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新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
ok first off, this is pretty trivial but I'm still curious.  I got an email notification marked "July 17 3:19 pm" from this board telling me somebody replied to this topic.  It was evidently deleted since it's clearly not here anymore.  Anyway I just wonder what was in that post and who wrote it; even if it was stupid, it wouldn't be alone in this or any other thread. =p

Redid segment 7, saved 27 seconds.  I'm working on segment 8 which is easy except for some luck which occurs early on (I'm trying to poison Daniel without wasting the other Toadstool Powder, since I want that for Beasts by the Bridge, which I'm planning on doing before A Masterpiece of Fantasy so I can have more money to buy Toadstool Powders when I go to Earth Valley.  This part became so long that I probably should have just thrown it on the side).  The sewers have the potential to be annoying but they are, almost weirdly, easier in a segment than in an ss attempt.
welcome to the machine
July 17 3:19 pm : URMOM

Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you shaved half a minute... that's very good news.  Keep it up, I want to see this eventually. Tongue
Ahh, sorry, you caught me.  I posted something.  Very often, after I make a post my idiot-sensor goes off and tells me the post is not worth leaving on the board, so I go back and delete it, heh heh.

The post was something like:

Uh oh, sewer time.
Good luck!
(edit: D'oh, my spam started a new page.)
Edit history:
spineshark: 2007-08-31 06:42:58 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you shaved half a minute... that's very good news.  Keep it up, I want to see this eventually. Tongue

ok, i'm reserving the right to call you an idiot. ;-[  i think you'll be unpleasantly surprised by how boring the run actually is, especially if you haven't played the game.  i just wish i could do the run in japanese.

sewers finished, the time is like 1:20:36 or something that i can't remember offhand, i'll be fixing this post if it's grossly wrong.  it wasn't perfect but i got what i wanted.

next part is fun...not.  my first attempt went rather poorly since there weren't enough tree guys for me to fight (the full encounter log is, three trees, a spider, a wolf encounter, two buffalos, two plants, and a newt) and anastasia only gave me 100 dagols.  honestly, i'll probably take practically any segment in which i get 10k, assuming that's even possible at this point, unless it turns out to be more common than i thought (i'm 0-8 though).

also i'm questioning again the wisdom of getting alba, because reaching level 11 (from where i am) and dueling him twice actually costs a lot of time.  i'm again pondering this...
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spineshark: 2007-08-31 07:04:52 pm
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
okay, as most of the people following this run know (but not Tom, who I'm mostly writing this post for) the following things have happened to this run recently:

I'm not even sure what to do anymore.  I've come to the conclusion that Enhasa is right and that I will never get 10,000 dagols from anastasia (on this run, I mean), which is causing me to second-guess a lot of my shopping for the rest of the run.

I've kind of lost motivation because of this, and also just using VHS is a pain anyway, which has made me lazy.

Persona 3 came out and it's owning my soul SO HARD.  I have played no other games since August 15, although a lot of that can also be attributed to the next fact.

I've moved into college where I don't have a tv or recording device yet.  I'm hoping to get a TV this weekend which means basically nothing for the run but at least I'll be able to finish P3 (and Ico) which will make me a lot happier.  Getting a dvd recorder will probably come down to a lot of as-yet-unresolved issues, but I might try to pick up a vcr in the meantime since my schedule for finishing this run looks to extend well beyond nate's vhs deadlines, which means I'll have to do vhs->dvd transfer in the end anyway.

I'm going home tomorrow for Labor Day weekend.  I'm not exactly sure how everything is going to pan out but my niece is being baptized sunday so I'll be more or less obligated to go see that as long as I'm not at school anyway (I would probably choose to anyway since my brother-in-law's family is cool).  So I'll be home from Friday afternoon to Saturday night probably, and Sunday afternoon to Monday night.

I'm bringing home my PS2 and two games.  Especially if I get a TV to bring up, I really, really want to finish segments 8 and 9 this weekend.  And do some kaillera too.  That's my plan, but honestly, I'm already not sure how well I can hold to it.

edit (8/31): one of the ideas i've had for this run is to just turn it into a human ending run.  i don't know if it would fix any of the problems, in fact it would probably bring up more since i haven't practiced human path running at all and have only played it to completion once.  but it's a thought since human is easier than fairy at any rate.
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spineshark: 2007-09-15 01:29:29 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽

My being lazy led to this inquiry, which proved itself worthwhile even if for no reason other than a small, ironic laugh.  It was also informative enough, I suppose, and now I'm sure of what I need to do if I want to guarantee 10,000 dagols on future runs.

I have a couple of new ideas, but I'm not ready to go out in the open with them quite yet, because they might not come through, and they could be interesting surprises...

