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we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 8 - for real this time!!!

I found a massive shortcut. It all hinged on a tiny platform (like in p3c5) that I could never find before...

Final time is now 44:31!
Iha paska
Horn would not approve that trick!

Awesome job with that run, that trick is icing on the cake Smiley
Thanks for the continuing dedication, it's really enjoyable to watch your Max Payne runs.
Simply amazing.

Congratulations on a fantastic run!
I've always been very impressed with your work on this game, and this is no exception.

Congrats on an amazing run!
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-09-13 03:52:49 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-09-13 03:52:12 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-09-13 03:52:04 pm
we have lift off
The full run is now on youtube as one video!


Hey ridd3r,
I'd like to know when you are going to upload the audio commentary.
we have lift off
Well I haven't done it yet, I was going to wait at least until the run is being verified first. I know it takes a long time to go through the process these days though so I'll probably link to a HQ w/ audio commentary in the near future.
Incredible run, one of my favourites! Great job.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-09-06 03:29:46 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-09-05 11:26:41 am
ridd3r.: 2011-09-03 03:45:31 pm
we have lift off
In an apparent attempt to drive me insane I was the unwilling participant in my brains obsession with having to know if some unlikely skip would work. Well it does... I've discovered not 1 but 2 major skips in p1c6 and p1c7. I've implemented the p1c6 skip and since it required a save glitch to work I had to redo p1c5 and deactivate the DMW glitch so that I could do the p1c6 skip. However, it saved 1:20!

The p1c7 skip requires that I don't get the 2 painkillers and that means an inconsistency, which is probably for the best since trying to match up ingram ammo along with all the other things would be a nightmare. Though of course that means I have to redo p1c8 and p1c9 whereupon my health and ammo are reset. p1c8 and p1c9 will be exactly as before and so shouldn't cause me any problems, p1c7 will be fairly difficult though. All I'll say is the sequential save glitch means I don't get stuck in a cutscene and I end up in a perpetual slow-mo cutscene with the advantage of very fast rolling (how rolling would look in real time), leading to yet another skip. It's basically just short of breaking the level completely (getting to the boss fight early and killing gognitti) which really does seem impossible.

So to summarise, sub 43 is now a lock, 3 more levels to go, should be done in 1-2 weeks if I don't go mad before hand (I hate redoing levels).

Edit: p1c7 done (26s saved). Final time will therefore be around 42:45.
Edit2: p1c8 done, 1 more to go!
Edit3: Done, final time 42:42 - video should be up tomorrow.
Edit history:
jera: 2011-08-31 02:02:14 pm
I hate redoing levels

Why do I not believe you? :-P

Keeps going and going, nice job man :-)
The Dork Knight himself.
ridd3r should be the new spokesman for Energizer
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-09-13 03:52:29 pm
we have lift off
Improvement is here - 42:41:

Quote from honorableJay:
ridd3r should be the new spokesman for Energizer

I'm taking a break!
The Dork Knight himself.
Holy ****, I could never get that skip to work on the laundry level, door just wouldn't open and getting to the roof was impossible. Did you have to do anything specific to trigger the "cutscene?"
we have lift off
Door wouldn't open? I don't do anything special to trigger the cutscene, the trick is save glitching it and then manipulating it so Max doesn't stand in the way. I don't know if it makes a difference if you trigger the earlier cutscene where you force the mobster to get you in the lanudry - obviously I don't do that in the run.
The Dork Knight himself.
The cutscene I'm referring to is the one after you open that door. I'm not sure if save glitching is what did it but that door would not open for me at all. I tried getting there before talking to the thug, afterwards, even going to the door after the "John who?" dialogue and nothin.
we have lift off
It's definitely not the save glitch because I missed save glitching several times on attempts and it went into the cutscene. Strange... so you're saying the door just remains shut when you walk into it?

I just did it quickly and it works no problem. I've attached the save I used in the run for that segment. If you want to try it you have to hold forward to start with otherwise you'll fall short of the ledge. No idea why it didn't work for you though.
Holy ****

Stunning performance, total mastery of the game, brilliant run...

