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when you get skype just tell me so we can easly chat about things like this
Wake up and be awesome
Alright just got Skype, HoboWithaShotgun3
Hey guys, I've been wanting to speedrun a game for a while and I figured that it might as well be Watch_Dogs since I at least somewhat enjoyed it . Is there anything I should know before I start? Other than things like timing software and such. I'm entirely new to it all.
Wake up and be awesome
We'll first off, have serious patience. This is an incredibly unforgiving game and the opening cutscene is god awfully long. Do you have a skype? We could talk and help you with a lot of stuff
Yeah. I'll add you. And I've already played the game twice but I have no idea how long it took me.
And yeah, this opening cutscene is already getting on my nerves, but apparently you can alt-tab out of it so I can do other shit while it plays.
Wake up and be awesome
Dammit, am I the only person who runs on console? GRR
SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
Quote from HoboWithaShotgun:
Dammit, am I the only person who runs on console? GRR

Not exactly...  Granted that people do love their "Aim with mouses" better, but when it comes to speed runs, that matters very little considering how the timing would be different.  Anyway, to drop my two pennies into the fun topic of Watchdogs, I'm still playing it and I'm enjoying it so far.  The only problem though is that I'm enjoying it a bit too much in the respects of how I am actually spending more time on foot than in a car since it is too much fun to hack people's accounts and see the fun facts of each person I walk across.

That doesn't mean I can't help plan the run though since I can at least do that much.  Probably the first thing I would say alongside a route plan is to figure out the best way to use the skills.  I just got into Act 2 myself, so I don't know how much driving will actually be needed (if not at all) but I noticed that driving isn't really that big of a problem in this game as long as you have the skills to activate points to blow up the other cars.  Another thing I would suggest if that the use of the pistol with the silencer would be very valuable during the more "be quiet" moments just because you don't have to nessessarily kill all the men in parts where you only need to get to the objective.  With a few careful headshots and use of Focus, you can probably take out the threats in front of you then proceed to the next area while the others go on realizing nothing.

If I can  think of anything else, I'll post a few ideas and help out with some planning.  Other than that though, I'm probably not going to be running watchdogs anytime soon, if not at all due to Murdered coming out in 5 days and E3 the week after.
Wake up and be awesome
Like I said, skills are going to be important, but driving is a HUGE part of the run, at least for me. I like the idea of silencers, will have to work on that
Wake up and be awesome
So in case anyone cares...
Just did my first full run of Act I at 1:20:05, with time stopped as soon as Mission Complete for Dressed in Peels pops up. Definitely a lot of room for improvement, especially considering I had about three suicides in there. I've noticed that it seems like each mission is taking me about eight minutes each? I don't know it might just be me though.

Also, does anyone know where the savegames are located on the PC version? I was going to chop the acts up by using different save files stored in a separate folder, since Ubisoft decided it'd be a good idea to limit the game to one save file.
Wake up and be awesome
Great job with your first run, almost beat my run on your first attempt
Wake up and be awesome
More Goodies!
PC savegames are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\ . Look around in there until you find a folder with 4 files in it. They should be,,, and

I'm playing through casually at the moment. I'm only on mission 5. Once I get past Act I I'll probably start doing runs of that much while I finish the rest of the game casually. I don't have skype yet, I'll probably set that up tomorrow.

Also, what difficulty are you guys running on?
I've just left it on normal. Realistic makes nearly any damage you take or give lethal. Not that it matters much because if you're doing your job right you'll be able to ghost 'em before they even pull the trigger.

Actually, come to think of it, does difficulty affect enemy reaction times? That might be something to note. But with silent sprinting as long as they're not looking RIGHT at you you're invisible to them. Definitely recommend picking that ability up before doing Dressed in Peels
Wake up and be awesome
Silent sprinting is a great idea streetlights, how did I never think of that?
It's such a broken perk. If it weren't for all of my deaths at the end I probably could have had DiP done in like five-six minutes because you can just watch your radar for the guards to turn and then fuckin book it.
Also, have there been any Watch Dogs updates yet? I'm playing on a cracked version so if there's anything that really changes the way the speedruns play someone should totally be a pal and tell me about it Smiley
Wake up and be awesome
The game was just released, so I wouldn't count on updates
You never know

Also I made a video for killing Racine

This isn't even close to optimal but it's better than having to chase him all over the place AND have the police called on you. The big time-save here is really not getting any wanted level during the end of this.

SDA Apprentice -- (3-1)
No doubt, that when a speed run does fully come together for this game, Stealth is going to be the route most runners may take.  Still, it will be interesting to see what the runners will come up.

Anyway Hobo, I watched the videos of some guy's "Speed Run" and I'm not sure if he would be a good person to reference due to how some of the footage was cut out (and not the cutscenes).  Now, I did look around youtube and found this one that was posted a short while ago (at the time of this posting).  Not only do I like this guy for going from sart to finish in th first mission, but he is nice enough to drop a timer too.  Granted that the player here need to drive better, but it does take him about six minute from the time you are threatening a man with an empty gun to get back to your hideout.  Don't know if there are any extra goodies that might be posted from this player, but it might be something worth checking.

Wake up and be awesome
Yeah MAS, those video's I posted early that I found on Youtube were mainly just refrence for how the run might look. Don't trust them at all. The video you just posted is from jonese1234, the same guy who posted here earlier. Overall, it's basically what I do, but with better driving.

And holy fucking shit Streetlights, that was awesome! I never knew anything about that mission, definitely going to have to look into that. As for picking up a scoped weapon, there's a point in the run where you have to go to a gun store, after mission 2. We could just pick it up there with no time loss
I have about forty-five minutes of footage of me failing it and trying all sorts of weird shit though lol
Wake up and be awesome
Yeah, that strat is going to be risky as hell, you miss it, and you're basically screwed. Still a really cool find. We could also use the sniper for taking out Angelo pretty quick in mission 8.
It's a huge save though, not even having the cops called on you.

And for Angelo, yeah, probably. Do you have enough cash by the third mission to buy the 416 AND the SVD? I can't remember.
Wake up and be awesome
Probably, I accidently purchased two assault rifles once before buying the 416, and I still had some money left over