Quote from Poxnor:
- I updated the participants list (before, we were going to have two rinimts attending. As awesome as she is, I decided that we're only going to allow one of her at this marathon);
Awww, I'll tell my other me she can't come then
Quote from Poxnor:
rinimt: Have you been able to find out if these S-video cables would work with your PSP, or are you still unsure? http://www.amazon.com/PSP-S-Video-AV-Cable-Sony/dp/B0015SKP5Q/
I'll have to check with my friend if that's what he tested, but from what I've heard from him they don't actually work. (Which honestly isn't surprising since it isn't an official Sony product.)
Also, I'll post the donation incentives I have in mind for CC when I do my update on the 3rd (I need to finalize them to make sure they'll actually work out ok).
As far as actual donation prizes go, I've got the sealed copy of Dissidia FF I can bring up as a prize.
Edit: Okay well, checked on those cables and looks like those AREN'T the ones he used. I'll do some more digging into them, but I'm still weary (as every other PSP cable, etc I've used were official from Sony).