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Can we get it indicated that Bom(BumCommando) and I (Kinnijup) will be doing a relay run for the Spelunky HD - All Shortcuts + Olmec run? I posted about this in the Games Submission information thread, and I'm not sure which of these two topics would be more appropriate. So I excitedly posted in both. Thanks for the help,

Kinnijup and Bom(BumCommando)
Edit history:
VorpalEdge: 2015-11-21 09:21:33 pm
VorpalEdge: 2015-11-21 09:21:23 pm
welcome to the machine
can't find how to withdraw a submission on the website, so i'm posting here. please withdraw my meatboy 106 submission & cancel my registration, i won't be able to make it. i'm having money problems & i haven't been able to practice enough lately anyways. sorry for the trouble.
I'm going to have to withdraw my Pirate Doom and Strife runs as well, I'm sorry. If I could recommend some runs to fill my spots it'd be Psychoripper for Dark Forces and Puri Puri for Daggerfall, both of which are on the waitlist I believe. They're great old school first person games.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Quote from VorpalEdge:
can't find how to withdraw a submission on the website, so i'm posting here. please withdraw my meatboy 106 submission & cancel my registration, i won't be able to make it. i'm having money problems & i haven't been able to practice enough lately anyways. sorry for the trouble.

so now there's enough time to turn rocky & bullwinkle into a race, right? Grin

(also i'm sad that i won't see you vorpal, but you gotta do whats best i guess)
Quote from xcd:
Yeah man Haha

Takahashi Meijin
So are the final runners sorted yet? I'm still waitlisted and have the fastest time for the game I submit and haven't heard from the other runner who was chosen to play it.
Quote from The Master:
Would it be better if we [Alien Swarm] were shifted to between HL2 and Portal 2, to break up the longer runs since ours is much shorter? Seems like it'd fit into that slot as a break more naturally since the run is expected to be 17-18 minutes with a decent run, and also we aren't expecting setup to need nearly ten minutes as we plan to arrive on the 2nd to get the game installed and make sure everything is ready without having to do it live. We're going to watch a few runs on the first day so this plan is concrete.

Thanks for reading and considering, and see everybody at the event!

Considering this is a time sensitive question I am requoting and hoping it was just lost with all of the arguing. I at least want to be sure it was seen and asked about to whomever needs to be asked.
Worthless categories WR master
Quote from The Master:
we aren't expecting setup to need nearly ten minutes as we plan to arrive on the 2nd to get the game installed and make sure everything is ready without having to do it live

Just so you know, setup is not dependent on the runners. Also, the game is clearly going to be installed before the run, there's no game installation during setup.
Quote from sumichu:
Thank you for bearing with us.

AGDQ 2016 Schedule

This is a temporary format of the schedule; a finalized* copy will be posted to the website.

A topic/form for donation incentives and couch commentary will open this weekend.

As previously mentioned, if we experience drops, we will look for a game that fits the timeslot based on things such as:
-Is the estimate close to the estimate of the dropped game?
-If the game is during a block, is it similar in some way?
-Will tech be able to adjust to this game change without excessive delays?

We will then reach out to the runner to ask the following:
-Will the runner be able to attend AGDQ if we schedule them in?
-Are they comfortable and/or available to do their run at this time?

As always, please feel free to ask questions.


*Schedule is subject to change pending runner drops and time limitations.

Great lineup. I have one complaint though... no GameJO6. His Mario: The Lost Levels speedrun at SDGQ is one of my favorite runs. I hope he winds up on the schedule. Shenanigans Pokemon Blue won as my favorite, good thing he's back as an incentive this time around Cheesy
Any estimate on when the final schedule will be done? It's been unedited for nearly a full week at this point, and there are several entries (Vorpal's Meat Boy 106%, Cubeface's Pirate Doom + Strife, possibly others I missed) still on there that have been withdrawn by their runners. I think I speak for everyone with (and even those without) any waitlisted games when I say it would be really great to know what's going to replace these ASAP.
fast video games
Quote from Cubeface:
I'm going to have to withdraw my Pirate Doom and Strife runs as well, I'm sorry. If I could recommend some runs to fill my spots it'd be Psychoripper for Dark Forces and Puri Puri for Daggerfall, both of which are on the waitlist I believe. They're great old school first person games.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Just for the record, if you need to fill cubes slot I can do it. My game is as long as strife plus ill be at agdq the entire time. This is of course the committees call but I can fill in if needed (it also works since its an fps and this is during the fps block)
Quote from Cubeface:
I'm going to have to withdraw my Pirate Doom and Strife runs as well, I'm sorry. If I could recommend some runs to fill my spots it'd be Psychoripper for Dark Forces and Puri Puri for Daggerfall, both of which are on the waitlist I believe. They're great old school first person games.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

In case mods didn't notice it, seeing as he is a friend of mine, I'll help remind I guess Tongue
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from SpootyBiscuit:
Any estimate on when the final schedule will be done? It's been unedited for nearly a full week at this point, and there are several entries (Vorpal's Meat Boy 106%, Cubeface's Pirate Doom + Strife, possibly others I missed) still on there that have been withdrawn by their runners. I think I speak for everyone with (and even those without) any waitlisted games when I say it would be really great to know what's going to replace these ASAP.