Also I'm buying a little TV/VCR from some guy on craigslist on monday so work might continue.  With "might" being very key here.
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spineshark: 2007-10-10 11:16:16 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Alright so thanks to Enhasa I've finally put things in perspective for myself; it's just not worth letting all the work I put into the first third of this run go to waste.

So the question of where I go from here becomes obvious.  I'm going to do more tests!  Alright!  The two things I need to see are:

how long it takes to kill the Dagol Tortoise

if skipping Alba is worth it

He takes a lot of time (probably five minutes) to recruit since I have to fight extra battles, then track him down and fight him twice in a pretty specific order.  Nothing major, and he's easy, but he's not...that good.  Not that he's awful.

As for the Dagol Tortoise, killing him allows me to do Beasts by the Bridge second and have Power Injection and/or Last Resort for the battle as well as Toadstool Powders.  Without killing the Dagol Tortoise I have to do Beasts by the Bridge first so I can shop while doing the weapons mission in Earth Valley with the monetary reward from that, then use the reward from the second mission to go buy books, of which I will be only able to choose one.  The rest of the money from the tortoise would be spent on healing items, because keeping Gil alive longer for the final boss = much more damage.

After I make these decisions, in my typical inexcusably long fashion, I'll get recording again.  And by that I mean of course, that the run will probably still not see much progress.
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slowbro: 2007-10-10 10:01:09 pm
There's nothing wrong with runs of huge games that amazing people put out in 3-7 days (Inichi's Chrono Trigger ... my gosh, I wasn't even close), and there's nothing wrong with runs that take so long that interested parties like myself get months and months (years?) to salivate before they're acutally done (DarkWasabi's FF8 improvement).  I sure hope you do complete the run (I like how Enhasa can put something in perspective), but at least in my eyes delays and taking your time are all perfectly fine.

I wish I could help more in this run and in many others.  But truth is, usually on SDA I'm nothing more than a fat male cheerleader :puke:
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Ichiro's Chrono Trigger

lol! I think you have the Chrono Trigger runner confused with Major League Baseball

I'm nothing more than a fat male cheerleader

And that's why we love you Tom.  That, and your occasional run Smiley

BTW, Spineshark now you'll have to thank me in your run comments.  You know the fact I beat this game yesterday revitalized your running spirit, don't deny it.

Or maybe it was my random spam comments about this game that revitalized your spirit.  Either way you're indirectly indebted to me Tongue

P.S. Good luck on the run blah blah (I'm no slobro)
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spineshark: 2007-11-01 03:31:29 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
It's me again.  Guess what I have to say! (a hint: not very much; do not let the quantity of text below fool you)

I haven't done any work on the run, but Enhasa and I reworked the plan again a couple weeks ago.  The new plan is to skip Alba and Gil, which frees me from basically any leveling requirements.  In the meantime I'll pick up Aidan whose Training Device is expected to save more time in Septem Cave than he takes to pick up.  Because Gil is going to be skipped, there's no need for Celestial Nectar/Herb Extract DX, which would be thrown at him liberally during the Aphelion fight.  As it stands I'll want probably three nectars (one of which is picked up for free after meeting Ridley at the Ressan tree) because Celestial Line is a guaranteed kill against whoever Cross hits with it, and in those fights I don't want to leave people dead all the time, but other than that I'll be reserving most of the healing and whatnot for myself.  And trying to avoid needing it.

At any rate, I'd just like to say now, the odds of progress on this run in November are even lower than normal.  "Why?" you might ask.  "Is that possible?" you might think.  I'm doing National Novel Writing Month this year, for "fun," which is sort of like speedrunning a writing project.  I already see this being such a stupidly huge time commitment that I could easily finish my speedrun in the two-plus hours a day I'm planning to block off for this.

But I'm not going to (even if I give up on this project heh).  Sorry guys.  I know I'm a dead parrot Tongue

Also mike, of course you're in my comments.  As much as possible.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Time for the monthlyish bump.

I tried to record segment 8 a bunch of times this weekend.  It really sucks.  The entire thing relies on random factors and my enemy-dodging skills coinciding at the exact point where I reach level 10 when the crocogator dies.  It's not working so far, after five more hours of attempts.  It went right once, then I botched the end of the segment.

Which led to a slight restructuring.  Now I recruit Aidan at the beginning, which saves time over the original plan.  Now that that's out of the way, I just have to get lucky again.  Great.

I'm going to request a spot in the VHS queue from nate since I think my run will be finished in January.  I go home for break on the 19th and many of the remaining segments really aren't that hard, I know from experience.  Some are, but oh well.  I'll get there when I get there.
Edit history:
spineshark: 2008-01-05 01:25:32 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽

1:40:05 after the Crocogator mission, recruiting Cosmo, etc.  ogu_dai has the crocogator's defeat at 1:43 so I'm pretty far ahead at this point (maybe seven minutes); a gap I hope will only widen.

