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Aderf10: 2015-05-01 07:50:14 pm
In the bad blood dlc it is better to run past most of the enemies. For example in bad medicine, just running past the enforcer at the front entrance and then running past the guys in the mansion is probably very fast. Just run in the front and out the back. thumbsup

Have the hotspots been incorporated or been tested to see if they improve anything as they do give extra cash. There are a couple in the route such as the one in front of the owl motel.
I will do some more runs of this game soon now that I have time. My goal for right now is sub 3:35, but I don't know how much time there is to be saved through optimizations since I've only done 2 full game runs.
Got a 3:38:11 any% run, but I didn't like it. I did not get the A2M15 quick kill or the A4M4 dialogue skip again. Lost 2 minutes on A4M2 and 1 minute on A3M3. A1M3 and A2M10 were atrocious. There's a lot of time to save still, so I will shoot for a better run.
Segment times:
A1: 41:03:27
A2: 1:36:43:32 (late split)
A3: 36:535:77
A4: 36:09:77
End: 7:19:57
Glitch advocate
Hey. I found a technique from Watch Dogs which I hear is new?

I guess using the trick to simply go underwater won't come in handy in a speedrun. But buffering a cover walk also has other side effects, for instance you can keep Aiden automatically walking while inside a security camera view, and possible during other scenes where normal movement is restricted. It might come in handy in a speedrun in that way, but I haven't tested that much with it yet. Hope someone gets ideas from it.
Wake up and be awesome
Being able to walk during security camera view is awesome, because if I recall, it does that at like the beginning of every god damn mission. Awesome work
Did some more runs, and I got a 3:37:14. Also got a 40:05 Act 1 in a failed attempt, with a 20 second loss on A2M5 from falling off the bike. Sub 3:30 is my new goal for now. I will upload a run once I'm happy with it.

I haven't tested the automatic walking yet, but I have some ideas for that. It could be very useful.
I couldn't find any way of using that automatic walking to save time. There are places where it could be used if you had access to vehicles. And it doesn't work on A2M15 when you have to wipe the computer.

I did an any% run in 3:32:15. Act 1 could have been sub 40, but I died there once. Act 2 was good overall, but I can still include the firetruck quick kill. Act 3 has over a minute of time losses. Act 4 had a major time loss where the jam com didn't work, and I died on A4M4. I also took the wrong route on the last mission, but it's only 10 seconds. Sub 3:30 looks easily attainable.
Ok legit strats for a1m3 of dlc. In the room with the two lazor puzzles, there is a ledge at the right side of the room that you can climb on to skip the first puzzle and run on to run through the second puzzle. It is relatively consistent but doesn't always work. It's faster if you get it the first time but if you want to be safe you can stop and do the hacks. I was also able to run like right on top of the box with many lazors but that is super inconsistent.

In a2m1 of the dlc, after you profile the third person you don't have to profile anyone else so just roam around to the top of Tobias' building in order to shoot the guy quickly. So ya legit.
Edit history:
Random_Machine: 2015-06-08 01:31:06 am
Random_Machine: 2015-06-08 01:30:01 am
I did some more runs, and managed to get sub 40 Act 1 multiple times. My best is a 39:35. The key thing is the A1M5 police scan RNG. Stationary scans are about 30 seconds faster than the moving scans because they disappear more quickly.

I also managed to get a 3:30:49 run, but that has 3 minutes in major mistakes, with some smaller ones as well. My main goal right now is to get a run that doesn't have any mission fails (probably sub 3:28). It can probably go 3:25 with a great run.
I have not been able to complete runs lately. But my best Act 1 time is now 39:28. The lowest it can go with current strats is around 38 minutes. With good RNG and execution, I should be able to achieve sub 39.

