GC			TruShade
Luigi's Mansion							PS1			Somsai
Mario Kart Double Dash						PS1			Somsai
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess				PS1			Somsai
Radiant Historia 						DS			Omnigamer
Mega Man Zero Collection 					DS			Omnigamer
Towers II (Plight of the Stargazer) 				Jaguar			ZenicReverie
Lucienne's Quest 						3DO			ZenicReverie
Sonic 3								Genesis			TimpZ
Ristar								Genesis			TimpZ
Phantasy star IV						Genesis			TimpZ
Contra								Genesis			TimpZ
Rocket Knight							Genesis			TimpZ
Pulseman (if that works with a US Genesis?)			Genesis			TimpZ
Castlevania Bloodlines						Genesis			TimpZ
Kid Chameleon							Genesis			TimpZ
Aladdin								Genesis			TimpZ
Vectorman							Genesis			TimpZ
Tiny Toons							Genesis			TimpZ
SNES Controller										Joshkaz
Don't know what to speedrun :(
This is what they had. Let me know if you want em.

Sonic the hedgehog 3 box/instruction $9.95

Super NES controller $14.95

Cart only
Vector man $4.95
Ristar $9.95
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i see TimpZ is looking for Aladdin for the Genesis.  i have a cart (no box, no instructions) if you (or anyone else) is interested.
King Wabasami
Yea, I want the snes controller.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Ok Joshkaz. I'll PM you.
Would you mind checking prices on:

Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis)
Atomic Runner (Genesis)
Demolition Man (Genesis)
Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis)
Rambo III (Genesis)
Soldiers of Fortune (Genesis)

If they have them. Thanks.
Sorry if I haven't checkd here for a while, I've been kind of busy at the same time as I, well, forgot :p.

Either way I'm still interested in all the games I asked about earlier but I can't buy them until I get money. I should have the money I need at the end of December so as I mentioned to Youkai, if anyone's going to AGDQ13 then you could trade with Tompa whom I know personally since he offered to be a mule for a couple of games so that there's no need for postal fees.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
OK. If you are sure you want them TimpZ I'll go ahead and pick them up, I'd hate for them to be gone in a few weeks when you have the money. After you pay me I'll see about getting them to someone who is going to AGDQ. You are ok with your games being cart only?