The next segment features Romaria's recruitment, followed by the two free choice Vancoor missions back-to-back.  Beasts by the Bridge first, as I need the money from it first, and it has a lot more ways to go wrong.  Then A Masterpiece of Fantasy which is just some scenes.  While in Earth Valley I'm going to buy a few more Flee Balls (or maybe not, since I ended up not using any last segment even though I was willing to) and a lot more Toadstool Powder, blowing all my money unless I can afford 31 poisons. (I have 6000 gold but I forgot how much they cost)  After getting the reward from the second mission, I'm going to buy Last Resort and Heal Ally from the bookstore, and Power Injection if funds somehow permit.
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spineshark: 2008-01-05 01:24:09 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
1:53:0x after the two Vancoor missions, Romaria recruitment, and shopping.  I'm quite pleased with this one, as I managed to buy everything I wanted (11 flee balls, 31 toadstool powders, and the three books) by selling the cheap sword you start the game with.  And I avoided all encounters again, miraculously (there's this stupid bat on the road to the bridge who kept ruining me so I was almost ready to accept it).  I have to play the Serpent battle pretty cautiously as Romaria can be stupid with the healing but overall that was one of my better attempts at the battle as well.

Next segment is some cutscenes: the Ganz stuff, then Ms. Sheila, and then the first part of the Princess Guard mission.  It ends after I beat up on Elmo and Joaquel with some help from Jarvis.  I got 2:03:3x after this one, but I'm redoing it because the battle went poorly and I messed up inside the little building.  I'm not expecting to save more than 15 seconds like this but it's worth a shot.

The next segment should be really easy, as I'm just going to cheat in the sewers by using a map (I eventually memorized the Vancoor Sewers, but I'm probably going to use one as backup in City of White Nights too).  After that is the Trap Octopus segment, which is going to be obnoxious.  It starts with me running over to Shangri-La which allows me to skip the Goblin Trio battle later on (at least, I gathered this from my practice runs, but maybe I was being stupid.  If I'm wrong then I'll have wasted the time that it takes to make one Journey Pig warp, so I'm not really worried, haha).  After that I run over to the Septem Cave, where I'm going to try to dodge some encounters while gaining a few levels so that the boss isn't impossible to beat quickly.

Overall, this puts me about eight minutes ahead of ogu_dai's SS.  Unfortunately, my hope of sub-5 is probably not going to work out as I assume the timing will end after the credits and ending because the game has a clear save screen. =(  Because of this, I'd have to save a huge amount of time in the remaining part of the game, and although there's a lot left and I'll probably be able to gain faster as things go on, 23 more minutes is a lot.   Oh well, I'll just do what I do and see what happens.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Awesome, you're making progress. Maybe I'll actually remember bits and pieces of the game when you finish your run.
Edit history:
spineshark: 2008-01-06 08:34:43 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
After the horrible slew of cutscenes you're faced with upon emerging from the Void Sewers, I've got a save time of 2:20.  That is to say, segment 10 (I think) involves the ambush, Gerald showing up, a scene with Ganz and the bandits, the Vancoor Infirmary, Jack becoming Sergeant, "helping" Parsec, Ridley's birthday party, and Ridley and Genius' visit to the Elf lands.  Fortunately I only failed this one once.  Watching it over and over again would've made me upset.

So, the next segment in short: go to Vancoor, take Stone of Miracles and reassemble the party.  Go to the Shangri-La pig and warp back to Radiata City.  Go to Septem and run through the cave, fighting battles but trying to avoid some of them.  I think I'll skip both items as the net +5 EVA/LCK (equipping +10 EVA, but taking off +5 LCK for it-they're the same damage-wise I guess which is all I care about) and +10 HP (as a berry) seem too negligible for the time they're liable to take.  Trap Octopus is a little dangerous at level 17 (as I think I was in my previous attempt) but I can do good damage to him so I'm sure it'll still work out really well.  Then it's just a matter of running back, which I'll probably throw up a flee ball for as there are two encounters (a big frost tortoise, and a lion) which are extremely random and difficult to pass.  Not impossible, but if I get a really good segment, they aren't going to be allowed to ruin it.

After that, well, the split is imminent.  Hopefully then the hard part (avoiding enemies on the road) will become easier, although the reverse will also happen, as boss battles will be notably more difficult without Gil.
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spineshark: 2008-01-07 10:52:14 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Ahh, Trap Octopus.  So much to go wrong.  Like this, for example.  Or, far less interesting, just getting killed at some point.  Still, I've managed to pull of the segment fairly properly twice, with one of those times taking only twenty minutes total, including the visit to Shangri-La and seeing Kain.  All of the battles went incredibly and unexpectedly well, although there weren't actually that many of them since I beat the Crocogator at level 15 (I had been aiming for 17)!

