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Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
Quote from LigerOfFortune:
Oh O-k, sounds like my way would be better then anyways. Since if i remember correctly you need to get Joe's machine gun, which is how i pass through electric fields.

Wouldn't the shotgun also work?
Visually Appealing
yeah, but that takes more time to get.
So you don't need joe's machine gun? I thought you had to do the level to save him and then you get it, or its in the same level? Again, been foreeeeeever since i played it though so i know i may not be remembering it right.
Visually Appealing
it's in the safe area after the stage you save Joe.

actually, i'm trying to remember now if this glitch can pass the gas and electricity at the beginning of the Albatross. my gut says yes. if so, then Joe's gun is unnecessary.
Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
It apparently does.
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Greenalink: 2010-06-25 06:08:53 am
DS Dictator
Sorry to bump this, I got this recently via Deal of the Week and looked up on the list of changes they made by the online Title Update.

New “Normal” difficulty setting. In this setting, the following changes are made:

•When you die, you respawn at the last solid ground or checkpoint
•The level Albatross B was cut (when you go outside that contains loads of retracting blocks)
•The ability to reel out the cable when hanging or swinging to its full length (easier to do full swings)
•If the player swings into a wall, they will no longer disconnect and be thrown away from the wall. Instead, they will keep connected and reel in
•Unlimited lives
Super Joe Machine Gun bug fix:

•When upgraded, the weapon also becomes more powerful in addition to the larger clip
•Fixed for all difficulty levels.

I have a high feeling that you should use the title update to speed run the game.

I also tried to find ways to do the shortcuts for both Area 12 & Albatross without using the invincibility glitch, luckily 3 out of the 4 shortcuts are doable on Single Player, the last one requires Co-op with Friendly Fire Set to ON (skipping 2 switch rooms in Albatross Section A).

If I were to speed run this the quality wouldn't be as good as Shadow Complex... for some reason I can screw up easily and trying to skip both the Power Hook and Bazooka walls.

Edit: It wasn't mentioned on the list for the Title Update but the patch seems to buffed up the damage when you land on Spikes or Horizontal laser traps. Without the patch I can endure a hit without needing any armour pieces. With the patch I get an instant death if I didn't have any body armour.
Just want to go on record saying the developers were on crack when they "updated" this game. I had to full out rant twice when I finally got my xbox live back and fired up this game only to find that I had infinite lives and some 'hold your hand' swings. Needless to say I haven't touched the game after that, even super hard mode felt.. tainted.

I didn't know there was a way to downgrade back to this games original awesomeness though, there is hope I will one day pick up where I left off after all!
I decided to take up this game, but I am playing on the PC version so went ahead and created a new thread under PC Games. Here is a link. Let's try and keep the action in there if at all possible. Grin
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2012-11-30 05:23:08 pm
KennyMan666: 2012-11-30 04:15:09 pm
KennyMan666: 2012-11-30 04:15:02 pm
KennyMan666: 2012-11-30 04:14:46 pm
Well, I started speedrunning this (XBLA version) literally this week. Worked out the route on my own, and managed to get it down to 34:22. Read this topic, saw the glitches to skip the barriers in Imperial Headquarters and Albatross, and got it down to 30:49 (making my current target sub-30 without unintentional deaths).

That's with playing area 5 and 6 because I can't for the life of me pull off the barrier skip in area 3. In no way. Just... completely no way. I've tried everything I can think of. I've watched the videos. I've gotten the arm to hook on the back side of the barrier. But nothing I do puts me on top of it. Is it even possible on the X360 version after patches? And part of me really doesn't think it's worth skipping the bazooka, as having it allows you to one-cycle both power pods and two-cycle Fabricator v2, which I can't imagine being possible without it.

I'll keep trying, and any hints on how the fuck to pull off this horrible skip are very welcome, but at this point in time I think I'll just be going for the vague category "no item barrier skips". "Without major skips", I guess you could call that.

