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ridd3r.: 2009-09-07 05:42:40 pm
we have lift off
And... Its finished! Finally managed to polish off the last level today leaving a final time of 29:22. The in-game timer states 29:25 but I redid part 2 chapter 2 and improved it by 5 seconds. I also used 4 manual saves in the run meaning I incur a 2 second save penalty so that works out at 29:22. So an improvement of almost 10 minutes over the previous run and this will replace it as a segmented run. I originally planned to only use the autosaves at the start of each level but the need to optimise levels with regards to the super jump meant this was not feasible on 3 of the levels.

Its taken almost 2 months of intensive play to complete, hundreds and sometimes thousands of attempts at some levels and I am very happy I broke the 30 minute barrier. I will be able to submit this tomorrow so hopefully it will be on SDA before long. I am going to take a bit of break now but I will come back and redo the single-segment, dead on arrival run before too long. I am also considering a SS, NYM run, those will be my last runs. I will do an audio commentary for this run as well and I will make sure it is on a second track instead of external!

If you are interested in seeing the run its all on youtube ->

Super jumping action from part 1, chapter 4 onwards!!

Let me know what you think.
The Dork Knight himself.
I'm thinkin you need to put this on DVD and mail it to the remedy guys and laugh at their par time Smiley
Svart Lyser Tronen
Sweet, good job!
Looking forward to look and listen to commentery!
Yes, Inexistence is a word.
Great job man, I've been keeping up with the topic for a fair while and I'm really happy to see it finally finished. Awesome work Cheesy
Dragon Power Supreme
Well done, looking forwards to see it.
The practice shows, nice work.
we have lift off
Thanks guys!

Quote from honorableJay:
I'm thinkin you need to put this on DVD and mail it to the remedy guys and laugh at their par time Smiley

I know I should like eat my lunch in the middle, take a nap or go for a run (or a leisurely stroll!) and still beat them haha.

Run should be ready to verify now so again if your reading this and can verify it would be much appreciated Smiley

Finally I would like to ask peoples opinions on a SS NYM run? I am definitely going to redo the SS DoA but that won't be for a while and as it will be my last run I will take a long time over it and get it amazing. If I were to do a SS NYM run then I have done all the hard work and would just spend a bit of time adjusting the route then casually play it over a period of time until it got done. Would there be interest for that though? If so then I may well do it but at the moment I am not sure.
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ridd3r.: 2009-09-25 10:58:21 am
we have lift off
OK well I think I will just redo the Dead on Arrival run then. Thinking about it the segmented NYM run would overshadow a SS NYM run because it uses all shortcuts and gets every super jump first time. In terms of a SS run I think DoA would just be much more impressive; a SS NYM run would not bring anything new to the table, just as a segmented DoA run wouldn't (compared with a SS DoA run).

So, at some point in the hopefully not too distant future I will tackle it. The NYM run has brought my Max Payne knowledge and overall skill to a new level. Sub 1hr 10mins (12 + mins improvement) should definitely be feasible and hopefully roughly 50% accuracy on the super jump but even if that proves impossible, 30% accuracy would only add about 40 seconds. 0 deaths and as optimal as possible, I will really try and make this something special.

In the mean time I will be spending a small amount of time, over a long period of time on editing my NYM run to show it in real time. Basically this means speeding up bullet time and rolling to real time, using the in-game timer and vegas I can edit it to show just how fast he moves in bullet time. I have already done the first 4 levels and it helped illustrate to me how to optimise NYM speedrunning. I have made a trailer which shows a glimpse of what to expect. Overall it should be close to 29 minutes but it will be a bit longer because of some cutscenes (I will exclude a lot of them though, I want to to be action only really).

EDIT: I have finished the real time run, or at least what I want to of it; I decided to just do Part I. The reasoning for this is, apart from not really wanting to spend a lot of time on it, I intended to show what bullet time looks like in real time and I have done that. Part I is just over a 1/3 of the run so it does a good enough job I think. I never committed to doing the whole thing and to be honest, I don't want to divert people from watching the actual Speedrun which I worked so hard at. Anyway, enjoy!

- 1/2
- 2/2
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
nice idea with the real time thing) go for it!
we have lift off
Over the past week or so I have been doing a practise run for the obsoletion, or should I say decimation, of my old DoA SS run. I want to get a practise run done while all the skips and general Max Payne skills are fresh in my head, then when I am ready I will do attempts (may be busy for a bit). Although one thing I have found is that once all the planning and practise are done for a SS run, it can be much less demanding on your time than a segmented run as you just chill out, take a few attempts a day and after a long time get the run.

