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we have lift off
SDA Max Payne page
Speedrunning Wiki

Runs completed:

1. Single-segment, Dead on Arrival run in 1:22:32 (Discussed on pages 1-4 of this topic)
Youtube playlist

2. Segmented, New York Minute run in 29:22 (Discussed on pages 4-7 of this topic)
Youtube playlist

3. Single-segment, Dead on Arrival run in 1:01:08 (Discussed on pages 7-10 of this topic)
Youtube playlist

4. Segmented, New York Minute run in 25:34 (Discussed on page 10 of this topic)
On Youtube

5. Segmented, Dead on Arrival run in 42:41 (Discussed on pages 11-14 of this topic)
On Youtube

6. Single-segment, Dead on Arrival run in 56:41 (Discussed on pages 10-15 of this topic)
On Youtube

Original Post:

Hello all, I'v been following speed running for a couple of years now and finally decided to attempt a speed run. I decided on max payne as its one of my favourite single player games. As it has already been done on new york minute in individual level segments (he quick saved at the end of each level) I decided to do the game on the hardest setting, I considered a segmented run but decided a single segment would be much more impressive and would hold up against the very fast current run.

So a month ago I started, using shido's run for reference (but bearing in mind this is not a run planned for speed in real time). For example, rolling is slower than normal running in real time. I can do parts 1 and 2 without dieing in 59-60mins, thats starting recording at the title screen and including all loading and cutscenes. I tend to die in part 3 near the beginning, I find the 1st two levels the hardest, after that though I can complete chapters 3-8 without dieing. I am aiming for 1hr 40 to 1hr 45 complete recording time (all cutscenes and loading screens) and I estimate thats sub 90 mins speed running time.

Hopefully people will be interested in this run when it gets completed as theres the equivalent run for max payne 2 so I had to do one for the superior (in my opinion) original game. It will take approximately another month I think, I won't accept any deaths in the run but given that max is so weak on dead on arrival this will be difficult. Max dies from 1 shotgun blast, 2 deagle shots, 2-4 m4 shots and a fraction of a seconds worth of ingram bullets. Like I recall someone saying about the super ghouls and ghosts speed run, its not that any 1 part is too hard, its just that one mistake spells the end of the run.

I need to ask, on dead on arrival at the end you get to play the secret mini level. I never planned on including this as its not part of the story line and is a bit of fun more than anything else. Not only this but it doesn't really have a definite end to it so I needed to check that it is fair and sensible to exclude this? I would probably record it starting to prove again it was completed on the hardest setting, then stop.
Thread title:  
Hey dude! I'd be interested in seeing the run. I've had this game since I was 11 on the PS2 and I like it quite a lot. Can't say I can help you that much, though, but I'm sure there're other people here who can.

Good luck! Smiley
we have lift off
Hey, well I found a topic a while back where hitman was trying to run it but his last post was in may 2008 I think so I guess that fell through.
Hope rides alone.
holy! if you are going to make a full run till the end single (!) segment this would be simplay amazing!
we have lift off
It will definitely be single segment and I will keep attempting until there are no deaths. I am doing a bit of practise on part 3 at the moment as I have played parts 1 and 2 that many more times. Should be back to attempting within a week and hopefully finish the run not too long after. My parts 1 and 2 are only about 7 mins slower than the current run (which is on NYM mode and is segmented) then part 3 I have to slow down as its far too risky to just roll through the level on DOA.

Overall I will be about 15mins slower than he is(real time), I'd love to see someone be as quick as he was on DOA!. I have to omit a few tricks as well, like p2c3 the jump around the box ( I have a work around which is a few seconds quicker than just running round).
we have lift off
Small update: Finished practising part 3 again, going to start attempting again. Wish me luck, I will definitely need it!
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce!
Good luck with this. I definitely consider MP1 the harder of the two games. Completing it without deaths in any sort of hurry is highly impressive.
I would watch.
we have lift off
1hr 43mins and 56 secs; 0 deaths.

I am very happy with this, however, I think I will keep trying mainly due to someone phoning me in the middle of the run! It literally wasted under 10 secs but it does look a little silly for a few seconds! I know I should have turned it off but it was an important call anyway. Also a virus scan started about 35mins from the end, although it does not look laggy it was a bit laggy when playing, again it did not really make much difference. I think about the best I could really hope for is 1hr 42mins so I will keep trying and hopefully get a quicker time, don't get me wrong though, this is very good and I'm happy with it, I'm just a bit of a perfectionist and I would rather submit a run without those little snags.
Hope rides alone.
Quote from ridd3r.:
1hr 43mins and 56 secs; 0 deaths.

I am very happy with this, however, I think I will keep trying mainly due to someone phoning me in the middle of the run! It literally wasted under 10 secs but it does look a little silly for a few seconds! I know I should have turned it off but it was an important call anyway. Also a virus scan started about 35mins from the end, although it does not look laggy it was a bit laggy when playing, again it did not really make much difference. I think about the best I could really hope for is 1hr 42mins so I will keep trying and hopefully get a quicker time, don't get me wrong though, this is very good and I'm happy with it, I'm just a bit of a perfectionist and I would rather submit a run without those little snags.

