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Edit history:
Chiron97: 2014-04-25 10:18:31 pm
Chiron97: 2014-04-25 10:18:05 pm
Chiron97: 2014-04-11 01:04:26 pm
Chiron97: 2014-04-04 01:15:20 pm
Chiron97: 2014-04-04 01:15:09 pm
Chiron97: 2014-03-09 08:57:38 am
Chiron97: 2014-03-07 07:16:08 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 11:38:43 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 11:38:27 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 10:42:21 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 10:42:16 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 10:42:11 pm
Chiron97: 2014-01-19 10:41:54 pm
Terrible at games
Time to get this one into full swing.

This is the Bad Games Marathon, a marathon for any game that is just... bad, in any form. If it belongs in the AwfulGDQ block, it certainly belongs here.

This is being organized currently by myself, Softman25, and CBenni. If you'd like to help us out, feel free to get in touch with any one of us three on Twitch, SDA, or Skype, we'd appreciate the help.

This will be an online marathon, the tentative date is in the week of April 15-23, the dates in that range will depend on everyone's availability and the amount of games we receive.
The signups will probably end around the first week of March, exact day TBD.

If you would like to run a game during this marathon, fill out this handy-dandy form down there.

If you were paying attention to the Planning thread, you would know that the Suggestion Compendium exists, but please resubmit into this form if you'd like to run your game.

Thank you, and we apologize in advance for the games being awful (but that's a good thing.)

UPDATE: First draft of the schedule is done. If I screwed up and put you in a time where you aren't available, shoot me a PM and I'll fix it up.

Now, we're going to need to do some more stuff that we need.

The primary thing we're going to need to do is find some restreamers. My PC simply isn't good enough to put up a quality stream for 40 hours. I know some of you out there can. CBenni and I were talking earlier about possibly setting up a streaming server but we're still going to need someone to run it and probably set it up. We really need to get up to speed on the technical side of things, so if any of you can help us out, shoot a PM to me, CBenni, or Softman.

I'm gonna set up a Skype group for easier communication with all of you (we'll be using Mumble during the marathon for commentary.)
Speaking of commentary, if anyone would like to commentate any specific run, get approval from the runner and post in this thread.

Other things- promotion, let's drum up a little hype, SRL (if someone could message Cosmo to get us on the frontpage that'd be great), /r/speedrun, /srg/, anything. The more hype the better since we're not collecting donations. 

I'll think of more things as I go, but if you have any questions or concerns, shoot me a PM here or on Skype once I get you all in the group.
Thread title:  
Submitted yo.
Submitted aswell.
Waiting hurts my soul...
Is this a donation drive, or just for fun?
Terrible at games
At the moment, we are not planning to support a charity with this marathon. That may or may not change, but we're open to any input on that.
crossbow master race
I don't think it's a "bad game", though its concept alone cements it as a kusoge, but I'd love to see Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City run.
Gotta say, this marathon sounds fantastic.  I vote we keep it as just for fun, and let the badness speak for itself.  Submitted a run, and can't wait to watch the rest!
Submitted my run.
Edit history:
Brossentia: 2014-01-22 10:23:46 pm
No pain, no gain
Thank you for taking this over! I apologize that I wasn't able to plan things; life became insane, and it just wasn't practicle to plan. I'll be submitting in just a bit, though.

EDIT: I think it's fine to just have a fun marathon. If people wanted to do donations, it could be to help SDA with marathon costs. Just a thought.

Also, if you still want somebody to do it, I can learn Ride to Hell: Retriburtion
Quote from Senzura:
Also, if you still want somebody to do it, I can learn Ride to Hell: Retribution

I'm unsure whether you're serious, but I'm hyped none the less.
I doubt theres much depth to it, I think I can do it in a week or so
Terrible at games
Quote from Senzura:

Also, if you still want somebody to do it, I can learn Ride to Hell: Retriburtion


I'd love for that to happen. The game is SO much longer than it needs to be, so to learn the entire game without finding skips would be incredibly time-consuming.
The game is so broken that there probably are, I just don't have that much time to find them.
[grrs internally]
Submitted, thanks.
Oh yeah, I should get around to doing this.
SEGA Junkie
I'm in. And I'm bringing the big guns.
Quote from mike89:
I'm in. And I'm bringing the big guns.

In other words, Sonic Spinball will happen.

Also, I submitted my shit.
Alright about Ride to Hell

I've found TONS of glitches, mainly a physics bug that allows me to fly

Unfortunately, because every single level is linear, none of these save any significant time. In addition to this, theres a bug that keeps appearing that will corrupt my game (and save) and force me to restart if I accidentally fall through the world (which happens a lot). Because of this, I don't think I'm going to continue with it

I found something much, much worse
Quote from Senzura:
I found something much, much worse

Guise of the Wolf?
Edit history:
Senzura: 2014-01-27 03:38:23 pm
Quote from Saint Connor:
Quote from Senzura:
I found something much, much worse

Guise of the Wolf?

Why yes it is. I'm trying to bring it below 40 minutes before submitting it
Gold Standard
Submitted, should be good times
Quote from Senzura:
Quote from Saint Connor:
Quote from Senzura:
I found something much, much worse

Guise of the Wolf?

Why yes it is. I'm trying to bring it below 40 minutes before submitting it

Hot damn I'm good.
I submitted.
SGL Scrublord
Welp, here we go