It's Thanksgiving break and most of the staff are either unavailable or completely out of town. Also, there's no such thing as a "final" schedule before the event, as there are bound to be more drops, as demonstrated by the posts above. It's only listed as preliminary as it's not in the final format (on the website).
Thanksgiving break? So the staff is comprised of college students?
No idea, but regardless of their ages I'm sure most of them have families and friends they'd like to spend a few days with just like most other human beings around the world when common family gathering-centric holidays come up.  Stop overanalyzing stupid crap to make some kind of "point." You know what he meant.
Sure thing. Games Done Quick LLC is still at status canceled btw.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from curmaniac:
Sure thing. Games Done Quick LLC is still at status canceled btw.

This post has nothing to do with the schedule. The LLC is being restored, it's not an immediate process.
Edit history:
GVirus: 2015-11-29 08:48:29 pm
The path of the righteous man...
Quick question: I asked this in another thread but I guess here makes more sense. Is it possible to move Axiom Verge to the metroid block (zero mission, fusion, etc.) I think it would make sense and would be a great lead-in to these other metroid side-scrollers. Just a suggestion.
Edit history:
SpootyBiscuit: 2015-11-29 10:10:57 pm
SpootyBiscuit: 2015-11-29 10:10:26 pm
SpootyBiscuit: 2015-11-29 10:10:02 pm
I don't know if this is the right place to put this (or if it's even worth bringing up this close to the marathon), but...

I've been talking to much of the Crypt of the Necrodancer community, and it seems to be a nearly unanimous sentiment that the Coda donation incentive would benefit greatly if Cadence All Zones was in the schedule as well. Our intent with our original submissions was for Cadence (the game's default mode) to be the main meat of the run with the alternative characters being potential supplemental materials - similar to how Slackaholicus's run in AGDQ 2015 was a Cadence run with a Bard run as an extra donation incentive. While Coda is certainly the most challenging and most impressive run of the game and should stand well on its own if need be, a good portion of its difficulty will be much better understood with Cadence establishing a benchmark. (EDIT: It's also worth adding that the game itself has changed considerably since last year, along with the runners' skill levels and strategies, so a Cadence run wouldn't just be a rerun of the aforementioned AGDQ 2015 run, if that was a concern.)

I apologize if this comes off as a selfish demand for additional time when we've already got a slot in the marathon, but I am sincerely only bringing this up in the interest of providing the best possible experience for the viewers.
Is there a practice thread going up?
One of my couch commentators, GuyBB, has his flight arriving at 3:55pm on the same day as my run, and my run is at 4:25pm. To make sure he is able to get here on time, I asked SwordsmanKirby if he's fine with switching runs around with me to make this work and he says he's alright with it. Switching runs would give Guy enough time to take the shuttle to the hotel and get to the stream room on time for the run more than likely. Also it will still maintain the Kirby Block, and that's very nice because Kirby is cute~ Now I just need to be sure you guys are alright with this too. Whoever handles the schedule, are you alright with this change? Otherwise the run won't be as good if Guy isn't here for it, since he has a lot of experience with running Kirby Squeak Squad and would be the best addition to the couch.
Damnit... I was really looking forward to Strife Sad
Never seen Pirate Doom but it looks cool.
Schedule changes have been made.  Runners and commentators, please double-check your dates and times.
I'm scheduled to run Teslagrad any% legacy with an estimate of 35 minutes. I would like this changed to Teslagrad 15 Scroll with an estimate of 30 minutes.

A glitch found allows us to skip several bosses cutting off several minutes of time and making some of the skips much more consistent. In my original estimate I had allowed for a few minutes of attempts and backup for these attempts. With the 30 minute estimate, I am still leaving 5 minutes of extra time in addition to what I would consider to be a very bad run. It is, of course, acceptable to leave the estimate at 35 minutes but the 30 minute estimate would be more accurate.

The category change is due to the fact that this new glitch has created a new any%. On submission, any% required collecting 15 scrolls to complete the game. With the new glitch you do not need to collect any scrolls whatsoever. Essentially any% legacy when I submitted has been converted into what is now known as 15 Scroll.
Are there any additions to the schedule? And now that these changes are finished will the schedule be put up on the main website?