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Some of the category names are a bit off i've noticed, the Jak 3 race should be ''any% no OoB'' and not just any%, there's a huge difference in two categories.
Edit history:
Mhmd_FVC: 2015-11-21 07:04:51 am
Mhmd_FVC: 2015-11-21 07:00:18 am
While I don't mind having a run early in the morning, I'd prefer for the "latest early run" to be scheduled no later than ~4:30 AM, and the "earliest late run" to be scheduled no earlier than ~5:00 PM, if that's doable. I can do it otherwise, but just letting you know my preference.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
Quote from Miles:
Why are bonus game blocks still called "SETUP" blocks? With their completely sporadic placement and sometimes very short time (thanks to just being the run's estimate), I don't think you can really pretend they're potentially "setup" anymore.

If we fall behind, bonus games are on the chopping block. We never want to cut bonus games, but we've had to in the past, and that's why it exists.
But that's not "Setup".
The naming over the so called "Setup blocks" yet the marking of them as having games attached to them is likely what leads to confusion over cutting bonus games that has existed in the past. It's probably better to just refer to them as bonus blocks, with the understanding that they are able to be cut.

If you were to have actual setup blocks, individual blocks would need to be at least 30 minutes in order to actually provide any sort of buffer for the marathon.
Quote from Tompa:
Suggestion for the schedule: Have a toggle feature to switch the times between my local time zone and the event's time zone. Both of which people are constantly asking for in the chat to be able to see/know.

Just an idea =).

I think this schedule is just for the runners so they can see when their runs are and is not meant for the public. Final schedule will most likely be on the site with your mentioned  time zone converter (at least it was there for SGDQ). I might be wrong though Smiley
Quote from pld:
Quote from Tompa:
Suggestion for the schedule: Have a toggle feature to switch the times between my local time zone and the event's time zone. Both of which people are constantly asking for in the chat to be able to see/know.

Just an idea =).

I think this schedule is just for the runners so they can see when their runs are and is not meant for the public. Final schedule will most likely be on the site with your mentioned  time zone converter (at least it was there for SGDQ). I might be wrong though Smiley

Usually the site just has your local timezone, Tompa is asking for both this AND the time zone at the event.

And I'm pretty sure people in the chat do ask this a fair bit.
Was Shantae and the Pirate's Curse one of the games nixed due to runners not registering? I'm almost certain I did but I have no confirmation e-mail, or at least I don't know what search term to use to find it.
Edit history:
xcd: 2015-11-21 09:48:52 am
xcd: 2015-11-21 09:44:48 am
xcd: 2015-11-21 09:44:25 am
xcd: 2015-11-21 09:42:54 am
xcd: 2015-11-21 09:42:46 am
Cube Throw = OoB
Before I say anything, I forgot to register as well, (I registered like a few hours after the deadline), and as a result my run isn't in.

I find it pretty hilarious how cutoffs only matter when it comes to the runners. When it comes to GDQ staff, they're allowed to miss deadline after deadline with no penalty for the ones responsible, whereas the runners are held to much higher standards. May I remind you that without us, these marathons would be nothing. We put hundreds to thousands of hours into perfecting our games, some for personal satisfaction and some for the ability to show it off at one of these marathons (or both). Perhaps you guys should take a look at your own inability to make deadlines rather than alienating the ones most important to the marathon for being a few hours over some vague registration deadline. Where's the accountability for YOU guys?
Uhh, people constantly shit on GDQ staff and every decision they make, and make fun of them relentlessly for missing deadlines. They're held accountable by the droves of twitter monsters who say the same things over 9000 times into the void. Lol
What "penalties" would you like imposed on the GDQ staff for not meeting deadlines? Is PCF going to give them a slap on the wrist for upsetting a couple of people while getting another million dollars?
Cube Throw = OoB
Quote from jape:
Uhh, people constantly shit on GDQ staff and every decision they make, and make fun of them relentlessly for missing deadlines. They're held accountable by the droves of twitter monsters who say the same things over 9000 times into the void. Lol

literally yesterday

Quote from jape:
LOL it's just more shady stuff, like trying to blame the runners for not knowing about registration stuff via an email they didn't get (But we can prove you read it just btw). It's tertiary to the main problem but it's still a problem, IMO!! Please just admit the goof and do your best to fix.

Get a clue.
If people want to use this to discuss the GDQ proceedings thats fine, but personal battles between people who aren't even staff aren't going to help anything.
Fraudulent World Records
Quote from Radman:
*refreshes several times to make sure I'm reading it right*

Splatoon starting?!
4 way Blaster Master?!
Super Mario Maker?!?!
The return on Lagoon?!?!
Glitchless Pokemon?!?!?!
RBO Super Metroid?!?!?!
And a full run FF4 Finale?!?!?!?!

1 ticket to the hype train! Choo Choo!!

"hype train" more like ZzZz train
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jymotion: 2015-11-21 11:01:44 am
Quote from VeritasDL:
Quote from Radman:
*refreshes several times to make sure I'm reading it right*
1 ticket to the hype train! Choo Choo!!

"hype train" more like ZzZz train

thanks for posting
Quote from TheSoundDefense:
Was Shantae and the Pirate's Curse one of the games nixed due to runners not registering? I'm almost certain I did but I have no confirmation e-mail, or at least I don't know what search term to use to find it.

