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Alright Guys i was going to PB (and maybe a sub 1h01) but then that happened.... I love that game <3

Ouch that looked like a good gaius fight also.
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FinnSpire: 2014-07-08 04:54:19 am
Lots of good news! First of all, I got a new PB! ^^ See the vod here:

Second of all, a big discovery!

Lucar90, during my stream, found out that a chest outside the top left mansion (go left from the entrance door) actually drops an attack potion.. Every single time! And it takes only about 7-8 seconds to pick up. This means that for the cost of about 10 seconds (including picking up an extra key) you can save 20 to 30 seconds for having guaranteed attack potions! This is pretty huge, since removing that potion RNG has always been in our interest. This also means that the run is the most RNG free it has ever been and a very valid category for luck-free speedrunning.

I will include this new route in my future runs. Even if in theory you could take a risk that saves you 10 seconds, it's still not worth it in my eyes. I will probably pick up the extra key before Flesh Steath when you have to break two walls to cause the waterfall, the key is right there.
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Ninjada: 2014-07-07 03:56:21 pm
Congratz Finn

I am down by a minute too today. CAUTION german commentary Cheesy
And hell... how often i forgot to change the difficult at kane -.- that costs so much time during gaius fight.

Better luck next time
But it's getting smoother. The RDS is good. air dash cancel could be better and the XP management Sad
I am so hyped for you guys getting so close to Tony's Warpless time! 
Speaking of him, I randomly checked his twitch page and his PB section states the following: 
Any% Warps: 18:45 WR (offline but recorded) 
I do not know how long that's been there - BUT I SO WANNA SEE THAT RUN!
Wow nice guys.

I will upload the video of my 18:45 run during the night.
Gratz to FinnSpire and Ninjada it’s great to see that this game is still running <3

For my part i’m looking every run i did to see what i took or done to make de Champong coming up… if i find something i will let you know guys.

meanwhile i also will use the new Lucar90 route Smiley
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Tony: 2014-07-08 07:41:14 am
My any% warps run in 18:45 (done 2 months ago)

I lost 6sec~ in Tethys fight  Sad
That kane fight was pretty close to being perfect also. Nice run.
Great run, Tony. Do you have a high-quality (60 fps, low compression) source video that I could ask for? I'd like to try doing some really precise measurements about what strats are faster, etc.
thanks for sharing tony ! 
That is an amazing run.
Guys, I finally did it! Cheesy

The new world record for Any% Warpless is now 59:35 by yours truly. I recorded this offline with kinda wonky settings, in a way that I have random audio in the background the whole run, but the image quality is 1080p unlike my streams.
Bad news is: I can't upload this run for ~5 days, because I will be away for that time. That means no stream nor grind for a few days. So glad I got this before I left. Smiley
Oh, and my sum of best is now 57:55! Let's bring that WR down to 58.xx ^^
Congratz!  Shocked
Damn you did a good job on that. 
Can't wait to see that next week Tongue
well done finn!

so, there's been a bunch of stuff coming up lately, and I was thinking we might do well to have an irc channel to hang out in. something like #stupidhatclub should do. (or it would if anybody ran 117% gosh)
You finally did it !!!! Congratulations i'm waiting to see this video so much <3 Smiley
Grats Finn! Can't wait to watch the run.
Vulajin > yes np, what do you want ?
Edit history:
Tony: 2014-07-13 08:12:21 am
Who use the fullscreen ?
... Nagl ? Tongue

back in the day I was on the smallest window size available, but these days I use fullscreen, yeah
I'm very unclear what I'm looking at in that video.
Loading times?
Here's my WR-vod!

Includes post-commentary of the run.
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Murtag: 2014-07-29 09:04:20 pm
Uh, hey there guys! I'm new around here and new speed running.

Basically, after being very much inspired by Vulajin's SGDQ run of this game, and the fact that I love this game, I finally decided to try speed running a game for the first time. So the last few weeks, on and off, I've been doing some any% warps runs. My best is currently 24:44 ( (sorry there's loads of frame dropping, I need to adjust my twitch settings). All the strategies I use in the run are based off Vulajin's tutorial stream from like a year ago, so my route is pretty outdated, but I wanna learn the new strats soon, and maybe try and get a competitive time at some point ^^.

tl;dr: Hi!
Hello Murtag and welcome! If you come to your senses and realise that warpless is the superior category, don't be afraid to ask for advice. Wink
Jokes aside, do what you want and have fun while doing it. ^^