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rinimt: 2012-10-28 03:49:28 pm
rinimt: 2012-10-28 03:43:50 pm
rinimt: 2012-10-28 03:42:06 pm
Quote from Poxnor:
- I updated the participants list (before, we were going to have two rinimts attending.  As awesome as she is, I decided that we're only going to allow one of her at this marathon);

Awww, I'll tell my other me she can't come then Tongue

Quote from Poxnor:
rinimt: Have you been able to find out if these S-video cables would work with your PSP, or are you still unsure?  http://www.amazon.com/PSP-S-Video-AV-Cable-Sony/dp/B0015SKP5Q/

I'll have to check with my friend if that's what he tested, but from what I've heard from him they don't actually work. (Which honestly isn't surprising since it isn't an official Sony product.)

Also, I'll post the donation incentives I have in mind for CC when I do my update on the 3rd (I need to finalize them to make sure they'll actually work out ok).

As far as actual donation prizes go, I've got the sealed copy of Dissidia FF I can bring up as a prize.

Edit: Okay well, checked on those cables and looks like those AREN'T the ones he used. I'll do some more digging into them, but I'm still weary (as every other PSP cable, etc I've used were official from Sony).
Quote from Poxnor:
Tohmane: That's a shame that you won't be able to make it Sad

It was really never a feasible possibility, but I figured I'd clarify that when offering FF5 assistance.

I like the sound of a registered domain and everything else advertisement wise. Also the note on people bringing a jacket are good to have, not only for foreigners. I dare say most americans could do with a reminder as well Wink
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Americans are foreigners to Canada, are they not? xD
Technically yes, but in my experience North Americans tend to not view them as entirely separate countries at times. Also comes from watching this fighting game tournament held in Canada, and basically all USA attendes complained on twitter about how cold it was when they first arrived.
Evermore Extrodinare ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ
Quote from Tohmane:
Technically yes, but in my experience North Americans tend to not view them as entirely separate countries at times. Also comes from watching this fighting game tournament held in Canada, and basically all USA attendes complained on twitter about how cold it was when they first arrived.

Because they're all southern folks who would complain if it was anything less than 50 degrees Tongue they crazy southerners!
SDA Speedruns: 1
Technically, Canadians go by Celsius and not Fahrenheit, so its like 10 degrees then lol.
Professional Second Banana
Quote from rinimt:
Awww, I'll tell my other me she can't come then Tongue

Yeah sorry, if Exssentia is coming again we have a limit of 1 Nobody. Wink
Lenophis: I like the party, names, and Citadel incentives for FF1 (earlier you were thinking that the Citadel would be really long; that's not the case anymore?).

I wasn't really thinking about how much time it would actually take to do. Right now I'm taking the times I generally got with Origins, factoring in all trolling.

A Warmech encounter is too unlikely for me to have anything to do with Warmech as an incentive.

Yeah, understandable. A 1/64 encounter isn't really something that anyone can work with.

And, I'm not sold on the cutscenes for FF1 being a good donation incentive, since they're so short and pointless; but, if you disagree about that one, then sell me on why they're a good incentive.

Perhaps if not all them, then a few select ones could (looking at you, bridge scene) for hilarity and possible singing/VA purposes.

What would you like as your current time estimate, taking into account the Citadel as a donation incentive?

I'll do a test run with all the incentives in and get back to you.
Quote from FFgamer86:
Technically, Canadians go by Celsius and not Fahrenheit, so its like 10 degrees then lol.

Nah, when they say they like 70-80 degree weather, they mean Celsius.  I honestly have no idea how they survive down there. Wink

Quote from Terribleno:
Perhaps if not all them, then a few select ones could (looking at you, bridge scene) for hilarity and possible singing/VA purposes.

Willing to do both.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Quote from Terribleno:
Perhaps if not all them, then a few select ones could (looking at you, bridge scene) for hilarity and possible singing/VA purposes.

Would you be able to find any YouTube videos of the ones that you think would be enjoyable?  Let me know when in the game they occur, and I'll give the videos a watch and see what I think Smiley

Quote from Tohmane:
Technically yes, but in my experience North Americans tend to not view them as entirely separate countries at times.

Yes and no.  It's...weird.  There're a lot of cultural similarities, stemming from years of friendship and trade between Canada and the US (heck, the last time our peoples were at war was two centuries ago, and Canada wasn't even a country yet).  Really, Seattle is more similar to Vancouver than it is to Atlanta.  And most Canadians and Americans would agree that pizza and wings go great with a football game.

