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ridd3r.: 2009-07-31 05:02:03 am
we have lift off
Very nice finds for p3c6 and p3c7. I'm surprised you can't use the super jump in p3c1 but it will save me hours of attempts anyway so I can't complain. Its going to take me a while to finish this. I am still on p1c7, got a 1:28 but I am sure a 1:27 is possible. Hardest levels are going to be p1c8, p2c3 and by the looks of it p3c7.

EDIT: p1c7 done! in 1:26 : D Absolute bitch of a level! Going to maybe take a bit of a break now, 10/25 levels done.

EDIT2: For p1c8, the jump over the wall as soon as you get outside is actually not quicker on NYM, its marginally slower. It is very close but clearly quicker to just go through and roll. This is good news as far as my sanity goes as it means I have 2 super jumps to do instead of 3, but its not going to be easy.

EDIT3: Playlist for the levels so far ->
The Dork Knight himself.
Correction, there is 1 spot you can do a super jump on p3c1.....but it's plainly obvious and hard to do with people shooting at you constantly. As for p3c3, yeah they locked the last room down tight, so while you get to it early on, the upper catwalks you're running on have no holes to let you down to the lower level (and the exit door) so that's out of the question.
The Dork Knight himself.
Break out Part 1 Prologue, cause you might wanna redo it Smiley

Just did a test run, and my real-time is about 29 seconds TOTAL going from the frame I gain control to the frame the screen goes white right after you see michele's body. The current DOA run in real-time is about 38 seconds using the same timing (yes I counted the cutscenes).

The savings? Grab the shotgun, then super jump the stairs from the third step up, turn left onto the upper railing and you'll skip the one cutscene.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-07-28 07:39:49 am
we have lift off
Grabbing the shotgun is useless as people die with one shot with the beretta on NYM. Also cutscenes don't count towards my time on NYM but I'm sure your strategy would work well on DoA. I may try super jumping up though but I'm not convinced it will be quicker on NYM given that any time in the air is time going quickly whereas rolling time goes slower. Its ridiculous but if you accidentally jump instead of rolling you lose about 1.2 seconds! I liken rolling to bunnyhopping, any time your not doing it is potentially time going down the drain. Its worth a shot though as theres nothing carrying over to p1c1.

EDIT: OK I realise you need the shotgun so you can switch weapons. I have tried it but it is definitely seconds slower. If you didn't have to get the shotgun I still think it may be a bit slower but since you do it takes way too long.
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
Nice find with the super jump
The Dork Knight himself.
The only thing that isn't cool with the super jump is the areas you can't use it in Sad
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
and why is that? Invisible wall?
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ridd3r.: 2009-07-30 05:43:50 pm
we have lift off
Invisible walls and not being able to trigger the normal cutscenes either because you have skipped previous ones and the game gets confused or else you have to open a door that you cant get to without going the normal way. p1c7 is one where a massive shortcut was found but can't be used due to you having to trigger the final fight by opening a door you can only get to the normal way. I don't think theres loads of instances of getting tantalisingly close though, really its mainly p1c7. Lots of cool shortcuts have been utilised.
The Dork Knight himself.
Don't forget the beginning of p3c5, that ledge jump is so tantalizingly close it's not even funny. Hell you even get onto the walkway, but can't get enough footing to stay. Bummer since if that jump was possible the exit is right there.
we have lift off
Oh I thought that one was maybe possible, Sad . Since I got 1:22:32 in my DoA run I was trying to work out what I would get when I did it again (which will be a bit of a way a way and my final run). 1hr 10min or sub that would be awesome and not out of the question I don't think. Once I have finished the NYM run I will have a better idea of just how much faster I am. I think this NYM run should be 31-32 minutes or there abouts.
we have lift off
Update: I have finished part 1! I have uploaded all the levels to youtube, currently up is part 1 and pro2;
the playlist is:

I am currently redoing p2c1 as I want the ingame timer to be up to date, it should be done today as theres nothing new to do, just a repeat (but it has to be pretty flawless). I will be on 12:59 at the end of p2c1 which means I am 3:03 quicker than the old run so far!
Yes, Inexistence is a word.
Congrats man. I'm not really knowledgable on the game, but I've been reading the thread since you found the superjump and it's interested me. Just watched the whole set of videos, and a really great job. It was entertaining to watch, though for me slightly confusing not knowing the story, but I don't expect that from speedruns. One thing I wasn't sure about, is that rolling up stairs looked quite slow, and it looked as if running up the stairs might be faster? Again, I haven't played the game, so I'm sure you've tested the difference and found rolling to be faster.

