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Quote from hitman201:
yes, i was doing the row thing costanly like the NY videos. I avoid many enemies. I was including with scences but im am not sure. Maybe its not. Both of the runs are on DOA. I might redo my SS run for MP2.

On my practise run ages ago I realised that rolling is slower than running in real time so I only roll to avoid enemies. On your old thread your 1hr35 excluded the very first and very last cutscenes according to what you said (i.e gaining to losing control of the character). Or I though it might exclude all start and end of level cutscenes (but still include in level cutscenes), which is how the MP2 run was timed for SDA. The intro and outro are like 4 mins so I should be beating your old run by a good minute at the very least but the running time will be about 1hr 22mins, still you did very well to beat it that fast.
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
unless....i do better
we have lift off
Quote from hitman201:
unless....i do better

Are you going to start attempting this again? Your welcome to try, but I will keep at it until its done. You will have to beat 1hr 36-38mins full length of the video starting recording at the title screen and finishing when he starts the secret level.
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
no it ends when you destroy the helicopter. Thats when time ends. but sure when i am done with MP2
we have lift off
Quote from hitman201:
no it ends when you destroy the helicopter. Thats when time ends. but sure when i am done with MP2

Yeah I know, but all the times I'v done and my 1hr 38 prediction are the full length of the video so it includes those scenes, basically when I start to when I finish recording.
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ridd3r.: 2009-02-27 10:12:47 am
we have lift off
1hr 37mins and 14 secs 0 deaths

No way can I improve on that in a single segment. Ill encode asap and try and get it up!!
Hope rides alone.
Quote from ridd3r.:
OMG 1hr 37mins and 14 secs 0 deaths

No way can I improve on that in a single segment. Ill encode asap and try and get it up!!

congrats Smiley and hurry uploading Cheesy
Time to Kick Ass and Chew Bumble Gum
we have lift off
Quote from hitman201:

Thanks guys, GL with your mp2 run btw. I have backed it up on my external, I will encode tomorrow and send it into SDA.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from ridd3r.:
OMG 1hr 37mins and 14 secs 0 deaths

No way can I improve on that in a single segment. Ill encode asap and try and get it up!!

Very impressive, I can't wait.
Congrats man.
Ditto, I'm looking forward to this run Smiley
we have lift off
Run just needs to be verified, Mike has added the game to list of games needing to be verified so if any of you reading this can verify this run that would be great! (but don't advertise that you are verifying it of course)
I am astounded that you would even attempt this. When I played DOA, I was quicksaving every three steps - and dying every five. SS-ing that is beyond my comprehension. Then again, I was playing on the XBox, so the controls are a bit clunkier. Still - congratulations on your ambition.
we have lift off
An update: The run has been up for verification for a week but I spoke to Mike and said I want to withdraw the run. After I watched it a few times I started to realise I could go faster, I kept thinking up new ways of going faster and I could not just let that run go up (if it had been accepted) as I knew I could do better. Therefore, I have decided to run it again.

As this is my first run it has been a learning experience, it has been hard to realise I could have gone faster until I completed the run and watched it. Also as this is the first run of its category, it has obviously taken a lot of work to get right. I couldnt just use the NYM run as that was not run for real time, and obviously it is the easiest mode and segmented.

The problem was I did not redo the strategies for the levels since I started this run over 2 months ago. Now that I am much better at the game, I can take a lot more risks and go a lot faster.

So I have gone over every level again, practised and perfected it all, I can now cut the 1hr 37min down by 6 minutes, to 1hr 31min or less. So I am now attempting again, I am confident this will be done soon as I know and am better than ever at this game. It should be done in a few weeks, then there will be a good run, the best I can do, on SDA for this category. I promise this time, that this will be the run that goes up! Any time lost this time will hopefully purely be human error, I have really planned it considering all NYM strats so this is it! Take the part 2 single segment I put on google video a while ago, that small part can be cut down by 1.5mins.

So, Sorry (mainly to the verifiers) hopefully the end product will be worth it!
we have lift off
1hr 29mins 30secs 1death

What do I do!! The 1 death was right at the start of p2c2, cost me about 8 seconds. Plus I even did the secret bonus level, with no practise lol (as should be evident from my strategy). I need opinions here, even if I did do it again, it would be very tough to beat this time, I got very lucky in places saving me more than 8 seconds so I really duno what to do.
I think you should do it with no deaths.
we have lift off
Quote from jam287:
I think you should do it with no deaths.