I can hardly wait Cheesy
we have lift off
I may put this on youtube, see what you guys think but I will keep trying anyway. I think the main reason I managed this was because of those two distractions! I was thinking, oh shit the virus scan will start at 12 and was like, well I will continue anyway, but that took so much pressure off so managed it. Also I spent ages practising part 3 so I have a really set route through it.
we have lift off
Excluding start and end of level cutscenes it is approx 1hr 27mins and 36secs.
Hope rides alone.
Quote from ridd3r.:
Excluding start and end of level cutscenes it is approx 1hr 27mins and 36secs.

upload this, at least some levels, like the penthouse stages or the Hotel stages Smiley
we have lift off
Quote from PreddY:
Quote from ridd3r.:
Excluding start and end of level cutscenes it is approx 1hr 27mins and 36secs.

upload this, at least some levels, like the penthouse stages or the Hotel stages Smiley

I will hopefully have finished the run in 1-2weeks unless I have underestimated the luck factor, so its probably better to just wait for that and watch it all in one go. I will put it up on youtube when its done so it will be up to look at before its up on here.

Good news though, I think I can improve the time down to 1hr 40min, that would be a pretty much perfect run for me, a balance of time saving and risk of death. I can push much harder in part 1 and improve that by maybe 1.5mins. This basically involves using slow-mo just to aim then shoot in real time, though if I dont kill them quick they get a shot or 2 off and my health is gone. Parts 2 and 3 I just need to cut down on some mistakes so overall 3-4mins improvement.
Really looking forward to this one. Great game!
we have lift off
Well this is taking longer than I thought, after doing it without dieing its no easier at all. However, I have been shaving quite a bit of time off, I now think I can do sub 1hr 40 ...just. It will be close but thats what I am aiming for, it may be like half a minute under or something like that. So it will be worth doing it again, there should be few mistakes and short of taking much more risk I don't see how I could go any faster.

Right now I'm doing a little bit more practise on part 3 and then I will start attempting again, it could happen anytime but hopefully within the next month.
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce!
Well, keep at it. Max Payne has been glaringly absent from SDA for too long.

You're doing so great so far. Keep it up!
we have lift off
Ill post up a part 2 practise I did earlier today sometime tomorrow, its under 20mins (excludes pro2) so you can at least see something of what I have done so far.
we have lift off
OK heres a single segment practise run of part 2 as promised:

I put it on google as opposed to youtube to save splitting the video up as its longer than 10mins (18:35). Let me know what you guys think.
Discontinued Speedrunner
Awesome single-segment, mate!

Lovely to see people still playing this! keep it up! Cheesy
Hope rides alone.
holy shit dude, if you really can do this, I guess the run will become my new favorite, even topping the Metroid Fusion 100% run! part 2 looked nicely, I really want to see your final Part 3! so hurry up Wink
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
so easy to die....
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
Quote from hitman201:
so easy to die....
heres a tip. The baseball lvl. Have the shot guy shoot the mechine guy by hiding behind the uzi guy. Then you have about 50 bullets of uzi. Which would allowed you to skip meat plant and maybe the rest room
we have lift off
Quote from hitman201:
Quote from hitman201:
so easy to die....
heres a tip. The baseball lvl. Have the shot guy shoot the mechine guy by hiding behind the uzi guy. Then you have about 50 bullets of uzi. Which would allowed you to skip meat plant and maybe the rest room

I go into the meat plant to get the deagle ammo mainly for the boss fight, it only takes a couple of seconds to go and get the uzi, also the painkillers are good, boosts confidence. Also I was wondering hitman, I read your old mp1 thread and you said you did it in 1hr 35min, this was like 10 days after you started it! Was that excluding all start and end cut scenes ( like your max payne 2 is timed on). Also was that on dead on arrival?

Final update before I do it, I am attempting again and I can easily get sub 1hr 40min now, its looking like 1hr 38min. I can shave 2 mins off part 1, 2 mins off part 2 and 2.5-4 mins off part 3 compared with my 1hr 44min run. This would give me 1hr 21.5 mins approx running time. Getting past part 1 is the main thing, I would even say it is the hardest.

Quote from PreddY:
holy shit dude, if you really can do this, I guess the run will become my new favorite, even topping the Metroid Fusion 100% run! part 2 looked nicely, I really want to see your final Part 3! so hurry up Wink

Well as I am doing it single segment it could be anytime. Don't worry I WILL do it, I know I can do it (I already have, I just need to do it a bit more efficiently). I just can't promise when it will be done as like hitman said it is insanely easy to die, by the time its done I will have died in every place possible probably.
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
yes, i was doing the row thing costanly like the NY videos. I avoid many enemies. I was including with scences but im am not sure. Maybe its not. Both of the runs are on DOA. I might redo my SS run for MP2.