So far I have done the first 2 parts doing a segment a level and I have already shaved off almost 12 minutes! I am timing it the exact same way the old run was timed, starting to losing control minus the loading screens. So, even if I were to make no further improvements, I would still finish around 1hr 10mins; thanks in large part to the super jumps but the whole run, my new strategies for fighting, time saving tricks from the NYM run etc. have resulted in a very significant improvement as well.

My practise run should finish around 1hr 5mins with NO major errors at all. It is basically a segmented DoA run but not quite as optimal, obviously I am bearing in mind it is a SS run. So, I will aim for within 1 minute of this practise run which will push me a lot but hopefully not too much. The fighting style, and some tricks are quite different from the NYM run meaning I can implement some extra stuff (like the pro1 super jump) and I am just astounded at how much faster I am generally, how much stuff I am finding for a real time run and not just with the super jumping. Once the practise run is finished I will post the final time and maybe upload a selection of levels to give you an idea of just how much better this run will be! I have certainly learnt the value of segmenting a run in order to find the best strategies, its just the only way to optimise any run.

Let me know what levels you want to see from the practise run and thy wish shall (maybe) be granted (hint p2c2).
The Dork Knight himself.
One idea I had to show off just how much time you're saving would be to rip the video from a level from the previous run, and put it side by side with the practice run (kinda like how the 2p coop quake videos are done). Granted this is heavily time consuming, but it might be a cool thing for when you actually finish the run (would be even cooler to have it published on the site too).
we have lift off
Quote from honorableJay:
One idea I had to show off just how much time you're saving would be to rip the video from a level from the previous run, and put it side by side with the practice run (kinda like how the 2p coop quake videos are done). Granted this is heavily time consuming, but it might be a cool thing for when you actually finish the run (would be even cooler to have it published on the site too).

How do you show 2 videos side by side? I can do it in vegas, is a video editing program the only way?

Update on the practise run: I have now got up to p3c6 so not much left to plan. Part 3 is such a bitch to plan, I have to do most kills in bullet time and can't just run past people.

I have just spent ages trying to work out how to get the p3c5 super jump and normal jump consistently. My conclusion is you need to super jump in exactly the right spot, then hold forward, he will either slip off fairly quickly (you didn't jump right) or he sort of lock on and then I just press jump. Its much easier and better than alternately spamming jump and forward and hoping for the best. If I don't manage the jump before my bullet time meter runs out its run over but its just such a big time saver I cannot afford to miss it out. In fact I have barely missed out any super jumps. Basically, any jump I miss is because it only saves 1-3 seconds and if you miss it once its slower.

p1c8 I don't do the 2nd super jump as unless you get it 1st time its actually not faster due to enemies coming behind you, who you would have to kill.
p2c2 I don't do the 1st super jump as you will die from the shotgunner unless you get it 1st time. I go a different way and cut the 4 super jumps near the end down to 2 and even if I would have got all 4 super jumps first time (HA!) it would only be 1s faster.
p2c4 I do 2 jumps instead of a super jump over the fallen shelves.
p3c1 I attempt the super jump but if I don't get it first time I have a contingency plan.
p3c2 Obviously I just jump up instead of super jumping up.
p3c4 I don't do the 2nd super jump as unless you get the jump first time its 2-3 seconds slower.

So far, just over 15 minutes faster with a predicted time of 1hr 4mins. Actually, I think aiming for the practise run time wouldn't be out of the question as I have made some different weapon choices and noted them in the video which may save some time and just generally I will be able to be tighter in places so it will be interesting to see.
The Dork Knight himself.
I'd say check with Nate and see if a specialized script can be generated for anri, otherwise you will have to use a video editing program to generate a raw video output that can be fed back into anri (and will take a ton of HD space).
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ridd3r.: 2009-10-02 12:22:13 pm
we have lift off
Well the practise run is finished, final time 1:03:58. Thats about 18.5 minutes of improvement!

For the SS run I will aim for sub 1hr 5mins. Completing this run at all will be a serious challenge and significantly harder than last time. Anyway, I will start attempting at some point in the future, all that is left now is to do the run!