Again, great job Smiley
we have lift off
Thanks! On a side note I will be watching your HL2:E1 speedrun when its done Smiley I have played HL2 but not the episodes, as HL2DQ is one of my favourite speedruns I'm sure the new HL2DQ team can come up with something special for the episodes.  If I was running for real time then running would be quicker all the time (like in my DoA run) but the in-game timer compensates for entering slow-mo, as rolling is slightly in slow motion it is quicker to roll everywhere.
The Dork Knight himself.
Holy crap dude, talk about nailin those jumps. The pro2 was even better, though I gotta ask how many times you fell off the bloody walkways hahaha, I can barely do that just running normally.
I am afraid no ones riding nothing!!!
Awesome. Can't wait for the next part.
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ridd3r.: 2009-08-06 07:53:26 pm
we have lift off
OK p2c1 is here

It was actually not bad to redo. Half the work is planning out the perfect route and what guns to use. Also given I didn't have to do any super jumps that means theres not really much randomness to this. I had a HELL of a time getting this first time round though. The next level could be a nightmare, at least 4 super jumps, maybe as many as 6! At least I have finished redoing all those levels.

Quote from honorableJay:
Holy crap dude, talk about nailin those jumps. The pro2 was even better, though I gotta ask how many times you fell off the bloody walkways hahaha, I can barely do that just running normally.

Thanks Smiley , pro2 was not too hard, getting to the first cutscene quicker than 4:40 is not easy. The blood trails are not too bad, though I skidded off them many times. Compared with other levels though it is definitely easier. We will see how well I really can nail jumps on this next level Shocked .

EDIT: I have changed the link to p2c1 as I have improved it by 1 second! When I started to go through p2c2 I was having serious problems doing the super jump at all. I think the timing is different for switching between different guns. As I didn't collect the shotgun on p2c1 I couldn't get it to work. Therefore I decided to redo it and pick up the shotgun (which is in your direct path if you take a micro second to collect it). I was getting very fast times at the cutscenes in p2c1 and realised a 1:00 was possible. I have now done it in 1:00 and have the shotgun Smiley .

Also there are 6 super jumps to do in p2c2 Sad
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
thats alot of super junps for p2c2
we have lift off
Quote from hitman201:
thats alot of super junps for p2c2

Indeed. I have a good run of it though, 4 out of 6 super jumps done first time and the other 2 done second time. Given the 2 that were done second time its possible to be a couple of seconds faster so I will keep attempting. The run did come out of nowhere so I will have to be incredibly lucky to get all first go.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-08-12 09:22:09 am
we have lift off
Update: I have done p2c2-p2c4. Look out for the race against a cardboard box in p2c4! You probably don't know what the hell I am on about but when you play a level that many times, you start to really pick up on stuff and make it a ritual.

p2c2 is actually one of my earlier attempts, the one I was talking about before with 4 out of 6 super jumps done first time. I did over 300 attempts more and could not get close, had I got close I maybe would have kept going but that run was seriously lucky (and skilled of course : D).

p2c3 AWESOME LEVEL! My favourite and all 3 super jumps done first time, very optimal performance.

p2c4 Ugh, complete opposite of p2c3, I now despise this level. It took AGES but the result is still as good. I hope you enjoy the skips I use here, including the super jump. You have no idea how hard this level was to do, my success rate for the super jump was TERRIBLE. I don't know why it seems to be harder on some levels, or if its the exact situation on those levels, but it was well less than 1 in 10 that I made the jump. Plus I originally used another super jump which had just as bad or worse success rate. There is a little bit of lag near the end as I roll past loads of guys emptying loads of bullets at me. The reason for this is my desktop is not brilliant and I normally play on my laptop but I am getting the fan fixed on it. So I just used my desktop for this level and will continue with the run in about a week or so when laptop is sorted.

