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we have lift off
OK, against my better judgement I have decided to keep trying this. While I am as good as I will get at max payne I may as well try and beat this time. If it proves impossible to beat then I can just submit. If I get a slower time but with no deaths.... Well, worry about that if/when it happens. If I can't get another run done reasonably quickly I will submit the 1 death one and this time, if I die, I will restart the run no matter what.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
for me this death is quite acceptable... if anything - shows how hard it is to avoid everything )
we have lift off
OK well I have had a fair few more attempts but it feels like a complete waste of my time. I planned to spend a couple of weeks on this but I have no motivation. Every attempt I have made and timed up till the point of death has been slower than the 1 death run. I find myself under loads of pressure to make no mistakes and with no motivation to fight it. If I had got the same time but with 0 deaths that run would have been submitted no question. I'm sorry but one 8 second mistake even if it is a death is not a good enough reason for me to keep attempting. I'm not saying the rest of the run is perfect but its the best I can do and it has very few mistakes. I looked at the run and the unusual quickness of some sections easily makes up for the minor mistakes made, I actually make up the 8 second death in 1 area. My latest aim was 1hr 31 and I smashed that including beating my part 2 estimation by over half a minute with the stupid death!

Maybe if I had not already done 2 no death runs I would keep attempting but its already been done and the 1 death is so minor I'm hoping viewers will think nothing of it. I can upload the 1hr 37min 0 death run to google videos to keep you entertained if you want to see that, but if any of you think that is superior I think your mad.

So sorry if I let any of you down but unless any of you can really think of a good reason for me to keep attempting other than, it just looks better with 0 deaths I'm submitting!
I was once a treehouse
Submit it.
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce!
I agree. Balancing berserk speed and not getting corpsified sometimes means that dying and losing a very small amount of time is worth the loss of aesthetic appeal. If it had happened anywhere other than a few seconds into a level, I might be on the side of the purists regardless of the other merits. But eight seconds lost in a run of this difficulty that takes over NINETY minutes? To me that seems perfectly acceptable.

I predict that at least one of the verifiers will reject it, but I hope that the majority will vote that it be accepted if the rest is as amazing as it sounds.

Good luck!
we have lift off
Quote from OnyxShadow:
I agree. Balancing berserk speed and not getting corpsified sometimes means that dying and losing a very small amount of time is worth the loss of aesthetic appeal. If it had happened anywhere other than a few seconds into a level, I might be on the side of the purists regardless of the other merits. But eight seconds lost in a run of this difficulty that takes over NINETY minutes? To me that seems perfectly acceptable.

I predict that at least one of the verifiers will reject it, but I hope that the majority will vote that it be accepted if the rest is as amazing as it sounds.

Good luck!

Thanks, well I will leave it up to you guys to judge whether or not you think it is "amazing", I would be flattered if you did find it amazing, I just don't think I can realistically beat it but it is of course not perfect.

I uploaded it to nate for verification today, the run still has verifiers from last time so its just a case of waiting for their verdict. As this is my first run I have no idea how long it takes, does anyone have a rough estimation for how long it takes for a run to be accepted or rejected?
It should get verified in less than a week.  It probably won't get posted for a month or so though.

Your run should get verified with no rejections, but it will be in a separate category because of the death.
we have lift off
Well if it does get accepted I will post it elsewhere on the internet as well so I'm just waiting for an the verdict really. Also surely it won't be a separate category as its not death abuse? The death doesn't save me any time?
Edit history:
jam287: 2009-03-09 03:28:50 am
Out of the FAQ:

There's also dying that costs time, which is typically unintentional. While a death in a long single-segment run might be acceptable, deaths in a segmented run look very bad and are inexcusable. An unintentional death in a segmented run means it will most likely be rejected as not good enough. Because it can be hard to measure intent, any run with deaths is considered a separate category from a deathless run.

There is really no difference between a death and no death run in your case but I just thought I'd point it out in case you didn't know.

EDIT: If this faster run with a death is in a separate category, you could probably submit your previous run as well as being no deaths.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2009-03-25 07:42:02 am
we have lift off
Run has been accepted! See verification board for verifiers comments and impressions. The run is currently being timed, then I will encode it and hopefully it will be up officially soon. I would probably advise waiting and watching it in high quality but if you want to take a look at the run I have uploaded to google videos and am currently uploading to youtube:

Google videos :

If this faster run with a death is in a separate category, you could probably submit your previous run as well as being no deaths.

I wouldn't want to as imo its clearly inferior, could upload to google though if people want.

EDIT 2: Youtube link is now the complete 10 part playlist.
Are you going to include audio commentary??

If it's late for adding it as an additional track, you could still upload a separate mp3 file.
we have lift off
Quote from FreakZilla:
Are you going to include audio commentary??

If it's late for adding it as an additional track, you could still upload a separate mp3 file.

I was actually if people want it? I would just do it as an external file. I think my run is next in line to be timed, then I will compress and upload it a few days later so it should be up in 2-3 weeks with any luck.
"Time to go to work..."
People want it.
Dragon Power Supreme
commentary would be great
Please include it.  Smiley

Also, to synch up the mp3 file and video file, start off by saying "3... 2.... 1... NOW (start the video)".  8)
I would listen to your audio commentary.

Who else would like commentary for this run??  Let him know!
we have lift off
Quote from FreakZilla:

Who else would like commentary for this run??  Let him know!

Its OK, I'v done an external commentary. Just waiting for the final time now, looks like I submitted a run at the same time as everyone else!
Oh, sweet.

I'm eager for this to be posted.
Wich part of the Youtube videos includes the death?
we have lift off
OK run has been timed! I'll get it encoded over the next couple of days, high quality is virtually lossless so no need to do anything more than that, so it should be up fairly soon!

Quote from djcj:
Wich part of the Youtube videos includes the death?

Part 5 I think, p2c2 is by far the worst chapter of the run so if you find p2c2 OK you should really enjoy it.
Thanks. Well, if that's the only death I can understand why your run wasn't rejected. Because everything else I've seen so far looks awesome. Man I have trouble playing this game even on fugitive.
Hope rides alone.
Great run there, dude! it just wasnt entertaining enough to become my new fav run, which is still SS100% Metroid Fusion.

Anyway, I didnt understand a SINGLE word from your audio commentary and deleted it right away. Please keep in mind that not all people on SDA are native english speakers. So next time, try to speak a little more...standard english...and dont ever again use that slang of yours!
we have lift off
Quote from PreddY:
Great run there, dude! it just wasnt entertaining enough to become my new fav run, which is still SS100% Metroid Fusion.

Anyway, I didnt understand a SINGLE word from your audio commentary and deleted it right away. Please keep in mind that not all people on SDA are native english speakers. So next time, try to speak a little more...standard english...and dont ever again use that slang of yours!

Well theres no "break the game" glitches available to do in this run, its much more of a case of just doing each level as fast as you can but pretty much the way it was meant to be done. As with any game, only people who have played the game a lot will really appreciate the run to its fullest extent.
I don't know what you mean about the audio commentary, it was all in clear English with no real slang. Trust me theres people who speak very slang but thats not me. I don't know what your English is like but I thought I was perfectly clear. Anyway, my comments were very extensive anyway so if you want more information just read that.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Audio commentary was really great imo. I understood everything, it was really interesting and helped me understand your strats.

Great effort that should be encouraged, I love the good audio commentaries and this was one of them.