Please make an audio commentary? :-)
evil does it
I'm pretty sure that if I went into a restaurant and ordered a Chicken a la madness with awesome sauce and rice seasoned with holius crapius, they would serve me a Hi-def copy of this run.
I've never seen such total destruction of a game before. Executed to perfection.
It would be no surprise at all if you, a couple of months from now, announce your new improved run that ends before you even start it Wink
I bow before the master!
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2011-12-10 04:51:47 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-12-10 04:50:20 pm
ridd3r.: 2011-12-08 04:05:59 pm
we have lift off
I've just completed a test run for the sub 1 hour SS run I've been planning (and have even done over a 1000 attempts for, before I did the segmented run). Turns out it was a good thing I was unsuccessful before, as aside from some minor improvements here and there, I've found a way of implementing the p3c8 skip safely. On it's own, even if not done particularly well, this saves over 50s. The test run (done level by level) finished with a time of 56:13 this still had mistakes and so I'll now be aiming for a low 57/ high 56, before I was aiming for a low 58/ high 57. I hope to be able to get a 56;xx, but there's a lot of randomness and I won't really know a realistic time until I get well into attempting.

I've also just finished making a video showing side by side comparisons for the old and new p3c8. Turns out if you go along to the next corner of the building, there's a proper ledge which lets you up to the roof, unlike in the segmented run where I was aiming for a tiny pixel platform, a la p3c5. It's slightly slower than the route in the segmented run, but I'm just happy I found a way at all!

I'll start attempting, probably in the next few days and unlike before where I stopped everytime I died, I'm just going to do complete runs every attempt. This will give me even practise and a sense of progression, as well as reducing the time to burn out. I don't expect sub hour to be too difficult, but a good run certainly will be!

Edit: Got a 1:03:xx with 3 costly deaths (two at the end of long levels). Without the deaths it would have been a high 57:xx and there were plenty of mistakes. I'm still gunning for 56:xx.
Looking forward to your new run ridd3r! But I was wondering when your verified run will be posted on the site. I do not mind waiting for an audio commentary to be made (because that is a prerequisite of course! ;-) ), but if you have already made one, do you have any information as to why it has not appeared yet?
we have lift off
I sent the run in a while ago, but runs take several months to make it onto the site. Since the queue information was removed I don't know where my run is in the line, but the next update should be PC games, so it's possible it will be in that. However, it could be another month away or so.

As for the new run... my motivation is hanging by a thread, with only my stubbornness keeping me going. The fact is I look around at other runs and SS runs get nailed pretty quickly and consistently, even if they're hard games. I've done many thousands of SS attempts at this game and still things happen that have never happened before. The problem is DoA leaves no room for error, one enemy pulls off some bs and I'm dead or about to be. Add on to that the ridiculous p1c8 jump that as much as quadruples the number of runs I'll need to get past it to get a successful run...
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2012-02-06 10:48:17 am
we have lift off
Time for an update! I took a break over christmas, but I've picked it up again and I've been doing level by level practise; I did 5 run throughs on each level as a base line, some were way more than that though. I'm currently doing the last 3 levels, then I'll do some run throughs of all of part 2 and all of part 3 before I start doing proper attempts again.

I've knocked off another 15s or so with just faster play really, so 56:xx is now the official goal. I think the practise has really helped, but the only way I'm going to get the run is by consistently attempting pretty much every day. This will be my third serious set of attempts at the run spanning over a year now. HERE I GO!

p.s proof of practise
Hi ridd3r! Glad to see you back on this. Thinking about streaming attempts once you get going?
I'm not sure which runner on SDA is more fanatic about his game as ridd3r... He's like the devil's gonna steal his soul if he stops improving and improving. Smiley
we have lift off
Quote from jera:
Hi ridd3r! Glad to see you back on this. Thinking about streaming attempts once you get going?

I'd like to be able to stream, but it's hard getting a decent quality stream which doesn't cause my game to lag. That and I would have to play it windowed, so no I'll have to just post it when it's done.

Quote from LotBlind:
I'm not sure which runner on SDA is more fanatic about his game as ridd3r... He's like the devil's gonna steal his soul if he stops improving and improving. Smiley

I think it's more that I just found everything in the game and it would be a waste to not put it to use! I've not got loads of free time, so I'd rather maximise one game. There're plenty of runners to run other games, so I think specialising makes sense. Of course you can pick up on other people's discoveries and run multiple games, but I keep finding things... And like I said, I don't have the hours you need to plug in to other games.