More super jump info:

p3c6 I miss the 2nd and 3rd super jump and do the 1st and 4th.
p3c7 I miss the final super jump (for obvious reasons)

Well thats it! Total of 20 super jumps in this run with 2 more which I have 1 attempt at as they are on the way, if I miss them I just keep on running as they only save about a couple of seconds and attempting them 2 times would end up being slower. The 1st super jump will be done 1st time, after that who knows but I can only do my best with them. Frame perfect tricks in a SS run... I can't expect perfection.
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ridd3r.: 2009-10-05 07:58:42 am
we have lift off
I put up a video on youtube which is a sort of trailer for the run, using the practise run. The video can be found here:   Yes I know the dual berettas sawn-off! is quicker for kills in the kitchen so I will implement this.

I found a very easy way
StackHorizontal(clip1, clip2)
to put two clips side by side and this trailer shows p1c4 from both runs side by side. If I did this for my improved run then the best way to do it would be for each level otherwise my new run would just get hopelessly ahead after the first few levels :).

Anyway, stand-by for the improvement I guess. Like I said, its not that much work as you just do a few attempts a day, it just takes time so who knows I may start attempting soon (especially since attempts don't tend to last long on dead on arrival). I may also post about my desperation soon enough at how badly attempts are going since this will be a very difficult run.
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ridd3r.: 2009-10-12 08:41:23 am
we have lift off
So I found a big skip in p2c3 to save 40+ seconds on Dead on Arrival! I just put the video up on youtube here The skip looks awesome, at least I think so Smiley .I tested NYM as well and it only saves about 2 seconds there. Its really annoying but the 3-4 things I have found from the DoA practising now mean my NYM run could be max 10s faster due to some route changes on a couple of levels. I guess it could be a lot worse, doing a run off the back of a major discovery like the super jump means thats bound to happen I guess.

Current estimated time: 1:03:XX

Unless about 2.5-3 minutes more of improvements are found I don't see how sub 1hr would be possible for a SS. The levels are pretty much maxed out now I think. I'v been through every level carefully and I can't see anymore skips.

However, I am just one person (with the help of honorableJay) so I have uploaded my practise run to filefront. There are other files such as a .txt file of the improvements I already decided to include. If a sub 1 hour run is to be made possible I will need other people's view points and ideas. I know there is a fair following of Max Payne runs so if you can, please help me out! It should be fairly obvious which levels are maxed out and which are not, also bear in mind this is a SS run. I have even gone to the effort of uploading save files for every level (all DoA difficulty) so you can instantly try out any level. Plenty of other games have loads of people who look for skips so why not this game?

All relevant files, including practise run ->

tl;dr: Help me find skips! If none can be found then fine, the run is optimal, but I don't want to miss anything.
Yes, Inexistence is a word.
Wow, amazing skip. As I've said before, I've never played the games myself, but I always read up on your thread, since I enjoy watching the runs. Great job, and keep going till you get the time you want! Cheesy
After a quick look at the practice video I made a log of possible improvements.
-Why get the shotgun?
-skip mobsters and shoot them down at the stairs?
-the first group , bullet time the first shot? *it seems that the first shots that you took in bullet time killed the target more often.
-door event , getting better angle and try to finish off the mobsters without bullet time?
-better timed jump on the train
- skip all mobsters at the end?
-skip mobsters in the end event?

Looks like I need to reinstall my Max Payne and go hunt for more skips  Grin
Hey ridd3r, I can't help you finding any new skips, I just wanted to say that you made your run of this game so much more amusing using them. I watched your original run without the superjumps and got bored after a while because it was just running through the game fast but with all these glitch skips in it, it's a lot more interesting to watch. Just thought I'd mention it, good stuff. Smiley
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ridd3r.: 2009-10-09 05:54:48 am
we have lift off
Thanks, yeah it will be much more entertaining to watch and people who have not played the game should enjoy it as well.

