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everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
At least I don't look like Erinu.
Cigar Man
Quote from mikwuyma:
vgmr: Nice run, but couldn't you jump up earlier on the second set of stairs?

I stopped to make sure that I picked up the bottle of Fat-B-Gone that the enemy dropped.  But, yeah, I probably don't even need that bottle.
Edit history:
gia: 2008-12-01 10:43:18 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hate the timings and ladders that drop you if you press a direction but overall the game's too easy and fun not to run it, at least loop 1. 15:44 - completed (last hit). Screwed all timesavers, boss battles were long, fell into water on the last two levels, several times, and stuff like that.
Cigar Man
I completed Yume in 0:12:56.  I stopped the stopwatch right after the final blow of the final boss.
0:10:31 - Normand - ALL
Cigar Man
Normand, would you delight us with a video?
Well, I recorded a 10:44 before (it's basically similar to my 10:31, but I missed a few tricks and used a safe, but slower strategy against the stage 4 boss), but I'm not sure if I should upload it so soon. Some people might prefer to figure things out on their own while still playing competitively
Haters gonna hate
0:12:23 - Breakdown - ALL

This run had some bad mistakes.  I terribly botched the last 3 boss fights (most notably the last guy, took two hits and lost ~30 seconds getting my weight back down) and a few mistakes here and there in stages.  Just getting something on the board here.
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groobo: 2008-12-02 06:19:39 am
11:11 - groobo - ALL

First successful run, more or less. Fucked up the third and last bosses plus the sidescrolling part of level4 big time. About 10:30 sounds right so let's hope for that.

edit: I might just ask now before it's too late: what about autofire?
sda loyalist
Wow, I like this game, but man do I suck at it
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Enhasa: 2008-12-02 02:47:54 pm
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Quote from groobo:
edit: I might just ask now before it's too late: what about autofire?

No autofire because you wouldn't be able to use it for a run that goes up on SDA.

Also I added this to the week 1 post:

Look at how far I've updated, and to be courteous, if you make another new score, please edit your post to cross out the outdated new score. That way I don't have to update your score more than once per update. Also, please quote the previous score you beat. That way, I know which old score to remove and you won't appear on the scoreboard twice.
16:09 - Tharandir - ALL

I'm probably just gonna leave it at that. I can't compete with you guys. Wink

Old score:

Quote from Tharandir:
Well, so far:

0:01:23 - Tharandir - Stage 1

Finally had a good run of the first level, then I screwed up right near the end... BTW, am I the only one who thinks grabbing onto ladders from a jump is harder than it should be in this game? o_O

And yeah, I signed up here just for this contest. I thought I already had an account here, but apparently not...
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Just to save you some slight effort in the future, you don't need to cross out your score in that situation. (I very much appreciate the quoting though, thanks.) Here's what I mean.

1) you post a score
2) I update
3) you post a new score
4) you post another new score before I have updated it, then it makes sense to cross out the one in 3)
5) I update, skip the score in 3) and use the one in 4)

BTW it's official, week 1 in an SDA tourney is rampant ALLs for everyone. Smiley
Cigar Man
0:11:34 - vgmrsepitome - ALL

This was a decent run.  I didn't have any huge mistakes, but the fourth boss was slow, and I'm not being as risky as I should be.  I'm anxious to see what the best time will be at the end of the week (and hopefully a video to go along with it).
0:14:41 - Xaggoth - ALL

My first timed playthrough, this game is pretty awesome.
I want off the ride....
15:49 - RaneofSoTN - ALL
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Vugmer: 2008-12-03 12:07:21 am
Cigar Man
Has anyone timed a run of just stage five (from the beginning of the stage to the final blow on the pirate boss)?  I'm wondering what a really good time would be.

Edit: I can reach the stage-five boss in about 39 seconds, but my boss fight is really slow.  Also, how many of the three birds can you kill when the fourth boss separates the first time?
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Breakdown: 2008-12-03 01:05:43 am
Haters gonna hate
In the interest of friendly competition, Level 5.

If you want to figure it out for yourself, don't watch it. Wink
Edit history:
Vugmer: 2008-12-03 01:15:02 am
Cigar Man
0:11:17 - vgmrsepitome - ALL

Edit: Thanks for the video, Breakdown.  I can run stage five in 1:01 now.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
whats with all the friggin penguin avatars
Edit history:
Breakdown: 2008-12-03 03:23:50 am
Haters gonna hate
Quote from Breakdown:
0:12:23 - Breakdown - ALL

0:11:04 - Breakdown - ALL

Still some rough spots.


0:10:51 - Breakdown - ALL

Still a couple dumb mistakes, but a pretty good run overall.  Replay recorded, might post it later.
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groobo: 2008-12-03 08:11:28 am
Quote from groobo:
11:11 - groobo - ALL

10:33 - groobo - ALL

Fucking got hit on the third boss and second boss was crap. ~10:26 would be the perfect time for me.

edit: Here's a 1:00 on stage 5 if anyone is interested. That's the fastest strategy for the boss that I could figure out (yes, getting hit is part of the plan).

@vgmr: You can kill the fourth boss in a single cycle, this saves about 15s compared to the usual most obvious 2 cycle strategy.
A few tips :

Stage 1 : see groobo's vid. You can also jump over the diet drink and the enemy in the intro stage. Probably saves 2 seconds

Stage 2 - Boss : If you lose your missiles, it really doesn't matter. They don't seem to do more damage to the boss

Stage 3 : see vgmr's vid. You don't have to kill that big blue guy at the beginning. You can just jump from the fourth step to the cloud. You can also get damage boosted by that candy monster at the end of the level to reach the telephone a bit faster

Stage 4 - Boss : Eat the white balls he throws at you until you get a shape down. But don't eat too many of them, or you won't get a shape up after killing the boss. The easiest way to beat him is to kick both the left and middle birds, get hit by the right one, and use your recovery time to kick him in the face when he comes back at you. The hardest way is similar, but you don't get hit by the last bird. You do an accurate kick to kill him right when he starts moving around. I haven't found a constant and easy way to do this.

Stage 6 : This level is a joke. Jump when you're at the very bottom of the slides and Pentarou will do a mega-jump

Stage 6 - Boss : Destroy both hands before he dismembers them. Beat the boss before he shoots his second laser (requires good timing)
About the fourth boss: you don't have to downgrade to one cycle him and the last bird is easier with a ranged attack. Dunno which method is faster though (the downgrading then getting hit version sounds slower at least).
hello there
0:11:42 - Staralfur - ALL

Why do the cutest games always make me swear the most? Sad