Also: Found a small thing on the final stage. If you kill yourself before the cutscene where Haley gets shot down, the game treats the room as if it has already played when you respawn. I don't know if it saves anything on the ingame times, but it would probably save a little real time. I found it by accident since I just wanted to kill myself to not fight the final boss with only a tiny bit of health left, so idk how worth it it would actually be to do.
Did you read the PC version topic I created? I found out that to do the barrier skip there are 2 factors involved: frame rate and claw position on it. Tongue The lower your frame rate the more success you'll have with it. Unfortunately frame rate really isn't easily controllable on console. FRAPS limits whatever game you're recording to the frame rate you set and with it set to 30 FPS I was able to consistently get the trick. Tongue
Yeah, I read it. Frame rate I obviously can't change on the XBLA version. As for claw position I feel like I've positioned the claw at every possible reachable pixel on that goddamned power claw barrier but nothing works. I would also not be looking forwards to playing later stages without the bazooka so I think I'll leave the run with barrier skips to you and just try for the don't-skip-those-fucking-barriers category myself.
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KennyMan666: 2012-12-03 08:37:24 am
Oh hells yeah. After trying and failing repeatedly to get sub-30 last week I just slammed out a 28:05.04, that definitely had more than six seconds of mistakes - had 2 unintentional deaths and fell down in the POW Camp so I had to climb back up again. Was counting truck encounters, but since the X360 pad stick hates me with a burning passion I had some retarded map movements when trying to go from 6 to 8, so I'm not sure if the number is entirely accurate. Had... six, I think, unless I forgot to count one.

And as such my new target time is sub-28 minutes without unintentional deaths. I need to start recording my attempts now, I might get the golden run soon. Though I have a lot of real life stuff to work on first.
Not a walrus
You planning on posting any videos of your progress?
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2012-12-04 03:10:12 pm
KennyMan666: 2012-12-04 08:01:02 am
KennyMan666: 2012-12-03 03:12:17 pm
KennyMan666: 2012-12-03 03:07:29 pm
Yes, now that I'm actually recording my attempts. Got a 29:23.59 recorded, but it's really only good for making two things: A quality test and a blooper reel because dear christ I died in the stupidest ways and did some other silly mistakes.

So yeah, I wasn't recording before. I think I wanted to get a sub-30 run first because I knew I could get that and anything that wasn't wouldn't be worth showing. I wish I had recorded the 28:05.04 one (but even that had mistakes I need to not do) - so I'm now going to record every time I try a run. Still need to figure out how to best work with these video files, though.

Edit because not worth double-posting about: Somehow got a new personal best, 27:28.26, with what was a pretty bad run. So yes, sub-27 without unintentional deaths is the new goal. This one is recorded, but not sure if it's worth showing.
I would like to see it, can you post it to YouTube unlisted and share the link? Cheesy
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KennyMan666: 2012-12-04 03:30:18 pm
Right, here you go.

Upon review myself, I see a few things I need to give a try. And I think I finally know what the best way to navigate the first part of area 6 will be.
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Shiden: 2012-12-04 03:42:16 pm
I noticed a few things that can speed you up. Try to avoid the first AA truck by just going up and down until it's not in your path anymore. Secondly I believe killing the Siege Machine v2 with the Bazooka would be faster than provoking him to crash. Also I don't believe you need to use the comms room in Area 9. Unless that's a PC version only thing.. O_o

I don't own the Steam version so, pretty sure my game is messed up. D2D version using the non-D2D 1.01 patch...the only thing I noticed it doing was giving Joe's MG infinite ammo with the upgrade... :/ :\ :/ Lol@Area10, I hate that much death. Area preferred using invincibility frames by being shot over using the Xbox guide invincibility glitch? In the gear room I find it a second or two faster also if you don't destroy the ceiling guns. Walk along the folding platforms and then grapple on it then swing from it to the left.

Noticed that you didn't skip the Gas and Lightning rooms, that is a majorly huge time saver. Since you're playing on Xbox you should use the Xbox guide glitch since I noticed you skipped the Shotgun and MG. Funny thing is I've never seen the ending until now watching your URN, lol. Good run minus the deaths and speed tricks that you passed up.