You bastard! Seriously though it is a 7second mistake! The rest goes so well... I am encoding now, so I will have a look at it properly tomorrow. Unless I see some obvious room for improvement I think I will have to submit. I guess the real question is, is a run better if it is faster or without deaths?
Hope rides alone.
Quote from ridd3r.:
Quote from jam287:
I think you should do it with no deaths.

You bastard! Seriously though it is a 7second mistake! The rest goes so well... I am encoding now, so I will have a look at it properly tomorrow. Unless I see some obvious room for improvement I think I will have to submit. I guess the real question is, is a run better if it is faster or without deaths?

I think you should do it without Deaths, too, because with a single death the risk is very high the verifiers will reject the run and all your work would be for nothing. When you were able to accomplish this time, I am absolutely sure you could do it again without the death.

but, before you submit, write Mike a PM about the matter of death and see what he is saying. In a SS 1 1/2 hour its maybe ok.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Accepting the death really depends on the run. Since we're talking about a fairly long game here, a death might be acceptable.
destroy them with lazers
I just think its more of an accomplishment to do the run without a run and you'll be more pleased with yourself if you do. Theres like an 8 minute difference between the two so you could get a no death run between these or even better. You could then decided between these two runs.
Hope rides alone.
Quote from mikwuyma:
Accepting the death really depends on the run. Since we're talking about a fairly long game here, a death might be acceptable.

Plus you die incredibly quick to one shot out of the most weapons.

Quote from X:
I just think its more of an accomplishment to do the run without a run and you'll be more pleased with yourself if you do. Theres like an 8 minute difference between the two so you could get a no death run between these or even better. You could then decided between these two runs.

I think you meant without a death ^^
Ask yourself if it will be good enough if the run that could come up on SDA is viewed by so many people and they all see you dying and think "WTF?". They might then think why death was accepted and so on...or you wanna impress the viewers to a full extend with no death at all Wink
we have lift off
Well thanks for all your input guys, I'll get back to you with a decision once I have viewed the run. I may also put the death up on google videos, basically, I go into the room to open the gate, shoot the shotgunnist and he doesn't die, I quickly rolled and shot him again, took him for dead then he 1 shotted me :/. It really is 7 seconds and no more that it cost me, believe me had it been anymore I would have given up the run. The point that I want to make is that it allowed me to be more relaxed and take much more risk in the remaining portion of the run. I don't know if I could have done that without a death, anyway I'll see how it looks. Take for example the donkey kong country 2 100% run, he dies once and it cost him a good 10 seconds I think, but that doesn't really make the run any worse and I think the same is true here. Plus for my own personal achievement I have already done the game twice without dieing, its all about going as fast as possible now.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-03-02 10:59:54 am
we have lift off
OK, heres the death:

It is exactly 8seconds from me starting playing and dieing to starting playing again. Every single time I have run this he has died from the first shot, that he didn't die from 2 was stupid.

I have watched the run and there are no significant mistakes, literally everything apart from this death went exactly according to plan and much better in some places. If I ran this again it would not be to improve the time, but to get a deathless run, the chances are it could well be slower. So what do people think? Is it so bad I should redo the whole run?
Given the difficulty of the game I would be shocked if it was rejected on account of this. The run is about 2 and 3/4 minutes slower than the segmented NYM run, though that was not run for real time I think it shows that I can't be going much faster in a single segment.
Hope rides alone.
Quote from ridd3r.:
OK, heres the death:

Oh, this guy killed you ^^ meh, Id say that is acceptable, it just looks bad but if the rest is as good as you say its ok I think. The SS Metroid Fusion 100% has 2 minutes of trying to collect a single missile tank near the end over and over again and it wasnt rejected, either, so this should be no problem really, even to verifiers.
we have lift off
Quote from PreddY:
Quote from ridd3r.:
OK, heres the death:

Oh, this guy killed you ^^ meh, Id say that is acceptable, it just looks bad but if the rest is as good as you say its ok I think. The SS Metroid Fusion 100% has 2 minutes of trying to collect a single missile tank near the end over and over again and it wasnt rejected, either, so this should be no problem really, even to verifiers.

^^ indeed, I think I aimed too much to the right for the first shot :[ I was so surprised he wasn't dead I only just managed to roll then I was just like whatever die!

Apart from the route you take (which has a massive impact on your final time) the main time factor for this game is whether you can pull off the 1shot kill shots frequently, while this isn't much of a problem in part 1 where the enemies are relatively weak, in parts 2 and 3 they can really take some serious damage. It is too much to ask to get 1 shot kills all the way through the game, but I do it a lot in this run and so hopefully people can get past this slip up.

If your interested my time excluding the intro and outro (which also excludes the bonus level) is 1hr 24mins and 46secs.