Shantae was waitlisted in the second round of cuts. It's still on the waitlist, so you still qualify for free registration.
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saintmillion: 2015-11-21 02:43:20 pm
Quote from xcd:
We put hundreds to thousands of hours into perfecting our games ... for the ability to show it off at one of these marathons


Quote from xcd:
Perhaps you guys should take a look at your own inability to make deadlines rather than alienating the ones most important to the marathon for being a few hours over some vague registration deadline. Where's the accountability for YOU guys?

I think there was plenty of time to get registered. The e-mail we received on November 5 said registration was open and the deadline to register for runners was November 12, 2015, but the registration didn't actually close until November 20? I think that them being late on this deadline only made it more lenient for runners, no? They also tweeted on November 6 that registration was open. You could also check the GDQ site to see if you could actually register, which was a very easy, painless process. They've also said multiple times that you need to register to get your run into the final schedule.

I know the first "botched" e-mail went to runners from past marathons or something, did they still go to runners from this games list? (my run was pending after I submitted a new PB so maybe I didn't get flagged to receive a potential 2nd e-mail reminding me to register).
For Fun! For GLORY!!
Quote from saintmillion:
I know the first "botched" e-mail went to runners from past marathons or something, did they still go to runners from this games list? (my run was pending after I submitted a new PB so maybe I didn't get flagged to receive a potential 2nd e-mail reminding me to register).

I think there was a goof in the e-mailing list that sent emails to pretty much anyone who submitted runs in previous marathons, regardless if they were accepted or not.

Quote from VeritasDL:
"hype train" more like ZzZz train

^Doesn't know how bad good Lagoon can be to watch...
Quote from pld:
Quote from Tompa:
Suggestion for the schedule: Have a toggle feature to switch the times between my local time zone and the event's time zone. Both of which people are constantly asking for in the chat to be able to see/know.

Just an idea =).

I think this schedule is just for the runners so they can see when their runs are and is not meant for the public. Final schedule will most likely be on the site with your mentioned  time zone converter (at least it was there for SGDQ). I might be wrong though Smiley

Yes, I know this is not a final schedule and I know how it has been in the past =). But yeah, as TheMG2 already explained... Most marathons these days have schedules in your time zones, but I've never seen with both options. Which would be a nice touch!
Edit history:
sumichu: 2015-11-21 03:50:56 pm
Hey everyone,

Due to last minute schedule shifts, some of the runs on Friday ended up in timeslots that were not originally intended. To address this, we have moved the Sony block (Ratchet & Clank, Jak 3, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon) from Friday morning to Saturday morning. This results in the following changes:

- Everything from Secret of Mana through Super Mario Galaxy moves 4.5 hours earlier.
- The Sony games are in roughly the same time slots, but one day later.
- Everything from Shovel Knight onwards is unchanged.

Ultimately, this puts the classic Mega Man block in the early evening and Super Mario Bros 1/2 and Ocarina of Time in primetime, as we were originally intending. As far as we know, this doesn't conflict with any runner's availability, but as always please let us know if you have any feedback.
Edit history:
letterswords: 2015-11-21 04:43:51 pm
letterswords: 2015-11-21 04:43:39 pm
Hey, my dragon age run's estimate can probably be cut down by at least 10 minutes. My estimate was probably way too safe originally and I've made 5-6 minutes of route/PB improvement since then (such that my pb is now 20 minutes faster than what my estimate is). not sure if that will affect anything but just thought I should throw it out there since my estimate is 1:10 currently and it should be pretty safe at 1 hour.
Quote from Tompa:
Yes, I know this is not a final schedule and I know how it has been in the past =). But yeah, as TheMG2 already explained... Most marathons these days have schedules in your time zones, but I've never seen with both options. Which would be a nice touch!

ah now I gotcha, sorry my bad Cheesy
Quote from Tompa:
Quote from pld:
Quote from Tompa:
Suggestion for the schedule: Have a toggle feature to switch the times between my local time zone and the event's time zone. Both of which people are constantly asking for in the chat to be able to see/know.

Just an idea =).

I think this schedule is just for the runners so they can see when their runs are and is not meant for the public. Final schedule will most likely be on the site with your mentioned  time zone converter (at least it was there for SGDQ). I might be wrong though Smiley

Yes, I know this is not a final schedule and I know how it has been in the past =). But yeah, as TheMG2 already explained... Most marathons these days have schedules in your time zones, but I've never seen with both options. Which would be a nice touch!

I'm not sure converting timezones is doable in a Google Spreadsheet.

BUT! I've been wrong before so take it for what its worth (exactly nothing :p)
Edit history:
xcd: 2015-11-21 08:32:25 pm
xcd: 2015-11-21 08:31:26 pm
xcd: 2015-11-21 08:30:47 pm
xcd: 2015-11-21 08:30:27 pm
Cube Throw = OoB
Quote from saintmillion:
Quote from xcd:
We put hundreds to thousands of hours into perfecting our games ... for the ability to show it off at one of these marathons

Yeah man just cut out the part that says "some for personal satisfaction and some for the ability to show it off at one of these marathons (or both)." Haha very ACCURATE representation of what I said! Totally doesn't take what I said out of context at all.

As for your second point, of course there was plenty of time to get registered. A few of us made a mistake, no one is denying that. The issue is the double standard, don't get it twisted. The staff misses multiple deadlines? Everything is fine for them! Runners miss a single deadline? Haha see ya game is out of the marathon.