Dafuq at dem loading times. That is one advantage of the PC version. #Kappa

EDIT: So the game does have a timer displayed at the end. Would that be the time used when publishing the run? I wonder when the timer pauses, probably only during the map screen? Just my guess.
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KennyMan666: 2012-12-04 04:06:53 pm
Avoiding first AA truck and not communicating in Area 9: Will try out.

Siege Machine v2: Since he has to crash even after killing him, I'm not sure - I tend to have to drop from the platform before I can make the third bazooka shot due to it launching grenades, and thus I didn't think it would be faster to climb back up and fire the final shot instead. But I'll try that more.

I use invincibility frames from getting shot because I refuse to use the guide button invincibility glitch. I don't like it as I consider it being using something outside of the actual game, and I don't consider that being an okay thing to do. Also, by not using that glitch, my time should be comparable to times on any version of the game, as long as the ingame timer is consistent across versions.

When I started running I used to grab Joe's Machine Gun, but started skipping it when I realized revolver button mashing covered pretty much all I used it for. But you're saying it can be used to skip gas and lightning rooms? Do elaborate.
Edit history:
Shiden: 2012-12-04 04:32:45 pm
MG has the same kick-back as the shotgun, so it lets you skip those 2 rooms the same. Let me make a quick video, I'll edit and add it in a couple minutes.

Here you go. It's not really that easy most of the time, just have to turn right and run the millisecond you get damaged.

Well, I don't know how shotgun can be used to skip them either, so...
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Shiden: 2012-12-04 04:33:04 pm
Shiden: 2012-12-04 04:24:40 pm
Then I guess you'll have a mindfuck watching it, lol.
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KennyMan666: 2012-12-04 04:35:55 pm
Since it involves using weapon recoil to give you movement, I have a small guess. But I will wait and see.

Edit: Oh would you look at that. Yeah, that'll definitely save time since Joe's machine gun takes very little time to grab. Will practice doing that another day. (which probably means tomorrow even though I really shouldn't give myself time to play video games tomorrow.)
The trick is being crouched, so it won't fling you around like a ragdoll. Then you just take advantage of the invincibility frames and poof right past them. Grin
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2012-12-05 07:28:07 am
KennyMan666: 2012-12-05 07:11:23 am
KennyMan666: 2012-12-05 07:08:35 am
KennyMan666: 2012-12-05 07:05:33 am
Alright then.

Tried avoiding the first AA truck, but since diagonals hate me I made a wrong movement and ran into it anyway. Sure is that if you skip it, you can't skip the green communicator dialogue from Haley, but I don't think the timer counts that anwyay. Going to try some sketchy movements to see if I can minimize AA trucks. I think I'm currently at five. (Edit: Alright, looks like the first one should be completely skippable by going 0 -> 1 -> 13 -> 1 -> 13 -> 1 -> 4 -> 15, get communicator -> 4 -> 5, play stage, and after that that truck is out of your hair forever. And I think positions reset somewhere, which should mean my journey from 3 to 17 shouldn't be interrupted, and I'd face a grand total of 4 trucks. But I will test it more.)

Communicating in Area 9 is indeed not necessary. I assume we're certain you have to communicate in all other stages I go communicate in? I think I've pretty much taken it for granted that you have to communicate to open boss doors.

Siege machine v2 doesn't seem to actually matter what you do after unscrewing the front - even when I had only shot it twice, it started moving after firing once. I really don't think it would have started moving earlier if I had depleted its life completely.

Leaving the sprinkler cannon alive and swinging from it was for some reason the hardest thing ever for me to successfully do, as I had to dodge the shots on the way. That really can't save more than two seconds at most. I'll try it some more but if I can't get it consistent I don't think I'll try such a small timesaver that, if it fails, ruins everything, in the final stage.

Skipping the gas and electricity, on the other hand, was piss easy and I got it on like the third try and then repeated it multiple times. So that's pretty much that.

So the target is now sub-25. I think I can go even sub-24 and perhaps even less than that, but setting goals one full minute at a time...
Quote from KennyMan666:
So the target is now sub-25. I think I can go even sub-24 and perhaps even less than that, but setting goals one full minute at a time...

Happens all the time for newer titles and runs in their earlier stages. Smiley

Sounds like the major stuff is pretty much figured out at least at this point!