Edit history:
rejectedlink: 2013-12-15 07:43:44 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-12-15 07:42:49 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-12-15 07:42:13 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-29 03:40:28 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-28 07:45:39 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-28 07:44:57 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-28 07:43:48 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-28 07:43:29 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-28 07:40:39 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-27 10:43:54 am
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 09:42:44 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 09:10:29 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 09:05:59 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 08:54:59 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 08:52:32 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 08:49:44 pm
rejectedlink: 2013-10-26 08:47:54 pm
Ratchet & Clank Speedruner
Background info
Marathon Information
Since we’ve got everything sorted, here’s some basic information about the marathon.
- The charity we have decided to benefit from this marathon is Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
- The dates chosen are in the title. But in case you didn’t read that, they are the 14th-17th of February, 2014
- At the moment, the people assisting on this marathon are Myself. If you want to ask us anything, contact us on twitter, SDA or twitch. (Links are to twitter, but I’m sure you can all be resourceful!)
Game Sign-Ups
Game Sign-Ups are now open! To sign up, just click the link above!
Game Sign-Ups will close on the 23rd of December, 2013.
Some notes about the sign ups.
- You’re given the option of submitting up to three games. Please submit games in order of preference. If we need to cut some games, we’re going to cut your last preference first.
- However, this may be changed up if you say - submit a 10 hour game as your first preference and a 1 hour game for your second. We’ll probably contact you in these circumstances though.
- Our primary concern is trying our hardest to get everyone who signs up at least one game on the schedule. If you only submitted one game and it’s 10 hours...please don’t hold us to this promise, but we’ll try our damndest!
- A side note there is that if you submit three games and we want all of them on the schedule, even if you’re the best at all three - we’ll probably give some to other people, because we want to get people involved. This isn’t personal - that’s just trying to give everyone a go.
- Don’t worry too much if you can’t answer the question about dates with accuracy. We’ll worry about scheduling later!
Hi I am Rejectedlink and I have been streaming on SRL for about a month. Just recently, something came up in my life and I want to find a way to help. My idea was to create a marathon to help a cause that I have learned about.
I have recently meet a young child that was diagnosed with child cancer when he was a baby, so I'm just trying to help these kids so they don't have to live knowing that their lives were taken away from them so early.
The whole reason for this marathon is to help raise awareness for child cancer. Below is a poster that I have found with some facts that I have found important that people should know about child cancer and why it is important to do this marathon. These are not all the facts that are important for people read there are many more for example, there 12 main cancers that affect children, but only 4 have a treatment.

I have recently meet a young child that was diagnosed with child cancer when he was a baby, so I'm just trying to help these kids so they don't have to live knowing that their lives were taken away from them so early.
The whole reason for this marathon is to help raise awareness for child cancer. Below is a poster that I have found with some facts that I have found important that people should know about child cancer and why it is important to do this marathon. These are not all the facts that are important for people read there are many more for example, there 12 main cancers that affect children, but only 4 have a treatment.

Marathon Information
Since we’ve got everything sorted, here’s some basic information about the marathon.
- The charity we have decided to benefit from this marathon is Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
- The dates chosen are in the title. But in case you didn’t read that, they are the 14th-17th of February, 2014
- At the moment, the people assisting on this marathon are Myself. If you want to ask us anything, contact us on twitter, SDA or twitch. (Links are to twitter, but I’m sure you can all be resourceful!)
Game Sign-Ups
Game Sign-Ups are now open! To sign up, just click the link above!
Game Sign-Ups will close on the 23rd of December, 2013.
Some notes about the sign ups.
- You’re given the option of submitting up to three games. Please submit games in order of preference. If we need to cut some games, we’re going to cut your last preference first.
- However, this may be changed up if you say - submit a 10 hour game as your first preference and a 1 hour game for your second. We’ll probably contact you in these circumstances though.
- Our primary concern is trying our hardest to get everyone who signs up at least one game on the schedule. If you only submitted one game and it’s 10 hours...please don’t hold us to this promise, but we’ll try our damndest!
- A side note there is that if you submit three games and we want all of them on the schedule, even if you’re the best at all three - we’ll probably give some to other people, because we want to get people involved. This isn’t personal - that’s just trying to give everyone a go.
- Don’t worry too much if you can’t answer the question about dates with accuracy. We’ll worry about scheduling later!
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