Perhaps that should be rephrased a bit, since I mean the battles I actually fought.  If there's a problem with this segment, it's that I threw a total of eleven flee balls.  That's a lot, to be sure, and it's theoretically possible that I could cut off another minute by avoiding more guys, but that would be counting on everything else going really well again.

In the end, I don't really have a problem with it, although I'll upload the video I captured at some point in the near future. edit: here it is  I'll give it a few more shots, but I see this as another huge choice that will define the rest of the run in a way.  If I take my current one, I can be done with this stupid boss, but I'll have to work even harder on the last four difficult dodging sections (the next trip to earth valley, right before the split; the trip to Goblin Haven, the narrow corridor in Algandars castle, and Fire Mountain).   I can keep trying, to have a greater margin of error on those parts, but that sounds bad.  I'll ponder this, and in the meantime, I'm looking toward the next couple parts.

The next segment is just going to be me sleeping a couple times to play the scene where Earth Valley is attacked.  I have to do this because I didn't realize to at the end of the previous one.  And I'll probably keep doing it this way so the times compare better between my attempts.  I'm definitely not going to put it at the beginning of the next part...

After that comes the trip to Earth Valley.  I mentioned this as one of the hardest dodging parts, but it's also just segment 2 again, with the cutscenes positioned less conveniently.  So I should be able to get a good one without *too* much pain.  Then Ridley shows up.  Save is at the blue flag outside the gate.  I made a test save here, and got 2:54, which is over ten minutes faster than the SS run now!  That test actually had this segment done really badly too, so I should be able to get 2:53.

The next part is the Crocogator mission repeated, but at night and more importantly, with the ability to use the journey pig at Fort Helencia and skip the Elf Region which is the really hard part.  Plus it doesn't start with annoying cutscenes.  This'll be easy.

Then Natalie and Leonard.  It's going to be harder than ever (by a bit) but I'm not worried about something I've practiced a hundred times.  I'm saving my anxiety for stuff I've never done before, in other words, Fire Mountain and final Cross at low levels without Gil.
welcome to the machine
The problem, as I see it, is you possibly running out of flee balls and having to make an extra trip to the store to buy more.  You have what, 8 left? :/

You may not be able to buy flee balls for the rest of the run after the split if it means having to listen to marsha/keane fight too.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
The problem, as I see it, is you possibly running out of flee balls and having to make an extra trip to the store to buy more.  You have what, 8 left? :/

You may not be able to buy flee balls for the rest of the run after the split if it means having to listen to marsha/keane fight too.

You seem to be pointing out things I thought I wrote but didn't.  Odd.

I only have three left after this segment which might be enough if my patience persists.  At any rate it's not like you would know this but I laughed anyway because:

Neither Marsha nor Keane sells Flee Balls.
Both the shops open automatically a little later if you don't do those scenes (I mentioned this earlier in the thread but it's easy to miss because I type too much).  This is important because Marsha is easily the best person to buy healing items from.
I would need to go to Shangri-La to buy Flee Balls.  I actually *have* to go, but it'll be right before the last hard part so that'll be more of a judgement call for when I get there.  Also it's possible the shop will be closed at that time because the goblin there is crazy.  At any rate it'd cost time that I'd rather save by playing well...but I guess I'll see.
Sorry for the thread bump, but I just wanted to know of any progress on this one?  I have been following it pretty closely (I even considered doing it myself, but became incredibly frustrated at the difficulty)
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2008-05-09 06:36:04 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
He's gotten a bunch farther, although I'm not sure where he is in the run right now.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
It's a good thing you asked!

Because yes, I have been working on it.  I'm now up to the Algandars Castle segment.  It is, predictably, a huge pain in the ass.  I've been distracting myself since the end of April when I knew I couldn't possibly make the deadline.  But I'll get back to it fairly soon and finish it up, at which point the plan is to send my tapes to Mike, who has graciously offered to transfer them to DVD. Smiley

I plan to wrap it up pretty soon, I'm hoping to finish with a time of about 5:10, after the credits (which is about 20 minutes ahead of the run by the guy whose notes I've been using).  My goals are probably a bit lofty...after so long, I'm depressed by how willing I am to settle.
That is great to hear!  I can understand the boss in alganders sucks!  Also dodging on those corridors is nigh impossible!  Well I am rooting for you if it makes any difference.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Oh hey, it's been a few weeks now but I finished Algandars' castle.;10831672;/fileinfo.html

It's uhh, got some issues, but most of it never goes half that well.  This run is, to use an analogy that I've made enough times to make it really tired, kind of like rolling a bunch of dice and taking the round that had the most 6's.
Bump for status!?!?!?!  Hows it going?
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽

I don't work very hard at this, it's not because I'm not thinking about it, but because it's so ridiculously unmotivating and demoralizing.  Also, school just started and IU comes out next week.  Seriously though, I do think about it a lot and try to put forth at least a token effort every few days.