But, there can be a fierce patriotism about some things.  And, there are a bunch of things that seem to change the instant you cross the border (and I'm not talking about what unit we use to measure temperature, the spelling of "colour" and "centre," or even the fact that one country has a queen and the other a president).  There seem to be...well, call them "cultural conventions" that are different immediately on either side of the 49th.  If you were to drop me into one of Seattle or Vancouver (assuming I couldn't see the skyline), I'd be able to tell which city I was in within a minute or two, just from interacting with people.  Like I said...it's weird.

Quote from Tohmane:
Also comes from watching this fighting game tournament held in Canada, and basically all USA attendes complained on twitter about how cold it was when they first arrived.

To be fair, I shouldn't have put the coat thing under advice to foreigners.  I'm sure anyone from the northern US understands what winter is like in the north, just as would any Scandinavian.  I suppose I should have called that, "Advice to foreigners from warm places, and to the wusses that live in Vancouver or Victoria and sound like Dr. Zoidberg when they get off a plane in Alberta in winter" Wink
I was talking to Leno a couple of weeks ago about donating Final Fantasy I and II for the psp for the marathon and I was just able to pick both those games up today.  They are brand new and so I would like to officially put out there that I would like to donate these as prizes.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Thank you very much, lizzie!  I've updated the prizes list.
I have a a copy of Final Fantasy Anthology and Final Fantasy Tactics (GH) that I would be willing to donate.  Both are used, but the discs are in good condition.  Anthology does not have the soundtrack.
Arrested for felony abuse of emotes

Except there might not be snow then. T ^ T

But it is Edmonton. *_*

I really want to go to this.  I doubt I'd be able to pick up a game, but I still really want to go.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Regarding the charity: I'm meeting with the regional manager of JDRF for coffee next Wednesday (7 November).  I better dust off that suit I have to wear about once a year.  I'll let you know what comes of that meeting.

Rex: Thank you very much for the donation Smiley  What does "GH" stand for?

Itsu de Mo: If you decide on coming, just post a sign-up.  You're more than welcome.  And, keep in mind that if you can't pick up a game in time, there's always room for more commentators.  Some games don't even have a commentator yet, and ideally each game (especially the long ones) would have several to keep the commentary fresh and upbeat at all times.

And, regarding the snow: actual snow falling can still happen in mid-March, but there's usually not a lot.  Snow on the ground, on the other hand, is really common.  Two winters ago, there was over seven feet of snow on my lawn at the end of February, and it didn't finish melting until late May.
Poxnor: GH= Greatest Hits.  Just let me know where to send them.
Rini what model of PSP do you have?
Quote from Driscollad:
Rini what model of PSP do you have?

3000. I've ordered some S-Video cables online, will see in a couple weeks if they actually work or not :/
Moo! Flap! Hug!
I grabbed crystalsforlife.ca as the domain for this marathon.  Unfortunately, the .com was taken, but it's inactive.
Edit history:
Poxnor: 2012-11-01 12:04:25 am
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Double-post.  Moo.  I grabbed the Twitch account CrystalsForLife; we'll use that to stream the marathon (we can embed it at crystalsforlife.ca).

If there is anyone with some artistic talent, it would be great if you could draw up a little something to use as the profile picture for the marathon account.  I was thinking some sort of riff on crystals, but really anything cool and creative that you come up with would be great Smiley  Be sure not to use any copyright material (i.e., any artwork from games, boxes, websites, etc. belonging to Square or someone else).  No bigger than 3 Mb; GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.

Also, my normal streaming setup is to use FMLE on OS X, which is not what we want to be using during the marathon.  Is it a combination of xsplit and wsplit, capturing by a Dazzle, running on Windows that was used to stream previous marathons?
As time goes on, we'll want to keep an eye on ffsplit. Right now it's kinda buggy and crashy, but it should be much better by the time January comes around.
Moo! Flap! Hug!
Holy system requirements, Batman...
Wow, maybe I should've looked at that first. People were making it seem like it was less of a hog than xsplit was. Hahahahahaha....*cries*
Obscure games ftw
Quote from Poxnor:
Holy system requirements, Batman...

I actually experienced less CPU usage with ffsplit than with XSplit.  Of course, since ffsplit was buggy I couuldn't get my stream set up the way I wanted to (it didn't recognize my mic, for one) but it worked fine aside from that.
SDA Speedruns: 1
I can help you set up xsplit poxnor.  I not sure about ffsplit but if its crashy, that wont be good for viewing audience.

Also.. Is that poxnor's house @ crystalsforlife.ca ?  Tongue