I found a dialogue skip for phone calls. It only works with Aiden's lines. And it should work with every phone call in the game. Here it is for A4M4. The dialogue skips when Aiden falls on the ground. Works with cars and bikes. But there is a timing to it so it isn't easy.
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Random_Machine: 2015-06-22 02:15:26 am
Random_Machine: 2015-06-22 02:13:38 am
I managed to complete a run in 3:26:37 (beat Ouga's old run by over 30 minutes). But it's not the run I was looking for because I still failed some missions. Every Act except for Act 3 was a gold split. That was where I had to reload the autosave on 3 missions. Even though Act 1 was a 39:26, I failed A1M9 (15-20 seconds lost). There's some more dialogue skips that I still need to use, so more time can be saved there. I can upload the run, but I want it to be with no mission fails. With the new strats, I can bring this below 3:25 probably.
Edit history:
Random_Machine: 2015-06-30 06:11:23 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-30 06:11:05 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-23 01:24:15 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-23 12:28:16 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-22 04:51:25 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-22 04:50:37 pm
I tested the dialogue skips some more. Apparently they work with live conversations as well. Unfortunately, they do not save any time for the two missions in any% (A3M1 and A4M7). Also, they do not work for lines that Aiden says to himself. Explosions can also work for the dialogue skips; you just need explosion resistance.

Places where the new dialogue skips most likely save time in any%:
A1M2 (the last line that Aiden says before mission complete)
A1M4 (dialogue between Aiden and Jordi)
A1M5 (Aiden talking to Clara after hacking Bradley's laptop)
A2M2 (Damien)
A2M3 (Clara)
A2M6 (Clara
A2M9 (Bedbug)
Post-A2M9 to Start of of A2M10 (Bedbug)
A2M10 (Clara after Marina/before MM ctOS)
A2M11 (Clara before and after fetish club)
Post-A2M12 to Start of A2M13 (911 call or Yolanda)
A2M14 (Clara)
Post-A2M14 Phone Call (Bedbug)
Before A3M2 Start (Clara Phone Call)
A3M6 (Iraq
A4M2 (Damien)
A4M4 (T-Bone)
Post-A4M4 to A4M5 Start (Jordi and T-Bone)
Post-A4M5 to A4M6 Start (Damien)
Before A4M8 Start (Damien)
Edit history:
Random_Machine: 2015-06-30 07:42:42 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-30 07:42:07 pm
Random_Machine: 2015-06-30 06:21:51 pm
Got a 3:24:48! There's a few unintended reload autosaves, but those were due to some glitches (door in A2M5 and camera in A4M4). I used the new dialogue skips, but I didn't get all of them. Dialogue skips can also be done on A3M6 during the rooftop section. I'm probably done with this category unless some major strats get found. I can see a 3:22 as a possibility, but it will require nearly perfect execution and RNG (A 3:33 would match my gold splits).

Here's another run that I did before the 3:24 if you want to watch that. This was a run that I intended to be my last, but I couldn't handle the A4M2 fail.
Edit history:
Aderf10: 2015-11-01 09:10:41 pm
Aderf10: 2015-10-30 04:11:52 pm
I am going to archive my route of the dlc of this game so I won't forget to later. I already did act 1 mission 1 or at least most of it so I won't do that again.
Act 1 mission 2: after mission 1 is over, take the car to mission 2. In this mission you can actually get into the car right after pressing on the mission start or you can restart the mission. Just go up the staircase to the left of the entrance and kill those two people. Afterwards go to a camera and find the other guy you have to kill and kill him. If not drive away or kill the rest of the guys in the place. After the mission is over teleport to the base.

Act 1 mission 3: restart mission. CHANGE OUTFIT. Get eugene (the car) go back up and get a different car. Drive to mission, then drive around to a place where u can climb up (next to train station). Kill two people at top and then go inside and do hack. Run past a lot of the lasers because you can. When you get to the second standing laser puzzle (you can move around) there is a mini skip you can do. On the right side of the room, facing the computer, there is a climb able shelf. Climb on it and then run over the second laser BOOM SKIP. After the black out just run out and kill all or most of the dudes that stand in your way.
I might as well post some stuff I did in the last few months. However, all of this stuff was found by EpicStreamMan and one of his friends. All of the videos I post here are not mine. My conclusion is that these glitches do not save any time.

You can go out of bounds in A3M4.I managed to hack the camera on the table, but it doesn't do anything. Here are two videos of the OOB:

There's also a possible skip for A4M4.I doubt it works because the inside of the building probably doesn't spawn unless you touch the checkpoint.
This jump is extremely difficult to get. And it requires the sunrim car. An easier way to get up to the roof exists, but it fails the mission because you have to use an explosion.

