新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
I have a four-day weekend and I got impossible amounts of sleep because I was sick this week. So I'm doing an SS tonight and another either saturday or sunday night.
Okay, I just died, but my VCR is doing an okay job of recording (it's a little fuzzy but it sounds right, guess what matters to me
Also these are the tapes I used for Radiance and I'll be probably getting new ones for the run). Not really up for this again tonight since I'll finish at 7 which isn't exactly what I want. Also I made some huge mistakes (one of which ended with me getting in a random encounter that I could've avoided insanely easily) but hey. There's a nice trick too, that I just noticed: if two encounters are close on the screen, and you get into one and fight it, they both disappear at the end of the fight. Saved good time on the G(D?)onovitch mission anyway.
Assuming this falls out and I decide I can't really stand to do SS (suffering the first two hours of the game repeatedly is NOT COOL...suffering the first 20 minutes or so is bad enough), I'm writing up a segment plan.
Segment 1: Opening scene, dwarf mission briefing. Save outside gate.
Segment 2: Travel to Earth Valley. It's actually pretty short and there's only one cutscene so I can definitely perfect this one. The real trick anyway is not having that Sloth spawn on the path.
Save in the EV Inn.
Segment 3: Caravan. Yeah these missions totally blew in Warcraft 3. It had to be said. Charging Volty to 100 during the previous battles, for Ridley/Ganz to use volty. It went perfectly on this latest attempt actually, we beat on one, Ridley voltied another (right before he died, but still she somehow picked correctly), leaving only one for us to destroy in another minute or so. Save in Jack's bed.
Segment 4: UGH. Get Genius, go to the City of Flowers entrance, go to Forest Metropolis, save in the bed.
Segment 5: Sleeping and fixed time battles. Then the "plague" cutscene. And some other ones. Fighting Jarvis is easy, then talk to all the bar patrons and save.
Segment 6: Talk to Ganz, watch the long but awesome Vancoor scene...then I think it's time for a bit of sewer diving and shopping. I haven't logged the conversations properly (trying to figure out exactly the order from looking at my conversations with Molotov isn't working), but I'm not sure where the guy got Toadstool Powder otherwise.
Segment 7: Either this is Daniel or the sewers. Or maybe Daniel's in the segment before. *slaps forehead*
Segment 8, hypothetically (the rest of this post basically operates from this premise though if it's wrong, then it's still easy to fix haha): Go out to kill a crocogator, talk to Aidan first, then Anastasia. Be level 10 after all that stuff. Then go save.
Segment 9: Sleep, go get Romaria (actually the right time might be in the previous segment), go get Cosmo. Fight the Beasts by the Bridge. Do the weapon shop quest. Save.
Segment 10: Sleep, talk to Thanatos. Fight Elmo and Joaquel...the Void Sewers are easy so...no save, just go right through. Another long scene, then the leadership training (skippable of course). Finally a save.
Segment 11: Stone of Miracles, and everything associated with it. This is also when I ran over to Shangri-La to buy Flee Balls (more than 15 next time heh, depending on how acceptable people would consider having to escape in a submitted run anyway) and Toadstool Powder (x30 at least!) on the current practice run, since it barely costs any time to run down there, unless my logic is amazingly flawed. This makes it kind of an epic and annoying segment though.
Segment 12: More sleeping and a trip to Earth Valley. An insanely hard segment considering it's brevity. Go home and sleep again; follow Ridley.
Segment 13: Ridley won't let you go to the warp point in Tria or Nowem, but at least you can use the pig outside of Fort Helencia. I don't think it's a good idea to save before this (although you can) despite the fact that I've gotten wrecked before by appearing RIGHT ON A NEWT at the end of the cutscene outside City of Flowers.
Segment 14: Natalie and Leonard, best cutscene ever, Natalie and Leonard.
Segment 15: More scenes and a bit of free instant warp, save in bed.
Segment 16: Grab the axe, ignore the shopkeepers (they'll open when you get back or something anyway). Save in Goblin Haven.
Segment 17: Gawain. This'll be ugly, maybe. IIRC you can run backwards through Goblin Haven and use the pig to avoid all the fights. edit: yeah this is true. Save in Jack's bed. Oh yeah, there's a battle with Jarvis and Daniel. Google says "small fish." I agree.
Segment 18: Talk to Mikey, go to Algandars Castle. For the boss, I use Power Injection and then spam volties as fast as possible. The damage stuff is weird; you'll have to check it out haha (edit: I have no idea what this sentence means after the semicolon). The write-up talks about leveling to 29 to recruit Gil BUT I'm planning to see if this is necessary for segmented to beat the guys at fire mountain . It quite possibly is since it's one of the most difficult battles in the game (despite how useful Hatred Edge is). edit: I still think so, since circling strats generally fail if you are dealing with more than a couple enemies. Lezard was actually useful for testing this!
Segment 19: Well, Gil or no Gil, warp to Shangri-La, charge Elwen and lose, heal up real quick, fight the guys, lose to Cross, blah blah blah. I don't think you can skip Arbitrator. And you wouldn't want to, since you don't even have to beat Gawain. HAHAHAHAHA.
Segment 21: Sleep and then a couple battles outside the Fort. Cross is really easy, although manually telling everyone to hit him in the link seems more trouble than it's worth. He goes down easily anyway, and can probably be manipulated to not use Celestial Line in this battle anyway. A scene with Ridley rounds this one out.