Overall: 6:50 faster than the old run so far! I am aiming for sub 30:00.

Again, same playlist for the new levels:

EDIT: I have redone p2c4 so that there are no lag issues and so the bitrate is constant (desktop records at a different bitrate so could cause audio desync problems when I append all these files together). Its still a 0:55 but no lag and slightly faster Smiley
Dragon Power Supreme
excellent recordings, I really look forwards to this run.
we have lift off
OK I just spoke with Mike about the whole IL or segmented run issue and we decided it has to be segmented. At the level I am now on I don't have the sniper as it would have taken too long to get it, but it could perhaps save a second now. So obviously someone could come along with 8 painkillers and full ammo and have a much easier job with some of the levels which clearly isn't right. Equally you could not provide standard saves as how would you define them? At the end of the day there is no argument for it being IL apart from the fact it mistakenly got put in that category years ago.

This does not really change the run, I will continue doing one segment a level as its optimal and challenging. As you get + 0.5s for every segment I don't think adding more segments would help (apart from maybe p2c2 but I am still very happy with that level). So anyway, on with the run!
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-08-27 07:40:31 pm
we have lift off
Update: Part 2 done!

Link to the playlist is now in my signature. I am 6:20 faster than the old run at the moment with 16/25 levels done. Will easily be sub 30 minutes overall and possibly sub 29 minutes but there are less shortcuts in part 3. The first few levels of part 3 are not too bad but it could easily take another 2 weeks or more to finish this run, depends on how busy I am.

Part 2 has some really cool and really big shortcuts, p2c3 is a personal highlight for me as it has 3 super jumps and is just generally a really cool level. p2c4-5 were very difficult but I am very pleased with the result. Look out for more coming soon!

EDIT: Prologue 3 done two seconds quicker than previous record.

EDIT2: After viewing p2c5 several times, I remained unhappy with p2c5 as there was a seconds improvement to be made. I have now redone p2c5 and pro3, did p2c5 2 seconds quicker! I have realised that the Max Payne timer does include 1/100ths of a second for the overall timer as well even though it doesn't show it. I had to improve prologue 3 by about 3/10ths of a second in order to remain 2 seconds ahead of my previous attempt. Now I will get stuck in to p3c1!

EDIT3: p3c1 done! 15 seconds faster than the previous record.

EDIT4: p3c2 done 19 seconds faster than previous record.

EDIT5: p3c3 done. 9 seconds faster, unfortunately there are not really any shortcuts for this level so this is the first level which is over 2 minutes with the Max Payne timer :(. There are no super jumps for this level so I was thinking it would be easy. It actually took 500 attempts because it had to be perfect. I went ahead and looked at p3c5 and I am sure it is impossible to jump up to the guy with the laser scope sniper rifle. Therefore at this point, it is looking like sub 29 minutes is going to be impossible but sub 30 is pretty much guaranteed with the remaining shortcuts I have and the fact that I can beat Shido's times by a minimum of 8-10 seconds per level, even with no super jumps and without too much trouble.

EDIT6: p3c4 complete! 1:25 so 28 seconds quicker. Note there are invisible barriers on this level at 3 points. If you cross them, you die, I have tried to get past them but you have to wait until they disappear. i worked out ways to time pretty accurately when they disappear but that was a problem and ended a lot of runs. Two Super jumps on this level and I am happy to report I FINALLY can get the super jump about 50% of the time. Something has finally clicked and I can get it a lot more than I used to. It helps a lot to not be under serious pressure to get it first time though. I was very close to sticking with a 1:26 of this level as I could not beat it for ages, finally I got this 1:25 and I was so happy when it was done as this is one of the hardest levels. See the youtube video for annotations explaining the invisible barriers etc.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-09-05 07:00:10 pm
we have lift off
Jump to the laser scoped guy near the start of p3c5 is possible! See this youtube video for an explanation of how I do it. Max actually lands on the ledge for a frame or two during which you must press jump. Saves me about 37 seconds on NYM mode! This means sub 29mins may be possible, but still unlikely. So I only have this one trick to perform on this level and thankfully it is near the beginning.