I've tried going OOB for A2M11, but the inside of the club isn't even loaded yet. Here's two videos of the OOB:

Be sure to check the Watch Dogs leaderboards for some more runs: . Someone did a run of Bad Blood today:
Speaking of oob, I managed to clip into Rossi Fremont by ramming a motorcycle into the doors in the front of the building. If you ram into the front while facing backwards, you can temporarily see inside. The oob didn't lead anywhere however but it may possibly lead to other stuffs.
Edit history:
Aderf10: 2015-11-12 03:54:08 pm
Aderf10: 2015-11-03 07:05:54 pm
Aderf10: 2015-11-03 06:53:43 pm
Going to split up the guide by acts, sorry for the spam.
Act 2 mission 1: after a1m3 teleport to base. Restart mission. Take car and drive straight into the mission marker, don't worry about braking. After the running guy or the guy after the running guy, you can stop tracking the people so go find your way on top of Tobias' shop and point your gun at the place where the hobo will be. Once you kill him and you have to fight the waves of enemies, the grenade launcher turret can be reset automatically by switching to and from it. Once you kill all the peeps, a hack able phone will become a thing. Go over to a car on the other side of the street and before you get in, hack the phone. Chase after the guy.

Act 2 mission 2: fun mission. Drive to place. Get back into the car and go into the gate that is like right behind you and then drive to right in front of the stairs. Run up the stairs and do your stuff to get in to the room. In the room kill all the dudes because why not. Might be a small skip when hacking into Tobias' video cam you may be able to hack into a camera inside the building, starting the dialogue early. Also leads to funny glitches later so might as well. Go to sniper tower and be good at shooting because if nobody sees Tobias, then this sequence goes by relatively quickly. Get into the elevator type thing and then go and kill up to 1 person. Finish the mission by driving to train station.

Act 2 mission 3: another fun mission. Take train to close place to mission. Drive to mission start. Get onto boat and ride that boat into the ground. Get off boat and run to the left side of the house. Kill one guy who is about to see you. Go to the brick wall and hide behind that wall. Throw one or two grenades at the front door so you startle the big guy, hack your way inside and get inside. Just run upstairs and kill all who stand in your way. Run out the way you came in after the cutscene and run off the balcony towards the left. Run up the side of the place and hopefully rng is nice so you don't dead. Get onto boat and ride into sunset. Or at least towards the city.

Act 2 mission 4: rapid tap buttons so you get the thing as quickly as possible. Follow the guy and don't get seen. Shoot guy in car when you are allowed to, go into garage, kill guy that spawns and one other that stands in your way. Be quiet while doing this. Kill like two guys that walk by and then upload the virus. Hide and don't kill anyone and there shouldn't be any back up. Play with the cameras if you are bored are something. Once the mission is over use the car in the front to drive to the next mission.
Sorry for taking so long to get the end written

Act 3 mission 1: when you get to the mission, restart so you spawn right by the building. Run a bit to the left of the entrance, go under and through a building, and then kill a guy, turn left and head up the riser thing. After that crouch near where you get off and then kill two guys that can probably see you. Hack into the building than run the path to the marker point. For the part you are forced to walk in, just do that in the quickest way possible, then skip the first cutscene, idk but I once was able to skip the second cutscene, idk how. When you go down to the room with the enforcer, kill both guys with a sniper headshot (two for the enforcer). Next you just run through the place, going through the container, turning right and going out the way you came (this may require you to kill one or two people). After this, get into the car near the entrance,use a blackout and then drive to the headquarters.

Act 3 mission 2: I actually don't know much about how to do this mission quickly other than kill the guys quickly. Just know where the mission progression points are.

Act 3 mission 3: take the train to the Hollenkami stop. Take a car to the place and restart the mission. Now take a car and don't go down the stairs, but around the enclosure, to the second open space. Using the car, climb over the plant and go down and hack some stuff. Know the hack thing, and then go into that big room. In this room, turn right, kill one guy, then climb the stairs and take down the enforcer to get the first key, then go over to the second guy and get his key. In this next part just run by everyone into the next door, and keep on running into the maze room. In this room, for a bit of time, you are looking around the room in a camera. During this time, you have to send Tobias a bit forward, in order to do the long hallway guard faster. After this, kill the guys and go to the place the guys spawn to kill them quicker. The rest is just do the hacks quickly. And now you are done with the gamehappy
I finally made some guides for this game. So if anyone is still interested, check out