Segment 22: Lose to Gerald and clean Cross' clock (I don't know if it's just the engrishman in me speaking but that's quite a tongue twister). City of White Nights...just...don't...mess...up. Also no chests need to be opened.
Segment 23: Final Battle.
Well that was exhausting.
Okay, I just died, but my VCR is doing an okay job of recording (it's a little fuzzy but it sounds right, guess what matters to me
Assuming this falls out and I decide I can't really stand to do SS (suffering the first two hours of the game repeatedly is NOT COOL...suffering the first 20 minutes or so is bad enough), I'm writing up a segment plan.
Segment 1: Opening scene, dwarf mission briefing. Save outside gate.
Segment 2: Travel to Earth Valley. It's actually pretty short and there's only one cutscene so I can definitely perfect this one. The real trick anyway is not having that Sloth spawn on the path.
Segment 3: Caravan. Yeah these missions totally blew in Warcraft 3. It had to be said. Charging Volty to 100 during the previous battles, for Ridley/Ganz to use volty. It went perfectly on this latest attempt actually, we beat on one, Ridley voltied another (right before he died, but still she somehow picked correctly), leaving only one for us to destroy in another minute or so. Save in Jack's bed.
Segment 4: UGH. Get Genius, go to the City of Flowers entrance, go to Forest Metropolis, save in the bed.
Segment 5: Sleeping and fixed time battles. Then the "plague" cutscene. And some other ones. Fighting Jarvis is easy, then talk to all the bar patrons and save.
Segment 6: Talk to Ganz, watch the long but awesome Vancoor scene...then I think it's time for a bit of sewer diving and shopping. I haven't logged the conversations properly (trying to figure out exactly the order from looking at my conversations with Molotov isn't working), but I'm not sure where the guy got Toadstool Powder otherwise.
Segment 7: Either this is Daniel or the sewers. Or maybe Daniel's in the segment before. *slaps forehead*
Segment 8, hypothetically (the rest of this post basically operates from this premise though if it's wrong, then it's still easy to fix haha): Go out to kill a crocogator, talk to Aidan first, then Anastasia. Be level 10 after all that stuff. Then go save.
Segment 9: Sleep, go get Romaria (actually the right time might be in the previous segment), go get Cosmo. Fight the Beasts by the Bridge. Do the weapon shop quest. Save.
Segment 10: Sleep, talk to Thanatos. Fight Elmo and Joaquel...the Void Sewers are easy so...no save, just go right through. Another long scene, then the leadership training (skippable of course). Finally a save.
Segment 11: Stone of Miracles, and everything associated with it. This is also when I ran over to Shangri-La to buy Flee Balls (more than 15 next time heh, depending on how acceptable people would consider having to escape in a submitted run anyway) and Toadstool Powder (x30 at least!) on the current practice run, since it barely costs any time to run down there, unless my logic is amazingly flawed. This makes it kind of an epic and annoying segment though.
Segment 12: More sleeping and a trip to Earth Valley. An insanely hard segment considering it's brevity. Go home and sleep again; follow Ridley.
Segment 13: Ridley won't let you go to the warp point in Tria or Nowem, but at least you can use the pig outside of Fort Helencia. I don't think it's a good idea to save before this (although you can) despite the fact that I've gotten wrecked before by appearing RIGHT ON A NEWT at the end of the cutscene outside City of Flowers.
Segment 14: Natalie and Leonard, best cutscene ever, Natalie and Leonard.
Segment 15: More scenes and a bit of free instant warp, save in bed.
Segment 16: Grab the axe, ignore the shopkeepers (they'll open when you get back or something anyway). Save in Goblin Haven.
Segment 17: Gawain. This'll be ugly, maybe. IIRC you can run backwards through Goblin Haven and use the pig to avoid all the fights. edit: yeah this is true. Save in Jack's bed. Oh yeah, there's a battle with Jarvis and Daniel. Google says "small fish." I agree.
Segment 18: Talk to Mikey, go to Algandars Castle. For the boss, I use Power Injection and then spam volties as fast as possible. The damage stuff is weird; you'll have to check it out haha (edit: I have no idea what this sentence means after the semicolon). The write-up talks about leveling to 29 to recruit Gil BUT I'm planning to see if this is necessary for segmented to beat the guys at fire mountain . It quite possibly is since it's one of the most difficult battles in the game (despite how useful Hatred Edge is). edit: I still think so, since circling strats generally fail if you are dealing with more than a couple enemies. Lezard was actually useful for testing this!
Segment 19: Well, Gil or no Gil, warp to Shangri-La, charge Elwen and lose, heal up real quick, fight the guys, lose to Cross, blah blah blah. I don't think you can skip Arbitrator. And you wouldn't want to, since you don't even have to beat Gawain. HAHAHAHAHA.
Segment 21: Sleep and then a couple battles outside the Fort. Cross is really easy, although manually telling everyone to hit him in the link seems more trouble than it's worth. He goes down easily anyway, and can probably be manipulated to not use Celestial Line in this battle anyway. A scene with Ridley rounds this one out.
Segment 22: Lose to Gerald and clean Cross' clock (I don't know if it's just the engrishman in me speaking but that's quite a tongue twister). City of White Nights...just...don't...mess...up. Also no chests need to be opened.
Segment 23: Final Battle.
Well that was exhausting.