For those of you who have not spotted my updates, I am now on p3c5, only 4 levels left. Currently I am on a time of 23:49 compared with Shido's 31:24. Watch this post for updates and let me know what you think of the run so far!

EDIT: p3c5 is now complete in 0:36 which is 41 seconds faster than the previous record. All 22 segments are up on youtube, see my signature. This segment was actually pretty hard, mainly just the trick you have to do. It took a while until I got a knack for making that jump on the very edge of the ledge before you slip off, can't really explain how I do it, just something you learn. Apart from that trick the rest is not too bad. I did get a 0:36 before this one but I had hardly any health left. I want to be able to take a bullet or two on the next level so I had the pain of redoing it, anyway here it is and about 0.1s quicker than the earlier 0:36 haha!

EDIT2: I decided to go back and redo p2c2, keeping stats consistent so that I don't have to redo any other levels (no other levels need redoing). I am going to split this level into 2 segments though, given the difficulty (6 super jumps!). I managed part 1 which is the first 3 jumps, up onto the container. It was very hard to not get hit and to use the right number of ingram bullets, getting the super jumps was perhaps even harder. I just need to finish this level off now, I have done loads of attempts but getting all stats consistent is very hard. I have 1 run but I want to improve it slightly. It is possible to finish 5 seconds ahead of last time! About 3 seconds by not missing the jumps and the other 2 seconds come out of me playing the level a lot more, bearing in mind my previous run was a one off wonder really but before I really had the benefit of having played it a lot. This was not a problem with other levels as I finished others multiple times and am confident they are optimal as they did not have a stupid amount of super jumps to do.

EDIT3: p2c2-part 2 done!!!! Must have been 1000 attempts or more, though some will have been less than a second long due to the super jump at the start. All stats match up, the health, the ammo and even the bullet time meter! If all I had to do was finish it I could have done it with more health, ammo and focus meter AGES ago but I guess consistency is needed for the viewers sake.

EDIT4: Oh god! The health didn't quite match. Given the number of things that can go wrong here I decided to add another segment in, so this chapter is in 3 parts. I segment just before the final jump, this enables me to ensure I get the right fall damage and the right amount of bullet time draining at the end, without getting hit. Anyway it is done now, I have checked it properly. - Now up on youtube.

EDIT5: Both segments of p3c6 done! Easily one of the coolest levels, due to the super jumping. I thought 0;40 was impossible and kept getting 0;41 but finally got it. Note the last jump, I land and do a roll immediately, this is due to very precise landing. I land on the light not the ledge (hard!) and then I roll and get a boost off the pillar ledge (also hard!). Due to the difficulty of this manoeuvre this level is done in two segments instead of one. It would have been too hard to try and get this in with the other 4 super jumps in my opinion. This level has perhaps the coolest super jump in the game, the one where I go through the ceiling and rise out of the floor. I have a cool outtake of where I went partially through the floor but not all the way (didn't super jump high enough) and ended up glitching into the wall and promptly died. Watch out for it when I release the outtakes with the finished product on SDA!

EDIT6: p3c7 is done in 2 segments! I modify honourableJay's trick of getting to the 3rd floor by adding a super jump in to get up the cables quicker. After that it is pretty straightforward up until the server room. I save just before this as you can easily die and there is still another super jump to do which requires a lot of luck. Here I get up onto the stairs without anyone in the way which is a 1st and believe me I have done this a lot! Therefore I do it in 2:43 which is 50 seconds quicker than the old record. I still don't think a sub 29min is possible at this point.

Been over p3c8 again and it looks like 29:26 or 29:25 will be the optimal finishing time. I am currently on 27:48. Given my 5 second improvement on p2c2 but 4 manual saves, I get the final time by subtracting 3 seconds (5 - save penalty of 2). Therefore 29:23 or 29:22.
awesome improvements
The Dork Knight himself.
Hell yeah, I knew that jump had to be possible!!!!