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Alright.  So, after Shiden found a way to get barrier skip to work consistently on Saturday, I spent a bit of time derusting and then grinded some attempts yesterday.  Idk if anybody else has this issue, but changing the resolution/framerate absolutely destroyed what little stability this game had.  Every single attempt before this one crashed.  10 straight attempts crashed.  Absolutely unreal.  Anyways, my new PB is 18:46 (maybe 18:47?  didn't time it frame-by-frame):

I wrote a bunch of notes in the video description, but I'll reiterate a few key points.

-After I get the skip, I change the video settings back to 1080p60fps.  Playing at 56fps is nearly impossible for me because the collision detection simply fails to work (which is why this skip works!).  Even though it takes like 10 seconds to switch back to 60fps, I more than make up that time by actually being able to move.  The elevator skips in area 12 are also impossible for me at 56fps.
-When playing with Vsync on, there are a lot of differences.  The game is super super choppy even at 60fps, and some of the invincibility frames don't work properly.  The gas skip in the Albatross sometimes doesn't work at this framerate (you'll get hit like 2-3 times instead of being able to swing through), and my setup for the area 10 spike skip doesn't work because I don't have invincibility for the top row of spikes.  Some of my swings go a bit farther at this framerate, so I had to adjust (the area 10 grapple after killing the first soldier had to change).  For reference, with Vsync off (default), my framerate was over 300.  Although the gameplay speed didn't change, it has a lot of negative effects.
-Because I don't have rocket launcher, I have to kill every boss with pistol.  The 1-cycle kills in areas 3 and 10 are incredibly hard to do.  I was somehow able to get both in this run by mashing on the fire button with both thumbs.  Also, I've only been able to land on top of the area 10 boss at 60fps once.  The collision detection for that setup is already really bad, but at this framerate it simply doesn't work unless you get immensely lucky.
-I had pretty great luck on the area 7 boss, but super bad luck on area 9 enemies and area 10 enemies.  For some reason, the flydroid operator kept ducking my vector cannon shots in area 10, and then I thought I needed to kill an enemy to refill health (was thinking of my post-spike-skip health).  I also had the worst flydroid pattern that I've ever seen on the boss himself.
-The Albatross went amazingly well.

This run can obviously be improved, but it'd require 1-cycling the area 3, 10, and 11 bosses and still matching this luck on the area 7 boss.  I got the barrier skip 2nd try, crusher skip 1st try, and had a flawless Room B in the Albatross.  Cutting out the mistakes I made and switching video resolution quicker could probably hit a low 18-minute time.  I won't be going for it though.  This category is far too volatile.  I can't run a game that crashes this frequently.  I'll still try to get a 100% run though.

One last note: my in-game time should be accurate.  The in-game timer seems to be really accurate within the levels themselves (even though it doesn't count the map or trucks), but the game adds the time from your previous save.  Since I wanted a better comparison, I basically "cleared" the timer between each attempt.  I'd just make a new game and quit to menu as quickly as possible.  As long as I (or any other runner) does this between attempts, the in-game timer should be able to be used for comparison.  I wouldn't recommend it for any official timing of course, but it does seem consistent enough to use for estimation.

Best of luck if anybody tries to improve this!
Edit history:
BagtheTea: 2014-12-27 11:07:41 pm
I gave up on the forced Vsync power claw skip (for now).

I am practicing the any% Vsync-less using PJ's 1 truck route (thanks by the way).

However something happened during my de rust run that blew my mind.

I skipped the elevator after hitler by simply mashing X (Using a PS3 controller) to skip Joe's "The albatross is falling" dialog while the screen centered itself on me and I fell through the elevator.  Not sure why this happened yet working on figuring it out but I figured id post this anyway. Maybe one of you can figure this one out.

I didnt want to upload 60+ min of streaming to youtube to edit out 58 mins of it so I just highlighted it on twitch.

I have alot of ideas on why this happened but reproducing it may take a while.
AHHHHHH OH MAN.  I thought it was possible but I've never actually done it!  I've fallen like halfway through it before but I've never completely cleared the elevator.  That's amazing!  Please keep us posted if you figure it out!
Edit history:
BagtheTea: 2015-01-12 11:58:17 pm
What I have been doing is setting it up so Hitler crashes down on the right side of the screen.  This may not matter at all.

What I do know is you must be moving while on top of the elevator pad when Super Joe's Dialog pops up.

Thoughts on why this happens: The elevator itself is no longer usable during the fight but once you beat the boss and the second joes dialog pops up the elevator becomes usable. So during the transition my best bet is the elevator doesn't exist for maybe a frame or 2 and if you walk at the right place when this happens you will fall through. (I think your hitbox is different when moving so standing in the right place may not work)
Edit history:
BagtheTea: 2015-01-14 12:43:25 pm
So I never took the time to make a route for Area 7 until now.

One thing I found was a quick kill in phase 1 of the boss. unfortunately its only a 50% chance of happening because the boss has 4 different things he can do once the fight starts.  2 of them starts off by him swinging to the platform on the left which is where you can get the quick kill using rockets.

My old average time for this Area was about 1:40 but now its down to an average of 1:15

This highlight was 1:06  -
Oh my god, I thought you meant you could fully kill him in phase 1 and I was going to be really sad.  Whew.  Haha.  That is still a really good strat!  If he swings left, I generally have pretty good luck picking him off with the revolver, but the rockets are definitely faster.  Nice work!
Power Claw skip?! Wow, I'm amazed by all this. Gonna have to try that glitch whenever I pick this up.

Still don't have the equipment but one day, hopefully.

I watched PJ's Any% WR yesterday and it truly looks like a challenge.
Oh, I didn't realized you posted in here, too!  I just responded to your tweet.  Haha.

The Barrier skip in area 3 is extremely finnicky and rarely works.  We've split that off as a separate category because we can't guarantee that it is even possible on different setups.  A few other runners have never been able to get it to work, and that's not really fair.  I'd recommend trying to beat my "any% no barrier skip" run.  I think it is a 20:56?  That run is far more improvable and will be far less frustrating to try.

Good luck!  Maybe some more competition will motivate me to do more attempts of this.  ^_^
Edit history:
PJ: 2017-06-30 02:07:11 am
PJ: 2017-06-30 02:06:39 am
PJ: 2017-06-30 02:06:34 am
Bump, I guess.

I've been working on this game again, even though I hate it.  I'm improved my any% run to a 19:27 (no barrier skip), but it's still like 15 seconds slower than what I want so I didn't highlight it.  I have a local recording in case I give up, though.

100% PB/WR is down to a 36:14 (26:14 IGT).  I am not going to be improving this.  It is far too annoying to clear save data, and boss RNG is too crippling for me to care about my time.  This run got every skip first try and really, really good boss luck.  Had a bunch of minor errors and physics not cooperating, but overall it's a good run.

At some point in the next few months I'll start tearing into the challenge rooms.  I'm not particularly looking forward to those...
Hey! Alright, everything is in order for me to start digging into this. My first experince in the world of speedrunning! I'll start by studying your current route and just train a little bit. Is it necessary to clear save data between runs?
Hey Viktor!  Sorry I didn't see this before.  In the future, if you have questions, don't hesitate to shout at me on Twitter or PM me here or on Twitch.

It isn't necessary to manually delete the save file between any% runs.  I do like to start a new file twice between runs, though, since it resets the in-game timer.  This game for some reason adds the IGT of your previous save file to your current save file, so the IGT reported at the end of the playthrough is SUPER WRONG.  If you start a new file and then quit to menu before entering a stage, that file's IGT is 0:00.00, and your next run will have an accurate timer.  Not super necessary, but it's something I like to do.