Rogston shame on you for uninstalling it D: !  Check out my improvements.txt file (in the .rar with the saves) as that contains some changes, as for the ones you already noted:

pro1: I need it for the super jump, you need 2 weapons to switch between.
p1c1: Killing them there is quicker than rolling past them (which I would have to do to skip them).
p1c2: Yeah, I may do its just sometimes I can get the kill without bullet time there which is obviously faster.
p1c3: Possibly but that shotgunner is so dangerous if I try that, it would only save about a second.
p1c6: Yeah I will get the jump quicker for the actual run.
p2c5: Unless you kill them, you can't enter the cut scene and so can't end the level.
p3c6: I really tried to find a way to just roll past them all as its a hard fight but I could find no way of consistently doing so without getting killed, if you can find a way then let me know!
we have lift off
Double post :[

So I found yet another skip, on p2c2. Basically its like in my practise run but a good 15 seconds quicker due to me skipping a bit earlier on as well. I really thought I had found everything but then stuff like this pops up. Its such an obvious skip as well, I can't believe I missed it.

I am going to request, one more time, that people could check my route. All the killing is irrelevant, I can optimise that myself and have to really, because I know exactly how much risk I can afford at which stages. The only thing I need help with is the route itself. It would not have taken long for someone to have seen that skip I just found, maybe that is the last one but it would be good if someone else could have a look to make sure. Just mess around super jumping in certain levels, that's how I tend to find them. Your time won't be wasted as you should know I follow through when I set my mind on a run, so this run will get done.

Finally, a quick update as far as attempts go. I have started attempting, so far I have not got past p1c6, before that my best is p1c4 where I keep getting killed at the start. I'v done 303 attempts (I am keeping an official count this time). Part 1 I tend to find the hardest and so once I manage to get that done in a SS, maybe half the work is done. Part 2 should be easy in comparison with parts 1 and 3 with all the skips. I am finding the early levels very hard, just the run itself is very hard to do with no deaths let alone do it fast. Anyway I am taking attempts pretty easy, no rush. The next update will either be when I do a SS of part 1 (indicating I am making very good progress and that completion is not so far away), or if someone finds a skip for me to use.
Yes, Inexistence is a word.
Great skip man. Like I've always said before, sorry I don't have the game and can't look for skips with you. Know I'm always checking this topic to see what you're up to and looking forward to the run when it's finished! Cheesy
The Dork Knight himself.
Hmmm, I actually found that skip a while back but didn't think it was useful since at the time I thought it went too far out of the way (and didn't provide a straight line to the exit (like the jump on the other side of the map).
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-11-04 08:51:23 am
we have lift off
After spending the better part of this afternoon working on p3c5, I finally worked out how to do the p3c5 super jump consistently. The success rate when I was just doing super jumps with no real method to it could be anything from 0-50% (that is attempting until death or my bullet time meter runs out, not the success rate of getting it first time!!) and so would be a very nasty run killer, at a very late point in the game. If it were not for the fact that the jump saves up to 1 minute I might have gone the safe route but its just too big a skip to miss.

I originally thought it was about height and so it was crucial to jump in the right spot length ways. It turns out this is not correct; there is actually about a pixel (maybe 2 :P) where you have to land and can then jump over the banister. It is pretty much dead centre along the railing and so I line myself up using 3 points (2 on the floor and a point to aim at on the wall) and then super jump and I land in this sweet spot every time. I have to line myself up perfectly though or else it will miss and I will lose health and time very quickly. Anyway I was very pleased to find this to say the least, it is now up to me rather than just blind luck, which is was it was before.

For those of you who could'nt care less about the technical details, I will now say bit about my progress. I have done single-segments of part 1 and 2 now and so I am working on a single-segment of part 3. Then I will go back to attempting the whole game. I just find that if I can single-segment each part that is invaluable when it comes to running the whole game. A SS of part 3 should be done in a week and then, if history is anything to go by, it won't take much longer to get a SS of the whole game Smiley . I am however, aiming for a very high level of gameplay as I am aiming for a 1:02:xx which is a minute faster than the practise run (granted there is about 40-50 seconds saved due to better skips). Anyway, stand by!

EDIT: Done a single-segment of part 3 twice now and I am up to speed (actually faster than the practise run). So a 1:02:xx is definitely looking feasible and within my grasp. I am going to spend tomorrow doing part 3 and then its back to attempting the whole run.

EDIT2: Did a single-segment of part 2 twice yesterday and found 28s worth of more skips meaning 1:01:XX is now my new target. The new skips are basically adding risk, nothing I had not thought of before so I have the final final route now. Really don't see how to be faster for a SS, my practise run is now quite out of date, the run has a fair few more skips implemented now. I am practising part 3 a bit more today then attempting tomorrow.
The Dork Knight himself.
Did I miss a few shortcuts in part 2 or are these ones you've decided to add into the run?